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由广东省人事厅与中山医科大学联合举办的首届全国生命科学博士后学术研讨会,1996年10月10~12日在中山医科大学举行。来自全国各重点高等院校、国家重点实验室和科研机构的50多名生命科学专业博士后研究人员出席了会议。中山大学生命科学院李宝健教授和中山医科大学中西医结合研究所所长侯灿敦授,在会上分别作了“当代生命科  相似文献   

新华社信息 :中科院上海生命研究所所长陈凯先院士日前在广西南宁市召开的国际药物化学、新药开发学术研讨会上说 ,近年来国际上创新药物研究发展迅速 ,其发展状况和趋势呈现出两个显著特点。一是生命科学前沿领域如基因组、蛋白质组、生物芯片、转基因动物、生物信息学等等 ,与药物研究紧密结合 ,以发现和确证药物作用新靶点作用重要目标 ,取得了蓬勃的发展。二是一些新兴学科越来越多地渗入到新药的发现和前期研究中。化学、物理学、理论和结构生物学、计算机和信息科学等学科与药物研究的交叉、渗透与结合日益加强 ,使得新药研究的面貌发…  相似文献   

创新是中医学术发展的必然要求   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
禀承中医药学原创思维与原创成就,阐发原创优势,鼓励学人敢于求真求异,学习借鉴现代自然科学的前沿知识、技术,以科学精神体现人文关怀,推动有着几千年悠久历史的中医药学不断进步,丰富生命科学内涵,要做到这一点需要拿出足够的勇气和胆量,因为学术的发展需要不断的创新.  相似文献   

禀承中医药学原创思维与原创成就,阐发原创优势,鼓励学人敢于求真求异,学习借鉴现代自然科学的前沿知识、技术,以科学精神体现人文关怀,推动有着几千年悠久历史的中医药学不断进步,丰富生命科学内涵,要做到这一点需要拿出足够的勇气和胆量,因为学术的发展需要不断的创新.  相似文献   

陈敏 《中国乡村医生》2007,9(11):157-157
开展护理质量管理,拥有配制充足、有良好教育背景的护士群体是基本保障之一。医院应通过组织外出参观、学习,鼓励学历深造和继续教育等各种形式,全面提高护士的专业素质、能力素质、能力水平,获取新技术、新理论、新方法。  相似文献   

范郁山教授系广西名中医,硕士研究生导师。现任广西中医药大学针灸推拿学院院长、针灸经络研究所所长、针灸学学科带头人、中国针灸学会理事、中国针灸学会临床分会常务理事、心脑血管病组副主任委员、广西针灸学会会长。临床上注重辨证施治,具有丰富的临床经验和许多独特的学术见解。  相似文献   

正2015年12月7日,中国科学院公布了2015年院士增选结果,我刊常务编委陈孝平教授当选中国科学院院士。陈孝平,男,安徽阜阳人,博士,1953年6月出生,华中科技大学教授,博士生导师,香港中文大学威尔斯亲王医院外科客座教授。华中科技大学同济医学院附属同济医院主任医师,外科学系主任,器官移植研究所所长,肝脏外科中心主任,肝胆胰外科研究所所长,2015年当选中科院生命科学与医学学部院士。陈孝平院士从事外科临床、教学和研究工作40余年,已施行  相似文献   

汕头遗传学会第三届学术研讨会于近日在澄海白沙汕头蔬菜原种研究所隆重召开,莅临本次研讨会的领导有汕头市科协肖宝光副主席、林启湘部长,汕头大学医学院科研处蔡树深处长以及蔬菜原种所林德雄所长等,参加研讨会的代表有来自汕头、揭阳两市的50多位遗传学专家、教授以及遗传育种的科学工作者。在研讨会上,肖副主席作了热情洋溢的讲话。他首先对本次在生产第一线召开遗传学第三届学术研讨会表示赞赏!遗传学是当今生命科学的前沿学科,对整个国计民生都有着举足轻重的作用。他勉励遗传学工作者,面对21世纪的挑战,应更加备发图强,紧密…  相似文献   

