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目的:了解武汉市城区孕中期妇女膳食营养的摄入水平及食物种类是否合理,评估营养状况.方法:选择孕中期妇女408例作为调查对象,采用24h膳食问卷调查法对孕妇进行膳食营养调查.结果:孕妇每日膳食中摄入的能量、蛋白质和铁偏低,但是优质蛋白来源合理;维生素A、B1、B2及钙、锌均摄入不足或严重缺乏;三餐能量分配不平衡,早餐能量摄入明显不足,而晚餐相对过剩;每日膳食中仅水果类和蛋类的摄入量较为合理,肉禽类和烹调油摄入过量,而谷类、大豆类、蔬菜类、水产品和奶类摄入均不足.不同文化程度和不同家庭收入的孕妇,能量及三大营养素的摄取量存在统计学差异(P<0.01).结论:孕妇多种营养素摄入水平明显不足,膳食结构不合理,建议加强孕妇营养健康教育,改善不合理的饮食习惯.  相似文献   

目的:了解会宁地区406名2~4岁儿童的膳食结构及营养素摄入状况,为改善其营养状况提供基础资料。方法:采用24h膳食回顾法、称重法和半定量食物频率法对调查对象进行膳食调查。结果:调查对象膳食构成以粮谷类食物为主,杂粮摄入较多,为42.1g;动物性及豆类摄入较少,鱼虾类摄入量仅为1.4g。能量的摄入基本满足需要,但达到推荐摄入量(RNI)的人数比例较低,碳水化合物供能比偏高,饱和脂肪酸供能比例较高。蛋白质达到RNI的人数比例只有22.7%,来源于动物性及豆类食物的占26.7%。铁的摄入量较高,但主要来源于植物性食物。钙、锌、维生素A及维生素C摄入均不足。结论:调查对象膳食结构不合理,部分营养素供给不足。应加大营养知识普及,改进食物加工方法,改善该人群的营养状况。  相似文献   

目的 了解攀枝花学院护理专业学生的膳食状况,为采取营养干预措施提供依据.方法 随机整群抽取攀枝花学院医学院241名护理专业学生为调查对象,采用24 h回顾法,连续调查7 d膳食情况.结果 攀枝花学院护理专业学生膳食以粮谷类为主食,男生摄入量达到推荐摄入量低限的120.9%,女生摄入量为推荐摄入量低限的89.8%,男、女生各类食物摄取量除豆制品外均偏低;能量、蛋白质、硫胺素、核黄素、维生素C和钙摄入不足,视黄醇和铁的摄取量充足;早餐能量不足,晚餐能量偏高.结论 攀枝花学院护理专业学生应适当增加粮谷类、奶类、鱼肉类、蔬菜水果的摄入量,尤其增加早餐能量摄入.  相似文献   

目的 了解中国农村留守儿童膳食营养状况,为农村留守儿童营养干预提供科学依据.方法 采用多阶段分层整群随机抽样方法,随机选择农村2~7岁留守儿童1278名和对照儿童1273名作为调查对象.采用3日膳食称重法和食物摄人频率法进行膳食调查,并以中国营养学会推荐的膳食营养素参考摄入量(DRIs)为依据,评价农村留守儿童膳食能量和各种营养素的摄人状况.结果 农村留守儿童膳食以粮谷类和蔬菜类为主,留守儿童肉禽水产类、水果类及零食类等食物的摄入量低于对照儿童,差异有统计学意义.农村留守儿童能量、三大产热营养素及部分矿物质(钙、锌、硒、钾)和维生素(维生素A、维生素B1、维生素B2)的摄入量均低于推荐摄入量.农村留守儿童能量及主要营养素普遍摄入不足,能量摄入不足率在50%以上,蛋白质摄人不足率达80%以上,而钙、锌等矿物质和维生素B1、维生素B1等维生素的摄入不足率达90%以上.蛋白质来源中,优质蛋白质摄入量仅占总蛋白质摄入量的35%,而植物蛋白质占65%.此外植物性铁的摄入比例明显偏高,达到87%.结论 中国农村留守儿童的膳食结构不尽合理,能量和多种营养素摄入不足,能量、蛋白质及铁的来源不合理,膳食营养状况有待改善.  相似文献   

