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目的:探讨双期增强螺旋CT扫描对肝细胞癌诊断的价值。方法:152例HCC患者行螺旋CT双期全肝动态扫描后,观察病灶强化方式,结果:152例共发现206个病灶,HCC的典型表现是动脉期病灶呈均匀或病灶内结节状,片状,环状强化,并可见肿瘤血管影,强化部分在静脉期迅速呈低密度影,本组共有74%(153/206)病灶有此典型表现,结论:双期增强螺旋CT能获取HCC的特征性表现,可作为HCC常规的检查方法。  相似文献   

双期动态CT对肝内占位性病变诊断的研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
作者对疑有肝内占位性病变患者进行了双期动态CT检查,经证实者共47例,原发性肝癌的特征性表现是:肝动脉期病变区见肿瘤血管及血池影和/或明显增强呈高密度,门脉期则很快恢复为相对低密度,肝血管的特征性表现是:病灶增强区扩散极缓性,病变全部充满强呈等密度至少需要3分钟,本法对原发性肝癌定性诊断的敏感性,特异性和准确性分别是96.8%,87.5%和93.6%;肝血管瘤分别是92.9%,96.9%和95.7  相似文献   

目的:评估螺旋CT多期增强扫描对肝细胞癌与肝转移瘤的诊断价值。方法:回顾分析经手术病理证实的35例肝细胞癌与肝转移瘤螺旋CT多期增强扫描表现。结果:12例巨块型肝癌平扫为低密度,增强扫描动脉期均明显不均匀强化,特点为肿瘤供血血管强化,结节型8例表现为病灶斑片状及边缘强化,肿瘤供血血管不明显,小肝癌5例为动脉期全瘤强化.强化后CT值可增加40HU以上,肝转移瘤动脉期病灶无明显强化。静脉期呈环形轻度强化,呈现典型“牛眼征”。结论:螺旋CT多期增强扫描对明确肿瘤血供和肿瘤生长方式与小肝癌诊断有重要的意义。  相似文献   

螺旋CT对微波凝固治疗肝细胞癌的疗效评价   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的 研究微波凝固治疗肝细胞癌后的螺旋CT表现,评价CT征象与疗效之间的关系。方法 分析经超声引导下行微波凝固治疗的原发性肝细胞癌病人22例、共26个病灶的螺旋CT征象。结果 21个病灶肝动、门脉双期病灶内和边缘部均未见强化。7个病灶肝动脉期病灶周围的肝组织见斑片状轻度至明显的强化。5个病灶肝动脉期病灶内或病灶边缘部见结节样强化。结论 螺旋CT的双期增强扫描可以准确地判断超声引导下微波凝固治疗肝细胞癌的治疗效果,当双期扫描病灶内无强化时,说明病灶无肿瘤残留;当动脉期病灶周围肝组织出现斑片状轻度至明显强化时,属于微波凝固治疗后的正常反应;当动脉期病灶内或病灶边缘部出现结节样强化时,说明病灶内肿瘤有残留复发。  相似文献   

目的:分析肝脏螺旋CT双期或三期扫描表现,探讨其对原发性肝癌、肝转移瘤、肝血管瘤的诊断及鉴别诊断的意义。方法:经临床证实25例,均作螺旋CT平扫、动脉期、门脉期及部分平衡期和延迟期扫描,并分析螺旋CT多期扫描表现。结果:原发性肝癌动脉期明显强化而肝脏无强化,形成鲜明的对比,门脉期呈相对低密度或恢复到平扫时表现。肝血管瘤CT特征为动脉期呈边缘性环状、结节样强化,门脉期病灶边缘强化向中心强化并充满病灶呈高密度,平衡期呈等密度或低密度肝转移瘤表现多样化,周边强化或不均匀强化或不强化。结论:螺旋CT双期或三期扫描已作为对肝脏占位性病变的主要检查方法,并作为常规。  相似文献   

