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文中介绍100例程度不同的酒渣鼻患者的治疗经过及疗效观察。详细叙述了磨削划切法治疗酒渣鼻Ⅰ-Ⅲ期,略有不同的手术步骤及术前,术后的处理细节;从病因及病理的角度分析阐述了此种方法的合理性;认为此法治愈率高,达到了治疗和美容的目的,可以广泛应用。  相似文献   

采用冷冻术,切割术,磨削术,切除术并用的方法治疗各种形态的中晚期酒渣鼻45例,探讨了以毛细血管扩张为主的损害,鼻部有轻度增生的肥大损害、有巨大赘生物形成的损害及同时有毛细血管扩张和赘生物形成损害等各型中晚期酒渣鼻可供参考的最佳治疗方案。  相似文献   

共鸣火花疗法快速治疗酒渣鼻1例辽宁省金秋医院康复科(ll00l5)周怡,赵宜男于××,男,52岁,于1995年6月因鼻部及额、颊部多发红丘疹及脓疱疹伴痒痛二周来我院就诊,经皮肤科确诊为酒渣鼻Ⅱ期(丘疹脓疱期),口服灭滴灵、维生素B族药及外涂药液治疗,...  相似文献   

三种方法治疗非螨虫酒渣鼻疗效观察孙长海毛德传藏运书酒渣鼻是常见损容性皮肤病,发病因素甚多,我们对428例蠕形螨感染度较低的酒渣鼻患者,分别或综合采用外擦肤螨灵霜,单纯氦氖激光照射和鼻部倒模加氦氖激光照射3种治疗方法进行对比观察。现报告如下:一、临床资...  相似文献   

一种治疗Ⅲ期初酒渣鼻方法曾抗刘洪黄良周慧娟酒渣鼻之Ⅲ期初,除有鼻部红斑,血管明显充血扩张外,还有因皮脂腺体肥大增生所致的皮脂腺分泌过度及鼻外形过大等改变[1]。针对这些改变,作者采用翻起病变部位皮肤,剪除病变组织、皮下血管网及增生的皮脂腺组织,形成未...  相似文献   

倍频Nd:YAG激光治疗酒渣鼻疗效观察   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的:研究激光治疗酒渣鼻的临床疗效。和倍频Nd:YAG(VPW532nm)激光治疗酒渣鼻,结果:此方法治疗酒渣鼻治愈率80%。结论:倍频Nd:YAG(VPW532nm)激光是治疗酒渣鼻的有效方法之一。  相似文献   

酒渣鼻是一种发生在颜面中部,以皮肤潮红,伴发丘疹、脓疱及毛细血管扩张为表现的慢性皮肤病。传统的西医治疗,疗效较差。自2005年以来,笔者科室采用中西医结合治疗酒渣鼻患者43例,取得了满意疗效,现报道如下。  相似文献   

本文对328例经曲氏检螨法检螨,其感染度在正常范围内(40条/人以内),可以排除蠕形螨感染因素,皮损仅限于鼻部的酒渣鼻患者,随机分成三组.A组228例,采用鼻部倒模加He-Ne激光照射治疗.隔日1次,8次为1疗程.B组50例,单纯外用肤螨灵霜治疗,每日3次、15天为1疗程.C组50例,单纯用He-Ne激光照射,每日1次,每次15分钟,15天为1疗程.各组均经1疗程治疗后,A组总有效率85.96%;B组总有效率62%;C组总有效率38%.A组治愈率及总有效率明显高于B、C两组,差异显著(P<0.01).鼻部倒模加He-Ne激光照射,能明显缩短疗程、提高治愈率.作者认为,将两种治疗方法结合起来,用于治疗非蠕形螨感染引起的酒渣鼻方法简便,无任何痛苦及副作用.  相似文献   

