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目的了解海南省某制造企业职工控烟干预后的二手烟暴露情况及对相关疾病的认知状况,为减少二手烟暴露及开展企业控烟工作提供数据支持。方法于2016年9月采用多阶段随机抽样方法抽取海南某光伏制造企业2个车间中的660名职工为研究对象。运用"讲座、咨询、一氧化碳监测和药物发放"模式进行6个月的重点控烟干预,干预前后通过问卷调查二手烟暴露情况及相关危害认知情况。采用SPSS 19.0统计分析软件进行独立样本χ2检验和配对χ2检验。结果本研究共得到有效调查人数583人。干预前吸烟者192人、不吸烟者391人;干预后吸烟者163人、不吸烟者420人。非吸烟职工干预前室内工作场所、公共场所和家中的二手烟暴露率分别为31.2%、70.6%和34.0%,干预后分别为17.1%、66.2%和35.5%,干预前后在室内工作场所的二手烟暴露率差异有统计学意义(P0.01),室内公共场所和家中的二手烟暴露率差异均无统计学意义(P0.05)。干预前企业职工对二手烟暴露导致成人心脏疾病、儿童肺部疾病、成人肺癌及所有3种疾病的知晓率分别为50.8%、72.2%、78.2%和44.1%,干预后分别为74.1%、83.2%、87.0%和69.8%,差异均有统计学意义(P0.01)。结论运用"讲座、咨询、一氧化碳监测和药物发放"模式进行控烟干预后,职工工作场所二手烟暴露水平降低,同时对二手烟危害健康的认知增强,值得企业开展控烟工作时借鉴。  相似文献   

目的了解河北省城乡居民烟草流行现状,为开展相应的控烟工作提供参考依据。方法于2017年1—9月采用分层多阶段整群概率抽样方法在河北省28个城乡监测点抽取6 900名常住居民进行问卷调查。结果河北省6 900名城乡居民中,现在吸烟者1 705人,加权后现在吸烟率为24.86%;2 163名曾经吸烟的城乡居民中,戒烟者458人,加权后戒烟率为17.67%;5 077名去过各类公共场所的城乡居民中,在室内公共场所有二手烟暴露者2 810人,加权后室内公共场所二手烟暴露率为60.32%;1 998名室内工作者中,在室内工作场所有二手烟暴露者933人,加权后室内工作场所二手烟暴露率为45.93%;6 900名城乡居民中,在家中有二手烟暴露者2 888人,加权后家中二手烟暴露率为46.12%。6 900名城乡居民对吸烟导致中风、心脏病、肺癌和勃起障碍4种疾病的加权后知晓率分别为46.41%、51.75%、85.87%和23.90%,4种疾病的加权后全部知晓率为20.57%;对二手烟导致成人心脏疾病、儿童肺部疾病和成人肺癌3种疾病的加权后知晓率分别为41.05%、68.42%和70.79%,3种疾病的加权后全部知晓率为38.68%。结论河北省城乡居民烟草流行率较高,二手烟暴露问题比较严重,居民对吸烟和二手烟所导致疾病的认知尚有待提高。  相似文献   

[目的]了解武汉市城区居民二手烟的暴露情况,为开展控烟工作和控烟立法提供科学依据。[方法]采用概率规模成比例抽样方法,抽取武汉市城区2 500位15岁及以上常住居民。共2 163位完成了面对面调查,应答率为86.52%。调查结果使用武汉市2010年全国人口第六次普查资料进行加权分析。[结果]分别有52.99%和40.07%的调查对象(n为942和2 135)报告最近30 d内有人在其室内工作场所和家中吸烟,男性在工作场所和家中的二手烟暴露率(61.26%和44.63%)均高于女性(43.38%和35.41%)(P0.05)。酒吧/夜总会(n=47)二手烟暴露率最高,为96.40%;其次是餐馆(n=1 376),为73.34%;公共交通工具(n=1 671)中二手烟暴露率最低,为12.19%。[结论]武汉市城区各类场所中居民二手烟暴露处于较高水平,尤其是酒吧/夜总会、餐馆等经营性场所吸烟行为非常普遍。  相似文献   

