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睾丸扭转误诊113例分析   总被引:19,自引:5,他引:14  
目的 :提高睾丸扭转 (精索扭转 )诊治水平。 方法 :回顾分析 1994~ 2 0 0 4年总计 113例睾丸扭转误诊的临床资料。 结果 :首诊误诊率 84 .3%。误诊为急性附睾、睾丸炎 81例 (71.7% ) ;鞘膜积液 10例 (8.8% ) ;急性肠炎 7例 (6 .2 % ) ;泌尿系结石 5例 (4.4 % ) ;腹股沟疝 5例 (4.4 % ) ;睾丸肿瘤 3例 (2 .7% ) ;附睾结核 2例 (1.8% )。发病至误诊时间 2h~ 2个月 ,平均 6 .3d。手法复位成功 3例 ;92例行手术探查 ,睾丸、附睾切除 6 4例 ,睾丸萎缩 2 6例 ,总计睾丸毁损率 79.6 %。 结论 :提高首诊医生对睾丸扭转的诊治水平是减少误诊的关键 ,诊断流程采用病史、体征、彩超 3者结合 ,治疗的最佳方法是积极开展阴囊急诊的手术探查。  相似文献   

急性附睾睾丸炎与精索血运障碍(附24例报告)   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
目的:提高对急性附睾睾丸炎性精索血运障碍的认识。方法:对24例行手术探查的急性附睾睾丸炎患者的临床资料进行总结。结果:24例精索均水肿增粗,15例精鞘膜与睾丸鞘膜移行处形成狭窄环,9例附睾与精索紧密粘连。6例术前病程≥10d者中5例睾丸梗死,1例萎缩;18例病程<5d者中1例睾丸便死,1例萎缩,16例恢复正常。结论:急性附睾睾丸炎保守治疗效果不佳的原因可能为精索血运障碍,对这类病例应早期手术治疗。  相似文献   

目的提高精索扭转的诊治水平。方法对23例精索扭转患者的临床资料进行回顾性分析。结果 23例患者中,6例有剧烈活动或外伤史,17例无明显诱因。23例均行彩色多普勒血流成像(CDFI)检查,21例(91.3%)诊断符合,误诊为附睾炎及睾丸占位各1例(4.35%)。1例入院时睾丸已萎缩未行手术,22例中1例行手法复位成功,其余21例行探查手术,16例行睾丸切除,病理报告均为睾丸缺血性梗死;5例保留睾丸并予固定(3例血运恢复,2例因家属要求保留而未行睾丸切除术)。结论对于阴囊急症患者,特别是青少年,急诊应高度警惕精索扭转可能性,对可疑者应立即行B超检查。CDFI是一种高效无创的诊断方法。早期诊断、尽早手术探查可提高睾丸存活率。  相似文献   

目的:提高精索扭转的早期诊断和治疗水平,减少睾丸丧失。方法:回顾性分析2003年8月~2011年12月收治的67例青春期精索扭转的临床资料:患者年龄13~16岁,平均14.6岁。发病6小时内就诊23例,6~24小时39例,24小时以上5例。本组彩超检查53例;手术治疗63例,非手术治疗4例。并分析其确诊、误诊及睾丸挽救率。结果:首诊确诊率72%(48/67),误诊率28%(19/67)。误诊病种包括附睾-睾丸炎52%(10/19),鞘膜积液16%(3/19),腹股沟疝16%(3/19),输尿管结石11%(2/19),睾丸血肿5%(1/19)。67例中,外科干预63例,均为鞘膜内360°~1 080°扭转,其中发病6小时内手术探查19例,睾丸挽救率84%(16/19);6小时以上手术探查44例,睾丸挽救率23%(10/44),两组间差异有统计学意义(P0.05,两组睾丸中位扭转角度540°)。挽救及健侧睾丸行阴囊肉膜下固定术。切除睾丸病理检查结果为出血坏死性改变。非手术治疗4例中,2例手法复位成功,1例就诊睾丸已萎缩,1例自发缓解。挽救睾丸26例,其中16例随访6~18个月,睾丸萎缩11例。结论:精索扭转误诊率较高,青春期突发阴囊剧痛首先要考虑精索扭转的可能。彩超为一线检查方法。扭转程度及缺血时间是影响睾丸结局的重要因素,及时手术探查可降低睾丸切除率。因此,早期确诊和治疗是避免睾丸丧失的关键。  相似文献   