厦门地区乳母产褥期膳食营养状况调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的调查评价厦门地区乳母产褥期饮食结构和膳食营养状况,并与正常妇女比较,分析营养素摄入满足机体需要的程度以及存在的营养问题。方法采用24h膳食回顾法调查厦门地区40名乳母产后第2天、第7天和第30天的饮食状况,同样方法调查58名同龄健康非孕非产妇女的1日膳食做对照。参考中国食物成分表计算营养素的摄入,与相应人群的膳食营养参考摄入量(DRIs)比较进行评价。结果乳母产后第2天、第7天和第30天能量平均摄入分别达到推荐摄入量(RNI)的86.2%、75.8%和75.4%,对照组妇女能量摄入仅达到RNI的61.9%。乳母蛋白质平均摄入量分别高于RNI(85g)的55.8%、31.5%和22.6%,碳水化物摄入较少。乳母铁摄入量达到RNI标准,烟酸、维生素E和硒的摄入高于RNI水平,维生素C和钙的摄入低于RNI水平。乳母维生素A、维生素E和硒的摄入达RNI的比例高于对照组妇女比例,但维生素C、钙和锌的摄入比例较对照组低。结论乳母能量、蛋白质和脂肪的摄入基本符合DRIs的标准,但三大营养素供能比例不平衡,部分微量营养素摄入偏低,乳母3个时间点大部分营养素摄入变化趋势不明显,乳母大部分的营养素摄入水平较对照组妇女好。  相似文献   

张健  解益民  李珊  李素琴  朱文发 《职业与健康》2011,27(20):2326-2329
目的了解河北省唐山市、廊坊市文安县、承德市双塔区城乡居民膳食质量和居民膳食营养状况,为相关部门制定政策提供科学依据。方法应用总膳食研究的方法对河北省部分城乡居民的膳食组成及15种营养素(碳水化合物、蛋白质、脂肪、膳食纤维、胆固醇、维生素A、硫胺素、核黄素、尼克酸、维生素C、钙、铁、锌、硒、钠)进行回顾性评价分析。结果食物消费总量及蔬菜、豆类消费城乡大致相当,谷类、饮水、调味品摄入量农村高于城市,其他各种食物消费量均是城市高于农村,城乡代表性膳食组成仍以粮谷类和蔬菜等植物性为主;城乡动物性食品单调,以猪肉为代表的肉类消费分别占城乡居民动物性食物消费总量的82.5%和47.1%;城乡居民的平均豆类、乳类、饮水摄入量显著低于中国居民膳食指南推荐摄入量(RNI),酒类、油脂、盐摄入量明显超过RNI,农村居民豆类、肉类、水产类摄入量严重不足;城乡居民平均热能的摄入量分别达RNI的94.8%、88.7%和90.7%,蛋白质分别达到RNI的109.3%、72%和84.5%;维生素C、铁、钠摄入量充足,但也存在城乡居民平均维生素A、核黄素、硫胺素、钙、锌、硒摄入不足及城市居民脂肪摄入过量,农村居民蛋白质摄入不足和质量较差的问题。结论河北省部分地区调查点城乡居民膳食结构不合理,营养素摄入不平衡,有计划地开展人群膳食营养指导十分必要。  相似文献   

目的了解保安族聚居区9~14岁寄宿学生膳食营养状况,为进一步改善学生营养状况提供参考。方法设计针对性的膳食调查表,以24 h膳食回顾法为主,结合记账法、称重法收集被调查对象连续3 d的膳食摄入情况,计算每位学生每日食物消耗的种类和数量,借助营养素分析软件进行营养评价。结果寄宿学生膳食结构以谷薯类食物为主,肉禽水产、奶类、豆类、蛋类食物摄入量偏低,蔬菜水果摄入总量尚可,但水果类比例很低;膳食钙、维生素A、维生素B2摄入普遍不足,各年龄组学生摄入量均未达到膳食营养素推荐摄入量(RNI)或适宜摄入量(AI);蛋白质及碳水化合物基本满足其营养需求;各年龄组男女生70%以上的能量均来自碳水化合物,脂肪供能偏低,三餐能量分配不合理。结论保安族聚居区寄宿学生膳食结构不合理。应强化寄宿制学校集中供餐工作者的营养均衡理念,调整膳食结构。  相似文献   