目的 了解武汉市15岁及以上成人二手烟暴露的水平、主要暴露场所,为制定相关的控烟措施提供有力依据。方法 采用全球成人烟草调查(GATS)统一的抽样方法和调查问卷, 在全市14个区的50个监测点抽取5 000个家庭户;采用入户调查形式进行电子数据采集,每户家庭随机抽取1名合格的调查对象。对数据加权后,采用SAS 9.3复杂调查设计分析程序进行数据分析。结果 全市最终完成调查样本(n = 4 311 )。在过去30 d内,非吸烟者中有43.1%在室内工作场所暴露于二手烟,32.3%的非吸烟者在家中暴露于二手烟,其中男性21.9%,女性37.9%。在过去30 d内到过不同公共场所的成人中,二手烟暴露由高到低依次为酒吧/夜总会(96.8%)、饭店(72.4%)、中小学校(37.7%)、政府大楼(36.9%),大学(25.9%)、医疗机构 (24.3%)、公共交通工具(13.5%)。 结论 武汉市二手烟暴露现状严峻, 酒吧、餐馆、室内工作场所是二手烟暴露的主要场所,应积极推进公共场所和室内工作场所控烟立法。  相似文献   

目的了解吉林省就业流动人口被动吸烟情况,为制定控烟干预措施和创建无烟工作场所提供依据。方法利用2012年中国慢性病及其危险因素监测流动人口专题调查数据,分析吉林省就业流动人口被动吸烟情况。结果调查的1 497人中,现在不吸烟者有1 040人,现在不吸烟者中被动吸烟率为65.6%。不同性别、年龄组及行业间被动吸烟率比较差异有统计学意义(均P0.05)。其中,住宿餐饮业从业者中现在不吸烟者每天接触二手烟的频率最高,达83.1%。结论本省就业流动人口中二手烟暴露情况严重,应根据重点人群和重点行业采取有针对性干预措施,提高流动人口的健康意识,出台相关控烟条例,倡导公共场所和工作场所全面禁烟。  相似文献   

目的了解福建省居民烟草流行现况,为客观评价福建省的控烟工作效果和控烟政策的制定提供科学依据。方法采用分层多阶段PPS抽样方法,随机抽取120个村居委会的7200名15岁及以上常住人口进行问卷调查。结果全省共6001人参与完成调查,现在吸烟率为25.3%,其中男性吸烟率为48.9%,女性现在吸烟率为0.9%。其中仅有18.1%的现在吸烟者在过去12个月尝试过戒烟,13.6%的吸烟者在未来12个月有戒烟意愿。二手烟的暴露情况:有51.6%的人家中暴露于二手烟,在室内工作场所为52.0%。结论福建省成人烟草流行较为严重,男性吸烟率居高不下,男性人群仍是控烟的重点人群。吸烟者戒烟意愿较低,二手烟暴露仍然严重,居民对烟草危害认知还远远不够。  相似文献   

目的了解中国女性对吸烟和二手烟危害的认知水平及二手烟暴露情况,为控烟政策的制定提供依据。方法用2010全球成人烟草调查(GATS)-中国调查数据分析女性人群吸烟现状、二手烟暴露和对烟草危害认知的情况。结果女性知晓吸烟会引起中风和心脏病的比例仅为26.2%和36.7%;知晓二手烟可以导致成人心脏病的比例仅为26.0%。女性吸烟者对吸烟可导致严重疾病、心脏病和肺癌的知晓率均显著低于非吸烟者,差异均有统计学意义(χ2值分别为31.555、10.394和45.203,P0.05,P0.01);女性吸烟者对二手烟可以导致严重疾病、成人心脏病、儿童肺病疾病和成人肺癌的知晓率均显著低于非吸烟者,差异均有统计学意义(χ2值分别为36.812、6.091、22.189和21.647,P0.05,P0.01)。86.8%的女性不清楚"低焦油"卷烟的危害。71.6%的非吸烟女性每周至少有1 d暴露于二手烟中;在过去30 d内在餐厅看到有人吸烟的比例最高(83.1%),其次是家里(63.2%),工作场所和政府机构的比例均在50.0%以上。结论我国女性对于吸烟和二手烟危害的正确认识不高,二手烟暴露现象严重。政府应针对女性加大健康宣传,加强干预措施,形成正确认知,并促进室内公共场所和工作场所全面无烟立法和执法,保护人群健康。  相似文献   

