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通过综述CDE及ICH对生物制品非临床安全性评价的指导原则的内容,比较了不同机构对生物制品非临床安全性评价要求,包括ICHS6(R1)指导原则和国内相关领域指导原则的对应关系、我国指导原则与ICHS6(R1)的差异等内容,对ICH S6(R1)在我国实施存在的技术困难和法规方面的障碍进行了讨论,并根据CDE和ICH的指导原则的差异对比情况对我国实施ICH S6(R1)给出了建议,以期为生物制品非临床安全性评价提供借鉴。  相似文献   

比较了国内指导原则《药物重复给药毒性试验技术指导原则》和《药物毒代动力学研究技术指导原则》与ICHS4和ICH S3A的对应关系及差异,并对ICH S4及ICH S3A在我国实施的可行性及存在的技术困难和法规障碍进行了讨论,最后根据CDE和ICH指导原则的差异对比情况对我国实施ICH S4及ICH S3A给出了建议,以期为国内重复给药毒性试验及药物毒代动力学研究提供借鉴。  相似文献   

通过对ICH S系列指导原则与我国相应技术指导原则的对比研究,分析我国与ICH在药品注册非临床技术要求方面的主要差异。通过对公众、专家、企业进行问卷调查,摸清ICH S系列指导原则在我国的认知和实施基础。在对比研究和问卷调查的基础上,结合ICH的要求,提出了ICH S系列指导原则在我国实施的建议。  相似文献   

遗传毒性研究是药物非临床安全性评价的重要内容。人用药品注册技术要求国际协调会(ICH)对药物遗传毒性指导原则进行修订改版,于2008年颁布了S2(R1)人用药物遗传毒性试验和结果分析指导原则,该指导原则对于我国药物遗传毒性研究具有借鉴作用。文中简介了该指导原则修订的科学背景、主要修订内容,并讨论了目前我国药物遗传毒性研究中应关注的几个问题。  相似文献   

通过对ICH Q系列指导原则与我国对应技术指导原则的对比研究,分析我国药品注册药学技术要求与ICH药学技术要求的主要差异。通过对公众、专家、企业进行问卷调查,摸清ICH Q系列指导原则在我国的认知和实施基础。在对比研究和问卷调查的基础上,结合ICH的要求,提出了ICH Q系列指导原则在我国实施的建议。  相似文献   

通过对ICH E系列指导原则与我国对应技术指导原则的对比研究,分析我国与ICH在药品注册临床技术要求方面的主要差异。通过对公众、专家、企业进行问卷调查,摸清ICH E系列指导原则在我国的认知和实施基础。在对比研究和问卷调查的基础上,结合ICH的要求,提出ICH E系列指导原则在我国实施的建议。  相似文献   

对比了《药物非临床药代动力学研究技术指导原则》和ICH S3B,包括组织分布开展条件、研究设计和实施等内容,分析了我国指导原则和ICH S3B的内容差异和技术差异,并为S3B的具体实施提出建议。  相似文献   

新的ICH遗传毒性指导原则S2(R1)于2011年11月颁布,该指导原则对于我国药物遗传毒性研究具有借鉴作用。本文简介了S2(R1)的主要修订要点,并介绍了一些新试验方法的国际研究进展及背景情况。  相似文献   

王雪  宋捷  张旻  胡燕平  王欣  李波  王军志 《中国药事》2009,23(5):491-494
目的介绍ICH关于遗传毒性研究的指导原则修订的最新进展。方法介绍ICH遗传毒性研究指导原则修订的背景、修订的经过及要点。结果修订的指导原则在标准试验组合、体内试验和体外试验的选择、结果分析及评价等方面做了若干修订,提出了新的要求。结论修订后的指导原则ICH S2更具科学性和可操作性。  相似文献   

通过对ICH M系列指导原则与我国相关技术指导原则的对比研究,分析我国相关技术指导原则与ICH M系列指导原则的主要差异。通过对公众、专家、企业进行问卷调查,摸清了ICHM系列指导原则在我国的认知和实施基础。在对比研究和问卷调查的基础上,结合ICH的要求,提出了ICH M系列指导原则在我国实施的建议。  相似文献   