目的了解广州市经济技术开发区中小学生膳食和营养状况,为指导学校及家庭合理安排膳食提供科学依据。方法采用膳食调查、体格测量与尿负荷试验等方法对学生的营养状况进行分析。结果学生的膳食组成多样化,畜禽类食物摄入较多,杂粮、水产品、奶类和水果摄入较少;各营养素的摄入量基本达到RNI水平,但也存在能量、维生素C、钙等摄入不足的现象;碳水化合物的供能比偏低,蛋白质和脂肪的供能比偏高;各餐能量分配比例以午餐最高,早餐能量偏低。大部分学生的生长发育状况良好;尿负荷试验显示,维生素B1和维生素B2的营养状况较差。结论广州市经济技术开发区中小学生的膳食基本合理,营养状况良好,但需适当增加杂粮、水产品、奶类、动物肝脏和水果的摄入。  相似文献   

湖北省城乡孕妇膳食营养状况调查分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:查明湖北省部分地区孕妇膳食营养现状,为制定符合湖北省实际情况的干预策略和措施提供参考。方法:抽取到医院进行产前检查的湖北省城乡孕妇进行问卷调查,采集孕妇血样测定营养生化指标,并采用t检验和χ2检验等方法对数据进行统计分析。结果:孕妇膳食结构以植物性食物为主,各类食物摄入量较丰富。农村孕妇奶类的摄入远远低于城市孕妇,粮谷类、蔬菜类的摄入较城市高,城市孕妇的水果类、大豆类、畜禽肉类、鱼虾蟹贝类食物摄入量高于农村孕妇。能量和各营养素平均摄入量总体达到RNI或AI的要求,但在部分孕妇中仍存在能量和营养素摄入明显不足的情况。营养生化指标中血清锌缺乏率最高(51.52%),尤其是农村地区。孕妇贫血患病率为35.50%,农村(50.74%)显著高于城市(13.68%)(χ2=33.5333,P<0.0001)。结论:湖北省孕妇膳食结构中食物种类多样,城市孕妇各类食物摄取都比较充足,农村孕妇膳食摄入和营养状况仍存在相对较多的问题。  相似文献   

目的了解重庆市女性产褥期的膳食营养状况,提出合理建议,改善母婴健康。方法对1 048例重庆市产褥期女性进行24 h膳食回顾调查,询问其各类食物的摄入量,计算总能量、三大产能营养素、各餐次能量的摄入情况,计算矿物质和维生素的每日平均摄入量。用体成分分析仪测量体质量、体脂百分比、腰臀比等。结果重庆市产褥期女性总能量、碳水化合物摄入量不足,蛋白质、脂肪摄入量超标。能量、蛋白质、脂肪、碳水化合物平均值分别为1 939. 35 kcal/d、87. 53 g/d、98. 14 g/d、181. 01 g/d。早餐和加餐摄入能量较低,但晚餐能量明显超标。肉类和蛋类摄入较多,而蔬菜、水果、鱼虾类、奶类、大豆类食物严重不足。维生素和矿物质有不同程度的缺乏,其中维生素C、叶酸、钙、膳食纤维的摄入量远远低于RNI。产后42 d产妇的平均体质量为58. 06 kg,体质量正常者仅占59. 16%,体脂百分比和腰臀比达标者不到一半。结论重庆市产褥期女性存在膳食结构不合理、体质量和体脂百分比偏高的现象,应开展个性化的营养宣教和指导,以改善营养状况。  相似文献   