采用冷冻术、切割术、磨削术、切除术并用的方法治疗各种形态的中晚期酒渣鼻45例。探讨了以毛细血管扩张为主的损害、鼻部有轻度增生的肥大损害、有巨大赘生物形成的损害及同时有毛细血管扩张和赘生物形成损害等各型中晚期酒渣鼻可供参考的最佳治疗方案。  相似文献   

目的:探讨红蓝光联合药物治疗Ⅰ期和Ⅱ 期酒渣鼻的有效性及安全性.方法:将皮肤科门诊确诊的120例Ⅰ期和Ⅱ 期酒渣鼻患者随机分为三组,分别给予红蓝光联合口服及外用药物治疗、红蓝光治疗、口服及外用药物治疗16周,在8周末和16周末观察三组的疗效,治疗结束后随访3个月,观察皮疹复发情况和不良反应.结果:联合治疗组的疗效显著优于其他两组治疗,且复发率低、副作用小.结论:红蓝光联合药物治疗Ⅰ期和Ⅱ 期酒渣鼻疗效较好、副作用小,可临床推广应用.  相似文献   

This opinion review considers the prevailing question of whether to screen or not to screen for adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. New and improved standards of people-oriented care and person-centredness, as well as improved principles of preventive screening and guideline development, have been postulated and implemented in health care systems and cultures. Recommendations addressing screening for scoliosis differ substantially, in terms of their content, standards of development and screening principles. Some countries have discontinued issuing recommendations. In the last decade, a number of updated and new recommendations and statements have been released. Systematically developed guidelines and recommendations are confronted by consensus and opinion-based statements. The dilemmas and discrepancies prevail. The arguments concentrate on the issues of the need for early detection through screening in terms of the effectiveness of early treatment, on costs and cost-effectiveness issues, scientific and epidemiologic value of screenings, and the credibility of the sources of evidence. The problem matter is of global scale and applies to millions of people. It regards clinical and methodological dilemmas, but also the matter of vulnerable and fragile time of adolescence and, more generally, children's rights. The decisions need to integrate people's values and preferences – screening tests need to be acceptable to the population, and treatments need to be acceptable for patients. Therefore we present one more crucial, but underrepresented in the discussion, issue of understanding and implementation of the contemporary principles of person-centred care, standards of preventive screening, and guideline development, in the context of screening for scoliosis.  相似文献   

目的 了解巨细胞病毒(CMV)对新生鼠肝胆系统FasL、bcl—2及bax基因表达的影响。方法 新生鼠腹腔注射不同滴度的CMV,在注射病毒后5、10、15、21及28d各处死一批动物。观察动物的体重变化及肝内外胆管的组织学改变。DNA原位末端标记法检测肝脏及肝外胆管的凋亡细胞。免疫组织化学法检测CMV晚期蛋白及FasL、bcl—2及bax蛋白在肝脏及肝外胆管中的表达。结果 病毒注射组小鼠体重的增加明显慢于对照组。病毒注射后可出现肝胆系统的急慢性炎症反应。且可见肝外胆管狭窄。病毒注射组肝脏及肝外胆管的凋亡指数明显高于对照组。FasL及bax在病毒注射组肝脏及肝外胆管中的表达均较对照组高,但bcl—2的表达降低。病毒注射5d后可在肝脏中检测到病毒晚期蛋白。结论 新生鼠腹腔注射CMV可造成鼠肝胆系统损伤,这种损伤可能是由细胞凋亡增加所致。  相似文献   

Abstract: Numerous articles have been published on the multiple use of dialyzers and on the effect of different reprocessing chemicals and techniques on the dialyzer biocompatibility and performance. The results often appear contradictory, especially those comparing standard biocompatibility parameters. Despite this confusion, a discerning review of the published works allows certain limited conclusions to be drawn. Reprocessing of used hemodialyzers changes the biocompatibility profile of a dialyzer as defined by the parameters complement activation. leukopenia, and cytokine release. The effect of reprocessing depends on the chemicals and reprocessing technique applied and also on the type of membrane polymer being subjected to the reprocessing procedure. Reports of pyrogenic reactions indicate that the flux of the membrane also influences how suitable it is for safe reuse. An increased risk of allergic and pyrogenic reactions appears to be associated with dialyzer reuse. Furthermore, there has been a lack of investigations into the immunologic effect of the layer of adsorbed and chemically altered proteins that remains on the inner surface of reprocessed dialyzers. We conclude that the clinical benefit of dialyzer reuse cannot be generally accepted from a biocompatibility point of view.  相似文献   