螺旋CT双期动态扫描在小肝癌诊断中的价值   总被引:48,自引:3,他引:45  
目的:应用螺旋CT行肝动脉期和门静脉期双期全肝动态扫描,比较二期的病灶检出率并和超声进行检出敏感性和定性准确性的比较研究。材料和方法:49例小肝癌患者行螺旋CT双期全肝动态扫描后,统计各期病灶的检出数,观察病灶强化方式,计算检出敏感性并行统计学处理。结果:49例共发现病灶53个,肝动脉期、门静脉期及双期合计的检出敏感性分别为:88.68%、71.70%、90.57%,双期扫描和超声(67.92%)比较有显著性差异,其定性准确性(95.83%)也明显高于超声(80.56%)。结论:螺旋CT双期动态扫描可充分反映小肝癌的血供特点,明显提高小肝癌的检出敏感性,无论检出还是定性均优于超声  相似文献   

目的:评价螺旋CT全肝双期动态扫描动脉期、门脉期对肝细胞癌的诊断价值。材料和方法:搜集43例经活检、手术、血管造影证实的肝细胞癌全肝双期螺旋CT扫描资料,逐一对比动脉期、门脉期CTr影像。结果:①双期扫描动脉期能充分反映肝细胞癌血供特点,瘤灶强化率达88。4%(38/43)。②平扫边缘清楚的肿瘤,双期显示肿瘤边缘部三种形态的包膜。以动脉期显示率最高,③平扫边缘不清的肿瘤,动脉期瘤灶大小与平扫基本符合,门脉期多数有缩小,动脉期能更真实地反映肿瘤范围,④显示肿瘤肝内、外扩散双期优于单期。结论:螺旋CT全肝双期动态扫描更能全面显示肝细胞癌影像特征并更贴切反映其病理学基础。  相似文献   

螺旋CT肝脏肿瘤早期增强扫描   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
目的:评价螺旋CT作肝脏肿瘤早期增强扫描的作用。方法:用螺旋CT对254例肝脏肿瘤患者作全肝早期增强扫描。以2~3ml/s的速度经肘前静脉注入300mgI/ml的造影剂90ml,在注射造影剂25~40s时开始扫描,60s内扫完全肝。结果:与邻近肝组织相比,130例肝细胞性肝癌中有98例呈高密度;32例呈等或低密度:早期癌3例、弥漫型4型,病灶直径在10cm以上者7例,有明显肝动脉—门静脉瘘者18例。87例肝转移瘤中有74例呈环形增强。37例海绵状血管瘤中11处直径小于2cm病灶呈早期显著增强,较大的病灶呈向心性增强。结论:螺旋CT作肝脏早期增强扫描可如实显示肿瘤血供和血管受侵的情况,有利于病灶性质的鉴别和多血供多发病灶及小病灶的发现  相似文献   

结节型肝细胞癌的螺旋CT多期扫描   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:描述结节型肝细胞癌的螺旋CT动脉期、门脉期和延迟期增强特点,比较各期的病灶检出率,重点评价动脉期、延迟期的价值。方法:26例结节型肝细胞癌病人行螺旋CT双期、三期动态扫描后,观察病灶的强化方式,统计各期病灶检出数。结果:26例基于手术病理和影像方法共发现45 个病灶,螺旋CT多期扫描共发现42个,平扫、肝动脉期、门脉期、延迟期及三期合计的检出率分别为66.7% 、86.7% 、71.1% 、65.2% 、93.3% 。动脉期检出敏感性明显高于其他各期,三期结合可明显提高对结节型肝癌的检出率。结论:螺旋CT多期动态扫描能显示肝细胞癌的增强特点,明显提高结节型肝细胞癌的检出敏感性。  相似文献   