马玲  张丽  周勇 《中国妇幼保健》2012,27(10):1469-1472
目的:探讨孕期营养对孕期增重的影响。方法:以问卷调查的形式对714例乌鲁木齐维(吾尔)、汉族孕产妇的膳食摄入与体重增长情况进行统计学分析。结果:乌鲁木齐市维、汉族孕产妇孕前BMI为(21.63±3.69)kg/m2,孕期增重(16.89±5.82)kg;维、汉族妇女孕前BMI、孕期增重比较差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05);维、汉族孕产妇孕晚期钠摄入过高,是推荐供给量的127%和160%,而钙、铁、锌、碘、叶酸、维生素C的摄入严重不足,均低于推荐供给量的70%;热能构成比中,碳水化合物供热过低,脂类供热过高。结论:乌鲁木齐维、汉族孕产妇孕期增重过多,与孕期膳食结构不合理有关。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To examine the adequacy of dietary intake of calcium; folate; and vitamins C, D, E, B-6, and B-12 in premenopausal US women of differing ethnicity. DESIGN: Analyses of single and duplicate 24-hour recalls were conducted to determine dietary intake during the Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. SUBJECTS: Three thousand five hundred eighty-five randomly selected women aged 20 to 50 years from across the United States who were not pregnant or lactating were examined between 1988 and 1994. STATISTICAL ANALYSES: Usual nutrient intake distributions were estimated using the Iowa State University method for adjustment of the distribution. The Estimated Average Requirement cut-point method was used to determine the proportion of women with inadequate intake for each nutrient in each ethnic group. RESULTS: More than 75% of women irrespective of ethnic group had usual intakes of calcium lower than the new Adequate Intake. More than 90% of the women had inadequate intakes of folate and vitamin E from food sources alone. More than half of smokers had inadequate intakes of vitamin C. Intakes of vitamins B-6 and B-12 were low in less than 10% of these women. APPLICATIONS/CONCLUSIONS: This article provides evidence that a high proportion of premenopausal US women are underconsuming a variety of nutrients. Dietary intakes alone are not currently adequate to meet the new recommended intakes. Nutritional supplement use is widespread and effective, but does not eliminate the concerns for at-risk populations. Awareness of the general inadequacies in intakes of vitamin E and folic acid at large, and in many women vitamin C as well, can help direct individual dietary recommendations and place the emphasis in group counseling on nutrients that are of widespread concern. In addition, foods rich in vitamins B-6 and of general nutritional benefit should be emphasized among African American women in the United States as a substantial proportion of this group is still showing inadequate intakes from foods.  相似文献   

目的:了解厦门市孕妇孕期营养状况,分析日常饮食对体内营养素的影响,评价营养干预措施的效果,为制定合理的孕期膳食计划提供科学依据。方法:2006年1月~2008年8月间,在厦门市妇幼保健院营养科接受营养咨询的孕妇571例,分别在孕20周前、孕26~27周、孕35~36周进行3次前3天的膳食调查,同时检测体内营养素水平,探讨日常饮食与体内营养素变化的关系,评价孕期营养。随机选取同一时期在本院分娩、孕20周前正常者,但未接受孕期营养指导的产妇254例,作为对照组。追踪随访两组孕妇的妊娠结局,评价营养干预措施的效果。结果:①两组孕妇在日常膳食中,脂肪摄入占总能量的比例均达营养素推荐摄入量(RNI)的要求,88.3%的孕妇摄入过高,超过了RNI的要求。孕中、后期,孕妇钙、铁的摄入不足,尤其是孕末期,钙、铁摄入量达到RNI的孕妇分别占29.8%及8.5%。孕中、晚期,锌、维生素C、维生素A、维生素B1、维生素B2摄入量达到RNI的孕妇分别占40.9%、36.2%、44.8%、22.7%、45.9%。②孕期同时增加补充铁及维生素C,能较好地延缓血清铁蛋白浓度下降的趋势(P0.05),增加维生素B2的摄入是孕期胆固醇水平升高的保护因素(P0.05),而脂肪摄入过高,则是危险因素(P0.05)。③孕期能量摄入水平控制在1900~2600kCal/d,蛋白质摄入水平控制在70~115g/d时,新生儿出生体重异常的发生比例最低。④孕期接受过营养知识健康教育和指导的孕妇,其孕期营养相关并发症发生率、剖宫产率、新生儿出生体重异常率均低于对照组(P0.05)。结论:厦门市孕妇膳食结构有待于进一步改进,建议孕妇注重蛋白质、各类矿物质和维生素补充,减少脂肪摄入,能量与蛋白质摄入应在适宜范围内。同时大力提倡孕期营养咨询与指导,要加大孕期营养知识健康教育力度,普及营养知识,提高孕妇营养知识水平,改善妊娠结局。  相似文献   