目的:提高对睾丸扭转的认识。方法:睾丸扭转11例,首诊睾丸扭转5例,误诊急性附睾睾丸炎4例,肾绞痛1例,嵌顿疝1例。结果:手法复位1例,睾丸切除4例,复位后行睾丸固定术6例。结论:有阴囊急性病变者应及时充分地检查,对于已诊断睾丸扭转或高度怀疑者,应及时手术探查、复位固定,最大程度地挽救睾丸。在手术时应同时进行对侧睾丸的固定。  相似文献   

彩色多普勒超声在精索扭转诊断和鉴别诊断中的价值   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
目的 :应用彩色多普勒超声鉴别精索扭转和急性睾丸炎。 方法 :回顾性分析 13例急性睾丸疼痛病人的彩色多普勒血流显像 (CDFI)表现和治疗情况。 结果 :8例显示睾丸内血流信号稀疏或消失 ,诊断为精索扭转 ,其中 1例手法复位成功 ,7例手术探查并得以证实。其余 5例显示患侧睾丸血流信号丰富 ,诊断为急性睾丸炎或睾丸附睾炎 ,经抗生素治疗后症状好转 ,超声复查显示血流减少。 结论 :CDFI在精索扭转诊断和鉴别诊断中具有重要意义 ,可作为急性睾丸疼痛病人的首选检查方法  相似文献   

目的:提高睾丸扭转(编者按:实为精索扭转)的诊治水平.方法:回顾性分析21例睾丸扭转患者的临床诊治资料:21例患者中,左侧15例,右侧6例;术前确诊11例,拟诊5例,误诊5例.手法复位2例,睾丸复位固定7例,患侧睾丸切除13例.结果:术后随访3个月~3年,手法复位成功1例;7例睾丸复位固定良好,有1例出现患侧睾丸萎缩;13例行睾丸切除者身体状况良好.结论:睾丸扭转早期诊断甚为重要,应首选彩色多普勒超声检查;及早手术探查是挽救睾丸的关键.  相似文献   

睾丸扭转是一种血管意外,诊治不及时,患睾失去救治机会,会给患者造成心理、性功能和生育上的障碍。本文报告5例,结合文献谈谈诊治体会。临床资料一、临床表现(附表) 二、治疗结果手术探查4例。扭转程度360°2例,540°1例,720°1例,扭转方向:左侧睾丸为逆时针扭转,右侧睾丸为顺时针方向。4例睾丸附睾均坏死而切除。例3,手法复位成功,随访1年未见复发。讨论一、诊断问题,本文4例曾在外院误诊为急性睾丸炎(2例)、急性附睾炎(1例)、嵌顿疝(1例)。文献报告有误诊为急性阑尾炎、睾丸肿瘤、肠扭转等。国内一组11例睾丸扭转,6例被误诊,可见本病的误诊率很高。  相似文献   

精索形态声像图在睾丸扭转诊断中的价值   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目的分析睾丸扭转精索及睾丸内血流声像图表现,旨在强调精索二维图像在睾丸扭转中的价值。方法回顾性分析经手术证实的睾丸扭转患者精索超声和睾丸内血流CDFI检查的声像图特征。结果35例睾丸扭转患者,34例二维出现精索形态异常,31例CDFI出现睾丸内血流改变异常,敏感性分别为97.14%、80.00%;特异性分别为100%、96.70%。结论精索形态声像图改变在睾丸扭转诊断中具重要价值。  相似文献   

目的提高睾丸扭转的诊断和治疗水平。方珐回顾性分析32例睾丸扭转患者的临床资料,32例经手术探查,患侧行睾丸切除或睾丸复位固定、健侧睾丸固定。结果29例患者经彩色多普勒超声确诊为睾丸扭转,23例初诊误诊。19例患侧睾丸切除。13例睾丸保留,其中4例萎缩。站论对于青少年患者阴囊急症,首诊医生应高度警惕睾丸扭转,可疑时立即行彩色多普勒血流显像检查,避免延误诊治。及时手术探查是提高睾丸成活率的关健。  相似文献   

