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在医学类高职高专院校,医学形态学课程群包括人体解剖学、组织学与胚胎学、病理学等学科.这些学科都属于实践性很强的形态学科,实验教学是教学环节中至关重要的组成部分,对于培养临床医学生的综合素质、创新精神和实践能力发挥着重要作用.我校基于学习通的医学形态学课程群实验教学平台的应用,大大提高了教学效率,为探索形态学实验信息化教学提供实践依据.  相似文献   

开放型教学是国际医学教育发展的趋势。本文结合组织胚胎学形态学学科的特点,阐述了怎样通过形态学基本技术培训与标本制作,构建起一个以学生为主体的形态学开放型实验教学平台。  相似文献   

在形态学实验教学中通过应用数码显微互动系统,有利于师生互动、资源共享、改变考试模式、建立数据库、提升学生学习的积极性,同时将人体形态学的宏观知识与微观知识有机结合,充分提高了形态学实验教学的效果,值得推广应用。  相似文献   

随着高校教学改革的不断深入,数字化教学在教育教学过程中已经成为不可或缺的手段,极大的提升了教学水平。数字化实验平台的建立优化了教师的教学,激发了学生的学习主动性和创新实践能力,转变了传统的教学理念和学习模式,提升医学院校形态学实验教学的效果,极大的推动了实验教学的数字化改革。  相似文献   

医学形态学实验教学中,围绕早期临床这一核心,提高学生发现问题、分析问题、解决问题的能力和实践能力,培养学生的创新意识和自主学习能力,初步形成"一个方向、二种能力、三个结合"的三位一体实验教学新模式。通过课程整合和实施PBL教学等改革,探讨这种教学模式在医学形态学实验教学中的可行性与应用效果。  相似文献   

为探讨虚拟和传统相结合的形态学实验教学改革效果,对524名护理专业专科生进行了教学实践。通过对施教学生进行实验考核,学生座谈、问卷调查等方式进行评价,结果显示该实验教学模式能更有效的激发学生学习兴趣,加强学生的动手能力和分析解决问题能力,提高形态学实验教学质量。  相似文献   

目前组织学实验课多采用传统的实验教学模式—PPT讲述+组织切片观察+画图作业[1-2].这种传统教学模式存在很多局限性—教学形式单一枯燥,学生观察切片效率低,组织切片质量参差不齐等.2010年山东大学国家级基础医学实验教学中心形态学实验室架构了山东大学医学院形态学实验教学数字化平台[3],300多张"实时"数字化教学切片应用于组织学实验教学.数字化教学资源的融入对高等医学院校的教学产生了深远的影响[3-4].如何充分利用数字化教学资源,培养学生的自主学习能力,提高实验课学习效率,教学方法的改革势在必行.翻转课堂教学模式是指重新调整课堂内外的时间,教师充分利用网络教学资源,使学生在课下完成课本主要知识点的学习,通过自学形成知识框架,然后带着问题到课堂与老师进行讨论与沟通,以透彻理解学科知识,培养学生的自我学习能力,为学生建立终生学习的习惯奠定基础[5-6].这种形式的翻转,充分发挥了学生的深层次认知能力,并增强了师生之间的交流与互动,改变了知识传授和知识内化的过程,也有利于教师重新规划课堂时间的有效使用[7-10].  相似文献   

为提高人体解剖学的实验教学质量和学生自主学习能力,应用计算机和网络技术,构建了人体解剖学数字化实验教学平台。数字化实验教学平台由实验教学资源库与网络平台共同组成。实验教学资源库依据高职临床医学专业教学目标设计建设;网络平台基于ASP.NET架构下的B/S(Browser/Server,浏览器/服务器)模式开发。人体解剖学数字化实验教学平台的建设与运用,可以有效实现优质教学资源共享与优化配置;通过"线上+线下"结合的混合式实验教学模式的建立,可以有效改变传统的封闭式的实验教学模式,对培养医学技能型高级人才具有重要意义。  相似文献   

网络技术在医学形态学实验教学中的应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文针对基础医学实验教学 ,配合现代网络技术建成的形态学网络教学实验室 ,为医学院校形态学实验教学提供一种实验教学模式。  相似文献   

医学形态学是医学教育基础的基础.更是直观性、实践性很强的学科.如何才能做好形态学实验教学,提高实验技术水平.除了注重医学生的理论知识传授外,重要的是要改革传统的实验教学模式、内容和方法.在保证知识系统的前提下,减少简单验证性实验比重,增加综合性、创新性实验的比重.运用创造性思维,来激发学生的学习兴趣,培养学生的动手及创新能力.本文结合我院实际就形态学实验教学模式、实验内容、考核方法及实验室建设等方面进行探讨.  相似文献   