吴金星  陈海婴  范义兵  杨树 《现代预防医学》2012,39(8):1885-1886,1889
目的了解南昌市办公场所吸烟和二手烟暴露情况,为政府决策提供依据,促进"无烟工作场所"立法。方法采用现场观察,问卷拦截调查和对工作场所空气中PM2.5浓度进行监测等方法,分析南昌市办公场所吸烟和二手烟暴露情况。结果现场观察了29家办公场所,禁烟场所2家,16家场所划分了吸烟区和非吸烟区;全面禁烟场所吸烟现象比例在(10,50]的分布为50%。被调查工作人员中,有51.9%在工作单位受到二手烟的侵害;有60.7%的吸烟者在工作场所的非吸烟区内吸烟,工作人员劝阻率仅为5.9%。全面禁烟的场所,其空气中PM2.5的平均浓度为49.7μg/m3,而部分禁烟场所和不禁烟场所空气中PM2.5的平均浓度分别为67.6μg/m3和66.0μg/m3。结论南昌市办公场所吸烟现象严重,二手烟暴露率高,禁烟措施不完善,控烟执行力度不够。需要加强对吸烟者吸烟和二手烟危害的宣传教育,同时出台相应的"无烟工作场所"地方法规。  相似文献   

目的 了解广州、佛山地区学龄期儿童家庭二手烟暴露情况及其面对暴露时的自我保护行为。方法 采用自行编制的学龄期儿童二手烟暴露及自我保护行为问卷,对广州、佛山两地共385名三年级以上的小学生进行问卷调查。结果 9.2%的小学生曾经尝试过吸烟,且男童显著高于女童(χ2=9.269,P=0.002);46.8%的学龄期儿童与1个或以上的吸烟者同住,且42.6%的吸烟者每天吸烟;学龄期儿童家庭二手烟暴露的来源除了家庭成员,还有客人,其中29.3%学龄期儿童在调查前一个月内曾暴露在客人的二手烟中,42.6%的家人会主动提供香烟给客人;暴露的场所除了家庭室内还有私家车;但90%以上的学龄期儿童不认可吸烟行为,且认为二手烟对自身有害;面对二手烟暴露,98.8%学龄期儿童会采取主动或者被动的自我保护行为,并且其中大部分会尝试劝家人戒烟,而女童更倾向于劝解家人戒烟(χ2=7.161,P= 0.012)。66.7%的吸烟家长被儿童劝解戒烟后会有积极的改变,其中有8.8%学龄期儿童报告吸烟者戒烟了。结论 广州、佛山地区学龄期儿童家庭二手烟暴露情况不容乐观,儿童对被动吸烟有一定的自我保护能力,在性别方面需要针对性的指导。控烟工作应注意将儿童与家长结合起来,共同创建无烟家庭。  相似文献   

目的了解广东省广州市居民二手烟暴露情况,探讨二手烟暴露程度与控烟权利执行意愿的关联性。方法采用多阶段分层随机抽样方法,对广州市5 135名≥15岁居民进行问卷调查,比较不同人口学特征居民二手烟暴露率,并对有统计学关联的二手烟暴露程度和控烟权利执行意愿进行关联性分析。结果不吸烟者4 239人,男性占48.98%;二手烟暴露率为46.99%,男性二手烟暴露率(48.95%)高于女性(45.98%),暴露率高中/中专学历者(55.72%)和企业职员(54.34%)较高,≥65岁组(28.51%)和离异/分居/丧偶者(23.60%)较低;二手烟暴露与控烟权利执行意愿有关联,与二手烟危害知识无关联;对应分析结果显示,知晓并会执行控烟权利与无二手烟暴露相关联;知晓但不会执行控烟权利与二手烟暴露1~3d/周相关联;不知晓控烟权利与二手烟暴露4~7d/周相关联。结论居民有执行控烟权利意愿能减少二手烟暴露,在控烟工作中应加强控烟权利宣传。  相似文献   

