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健康和观光结合在一起的医疗旅游是一种新兴的旅游形式,已成为旅游业新的经济增长点。本文梳理了国内外学者针对医疗旅游的相关研究,综合分析了医疗旅游的影响因素、效应分析、医疗旅游者的行为以及医疗旅游利益相关者的行为四个方面的研究结果。在此基础上,提出未来研究可以综合运用定性和定量研究方法,着重探讨医疗旅游者的行为特征,并建议通过提高医疗服务质量、促进医疗旅游的国际化、推出特色医疗旅游产品、完善医疗旅游政策法规、加强医疗旅游营销、发挥医疗旅游利益相关者的作用等措施促进我国医疗旅游业良性发展。  相似文献   

十堰市观光医疗事业发展初探   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
"观光医疗"在国际上是一个新兴产业。湖北省十堰市旅游资源丰富,医疗卫生水平较为先进,将二者有机结合,在国内率先发展"观光医疗",以此响应"鄂西生态文化旅游圈"的战略决策,提升旅游业的核心竞争力,提高相关产业的附加值,从而弥补东风汽车有限公司(二汽)战略重心外移的影响,促进十堰市产业结构升级。  相似文献   

我国开展特需医疗服务的回顾与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
特需医疗服务是顺应社会、经济的发展,充分利用医学及相关学科资源的综合优势,对社会提供不同层次、不同级别、不同特点、不同需要和不同方式的医疗服务的总称。在国际上,特别是欧美等经济发达的国家,特需医疗有着较长的历史,并且作为医疗产业的重要组成部分,在整个国家卫生服务中占有重要地位;同时作为一种体制,其制度严谨、定位准确、功能完备、经济可行,为广大公众所接受,并在实施中积累了丰富的经验。  相似文献   

国家政策允许多渠道筹资发展医疗市场。同时积极鼓励社会、组织或个人发展医疗服务事业。对社会资金投入医疗事业,并允许出资人取得合理回报是医疗卫生体制改革的政策性突破,城市各级医院应与时俱进,紧抓改革机遇,加快改革。加快发展。  相似文献   

农村医疗设备现状与发展前景   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
简述了农村医疗设备的现状以及发展的前景,分析了当前存在的问题,综合国家政策,提出了未来农村医疗设备良性发展的几点建议,希望对农村医疗的健康发展有所促进。  相似文献   

国外农村医疗保险制度实施政策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文按不同地区及不同经济发达状况选择几个有代表性的国家进行论述分析,注重分析这些国家农村医疗保险制度的产生背景和发展趋势,包括这些国家农村医疗保险在该国总体医疗制度中的地位和作用,以及农村经济和农业人口所占比重的背景资料。并对这些国家农业人口医疗保险制度的特点,管理体制,筹资方式,运行机制,医疗服务提供和医疗费用支付方法等作了客观分析和介绍,还对这些国家农村医疗制度中存在的问题和改革等新动态进行了  相似文献   

通过对上海市六个区(县)各级综合性医院院长进行问卷调查,分析和探讨了上海市医院的发展策略,以及目前和未来国家对医疗事业干预的主要体现,并对加强国家干预提出了有关建议。  相似文献   

生老病死是自然规律,在今天,“健康是人生第一财富”的观点已被人们广泛接受。从全球范围来说,人们对医疗的需求总是远远超过国家所能提供的医疗服务,也没有任何一个国家的老百姓对医疗感到百分之百满意。即便是美国这样高度发达的国家,在医疗卫生事业上花费了GDP的14%,仍然有3000万人没有医疗保险,民众对医疗依然是怨声载道。因而,像我国这样一个有13亿人口、8亿多农民,地区发展很不平衡的发展中国家,用5.6%的GDP怎么可能让老百姓对医疗感到满意呢?要解决这种矛盾,  相似文献   

医疗市场引入社会资本探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前,医疗市场急需引入社会资本,而社会资本又对医疗市场望而却步,其原因是医疗市场不规范,营利性医院的生存环境较差,国家需进行公有制医院改制,完善并落实相关的法律、法规,建立公平的市场环境,才能将社会资本引入到医疗行业中来,达到促进医疗市场发展和社会资本获利的双赢。  相似文献   

本文通过对上海市6个区(县)内各级综合性医院院长进行问卷式调查,分析和探讨了上海市医院的发展策略,以及目前和未来国家对医疗干预的主要体现,并对加强国家干预提出了有关建议。  相似文献   

医疗旅游是医疗和旅游相结合的产业新形式,已成为泰国、印度等亚洲国家的主要经济增长点。本文对山东发展医疗旅游进行了利益相关者分析和SWOT分析。  相似文献   

Medical tourism is a growing phenomenon with policy implications for health systems, particularly of destination countries. Private actors and governments in Southeast Asia are promoting the medical tourist industry, but the potential impact on health systems, particularly in terms of equity in access and availability for local consumers, is unclear. This article presents a conceptual framework that outlines the policy implications of medical tourism's growth for health systems, drawing on the cases of Thailand, Singapore and Malaysia, three regional hubs for medical tourism, via an extensive review of academic and grey literature. Variables for further analysis of the potential impact of medical tourism on health systems are also identified. The framework can provide a basis for empirical, in country studies weighing the benefits and disadvantages of medical tourism for health systems. The policy implications described are of particular relevance for policymakers and industry practitioners in other Southeast Asian countries with similar health systems where governments have expressed interest in facilitating the growth of the medical tourist industry. This article calls for a universal definition of medical tourism and medical tourists to be enunciated, as well as concerted data collection efforts, to be undertaken prior to any meaningful empirical analysis of medical tourism's impact on health systems.  相似文献   



Medical tourism companies play an important role in promoting transnational medical travel for elective, out-of-pocket medical procedures. Though researchers are paying increasing attention to the global phenomenon of medical tourism, to date websites of medical tourism companies have received limited scrutiny. This article analyzes websites of Canadian medical tourism companies that advertised international healthcare but ultimately exited the marketplace. Using content analysis of company websites as an investigative tool, the article provides a detailed account of medical tourism companies that were based in Canada but no longer send clients to international health care facilities.