We surveyed interpretation of the ICH guidelines concerning reproductive toxicology. Valid responses were obtained from Japan (JPN), Europe (EUR) and the U.S. The results obtained were compared to those at the time of a previous survey targeted at JPN facilities in 1995-1996 as well as compared among all three regions. Compared to the previous survey in Japan, the number of facilities performing toxicokinetics (TK) in rats has slightly increased. This result was considered to represent changes of attitude toward TK in reproductive toxicity studies. Differences in interpretation of the guidelines between JPN, EUR and the US were widely seen. Clear differences were noted in sperm examinations, postnatal tests, fetal examinations, some examinations for F1 animals after culling and TK. Researchers in the West seemed to be interpreting the ICH guidelines more flexibly from the scientific point of view. JPN researchers appeared to interpret the guidelines, including notes, as rigid requirements. Most of the parts which produced different interpretations were the notes in the guidelines. The force of mention in the notes should be defined in the future. In addition, there were doubts about some parts, including notes, which had been found to have become unsuitable for the implementation of studies because of scientific progress or from long experience in using the guidelines. Therefore, updates of the guidelines may be needed in the future as well as the remedy of interpretation by JPN researchers. In JPN, the number of reproductive toxicity studies has decreased. The scanty experience in JPN therefore raises apprehension of appropriate selection and stagnating development of methodology, and might hinder the maintenance of the guidelines. In the future, the cooperation of CROs as well as global collaboration will be essential not only to scientific developments of reproductive toxicology but also updates of the guidelines.  相似文献   

刘美  田心 《现代药物与临床》2018,33(10):2745-2748
对比我国《药物安全药理学研究技术指导原则》和《药物QT间期延长潜在作用非临床研究技术指导原则》与ICH S7A/S7B相关指导原则的差别,为前者的修订和实施提供参考。以ICHS7A/S7B为基础,逐个条目对比我国相关两个指导原则的差别,并分析国内指导原则的修改方向及可实施性。我国的两个指导原则与ICHS7A/S7B的对比结果显示,我国和ICH在总体上对于非临床研究中对于药物安全药理学和QT间期延长潜在作用问题上的处理意见相同,在某些细节上,我国的两个指导原则描述的内容更为全面和具体。因此,国内指导原则可对ICHS7A/S7B有所借鉴,并依据国内实际情况加以修订和实施,从而提高指导原则对实际操作的指导意义。  相似文献   

药品中遗传毒性杂质的评估和控制   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
目的 综述药品遗传毒性杂质控制相关指南和法规,为制药企业执行国际标准和准则提供一些建议和思路。方法 通过查找数据库如Pubmed、Medline及欧洲药品管理局(European Medicines Agency,EMA)、美国食品药品监督管理局(US Food and Drug Administratio,U.S.FDA)、人用药品注册技术要求国际协调会议(ICH)等网站,比较各指南法规关于遗传毒性控制限度和控制措施的异同点,为遗传毒性杂质的控制提供一个可行性步骤。结果 通过比较发现,EMA、U.S.FDA和即将出版的ICH M7指南在关键原则的应用方面如毒理学关注阈值(threshold of toxicological concern,TTC)、风险评估步骤、杂质5分类法等基本相同,但现行EMA和U.S.FDA法规存在分歧,不利于其有效执行,而ICH M7将为遗传毒性杂质的控制提供一个可行框架。结论 目前还缺乏完善有效的遗传毒性控制指南,ICH M7将解决U.S.FDA 和EMA 指南间分歧,更好地指导制药企业遗传毒性杂质的控制。  相似文献   

大多数生物制品不会成为完全致癌物,但可以通过其药理学放大作用、免疫调节等成为肿瘤促长剂。在国际人用药品注册技术协调会(ICH)S1A和S6(R1)指导原则中对生物制品的致癌性评估有简单描述,但均缺少明确案例,且未考虑到新型技术药物的出现和监管思路的改变等情况。通过汇总2014—2021年美国食品药品监督管理局(FDA)批准的53项长期用药的生物制品的致癌性信息,并结合文献报道和实际工作经验,从生物制品的致癌性特点、致癌性评估策略、致癌性风险管理等几方面提出一些观点和建议,以期为国内同行、新药申报企业和审评机构提供有益的参考。  相似文献   