目的:了解天津市居民吸烟状况、戒烟想法及戒烟方法的应用,为有针对性地在居民中开展健康教育活动提供依据,同时为制定相关控烟政策提供基础数据。方法使用 PPS 法(按规模大小成比例的概率抽样)在每个区抽取3个街道,共计16个区。使用 PPS 在每个街道抽取2个居委会抽样单位,采用随机抽样方法在每个居委会抽取70个家庭户,每个家庭户采用 KISH 表抽取1名调查对象,每个居委会完成50份调查问卷。结果男性现在吸烟率为42.35%,女性现在吸烟率为10.32%,男性吸烟率高于女性(χ2=760.956,P <0.05),不同文化程度居民吸烟率差异有统计学意义(χ2=95.605,P <0.05)。男性与女性现在吸烟者戒烟意愿差异无统计学意义(χ2=2.959,P >0.05),不同吸烟量的现在吸烟者戒烟意愿差异有统计学意义(χ2=30.434,P <0.05),随着吸烟者吸烟量的增大,想戒烟的比例也在逐渐降低。89.18%现在吸烟者选择靠自己毅力戒烟,7.06%选择拨打戒烟热线。在过去12个月,有42.25%医护人员建议吸烟者戒烟。非吸烟者对主动吸烟及吸入二手烟的危害知晓率高于吸烟者,有戒烟想法的人主动吸烟及吸入二手烟的危害知晓率高于吸烟者。结论应积极开展控烟工作,有针对性地对男性、女性吸烟者开展控烟干预工作,加大戒烟门诊、戒烟热线的宣传,提高医务人员的戒烟知识和戒烟技巧,广泛宣传主动吸烟与被动吸烟的危害,同时政府部门加强控烟法律执行力度,保证人民群众不受二手烟的危害。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To estimate the prevalence of tobacco use, exposure to secondhand smoke, and smoking restrictions in the home and workplace among residents of Tijuana, one of Mexico's largest cities. METHODS: This cross-sectional household survey was conducted in Tijuana, Baja California, Mexico, during 2003 and 2004. A population-based sample of 400 Tijuana adult residents responded to a tobacco survey, and 397 of the surveys were analyzed. RESULTS: About 22.9% (95% confidence interval (CI): 18.7%-27.1%) of Tijuana adults reported current smoking, and 53.9% (95% CI: 48.8%-58.9%) reported chronic exposure to secondhand smoke. Approximately 44.4% (95% CI: 37.9%-50.9%) of Tijuana adults had a nonsmoking policy in their workplace, while 65.8% (95% CI: 61.0%-70.6%) of Tijuana households were smoke-free. CONCLUSIONS: The results underline the need for increased tobacco control efforts, particularly stricter enforcement of existing passive smoking regulations, in order to expand protection from secondhand smoke from private settings to public ones and to curb the tobacco epidemic in Tijuana and elsewhere in Mexico.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Currently, there is little understanding of the relationship between the strength of workplace smoking policies and the likelihood and duration, not just the likelihood, of exposure to secondhand smoke at work. METHODS: This study assessed self-reported exposure to secondhand smoke at work in hours per week among a cross-sectional sample of 3650 Massachusetts adults who were employed primarily at a single worksite outside the home that was not mainly outdoors. The sample data were from a larger longitudinal study designed to examine the effect of community-based tobacco control interventions on adult and youth smoking behavior. Participants were identified through a random-digit-dialing telephone survey. Multiple logistic regression and zero-inflated negative binomial regression models were used to estimate the independent effect of workplace smoking policies on the likelihood and duration of exposure to secondhand smoke. RESULTS: Compared to employees whose workplace banned smoking completely, those whose workplace provided designated smoking areas had 2.9 times the odds of being exposed to secondhand smoke and 1.74 times the duration of exposure, while those with no restrictions had 10.27 times the odds of being exposed and 6.34 times the duration of exposure. CONCLUSIONS: Workplace smoking policies substantially reduce the likelihood of self-reported secondhand smoke exposure among employees in the workplace and also greatly affect the duration of exposure.  相似文献   

目的了解云南省白族居民吸烟和被动吸烟现状及其对脑卒中患病的影响,为脑卒中的预防控制提供科学依据。方法于2018年4—5月采用多阶段分层随机抽样方法在云南省大理州剑川县抽取2501名≥35岁白族居民进行问卷调查。结果云南省2501名≥35岁白族居民中,现在吸烟者762人,现在吸烟率为30.5%;被动吸烟者528人,被动吸烟率为21.1%;患脑卒中者155例,脑卒中患病率为6.2%。多因素logistic回归分析结果显示,在控制了性别、年龄、文化程度、年人均收入等混杂因素后,现在吸烟白族居民患脑卒中的风险为非现在吸烟白族居民的3.717倍(OR=3.717,95%CI=1.624~2.231),被动吸烟白族居民患脑卒中的风险为非被动吸烟白族居民的3.690倍(OR=3.690,95%CI=2.562~5.394)。结论云南省白族居民现在吸烟率较高,被动吸烟率较低,吸烟和被动吸烟均可增加脑卒中的患病风险。  相似文献   