在运动解剖学教学中,每个学校都根据各自的实际情况不断探索适合本校的教学方法和教学模式。综合运用多种教学方法,既可充分调动学生学习运动解剖学的积极性,激发学生学习的自觉性和创造性,使学生的创新思维、综合能力得到培养,为后继课程的学习,为运动训练、预防运动损伤等提供解剖学理论保障,又能使教师更好地完成教学任务,达到教与学的和谐统一,取得良好的教学效果。  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To identify specific learning activities (and teaching methods) that students associate with high-quality teaching in the inpatient setting. METHOD: For ten months in 2003-04, 170 third-year medical students recorded data on learning/feedback activities and teaching quality via personal digital assistants during the inpatient portion of a required two-month medicine clerkship at four sites affiliated with the Medical College of Wisconsin. Univariate and multivariate analyses were performed to assess the association between learning/feedback activities and students' perceptions of high-quality teaching. RESULTS: A total of 2,671 teaching encounters were rated by 170 students during their required inpatient medicine rotations. Bedside teaching was reported in almost two-thirds of teaching/learning encounters. Feedback on case presentation and differential diagnosis were the inpatient feedback activities most often provided by faculty. The univariate analysis revealed that students' perceptions of high-quality teaching was associated with receiving mini-lectures, developing short presentations on relevant inpatient topics, bedside teaching, case-based conferences, learning electrocardiogram and chest X-ray interpretation, teaching with other team members present (p <. 001), and receiving feedback on history and physical examination, on case presentation, at the bedside, on differential diagnosis, and on daily progress notes. Results from the regression analysis revealed that giving mini-lectures on inpatient topics, teaching electrocardiogram and chest X-ray interpretation, providing feedback on case presentation, and at the bedside were predictors of overall high-quality teaching. CONCLUSIONS: Aspects of feedback, giving mini-lectures, and learning test-interpretation skills were the learning and feedback activities associated with students' perceptions of high-quality teaching. In an increasingly time-pressured inpatient environment, clinical educators should understand which activities students value.  相似文献   

目的坚持"以本为本"为核心,在生物化学教学中,充分活跃课堂气氛,激发学生的学习兴趣,提高学生的学习自主性,逐渐建立意义建构的思维模式,提高教学效果。方法采用临床病例导课法、以问题为导向的教学方法(PBL)与以授课为基础的教学方法(LBL)双轨教学法、"雨课堂"及思维导图归纳法等教学方法,并采用终结性评价与形成性评价相结合的考核方式。结果混合式教学方法使课堂教学形式多样化、丰富化,并且能够提高学生的学习自主性,引导应试教育的灌输式记忆模式向意义建构的自主思维模式转变,将课堂以传授知识为核心转变为注重学习能力的培养。结论混合式教学法能够提高学生的学习自主性与学习兴趣,构建自己的知识体系,为临床课程的学习打下扎实的基础。  相似文献   

成果导向教育(OBE)作为一种先进的教育理念,正成为医学教育改革的主流理念。医学整合课程"代谢生物化学"课时数少,如何在较少课时条件下提高教学质量,激发医学生的学习兴趣是一个巨大挑战。基于OBE教育理念,本文总结了从学习目标、教学内容及教学策略等方面的改革,以期增强医学生学习的积极性和主动性,提高教学效果,为使医学生成为符合"卓越拔尖人才教育培养计划2.0"要求的卓越医学人才夯实基础。  相似文献   

阐述了生物医学工程专业“自动控制原理”课程教学过程中存在的问题,探讨了归纳教学法在该课程中的应用。首先分析了该专业“自动控制原理”课程教学现状,指出了结合该专业学生的知识结构更新教学内容的必要性;结合现代教学手段,采用辅助教学软件,激发学习兴趣;采用归纳教学法,引导学生思考问题,启发学生思维;把理论教学和实验教学有机地结合起来;适当表扬调动学生的学习积极性。既可以使学生掌握“自动控制原理”的抽象理论,又加深了他们对人体生理控制系统的理解,加强不同知识之间的联系,真正做到理论联系实际。教学实践表明,该课程的教学改革可激发学生的学习兴趣,提高学生的学习积极性和主动性,增强学生的实践能力和创新能力。  相似文献   