目的总结睾丸扭转的诊治经验。方法23例患者平均年龄24.8岁,发病至确诊时间平均2.4 d(5 h~40 d),10 h以上者占87.0%(20/23)。隐睾扭转4例,行睾丸切除术;阴囊内睾丸扭转19例,其中16例因睾丸坏死予以切除,3例睾丸复位后血供恢复而予保留。结果保存睾丸的3例分别随访18、21和29个月,睾丸萎缩1例,正常2例。20例切除睾丸者随访6个月~5年,彩色多普勒检查示健侧睾丸大小、血供正常。结论睾丸扭转应与睾丸炎及附睾炎鉴别,隐睾扭转应与腹股沟嵌顿疝和急腹症鉴别。彩色多普勒对鉴别诊断有帮助。早期手术探查对降低睾丸切除率有重要意义。  相似文献   

If it is necessary to perform an orchiectomy for an intravaginal testicular torsion it is the usual practice of surgeons to fix the contralateral testis. When faced with a child with only one testis for another reason it is our practice to fix this single testis to eliminate the small but disastrous risk of a torsion. We were interested to see whether this practice was usual and therefore sent out a questionnaire to the 67 consultant paediatric surgeons and urologists in Great Britain. Sixty-six surgeons replied. Seven surgeons (11%) always fix the single testis, 28 (42%) sometimes and 31 (47%) never fix a single testis. Five surgeons had looked after 6 patients who had a torsion of a second unfixed testis after losing the first for a reason other than intravaginal torsion. Four of these patients had initially had a neonatal supravaginal torsion, 1 had a torsion of an undescended testis and the sixth had severe testicular atrophy following an inguinal herniotomy. In our opinion the devastating loss of these solitary testes makes contralateral testicular fixation after an orchiectomy for whatever reason mandatory.  相似文献   

Painful testicular torsion is an emergency which can occur at any age, even after previous fixation of the testis. In the described cases, it was not expected and a misdiagnosis led to loss of the testis. For a patient who has already lost one testicle, this is a catastrophe. A literature search was performed. Previous fixation of the testis does not always prevent torsion. The diagnostic work-up and management of acute testicular pain should not be different after previous fixation of the testis, regardless of age.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND/PURPOSE: Unilateral testicular torsion is known to cause infertility because of damage to the contralateral testis. Testicular damage has been attributed to many different mechanisms, one of which is altered contralateral blood flow. In our experiment, in an effort to identify the reason for contralateral testicular injury, the authors developed an accurate method of measuring blood flow in both testes before, during, and after unilateral torsion. METHODS: Four- to 6-week-old piglets weighing 4 to 6 kg were studied. The animals were anesthetized, intubated, ventilated, and catheterized for vascular access. Piglets were assigned randomly to a sham group or a group undergoing 360 degrees or 720 degrees torsion of the left testis (n = 5 per group) for 8 hours, after which it was untwisted. Data were collected at baseline (T = 0), 8 hours of torsion (T = 8), and 1 hour after detorsion (T = 9). Mean arterial blood pressure and heart rate were monitored continuously. Testicular blood flow was determined using radiolabeled microspheres. Blood flow data were evaluated by analysis of variance. RESULTS: In the 360 degrees torsion group, blood flow changes were insignificant during torsion and after detorsion. In the 720 degrees torsion group, blood flow to the twisted testis was reduced significantly, whereas the contralateral testis was unaffected. One hour after detorsion, blood flow to both testes was increased significantly. CONCLUSIONS: The authors describe a new animal model to evaluate testicular blood flow during and after testicular torsion. Increased blood flow after detorsion may be the cause of testicular damage in patients with unilateral testicular torsion.  相似文献   