Rosacea is one of the most common inflammatory skin diseases in the United States, with a complex pathophysiology. One of the major components of the pathophysiology of rosacea is an abnormal immune detection and response to stimuli. Tetracyclines and their derivatives, including minocycline and doxycycline, have anti-inflammatory properties independent of their antibacterial activity that correlate with certain aspects of the pathophysiology, and these drugs are often used by dermatologists to treat rosacea. Biological actions of tetracyclines correlating with rosacea include anti-inflammatory and antioxidative activities, inhibitory effects on angiogenesis, and proteolysis. The objective of this review is to re-establish the current understanding of tetracyclines and their mechanism of action as they relate to the pathophysiology and treatment of rosacea for clinicians. This includes reviewing the inflammatory aspects of rosacea that correlate with the known nonantibiotic properties of tetracyclines and providing the most up-to-date clinical evidence supporting the use of tetracyclines to treat rosacea. Given the evolving and multifactorial nature of pathophysiology, this review offers clinicians a unified picture that includes research on the links between rosacea pathophysiology and clinical presentation, the nonantibiotic properties of tetracyclines that relate to pathophysiologic pathways in rosacea, and the potential for clinical application of tetracyclines in rosacea therapy.  相似文献   

Summary.  In order to elucidate the respective effects of depletion of germ cells and of increase in testicular temperature, rats of the same Wistar strain were rendered experimentally bicryptorchid or sterilized by a busulfan injection in utero and compared to control animals. In both models, germ cells were depleted but numeric evolution and functions of somatic cells differed. The aim of that work was to compare the numeric evolutions of testicular somatic and germ cells to their respective functions in each model before puberty and in adult rats of the same strain. Serum concentrations of FSH, LH and testosterone were compared at 20, 40 and 110 days of age. Histological analyses of Sertoli and germ cells in the seminiferous tubules and of Leydig cells in the intertubular tissue were performed before puberty and at adulthood. Testosterone serum concentrations were depleted in both models starting at 40 days of age and more in busulfan-treated rats. Both FSH and LH levels were increased from 20 days onwards in experimental rats. Additional cryptorchidism in busulfan-treated rats depressed the serum testosterone concentration. At 17 days of age, the cryptorchidism do not modify somatic or germ cell populations while busulfan treatment has induced a decrease of both these populations. Conversely, the cross sectional area of the somatic testicular cells was not affected whatever the treatment. In adult testes of busulfan-treated and cryptorchid rats, the total numbers of Sertoli and Leydig cells and of germ cells per testis were decreased. The cellular size of the perivascular Leydig cells was not modified by any of the treatments whereas the size of the Sertoli cells was reduced.
In conclusion, in both models the absence of germ cells induces a decrease in Sertoli cell function, while the increase in testicular temperature provokes degeneracies of Sertoli and germ cells in the seminiferous tubules of the rat.  相似文献   