评价螺旋CT全肝双期动态扫描动脉期,门脉期对肝细胞癌的诊断价值。材料和方法;搜集43例经活检,手术,血管造影证实的肝细胞癌全肝双期螺旋CT扫描资料,逐一对比动脉期,门脉期CT影像。结果;1.双期扫描动脉期参充分反映肝细胞癌血供特点,瘤灶强化率达88.4%。2.平扫边缘不清的肿瘤,动脉期瘤大小与平扫基本符合,门脉期多数有综小,动脉期能更直实地反映肿瘤范围。  相似文献   

The Knee injury and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score (KOOS) is a self-administered instrument measuring outcome after knee injury at impairment, disability, and handicap level in five subscales. Reliability, validity, and responsiveness of a Swedish version was assessed in 142 patients who underwent arthroscopy because of injury to the menisci, anterior cruciate ligament, or cartilage of the knee. The clinimetric properties were found to be good and comparable to the American version of the KOOS. Comparison to the Short Form-36 and the Lysholm knee scoring scale revealed expected correlations and construct validity. Item by item, symptoms and functional limitations were compared between diagnostic groups. High responsiveness was found three months after arthroscopic partial meniscectomy for all subscales but Activities of Daily Living.  相似文献   

Objective To investigate endovascular treatment of traumatic direct carotid-cavernous fistulas (CCF) and their complications such as pseudoaneurysms. Methods: Over a five-year period, 22 patients with traumatic direct CCFs were treated endovascularly in our institution. Thirteen patients were treated once with the result of CCF occluded, 8 twice and 1 three times. Treatment modalities included balloon occlusion of the CCF, sacrifice of the ipsilateral internal carotid artery with detachable balloon, coll embolization of the cavernous sinus and secondary pseudoaneurysms, and covered-stem management of the pseudoaneurysms. Results All the direct CCFs were successfully managed endovascularly. Four patients developed a pseudoaneurysm after the occlusion of the CCF with an incidence of pseudoaneurysm formation of 18.2% (4/22). A total number of 8 patients experienced permanent occlusion of the ICA with a rate of ICA occlusion reaching 36.4% (8/22). Followed up through telephone consultation from 6 months to 5 years, all did well with no recurrence of CCF symptoms and signs. Conclusion Traumatic direct CCFs can be successfully managed with endovascular means. The pseudoaneurysms secondary to the occlusion of the CCFs can be occluded with stent-assisted coiling and implantation of covered stents.  相似文献   

Introduction Interventional Radiology has evolved into a specialty having enormous input into the care of the traumatized patient.In all hospitals,regardless of size,the Interventional Radiologist must consider their relationships with the trauma service in order to  相似文献   

The ultrasonographic diagnosis of pneumothorax is based on the analysis of artifacts. It is possible to confirm or rule out pneumothorax by combining the following signs: lung sliding, the A and B lines, and the lung point. One fundamental advantage of lung ultrasonography is its easy access in any critical situation, especially in patients in the intensive care unit. For this reason, chest ultrasonography can be used as an alternative to plain-film X-rays and computed tomography in critical patients and in patients with normal plain films in whom pneumothorax is strongly suspected, as well as to evaluate the extent of the pneumothorax and monitor its evolution.  相似文献   

KEY POINTS· Carbohydrate intake during exercise can delay the onset of fatigue and improve performance of prolonged exercise as well as exercise of shorter duration and greater intensity (e.g., continuous exercise lasting about 1h and intermittent high-intensity exercise), but the mechanisms by which performance is improved are different.  相似文献   

Acute limping may be the result of multiple pathologies in children. The differential diagnosis varies based on the age of the child. Irrespective of age, the initial imaging work-up includes AP and frog leg radiographs of the pelvis and ultrasound; MRI may sometimes be helpful. In children less than 3 years, infections and trauma are most frequent. MRI is the imaging modality of choice when osteomyelitis is clinically suspected. Between the ages of 3 and 10 years, transient synovitis of the hip and Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease are main considerations but infection, inflammation and focal bony lesions are also considered. In children over 10 years, slipped capital femoral epiphysis also is considered.  相似文献   

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