由河北医科大学第二医院呼吸内科主任阎锡新教授组织编写的《呼吸衰竭》图书于2011年9月由科学技术文献出版社正式出版发行。 本书主编阎锡新教授在呼吸衰竭等呼吸内科危重病领域积累了丰富的临床经验,对呼吸内科与危重症有较深刻的理解与体会,目前担任中国医师协会呼吸分会常务委员、中华医学会全科医师分会常务委员、中华医学会河北呼吸分会主任委员、中西医结合学会河北省呼吸分会主任委员、中国病生理学会河北省分会危重病专业委员会秘书长等十多项学术职务,并兼任河北省呼吸病研究所所长。  相似文献   

运用探索性空间数据分析方法对2000-2009年市场化进程、区域企业家精神与经济发展在我国各省域的分布格局与特征进行了分析,结果显示我国省域市场化进程、区域企业家精神与经济发展均存在显著的空间自相关性。从地理特征和社会经济特征两个方面建立空间权重矩阵,在此基础上,进一步采用空间误差模型和空间滞后模型分析市场化进程、区域企业家精神对经济发展的影响,结果表明中国省域经济存在较强的空间溢出效应,市场化程度和区域企业家精神对经济增长具有显著的正效应。基于模型分析结论,提出应加快市场进程改革,鼓励企业家创业,减低区域行政壁垒,鼓励要素的空间合理流动以促进区域经济均衡发展。  相似文献   

D Blumenthal 《JAMA》1992,268(23):3344-3349
Academic-industry relationships in the life sciences remain controversial. The available evidence suggests that such relationships have both benefits and risks for involved parties. Benefits include additional support of academic research, income for academic health centers, the potential for increased scientific and commercial productivity in both industries and universities, and enhancement of the educational experiences of students and fellows. Risks include an increase in secrecy in academic environments and damage to public support for the life science enterprise. The balance of known benefits and risks suggests that academic-industry relationships should be permitted and even selectively promoted. However, there is also a need for enhanced vigilance on the part of academic institutions and government to reduce risks posed by certain types of arrangements, especially those involving human subjects. Enhanced vigilance should include disclosure of all academic-industry relationships by life science faculty.  相似文献   

国医大师何任教授在中医"治未病"领域拥有高深造诣与丰赡经验。文章就何老"治未病"思想的学术渊源及学术内涵展开阐述,认为何老"治未病"思想的学术渊源有三,即中医经著、诸家学说、人生经验,学术内涵主要有六,即顺应四时气候变化、修炼精神、节饮食慎起居、锻炼体魄、讲究环境卫生、防止传染。  相似文献   

地方院校基础医学课程教学团队建设探索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
加强教学团队建设对促进教学质量的提高具有重要的意义。本文结合温州医学院基础医学课程教学团队建设的实践,分析和讨论了基础医学课程教学团队建设的思路、组建原则、具体措施、实际成效,希望能够为地方院校教学团队的建设提供参考。  相似文献   

张缙教授从医60余载,从实践到理论,完善了针灸手法的基本功训练、单式手法、复式手法、针刺得气和针刺补泻等理论,并通过实验反复验证,在针刺手法研究方面取得丰硕成果,他对针刺手法的研究,在全国范围都有举足轻重的地位。张缙教授先后参与国家古籍校释工作,研究古代针刺手法,组织经络科研工作,开展针灸进修教育,将其毕生心血投入到针灸学术事业中。笔者有幸跟随张缙教授多年,对张缙教授的学术思想有了初步的了解,为探求张缙教授学术思想的起源,把其学术思想传承发扬,在张缙教授的指导下,结合检索相关文献,搜集本人口述等方法,了解张缙教授学术思想的渊源。  相似文献   

对医学生心理健康教育的几点思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对医学院校的学生由于学业繁重,学习年限较长,加之医学院校单科设置,文体活动普遍不如综合性院校,理工科院校活跃,所以学习生活中遇到的困难较多,容易产生问题,因此,了解医学生心理问题产生的根源,加强心理健康教育,是高校德育工作者面临的重要课题。  相似文献   