杨生秀  陈月英 《中国妇幼保健》2012,27(30):4755-4758
目的:了解孕妇的膳食摄入与营养状况,提出合理的建议,改善孕妇的营养状况,促进胎儿的正常发育。方法:选择前来银川市妇幼保健院进行膳食咨询的孕妇作为调查对象,采用24 h回顾法进行膳食调查,对每个调查对象的食物的摄入种类和量进行询问、记录,利用食物成分表计算出每人每日营养素的平均摄入量。并对影响因素进行显著性分析。结果:孕中期妇女大多数营养素能满足需要,但是钙、锌、维生素B1仍然摄入不足,分别达到RNI的74.36%、81.15%、79.33%。三大营养素的供能比例基本合理,而三餐能量比摄入不合理,零食占三餐的能量比较高达34.80%。文化程度与能量、蛋白质、维生素B2、钙有显著性差异。结论:孕中期妇女大多数营养素的摄入能满足需要,仍然有少数营养素不能满足需要,而且膳食结构不太合理。因此为保障孕妇的营养,使孕妇处于最佳的生理状态,建议加强孕妇摄食的科学指导,引导孕妇合理选择食物,改善不合理的饮食习惯。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Little is known concerning the dietary habits during pregnancy of women with eating disorders that may lie in the causal pathway of adverse birth outcomes. OBJECTIVE: We examined the nutrient and food group intakes of women with bulimia nervosa and binge-eating disorder during pregnancy and compared these with intakes of women with no eating disorders. DESIGN: Data on 30,040 mother-child pairs from the prospective Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort Study were used in cross-sectional analyses. Dietary information was collected by using a food-frequency questionnaire during the first half of pregnancy. Statistical testing by eating disorder categories with the non-eating-disorder category as the referent group was conducted by using log means adjusted for confounding and multiple comparisons. Food group differences were analyzed by using a Wilcoxon's two-sided normal approximation test that was also adjusted for multiple comparisons. RESULTS: Women with binge-eating disorder before and during pregnancy had higher intakes of total energy, total fat, monounsaturated fat, and saturated fat, and lower intakes of folate, potassium, and vitamin C than the referent (P < 0.02). Women with incident binge-eating disorder during pregnancy had higher intakes of total energy and saturated fat than the referent (P = 0.01). Several differences emerged in food group consumption between women with and without eating disorders, including intakes of artificial sweeteners, sweets, juice, fruit, and fats. CONCLUSION: Women with bulimia nervosa before and during pregnancy and those with binge-eating disorder before pregnancy exhibit dietary patterns that differ from those in women without eating disorders, that are reflective of their symptomatology, and that may influence pregnancy outcomes.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To estimate the contribution of energy and selected nutrients from foods eaten as snacks and as meals. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: Forty-four nonpregnant women in the reproductive age, of whom 20 were lactating, participated in this study. Women from rural households were randomly selected and energy and nutrient intakes were estimated using 2 days' observed weighed food record. Snacks eaten between meals were estimated by weighed food record as well as recall, thrice per day. RESULTS: The largest proportions (mean+/-s.e.) of fat (33+/-3.6%), vitamin C (36+/-4.1%) and a large proportion of vitamin A (30+/-4.4%) intakes were from snacks. Furthermore, snacks provided 20% of the energy intakes. CONCLUSION: Snacks are important for energy and nutrient intakes and adequacies in rural African women and have the potential to combat energy and nutrient deficiencies in low-income countries.  相似文献   