Indications for conservative management of acute scrotal pain in children   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Forty-three boys who presented with acute scrotal pain were studied retrospectively. Of these, 40 had torsion of scrotal contents. Torsion of testicular appendages, a self limiting condition, tended to present later than testicular torsion (P = 0.002). The testis was saved in all 11 cases of testicular torsion explored within 12h of the onset of pain but orchidectomy was required in four who presented later. In 11 cases, a torted testicular appendage diagnosed as a tender nodule was found on examining the upper pole of the testis. The remaining 14 cases of torted appendage were diagnosed at operation because testicular torsion could not be excluded due to scrotal swelling. Most (12) of this operated group were not seen until 3 days after the onset of pain. This study suggested that urgent operation was unnecessary in those in whom a tender nodule was found (pathognomonic of a torted appendage) and in those presenting after more than 24h of pain with scrotal erythema and oedema. The likely diagnosis in the latter case is a torted appendage and in cases of torsion of the testis there is no prospect of salvage at this stage. These guidelines were applied to a group of 20 boys studied prospectively. In eight, all with less than 24h of pain, immediate exploration was undertaken and testicular torsion was confirmed in six. The remaining 12 fulfilled the criteria for conservative management and were observed. All had normal testes at late review. Careful clinical assessment in boys with scrotal pain indicates which cases may be treated by non-operative management without fear of losing a salvageable testis.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: Bilateral testicular torsion is a rare condition. Most authors present single case reports. Therefore, the clinical and surgical aspects of bilateral torsion in a neonate have not been subjected to detailed analysis. We performed a retrospective analysis of our experience in the management of bilateral perinatal torsion as well as a collective review of the medical literature. MATERIALS AND METHODS: All cases of neonatal testicular torsion managed at our neonatal surgical center during the last 2 decades (1986 to 2005) were reviewed, and 3 cases of bilateral torsion were identified. In addition, 45 neonatal cases of bilateral torsion were found through the literature search. In all cases data regarding clinical presentation, imaging studies, surgical management, intraoperative and pathological findings, and final outcome were analyzed. RESULTS: Synchronous torsion occurred in 32 of 48 newborns (67%), while asynchronous pathology was reported in 16 (33%), including the 3 presented in this report. All except 1 patient were full-term newborns with normal or above average birth weight. Difficult delivery was noted in 33% of the cases. Despite prompt surgical intervention in 46 infants, the salvage rate was low, with arterial flow confirmed postoperatively in only 3 gonads (3.1%). Four gonads in 3 additional patients were reported to be of normal size on followup. CONCLUSIONS: Asynchronous torsion is not as rare an event as previously reported, and it may pose a diagnostic challenge. In the majority of these cases torsion of the left testis seems to occur later than torsion of the right testis. The role of imaging studies in newborns with bilateral torsion seems to be limited, especially in cases of asynchronous pathology. Urgent bilateral exploration is strongly advised in all newborns presenting with either unilateral or bilateral torsion. Such policy carries diagnostic, potential therapeutic and prognostic implications.  相似文献   

Torsion of scrotal contents in children   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
One hundred and forty consecutive cases of torsion of scrotal contents were reviewed retrospectively. There were 95 cases of torsion of the testicular appendage and 45 cases of testicular torsion. Testicular torsion was more common on the left and patients tended to present earlier with more systemic upset in the form of vomiting, abdominal and groin pain than patients with torsion of a testicular appendage. Pathognomic features of examination were an elevated or ectopic testis in 50% of cases of testicular torsion and a palpable tender blue nodule in 21% of cases of torsion of a testicular appendage. We believe that it is often possible to distinguish between these two conditions and, where this is possible, a trial of conservative management is justified for torsion of a testicular appendage.  相似文献   

目的:探讨低温联合地塞米松对睾丸扭转复位后的保护作用,以及对eNOS表达及生精细胞凋亡的影响。方法:将80只青春期SD大鼠随机分为4组,每组20只。4组大鼠分别扭转左侧睾丸720°2 h,建立单侧睾丸扭转模型,随后各组做如下处理,A组:常温+生理盐水、B组:低温+生理盐水、C组:低温+地塞米松、D组:常温+地塞米松;术后48 h采集睾丸,通过HE染色光镜观察睾丸组织病理学改变、免疫组化法检测eNOS表达、TUNEL法检测睾丸生精细胞凋亡。结果:HE染色光镜下见4组大鼠扭转侧睾丸组织均有不同程度损伤,其中A组睾丸损伤最明显,其余3组扭转侧睾丸得到不同程度保护;睾丸组织eNOS免疫组化检测结果:A组扭转侧(左侧)睾丸组织阳性细胞数及阳性细胞着色强度明显强于B、C、D 3组,差异具有显著性(P<0.05、P<0.01、P<0.01);凋亡细胞染色:细胞核呈深棕黄色或棕褐色,A组扭转侧(左侧)睾丸可见大量生精细胞凋亡,凋亡指数AI(31.12±4.68)明显高于B组(16.58±6.22)(P<0.05)及C(8.60±1.15)、D组(13.52±3.06)(P<0.01)。结论:睾丸扭转复位后的缺血再灌注损伤可导致生精细胞凋亡增加、睾丸生殖能力下降;应用低温联合地塞米松能显著增强睾丸组织的抗损伤能力,较好地保护了扭转复位后睾丸的生精功能。  相似文献   

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