Internet searches, Google Alerts, searches on Google News Canada and ProQuest Newsstand, and searches of an Industry Canada database were used to locate medical tourism companies located in Canada. Once medical tourism companies were identified, the social science research method of content analysis was used to extract relevant information from company websites. Company websites were analyzed to determine: 1) where these businesses were based; 2) the destination countries and medical facilities that they promoted; 3) the health services they advertised; 4) core marketing messages; and 5) whether businesses marketed air travel, hotel accommodations, and holiday excursions in addition to medical procedures.


In total, 25 medical tourism companies that were based in Canada are now defunct. Given that an estimated 18 medical tourism companies and 7 regional, cross-border medical travel facilitators now operate in Canada, it appears that approximately half of all identifiable medical tourism companies in Canada are no longer in business. 13 of the previously operational companies were based in Ontario, 7 were located in British Columbia, 4 were situated in Quebec, and 1 was based in Alberta. 14 companies marketed medical procedures within a single country, 9 businesses marketed health care at 2 or more destination nations, and 2 companies did not specify particular health care destinations. 22 companies operated as "generalist" businesses marketing many different types of medical procedures. 3 medical tourism companies marketed "specialist" services restricted to dental procedures or organ transplants. In general, medical tourism companies marketed health services on the basis of access to affordable, timely, and high-quality care. 16 businesses offered to make travel arrangements, 20 companies offered to book hotel reservations, and 17 medical tourism companies advertised holiday excursions.


This article provides a detailed empirical analysis of websites of medical tourism companies that were based in Canada but exited the marketplace and are now inoperative. The article identifies where these companies were located in Canada, what countries and health care facilities they selected as destination sites, the health services they advertised, how they marketed themselves in a competitive environment, and what travel-related services they promoted in addition to marketing health care. The paper reveals a fluid marketplace, with many medical tourism companies exiting this industry. In addition, by disclosing identities of companies, providing their websites, archiving these websites or print copies of websites for future studies, and analyzing content of medical tourism company websites, the article can serve as a useful resource for future studies. Citizens, health policy-makers, clinicians, and researchers can all benefit from increased insight into Canada's medical tourism industry.  相似文献   

目的 了解国内外旅行医疗的发展状况,提出中国发展旅行医疗的建议.方法 使用文献分析法对国内外近10年的相关文献进行归纳梳理.结果 部分国家由于医疗费用低、等待时间短、技术设备满足需求等已经成为旅行医疗的重要目的地;中国发展旅行医疗具有潜在优势,目前还处于起步阶段.结论 应充分发挥市场机制的决定性作用,利用传统医药和旅游资源以及价格等优势,发展特色旅行医疗项目.  相似文献   

本文根据南京旅游产业现状和当今医疗旅游业发展趋势,提出了把医疗旅游作为南京旅游产业发展新模式的主张,分析了医疗旅游的特点、发展空间,并应用SWOT分析法对南京发展医疗旅游产业的优劣势进行了分析,并根据分析结果提出了发展策略。  相似文献   

This study examines the experiences of informal caregivers in medical tourism through an ethics of care lens. We conducted semi-structured interviews with 20 Canadians who had accompanied their friends or family members abroad for surgery, asking questions that dealt with their experiences prior to, during and after travel. Thematic analysis revealed three themes central to an ethics of care: responsibility, vulnerability and mutuality. Ethics of care theorists have highlighted how care has been historically devalued. We posit that medical tourism reproduces dominant narratives about care in a novel care landscape. Informal care goes unaccounted for by the industry, as it occurs in largely private spaces at a geographic distance from the home countries of medical tourists.  相似文献   

医疗旅游是近些年发展起来的新型旅游形式,医疗旅游是在经济高度发展的背景下产生的,是人们对健康需求的一种新的尝试,随着我国旅游产业链的升级,以健康为动机的医疗旅游业的发展将成为旅游产业发展的一个重要趋势,由于黑龙江省旅游资源丰富,适合医疗旅游的开发发展,因此对黑龙江医疗旅游价值链的定位整合,是十分重要的和有现实意义的。  相似文献   

《Global public health》2013,8(3):271-290

The trade in health services for foreign patients, often termed ‘medical tourism’ or medical travel, is a growing industry being aggressively marketed across Asia. This paper explores the industry development in four countries: Thailand, India, Malaysia, and Singapore, providing a preliminary review of the political economy of the industry, marketing strategies, and linkages. As yet, there has been neither academic work considering the implications of this trade for public health, nor studies on the medical travellers themselves and their experiences. The final part of this paper contemplates some of the implications for public health in the region, and the ethical issues this globalized trade presents.  相似文献   

在我国政府大力推进健康服务业发展的政策背景下,我国健康旅游产业正迎来发展的黄金时期。本研究在综合国内外文献的基础上,理清健康旅游的定义和分类,指出了当前我国健康旅游产业重点关注老年人、女性、高端医疗以及国际市场。在此基础上分析了我国健康旅游产业发展存在的问题,主要包括缺乏权威的行业统计标准、资源整合不足、缺乏明确定位、复合型人才缺乏、相关法律法规有待完善。为推动我国健康旅游产业的发展,建议应当制定行业发展规划与统计标准、整合相关资源、明确自身优势、建立信息共享机制、加强自身宣传、人才培养和科学研究。  相似文献   

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