Dietary intakes and energy expenditures of healthy adult women were studied. Phase I (no. = 98): 37 women (38% of Phase one subjects) reported 3-day intakes of less than 1,600 kcal/day; low nutrient intakes were associated with less than 1,600 kcal/day for women who did not take supplements. Phase II (no. = 18): group mean energy expenditures assessed by activity diaries matched 7-day intake records for 8 women who had consumed greater than 1,800 kcal/day during Phase I but not for 10 women who had consumed less than 1,600 kcal/day during Phase I. Phase III: duplicate food composites and records supported previous intake records. The data from this study suggest that some non-sedentary women maintain consistently low energy/nutrient intakes and that calculation of energy expenditure from standard tables is not appropriate for those women.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the energy, nutrient intakes and dietary patterns of Mexican lactating women at one month postpartum, and the associations of maternal age and region on their intakes. METHODS: A total of 60 women were studied: 41 from Northwest and 19 from Central Mexico, 33 adolescent and 27 adult women. Data were collected through two quantitative 24 h recalls. Two more recalls were used in a sub sample to calculate the coefficient of variation of intakes. Menus were based on the consumption frequency of foods. RESULTS: The mean energy intake of the adolescent women (2354 +/- 1199 kcal) and those of Central Mexico (1690 +/- 981 kcal) was lower than the recommendations. Zinc, calcium, vitamin E, C and folate were inadequate (55 to 85% prevalence of inadequacy). Energy, dietary fiber, sodium, potassium, iron and folate intakes were higher (P < 0.05) in Northwest Mexico. Northwestern women consumed less variety of vegetables or fruits compared to Mexico City region women. Wheat tortillas and beans were from Northwestern but not from the Mexico City region diet. CONCLUSIONS: The energy and nutrient intakes of women were different by regional hospital and not by age. Education about the importance of the maternal diet during lactation should be directed toward increasing consumption of foods rich in micronutrients.  相似文献   

Objective To assess longitudinally nutrient intakes of lactating women during the postpartum period.Design Dietary data from lactating women were collected by means of 2-day food records at 3 and 6 months postpartum. Intake of energy and selected nutrients was tabulated and compared with dietary standards.Subjects The 52 lactating women enrolled in the study lived in a university community, were apparently healthy, had a body mass index within normal range, were successfully nursing a term infant, and planned to nurse for at least 6 months.Statistical analyses performed Paired t tests and Stuart-Maxwell χ2 analysesResults Mean energy intakes were below the Recommended Dietary Allowance. Mean intakes of most nutrients met or exceeded recommended standards except for zinc and vitamins D and E at both 3 and 6 months postpartum. Calcium and folate intakes were also below standards at 6 months. Although mean iron intake exceeded the standard at both measurement times, there was a significant decline from 3 to 6 months. Relative frequencies of mothers meeting various percentages of standards differed significantly from 3 to 6 months for calcium; iron; folate; and vitamins E, D, and B-6. At 6 months, significant increases were noted in the number of women reporting calcium, folate, and vitamin B-6 intakes at less than one half of the recommended amounts.Applications/conclusions Guidance for lactating women should stress food sources of nutrients likely to be limited in their diets: calcium; zinc; folate; and vitamins E, D, and B-6. J Am Diet Assoc. 1998;98:297–302.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Although there are several dietary guidelines accepted at the international and national level, there are indications that dietary habits in Greece have been changing, moving away from the traditional Mediterranean diet pattern. The aim of this work was to evaluate the dietary habits of a randomly selected sample from the general adult population, in Greece. SUBJECTS: The "ATTICA" study is a prospective health and nutrition survey. For the purpose of this study, 3,042 adults, from whom 1514 were men (48%) and 1,528 were women (52%), were selected from the greater Athens area during 2001 and 2002. The assessment of the dietary habits was carried out using a validated food frequency questionnaire. RESULTS: Dietary intakes of red meat and sweets were higher (p<0.005), and dietary intakes of fish, poultry, dairy products, vegetables, and cereals were lower (p<0.05) than the ones recommended by the Hellenic Ministry of Health. CONCLUSION: The results from the present study indicate a change in the dietary habits towards an unhealthier type of diet.  相似文献   

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