Apoptosis and its clinical impact   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Gastman BR 《Head & neck》2001,23(5):409-425
BACKGROUND: Apoptosis or programmed cell death is an orderly cascade that can be regulated and ultimately results in the demise of the cell. Induction of apoptosis can occur by various chemical and biologic agents. Initiation of apoptosis leads to activation of effector molecules particularly caspases. These proteases cleave distinct protein substrates, resulting in the morphologic changes seen in apoptosis. This form of cell death is involved in almost every physiologic and pathogenic process in the body. For this reason the ability to control apoptosis has important therapeutic ramifications. RESULTS: This article reviews the history of the investigation of apoptosis and summarizes the most important pathways and regulatory molecules involved in this process. The major regulators of apoptosis, including the Bcl-2, caspase, and inhibitor of apoptosis families, are examined. The two major apoptotic pathways, including the extrinsic/cell surface death receptor and the intrinsic/mitochondrial pathways, are discussed. A major emphasis is given to examining the relationship between apoptosis and certain disease processes. This review specifically focuses on the importance of apoptosis research in the development of new methods of management of cancer with an emphasis in head and neck oncology. CONCLUSIONS: Apoptosis is a rapidly growing field. The understanding of the mechanisms and effector molecules controlling this form of cell death is evolving. On the basis of increasing knowledge of how programmed cell death is regulated and the improvements in designing and developing gene therapies and chemicals that are more accurate in targeting specific molecules, the control of apoptosis will become more important in the clinical setting. This possibility will open the door for new therapeutic endeavors in many areas of medicine and specifically in the area of oncology.  相似文献   

Adipose tissue has recently emerged as an active endocrine organ that secretes a variety of metabolically important substances, collectively called adipocytokines or adipokines. In this review we summarize the effects of the adipokines leptin, adiponectin, and resistin on the vasculature and their potential role for pathogenesis of vascular disease. Leptin is associated with arterial wall thickness, decreased vessel distensibility, and elevated C reactive protein (CRP) levels. Leptin possesses procoagulant and antifibrinolytic properties, and it promotes thrombus and atheroma formation, probably through the leptin receptors by promoting vascular inflammation, proliferation, and calcification, and by increasing oxidative stress. Research for development of pharmacologic antagonism for the leptin receptor is currently under way. Adiponectin inhibits the expression of the adhesion molecules ICAM-1, VCAM-1, and P selectin. Therefore, it interferes with monocyte adherence to endothelial cells and their subsequent migration to the subendothelial space, one of the initial events in the development of atherosclerosis. Adiponectin also inhibits the transformation of macrophages to foam cells in vitro and decreases their phagocytic activity. Resistin, discovered in 2001, represents the newest of the adipokines and was named for its ability to promote insulin resistance. Resistin increases the expression of the adhesion molecules VCAM-1 and ICAM-1, up-regulates the monocyte chemoattractant chemokine-1, and promotes endothelial cell activation via ET-1 release. Although many aspects of its function need further clarification, it appears that resistin will add significantly to our knowledge of the pathophysiology of vascular disease and the metabolic syndrome.  相似文献   

骨质疏松症是世界常见病、多发病,医学界对骨质疏松症发病机理与防治的研究愈显重要。近年研究表明,各种原因导致的骨量减少常伴有骨髓中脂肪组织含量的增加。骨质疏松的发生可能与骨代谢中成脂和成骨的比例有关。骨髓中脂肪组织在骨形成和造血支持中发挥重要作用,脂肪组织具有内分泌调节功能,释放出一系列重要的分泌性因子,比如:leptin、adiponectin、chemerin、resistin、visfatin等,在调节骨髓间充质干细胞向脂肪细胞分化过程中起关键作用。chemerin是新发现的脂肪因子,它在免疫应答、脂质代谢、糖类代谢、炎症反应等生理病理过程中都起着重要的作用。它与leptin、adiponect等脂肪因子一样参与骨代谢的调节,对维持骨代谢的平衡起着重要的作用。chemerin及其受体CMKLR1信号传递通路的激活可以调节骨髓间充质干细胞的分化,促进破骨细胞的生成,从而影响影响骨的重建。现在chemerin/CMKLR1信号通路影响骨代谢的作用机制还不是很明确,深入研究chemerin及其受体与骨质疏松的关系,可以进一步了解骨质疏松症发生机制,为治疗及预防骨质疏松症及提供了新的方向。  相似文献   

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