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目的:研究分析无偿献血市民ABO血型正反定型不符的原因。方法:应用ABO血型正反定型试验、吸收-放散试验、唾液血型物质检测试验和谱细胞鉴定试验,检测ABO血型正反定型不符的标本。结果:22例无偿献血者ABO血型正反定型不符的标本经检测鉴定,分别为A亚型1例(A2亚型),B亚型2例(B3型1例,Bm型1例),抗B减弱2例,抗M抗体12例,冷抗体4例,Le^b抗体1例。结论:当ABO血型正反定型不相符时,必须进行鉴定和确认试验,以确定红细胞上的弱抗原或血清中的弱抗体和不规则抗体,从而确保临床用血安全。  相似文献   

目的:通过调查分析36例患者ABO血型定型困难的影响因素,找寻解决临床疑难交叉配血不合的最佳方法,确保临床输血安全。方法:通过正反定型试验、红细胞吸收放散试验,分别检测患者红细胞上有无A、B、H抗原,运用唾液ABH血型物质的测定方法检测患者唾液中有无ABH血型物质。运用抗体筛选试验,查找患者ABO血型定型困难的原因。结果:36例ABO血型定型困难患者血清中存在IgM自身冷凝集素22例、不规则同种免疫性抗体及IgM冷凝集素1例、不规则抗体3例、IgM加IgG自身免疫性抗体3例、低温抗B抗体1例、弱抗-A和(或)弱抗-B抗体6例。结论:ABO血型定型的影响因素很多,患者血清中存在IgM自身冷凝集素、ABO血型系统以外的不规则同种免疫性抗体、(IgM加IgG)自身免疫性抗体以及患者自身年龄、病因易造成抗原或抗体减弱等因素均可导致ABO血型定型困难,影响临床输血治疗。  相似文献   

目的:通过对河北省血液中心献血者ABO血型正反定型不符的回顾性分析,了解ABO血型正反不符引起的报废血状况,探索对ABO血型正反不符献血者血液的处理对策。方法:对河北省血液中心检验科送检的ABO血型正反定型不符的献血者样本进行ABO血型鉴定,不规则抗体筛查等试验,记录结果,以查找AB0血型正反定型不符的原因。结果:在241例ABO正反不符的样本中,ABO亚型69例,占标本总数的28.63%;假凝集(冷凝集)27例,占标本总数的11.20%;抗体筛查阳性48例,占标本总数的19.92%;抗体减弱或缺失78例,占标本总数的32.37%;正常血型19例,占标本总数的7.88%。结论:引起ABO正反不符的原因主要是ABO亚型,血样中存在假凝集或冷凝集,ABO以外抗体影响,抗A或抗B抗体弱4种情况。对于这些ABO正反不符的献血者血液如何处理国家没有统一的标准,一般将血液报废,献血者淘汰。其中,部分血液能否经过处理后用于临床,希望与大家共同探讨。  相似文献   

目的:研究MNS抗体特性,并探索如何有效减少其对血型鉴定和交叉配血的干扰。方法:选取2015-01—2017-12血型正反定型不符和交叉配血不合的标本427例进行意外抗体筛查、鉴定,检测MNS抗体性质,自备反定型标准红细胞(RBC),对交叉不合标本重新鉴定血型,46例阳性患者予以不含相应抗原的RBC重新交叉,比较输血前后Hb、RBC、Hct差异情况。结果:427例标本中MNS抗体阳性105例,其中抗-M抗体93例,抗-N抗体4例,抗-S抗体6例,抗Mur抗体2例。女性MNS抗体中IgM类66例,IgG类9例,IgM+IgG类6例,女性有输血和妊娠史37例(45.68%),单独妊娠史22例(27.16%),用不含相应抗原的ABO同型血重新鉴定血型,结果正反定型相符。46例患者共输注缺少相应抗原RBC 96单位,输血前后Hb、RBC、Hct差异均有统计学意义(t=60.575,45.299,80.426,均P=0.000)。结论:MNS意外抗体大部分为抗-M,抗体性质以IgM为主,当遇血型正反不符、交叉不合时应采用多种方法进行检测,以正确判断血型并进行交叉配血,确保临床输血安全。  相似文献   