非临床药物安全性评价为新药的研发发挥了重要作用。人用药品注册技术要求国际协调会(ICH)新药研发指南M3(R2)是非临床药物安全性评价的方向性指导文献。正确的评价策略和相关毒理学研究应该一起综合考虑,以促进新药候选物高效、及时地向前发展,从而支持临床试验计划和市场登记进展。然而,随着发展成本增加和行业的竞争,毒性预测、动物模型和法规遵从性也是新药深入研发过程中非常重要的因素。此外,ICH其他指导文献,例如ICH S6和ICH S9,也是给新药深入研发带来冲击力很大的指导文献。因此,深入理解所有这些文献的本质意义对从事新药安全评价人员来说是很重要的,增强综合使用各方面总体知识的能力将促进新药深入研发更快、更好地实施。  相似文献   

Barrow PC 《Toxicology》2003,185(3):205-212
There are many ways in which immunotherapeutic agents could potentially cause developmental toxicity. According to the published data in humans and animals, however, this class of drugs does not appear to present any increased risk of reproductive toxicity by comparison with other therapeutic classes. The basic testing strategy outlined in the ICH guidelines is suitable for the preclinical reproductive toxicity assessment of these drugs (except vaccines). Particular consideration needs to be given to the choice of species when testing antibodies or human molecules. Immune-active drugs may have the potential to interfere with the development of the immune system. For this reason, it may be advisable to assess the integrity of the immune system in animals previously exposed to the test substance during development. Such tests can easily be appended to the study design of the pre- and post-natal study. In view of the lack of any provision for post-weaning exposure in the guidelines and the late maturation of the immune system, a separate post-natal study may be considered for drugs that are likely to be prescribed to children.  相似文献   

Safety assessment of biopharmaceuticals in preclinical studies is guided by the ICH S6 guideline issued in 1997. Along with enormous experiences and knowledge on safety assessment of some classes of biopharmaceuticals over the last decade, the necessity and feasibility of updating the guideline has been discussed. According to a recommendation by safety experts at the ICH meeting in Chicago in 2006, regional discussions of ICH S6 were held in the USA, EU and Japan. The meeting to clarify the values, challenges and recommendations for ICH S6 from Japanese perspective was held as a part of the first Drug Evaluation Forum in Tokyo on August 10, 2007. Of utmost importance, the "case-by-case" approach must be preserved as the basic principle of the ICH S6 guideline. It is our opinion that oligonucleotides, siRNA, aptamers and related molecules should be excluded from ICH S6 and may be more appropriate for separate guidance. However, based on experiences and accumulated knowledge, there are a number of issues that can be updated including new types of biopharmaceuticals such as bioconjugates, use of homologous proteins and transgenic animals, reproductive/developmental toxicity studies in non-human primates, in vitro cardiac ion channel assay and alternative approaches for carcinogenicity assessment. Preliminary recommendations for some of these topics were outlined at the meeting. The overall Japanese recommendation is that the ICH S6 guideline should be updated to address these topics.  相似文献   

The International Conference on Harmonization (ICH) has recently developed the ICH guidelines, which are the common guidelines for regulatory requirements in the ICH regions, i.e., European Union, Japan, and the United States of America. The guidelines have been successively implemented in the ICH regions, and the people involved in drug evaluation in the pharmaceutical industry, such as statisticians and pharmaceutical scientists, have referred to the guidelines during their daily work. Probably one of the most influential ICH guidelines on the drug development process in the ICH regions, especially in Japan, is the ICH-E5 guideline, which is encouraging the pharmaceutical industry to use the mountain of foreign clinical data for the registration of a new drug. In this article, we review the issues concerning the ICH-E5 guideline discussed so far, and discuss some practical issues in applying the guideline, especially the design of the study conducted in a new region. This is called a "bridging study." In addition, we introduce some statistical approaches for evaluating the acceptability of foreign clinical data.  相似文献   

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