Public health education efforts continue to encourage people to adopt voluntary smoking bans at home; nonetheless, the home remains a place where many people are exposed to secondhand smoke (SHS). Little is known about how SHS exposure in the home differs between adults residing in multiunit housing (MUH) and those residing in single family housing (SFH). This study (1) compared the socio-demographic characteristics, chronic disease conditions, and smoking status of adults living in MUH with those living in SFH, (2) assessed the correlates of living in MUH for adults, and (3) evaluated the association of residency in MUH and SFH with the odds of being exposed to SHS at home using population-based survey data of California adults. Smoking prevalence was significantly higher among MUH residents than SFH residents. The adjusted odds of exposure to SHS at home were 32 % higher for MUH smokers than SFH smokers but were not significantly different for non-smokers. This study presents evidence that there are significant socio-demographic differences between MUH residents and SFH residents and that MUH smokers have higher rates of exposure to SHS at home than SFH smokers after adjusting for other covariates. To reduce home exposure to SHS among MUH residents, it is important to adopt tobacco control policies that are aimed at reducing SHS exposure in and around MUH and at reducing cigarette smoking among current smokers in MUH.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: In an effort to learn more about the smoking behavior of hospital employees, a study was conducted at the University of Kansas Medical Center (KUMC) regarding tobacco usage and secondhand smoke exposure. METHODS: An anonymous voluntary survey was distributed to 4177 full-time employees in Kansas City and Wichita during June and July of 1998. Questions included tobacco usage and exposure to secondhand smoke. The survey results were assimilated in a data base, which was analyzed in a variety of ways to arrive at several conclusive findings. RESULTS: Of the 1187 respondents (28. 4%), 35.1% had smoked at least 100 cigarettes in their life (41% of those had at least a 10 pack-year history), and 11.8% currently smoked. The groups with the highest percentage of current smokers were females (12%), blacks (17%), Kansas City campus employees (12%), and nonfaculty (13%). Sixty-seven percent of respondents were exposed to secondhand smoke in the previous week, and 25% were exposed at KUMC. CONCLUSIONS: After arriving at the results of this study, recommendations include starting an educational campaign against smoking, promoting cessation programs, moving the current smoking area to a less populated area on campus, and investigating a total campus ban on smoking.  相似文献   

Objectives Cigarettes, alcoholic beverages, and street drugs contain substances potentially toxic to the developing embryo. We investigated whether maternal cigarette smoking, secondhand smoke exposure, and alcohol or street drug use contributed to neural tube defect (NTD) occurrence in offspring. Methods We conducted a population-based case-control study among Mexican American women who were residents of the 14 Texas counties bordering Mexico. Case women had an NTD-affected pregnancy and delivered during 1995–2000. Control women were those who delivered live born infants in the same study area, without an apparent congenital malformation, randomly selected by year and facility. We interviewed women in person, 1–3 months postpartum, to solicit relevant information. Results Nonsmoking mothers exposed to secondhand smoke during the first trimester had an NTD odds ratio (OR) of 2.6 (95% confidence interval (CI) = 1.6, 4.0) compared to those who neither smoked nor were exposed to secondhand smoke. Compared to the referent, the OR among women who smoked less than half a pack a day during the first trimester was 2.2 (95% CI = 1.0, 4.8) and 3.4 (95% CI = 1.2, 10.0) among those who smoked a half pack or more. Adjustment for maternal age, education, body mass index, and folate intake had a negligible effect on results. Alcohol and street drug use had no relation to NTD risk when adjusted for cigarette smoking. Conclusions This study suggests that cigarette smoke including secondhand exposure is not only hazardous to the mother but may also interfere with neural tube closure in the developing embryo.  相似文献   



Stroke mortality rates differ by race and region, and smoking and exposure to secondhand smoke are associated with stroke. We evaluated regional and racial differences in current smoking and secondhand smoke exposure among participants in the Reasons for Geographic and Racial Differences in Stroke (REGARDS) study.