目的:分析ABO血型正反不符标本的原因及确认试验结果。方法:应用ABO正反定型和吸收-放散试验及借助其他抗血清和不规则抗体鉴定,检测ABO正反定型不符的标本。结果:街头无偿献血者初检65210人份的血型检测结果显示,28例血型正反定型不相符,经试验确认无偿献血者分别判定为19例错型;7例亚型(Bx1例、A382例、B31例、A32例、cisAB1例);2例为不规则抗体(抗-M1例、抗Ⅰ例)。临床患者输血前正反定型不相符7例(A382例亚型、A31例亚型、冷凝集2例、自身溶血型贫血2例)。结论:当血型正反定型不符时,必须增加抗A、B及抗H等稀有试剂,结合不规则抗体筛选和吸收-放散试验以确定和排除红细胞上的弱抗原或血清中的弱抗体。  相似文献   

目的:分析沧州地区患者ABO正反定型不符原因,采取应对措施,保证输血安全。方法:收集2005-2012年临床送检患者ABO正反定型不符标本及临床资料,应用ABO血型正反定型、吸收放散、血型物质检测、抗体鉴定等血型血清学方法,对疑为ABO亚型的有条件者收集其家系资料,做分子生物学鉴定。结果:114例血型正反定型不符原因依次为冷凝集素30例(26.3%),抗体减弱23例(20.2%),血浆异常14例(12.3%),人为因素12例(10.5%),自身抗体10例(8.8%),ABO亚型8例(7%),不规则抗体6例(5.3%),抗原减弱5例(4.4%),输异型血4例(3.5%),溶血2例(1.8%);2005-2012年临床送检不符标本量及冷凝集素、抗体减弱、人为因素等送检原因呈下降趋势。结论:患者ABO正反定型不符时,应结合患者的年龄、临床诊断、近期输血史、输液史等临床资料,加做血型血清学试验,有条件者辅助分子生物学试验,正确鉴定ABO血型,有效防止亚型及有意义不规则抗体的漏检,确保临床输血安全;加强对临床输血的督导和医护人员输血知识的培训有效减少了患者ABO正反定型不符的送检量。  相似文献   

目的:分析意外抗体在ABO血型鉴定中的干扰作用,为ABO疑难血型鉴定提供思路和对策。方法:对全自动血型仪检测的ABO血型正反定不合的样本结合盐水试管法、抗体筛查及鉴定结果以及病史资料综合分析。结果:26例引起正反定不合的抗体中IgM18例,IgG8例,分别是抗-M10例、抗-Lea2例、抗-N1例、抗-P12例、抗-JKa1例、抗-D2例、抗-E2例、抗-C1例、抗-c1例、抗-Fya1例、自身抗体3例。结论:IgM和IgG两类意外抗体均能引起ABO血型正反定不合,反定细胞应该选用常见意外抗体对应抗原表位缺失的红细胞。  相似文献   

目的 探讨新生儿ABO同型血交叉配血不合的主要原因及相应的安全输血策略和措施.方法 选取2018年6月至2020年4月我院收治的105例ABO同型血交叉配血不合的新生儿为研究对象,采用微柱凝胶法实施ABO血型正反定型,进行Rh血型检测、自身抗体检测、Coomb's试验、不规则抗体筛选、特异性鉴定与冷凝集素检测;采用凝聚...  相似文献   

目的:调查天津地区某教学医院职工的血型分布特征,建立血型档案,为日后职工安全供输血提供理论依据。方法:通过应用血清学正反定型、ABO基因分型试验等方法检测该院1 287位职工的ABO血型、使用单克隆IgM抗D血清鉴定Rh(D)血型。结果:ABO血型中A型占28.7%,B型占31.5%,O型占28.6%,AB型占11.2%,血型分布特征为BAOAB。Rh(D)阴性血型11人,阴性率0.85%。3例ABO正反定型不符,其中2例基因分型检测鉴定结果为B(A)型;另外1例为B型,NN,有抗M抗体存在。结论:根据本研究,建立健全了职工血型档案,了解了该院职工的血型分布特征,明确检测ABO正反定型的重要性,防止亚型及有意义不规则抗体对血型鉴定的影响,确保ABO、Rh血型定型结果的准确。  相似文献   