[目的]探讨清代孟河名医费伯雄命肾学说学术思想。[方法]采用医史文献学研究方法,通过研读费伯雄的医学著作,并结合中医各家学说,总结、概括费氏"命肾学说"学术思想。[结果]费伯雄命肾学说学术思想可概括为在命肾与其余脏腑的关系上,费氏认为命肾与心,则君相之火相通;与肺,则根气归肾;与脾,则命火温煦脾土;与肝,则肝肾同源。临床实践中费氏主张阴阳调和,次则取阳;两肾实火可泻,阴火归海;处方用药上贵用参芪地冬,慎用升柴知柏。[结论]费伯雄在继承前人理论的基础上结合临床总结其命肾学说,其学术思想是孟河医派学术思想的一部分,开启了后世孟河医家对命肾理论的研究。孟河医派传承有序,推陈出新,由命肾理论研究可见一斑。  相似文献   

Yedidia MJ  Gillespie CC  Moore GT 《JAMA》2000,284(9):1093-1098
CONTEXT: Although medical educators recognize the need to prepare physicians to work effectively in managed care environments, managed care is often perceived negatively by academic physicians. Curricular reform has been hampered by a failure to seek agreement about specific clinical competencies that are important to both managed care directors and medical educators. OBJECTIVES: To identify specific clinical competencies in the managed care setting and to assess agreement between residency directors and managed care medical directors on the importance of these competencies. DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS: Surveys (1998-1999) of a national sample of 59 residency directors involved in managed care training programs (response rate, 94%); a sample of 186 residents in these programs and 258 matched control residents (response rate, 77%); and national samples of 147 managed care organization (MCO) medical directors (response rate, 67%) and 140 primary care residency program directors in areas of high MCO penetration (response rate, 73%). MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Specific clinical managed care tasks as defined by residency directors; self-reported confidence in performing these tasks by sample residents vs control residents; and importance of these tasks as rated by MCO medical directors and residency program directors. RESULTS: Twenty-six specific clinical managed care tasks were identified by the residency directors. Residents who participated in managed care training were significantly more confident than their counterparts in performing 20 of the 26 tasks (P<.01 for all). Residency directors and MCO medical directors viewed 65% of these tasks as important to patient care during the next 5 years. Of the 10 tasks most highly rated by residency directors and MCO medical directors, 9 were the same, addressing time management, ethics, case management, practice guidelines, cost-effective clinical decision making, referral management, disease management, patient satisfaction, and clinical epidemiology. CONCLUSIONS: Our data indicate that residency directors and managed care medical directors value mastery of many of the same specific clinical competencies in managed care. Previously documented negative attitudes toward managed care among academic physicians may obscure an underlying concordance about the skills essential to managing the health of populations. JAMA. 2000;284:1093-1098  相似文献   

An assessment of how well graduates of one medical school performed in residency training was undertaken to assess the school's monitoring of students' performances. The minutes of the school's student progress committee for four years were reviewed to identify all students who had had academic difficulty. Seven students had been recommended for dismissal but ultimately graduated, 22 students were on academic probation for longer than one year, and 22 students were on academic probation for less than one year. The residency performance of 43 of these 51 students were compared with the performances of a randomly selected group of students who had had no academic difficulties and had graduated during the same period. Of 12 performance and knowledge items assessed by the residency directors for the studied graduates, the one dealing with quality of interaction with patients showed significant differences among the residents. The residents who had had academic difficulty had lower ratings on this item than the residents who had not had academic trouble. On all other items, those residents who had had academic difficulties received generally lower scores than the other residents, but the differences were not statistically significant. Of the seven students considered for dismissal, one had been dismissed and one had withdrawn from the residencies; the other five generally received positive ratings from their residency directors. The findings suggest that the medical school's overall monitoring of students' performance was working and confirmed the authors' opinion that each decision concerning a student with academic difficulties should be based on the student's individual situation.  相似文献   

目的:了解基本医疗保险管理的结构、社会医疗保险经办机构与定点医疗机构对《基本医疗保险服务协议书》实施中的意见,分析和探讨基本医疗保险的管理方式,提出研究建议。方法:对社会医疗保险经办机构和定点医疗机构进行问卷调查,结果用epidata3.0录入,SPSS15.0进行分析。结果:定点医疗机构均有准入制度,进行分级分类管理。医疗机构认为《基本医疗保险服务协议书》没有谈判机制,希望引进第三方进行谈判。《基本医疗保险服务协议书》没有明确的对社会医疗保险经办机构的约束、处罚条款。结论:社会医疗保险经办机构需要明确自身定位,与定点医疗机构沟通,共同制定相关指标,更好地维护参保人员的利益。  相似文献   

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