African American and white adults (n = 26,373) aged 45 years or older were recruited during 2003 through 2007. Logistic regression was used to examine the likelihood of current smoking and secondhand smoke exposure by race (African American vs white) and region. We compared the buckle of the stroke belt (the coastal plain region of North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia) with the stroke belt (the remainder of North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia, plus Alabama, Mississippi, Tennessee, Arkansas, and Louisiana) and compared each of these regions with the remaining contiguous states.


Among whites, no regional differences in current smoking were seen, but among African Americans, the odds of current smoking were 5% lower in the stroke belt, and 24% lower in the stroke buckle than those in the nonbelt region. Similarly, among whites no regional differences in exposure to secondhand smoke were found, whereas among African Americans, the odds of being exposed to secondhand smoke were 14% lower in the stroke buckle than for nonbelt residents.


These data suggest that rates of current smoking and secondhand smoke exposure are not higher in regions that have higher stroke mortality and therefore cannot contribute to geographic disparities; nevertheless, given that 15% of our participants reported current smoking and 16% reported secondhand smoke exposure, continued implementation of tobacco control policies is needed.  相似文献   

目的 探讨家庭创建无烟环境的有效措施。 方法 于2014年在天津市选取两个社区进行干预。采用多阶段整群抽样的方法,抽取住户,以户为单位,联合社区居委会、学校及社区卫生服务保健机构对其进行干预,主要形式包括大众媒体宣传、发放宣传材料、主题巡展、控烟讲座、烟草危害知识竞赛、微博转发、无烟家庭申报等宣传活动,干预前后调查该户全部15岁以上家庭成员的烟草使用情况及上一周内所有家庭成员及来访客人在家庭中吸烟情况。 结果 共调查976人,总吸烟率为21.3%。其中男性468人,女性508人,男性吸烟率为41.0%,女性为3.1%,干预后调查人群吸烟率较干预前下降了0.4%,但变化差异无统计学意义(P=0.87)。干预后“不想戒烟”的比例由干预前的74.3%下降至58.3%,差异有统计学意义(P=0.000)。干预后家庭成员或客人在家中吸烟、用香烟招待客人、把香烟作为礼物送给别人的比例较干预前有所下降,下降比例分别为19.6%、32.5%和63.0%,差异有统计学意义(P=0.000)。对吸烟及二手烟对健康危害的认知均得到较大程度的提升。无烟环境布置情况均有较大改善,摆放香烟及烟灰缸的现象由62.1%和58.1%分别下降至37.9%和41.9%,有烟蒂(34.7% vs. 65.3%)及烟味(35.4% vs. 64.6%)的比例也有较大幅度下降。 结论 在社区居委会、学校及社区卫生服务保健机构的共同配合下,通过在家庭中实施简单易行的控烟干预方式即可以取得良好的控烟效果。  相似文献   

浙江省2013年成人吸烟及被动吸烟现状调查   总被引:5,自引:5,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
目的 描述2013年浙江省成人吸烟、戒烟和被动吸烟的流行水平及其不同教育水平、职业和地区分布的特点,判断烟草流行变化趋势.方法 采取多阶段分层随机抽样方法,对浙江省45个监测点13 408名15~69岁居民进行入户问卷调查,其中有13 326人合格问卷用于分析.采用总吸烟率、现在吸烟率、常吸烟率、戒烟率、“二手烟”暴露率等指标,根据2010年第六次普查人口进行加权计算.结果 浙江省15~69岁人群中有1 289.65万成年吸烟者(29.59%),其中现在吸烟者998.76万(22.92%),常吸烟者844.72万(19.38%),男性和女性现在吸烟率分别为41.18%和3.69%,男性中45~54岁组最高(51.66%),女性65~69岁组最高(4.62%);人群戒烟率为22.56%,40.19%的现在吸烟者中有戒烟的考虑,选择的主要戒烟方式是“靠自己毅力戒烟”(87.59%);15~69岁人群中有2 276.77万(67.90%) “二手烟”暴露者,以室内场所烟草暴露率最高(62.84%);人群对吸烟、被动吸烟引起其他疾病的认知普遍偏低,对主动吸烟引起3种疾病的知晓率仅为31.52%,对被动吸烟引起3种疾病的知晓率仅为34.04%.结论 浙江省15~69岁居民吸烟和“二手烟”暴露状况严重,对烟草知识的认知率不足.  相似文献   

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