目的:通过与盐水试管法的比较,探讨HAMILTON STARLET IVD(HSI)全自动微柱凝胶免疫检测分析仪在ABO血型正反定型及RhD血型鉴中的应用效果。方法:使用HSI全自动微柱凝胶免疫检测分析仪对1 002例样本进行ABO血型正反定型及RhD血型鉴定,并与盐水试管法进行比较。结果:1 002份血标本中,HSI全自动微柱凝胶免疫检测分析仪对ABO血型正反定型判读成功率为99.5%(997/1 002),盐水试管法为99.6%(998/1 002),2种方法比较差异无统计学意义;其中5例标本正反定型不符,系统无法判定结果,结合盐水试管法离心3次后再检测血型,正反定型相合;系统对RhD血型检测一次性判读成功率别为99.9%(1 001/1 002),盐水试管法一次性判读成功率为100%,两者比较差异无统计学意义;HSI全自动微柱凝胶免疫检测分析仪每小时可检测ABO正反定型及RhD血型标本60份,手工法平均为45份。结论:HSI全自动微柱凝胶免疫检测分析仪鉴定血型结果快速、准确可靠,且结果图像可长时间保存,可替代盐水试管法应用于临床,如遇疑难血型时结合盐水试管法检测,效果会更好。  相似文献   

ABO hemolytic disease of the newborn without hyperbilirubinemia is described in 17 full-term infants. The erythrocyte characteristics, such as reticulocytosis, microspherocytosis, and positive indirect antiglobulin (Coomb's) test, resembled those in ABO disease with hyperbilirubinemia. Erythrocyte acetylcholinesterase activity was reduced in this group to the same degree as in the more severely affected infants. Negro infants predominated over white, in a 2.5:1 ratio in this mild ABO group.  相似文献   

 Acute leukemia is more common in males at almost every age, and this fact remains unexplained. A study was carried out in northeast peninsular Malaysia, where the population is predominantly Malay, to examine whether there was a difference in ABO blood group distribution between males and females with acute leukemia (AL). The ABO blood groups of 109 male and 79 female patients with AL (98 ALL, 90 AML) were compared with those of 1019 controls. In the control population, 39.7% were group O. Among males with AL, 39.4% were group O, whereas among females with AL, the proportion was 24.1% (p=0.03). The same trend to a lower proportion of group O among females was seen if the group was divided into adult/pediatric or lymphoblastic/myeloblastic groups, though these differences were not statistically significant. If these findings can be confirmed, they suggest the presence of a "sex-responsive" gene near to the ABO gene locus on chromosome 9, which relatively protects group O women against AL, at least in our population. The existence of such a gene might also partly explain why acute leukemia, and possibly other childhood cancers, are more common in males. Received: July 28, 1998 / Accepted: January 27, 1999  相似文献   

D. Voak 《Vox sanguinis》1969,17(6):481-513
Summary. A study of the pathogenesis of ABO HD is essentially a study of the interrelationships of the maternal IgG anti-A/anti-B antibodies with the various components of the 'protective mechanism'.
There is an equilibrium of IgG antibodies across the placenta and thus, ABO HD occurs more frequently in cases with high titre IgG antibodies than in cases with low titre IgG antibodies.
The foetal blood group substance 'protects' the infants by competing with the red cells for the incompatible antibodies. Small amounts of the homologous blood group substance reduce the IgG anti-A/anti-B reaction with A/B red cells and the degree of inhibition increases as the antigenic strength of the red cells decreases.
Possible reasons for the difference in combining power of the various adult and foetal red cells are discussed.
A small deficiency of non-secretor infants and fathers was observed and the possible roles of secretor status in ABO HD are discussed.  相似文献   

骨髓增生异常综合征ABO血型鉴定观察   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
目的:研究46例骨髓增生异常综合征(MDS)病程中ABO血型检定及抗体的变化。方法:采用血型血清学试验检测ABO血型抗原强度变化。结果:血型抗原减弱或丢失者占17例(37.0%),A抗原最容易减弱或丢失,ABO抗体也可以减弱。结论:吸收放散试验、血型物质检测及家系调查可以防止误定ABO血型。  相似文献   