本文以提高学生的综合素质为目的,将PBL教学方法应用在解剖实验教学中。该方法以问题为基础,可以提高学生对解剖实验教学的兴趣性,增加学生的动手能力和学生主动性学习的能力。本文首先分析了PBL教学的优势和解剖实验教学的改革以及需要注意事项,从三个方面对解剖实验教学引入PBL教学方法进行探讨,同时对提高解剖实验教学质量做一种新的尝试。  相似文献   

目的:开展探究性教学是医学影像物理学教学改革的一个重要内容。探究性教学可以激发学生主动探究学习,在学习和思考中使思维得以提升,其根本目的是培养医学生的创新能力。在当下的医学影像物理学教学中,教学模式仍以传统的接受性教学为主,忽略了课程教学的培养目标和医学生心理发展的特点,因此,实现医学影像物理学教学方式由接受性向探究性教学方式转变,探讨与开展探究性教学就具有极其重要的现实意义。方法:通过对医学影像物理学教学研究进展的回顾,结合我校教学的实际,分析了医学影像物理学实施探究性教学模式的必要性,探索了医学影像物理学探究性教学的设计原则,并将探究性教学过程分为3个实施步骤,阐述了各步骤的设计策略及实施方法,并用教学实例加以说明。结果:探讨了在医学影像物理学教学中开展探究性教学的原则、步骤与方法。结论:探究性教学极大地提高了学生的学习兴趣、独立思考问题和动手能力。但是探究性教学还存在着耗时长、部分学生不适应等问题,需要在教学过程中进一步完善。  相似文献   

PURPOSE: Computer-based training (CBT) systems offer the potential to efficiently support modern teaching and learning. However, it is still unknown if a similar efficient learning experience built on sound learning theories and corresponding design principles can be created in the complex health care environment. The purpose of this paper is to analyse to what extent learning theories and corresponding design principles are relevant and can successfully be applied in computer-based training in medicine. METHODS: We use the case-based CBT system CAMPUS as an example for a CBT system currently used to enhance the medical teaching and learning experience. We apply two well-accepted learning theories (Bloom's taxonomy and practice fields) and related design principles to determine to what extent they are relevant and fulfilled in the context of CAMPUS. RESULTS: We demonstrate that in principle these learning theories and design principles can be implemented using computer-based training. However, not all design principles can be fulfilled by the system alone; rather the integration of the system into adequate -- traditional or virtual -- teaching and learning environments is essential. CONCLUSIONS: Traditional learning theories and design principles are a valuable means in designing adequate CBT systems in medicine. They can be successfully implemented in CBT systems for medical education if the system itself is adequately integrated into teaching and learning environments.  相似文献   

Blended learning is the integration of different learning approaches, new technologies, and activities that combine traditional face‐to‐face teaching methods with authentic online methodologies. Although advances in educational technology have helped to expand the selection of different pedagogies, the teaching of anatomical sciences has been challenged by implementation difficulties and other limitations. These challenges are reported to include lack of time, costs, and lack of qualified teachers. Easy access to online information and advances in technology make it possible to resolve these limitations by adopting blended learning approaches. Blended learning strategies have been shown to improve students’ academic performance, motivation, attitude, and satisfaction, and to provide convenient and flexible learning. Implementation of blended learning strategies has also proved cost effective. This article provides a theoretical foundation for blended learning and proposes a validated framework for the design of blended learning activities in the teaching and learning of anatomical sciences. Clin. Anat. 31:323–329, 2018. © 2018 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Changes in the teaching of gross anatomy have often involved decreasing student contact time alongside the use of new methods for teaching. However, there remains controversy over teaching methods and about whether cadaveric dissection by students should remain the preferred method. Furthermore, decisions concerning changes to curricula are more likely to be taken by choosing a method of teaching rather than by proper evaluation of what are the desired learning outcomes for a course in anatomy. The purpose of this study was to ascertain the attitudes of anatomists in Europe towards the methods of teaching best fitting a series of learning outcomes for anatomy and secondarily to test the hypothesis that, from evaluation of learning outcomes, anatomy is best taught by cadaveric dissection by the students. About 113 completed questionnaires were received from anatomists who are employed at higher education institutions that use various teaching methods. Most anatomists (69%) favored the use of cadaveric dissection above other teaching methods when considering the whole series of learning comes, this method seeming to achieve a range of different course aims/objectives, P < 0.001; Kruskal-Wallis). Consequently, these findings are consistent with our initial hypothesis. However, when individual learning outcomes were considered, the relationship was not so clear cut and, for example, little difference was discernible between teaching methods when considering learning outcomes related to the acquisition of anatomical knowledge. The use of human cadaveric dissection gained more approval when the skills-base was considered rather than just the content(knowledge)-base of an anatomical course.  相似文献   

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