ABO blood group antigens, of great importance in transplantation and transfusion, are present on virtually all cells, as well as in soluble form in plasma and body fluids. Naturally occurring plasma IgM and IgG antibodies against these antigens are ubiquitous. Nonetheless, the ABO blood group system is widely ignored by many transfusion services, except for purposes of red cell transfusion. We implemented a policy of transfusing only ABO identical platelets and red cells in patients undergoing stem cell transplantation or treatment for hematologic malignancies. Major bleeding episodes have occurred in about 5% of patients undergoing induction therapy for acute leukemia as compared with 15-20% in the literature. Overall survival times appear to be superior to that in historical cohorts. In 2002-2004, treatment-related mortality at 100 days in our Blood and Marrow Transplant Unit was 0.7% for autologous transplants (n=148), 13% for sibling allogeneic transplants (n=110), and 24% (n=62) for matched unrelated allogeneic transplants, suggesting that our approach is safe. We speculate that more rigorous efforts on the part of transfusion services to provide ABO identical blood components, and to remove incompatible supernatant plasma, when necessary, might yield reduced morbidity and mortality in patients undergoing stem cell transplantation.  相似文献   

Objectives To estimate, by neonatal screening, the birth prevalence of congenital toxoplasmosis among live‐born infants in Sergipe state, Brazil, and to investigate the clinical features of affected infants. Methods Dried blood spot specimens obtained from 15 204 neonates were assayed for the presence of anti‐T. gondii IgM antibodies. Duplicate retesting was done in infants with positive and borderline results. Confirmatory testing in peripheral blood samples consisted of testing for anti‐T. gondii IgG and IgM in infants and mothers. Those with possible congenital toxoplasmosis were evaluated and followed up to a median age of 20 months. Congenital infection was confirmed in the presence of persisting anti‐T. gondii IgG antibodies beyond 12 months of age. All infants with confirmed infection were treated with pyrimethamine, sulfadiazine and folinic acid for 1 year. Results Fifty‐three infants had detectable IgM in dried blood spot specimens. Confirmatory testing was reactive in 39/50, of which, 38 completed follow‐up. Six of 15 204 newborns were diagnosed with congenital toxoplasmosis, resulting in an estimated birth prevalence of four per 10 000 [CI 95% 1.4–8.0]. Four infants (67%) showed signs of congenital toxoplasmosis in their first year of life; three (75%) had retinochoroidal scars, and one had cerebral calcifications. Two infants remained asymptomatic until 20 months of age. Conclusions The birth prevalence of congenital toxoplasmosis is high in the Brazilian state of Sergipe, with most of the infants showing ocular lesions. Preventive measures are strongly warranted.  相似文献   

ABO blood groups in malaria and schistosomiasis haematobium   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We sought to determine if there was any relationship between ABO blood groups and susceptibility to malaria and urinary schistosomiasis. In Epe and outlying villages in south-western Nigeria, we examined 681 people for their blood groups, malaria parasitemia and for the presence of Schistosoma haematobium eggs in their urine specimens. Two hundred and sixty-nine individuals were parasitemic for falciparum malaria, 97 subjects had urinary schistosomiasis and 56 people carried concurrent infections of both parasites. Frequencies of the blood groups were 56.68% for group 0, 22.32% for group B, 18.5% for group A and 2.50% for the AB group. The rates of infection with malaria and/or schistosomiasis showed no significant association with the frequencies of the ABO blood groups.  相似文献   

Screening for IgM titers of anti-A and anti-B is recommended when providing ABO incompatible platelet transfusion. The life-time of reagent cells depends upon the preservative diluents. We aimed to evaluate the IgM titers of anti-A and anti-B testing with magnetized-erythrocyte group antigens (MEGA) and fresh RBCs and study the relationship of ABO antibody titers between both techniques. Altogether, 100 serum samples from group O donors at the National Blood Centre, Thai Red Cross Society, Bangkok, Thailand were included. EDTA blood from three different A and B blood group individuals was prepared as fresh reagent RBCs and MEGA. Each serum sample was tested simultaneously for IgM anti-A and anti-B titers using fresh RBCs and MEGA by standard tube technique. Antibody titers were compared between both techniques. Test for reproducibility and stability of MEGA were performed. The IgM anti-A and anti-B titers using fresh RBCs yielded higher agglutination scores than MEGA (P < 0.001). However, a good correlation was obtained in the agglutination titers (anti-A, r = 0.838 and anti-B, r = 0.877). The mean and standard deviation of anti-A and anti-B titers using MEGA from five sera in triplicate showed no significant difference (P > 0.05). Moreover, the titer test results using MEGA after dilution remained stable up to 8 h. The MEGA can be used as a replacement for fresh RBCs to perform ABO serum grouping. It is simple to use, avoids centrifugation and provides good results in terms of stability and reproducibility.  相似文献   

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