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MRI不同序列在骨挫伤诊断中的应用价值   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
[目的]探讨MRI不同序列在骨挫伤诊断中的应用价值。[方法]对2006年8月~2006年12月间的45例骨挫伤患者行MRI检查,MRI扫描前均经CR、DR或CT扫描证实没有发生骨皮质的断裂与移位。临床主要表现为局部肿胀、疼痛及活动受限。使用SiemensNovus1.5T超导MRI机器,脊柱扫描使用肢体线圈,膝关节扫描使用膝关节线圈,行矢状位、冠状位及横断扫描。扫描序列包括自旋回波序列(SE)T1WI、快速自旋回波序列(TSE)T2WI、梯度回波序列(FL2D)T2WI、脂肪抑制序列T2WI。[结果]自旋回波序列(sE)T1WI检出44例,检出率为97.7%,快速自旋回波序列(TSE)T2WI检出37例,检出率82.2%,梯度回波序列(FL2D)T2WI检出24例,检出率75%,脂肪抑制序列T2WI检出45例,检出率100%。骨挫伤检出率脂肪抑制序列T2WI高于TSET2WI(P〈0.05),TSET2WI高于FL2DT2WI(P〈0.05)。骨挫伤高场MRI信号改变主要表现为T1WI呈低信号,rISET2WI呈等高信号,FL2DT2WI呈混杂稍高信号,脂肪抑制序列T2WI呈明显高信号。边界不清,信号不均匀。[结论]对于骨挫伤脂肪抑制序列T2WI检查好于TSET2WI及FL2DT2WI,与SE T1WI相结合能够更敏感的发现骨挫伤改变。  相似文献   

目的:探讨MRI三点定位(MR 3PPS)扫描技术在脊柱侧凸患者术前评估中的应用价值。方法:对261例普涵X线平片显示脊柱侧凸的患者应用MR 3PPS扫描技术,以自旋回波T1WI及T2WI序列在同一幅同像上显示整个脊柱及椎管内脊髓全貌。结果:261例均可在一幅同像上完整最示扭曲的脊柱及椎管内脊髓的全貌,了解脊柱侧凸的程度、伴发畸形、椎管内脊髓情况及椎体骨质异常等表现。结论:MR3PPS技术的应用大大提高了诊断脊柱侧凸及了解是否伴发其它畸形的直观性和准确性,是术前正确评估脊柱侧凸、伴发畸形和了解椎管内情况的重要手段,对脊柱侧凸患者手术治疗有很好的指导作用。  相似文献   

多节段脊柱骨折的治疗   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的探讨多节段脊柱骨折的损伤机制,伤情特点及诊治方法。方法对于1998年10月至2003年12月期间脊柱多阶段骨折进行回顾性分析。52例多节段骨折,相邻型33例(63.5%),非相邻型19例(36.5%),其中胸腰段损伤30例(57.5%),50例(96%)伴有神经损伤,脊髓功能按Frankel分级,A级11例,B级17例,C级15例。D级7例。E级2例,平均年龄38岁,延迟诊断19例。损伤原因以高处坠落(55.8%),交通事故(25%)为主。保守治疗28例,手术治疗24例,除7例行胸椎单纯减压以外,颈椎、胸腰段、胸椎均行切开减压并不同内固定器械固定。计有Orion1例。TSRH1例,Dick4例,SF2例,RF3例,AF2例,CD4例。固定椎体跨2节到4节不等。结果经过平均16.5个月随访。52例多节段骨折均获骨性愈合,脊髓功能改善1级者21例,改善2级者11例,无改善者20例。其中FrankelA级11例,仅有2例有改善。结论多发性脊柱骨折发生率较低,易漏诊。伤情重,合并伤多,多伴有脊髓损伤,以青壮年男性多发。高空坠落,交通事故是常见原因。损伤的康复取决于脊髓受伤程度,手术积极干预,对患者康复有帮助。  相似文献   

无骨折脱位型颈脊髓损伤的手术策略   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
目的:探讨无骨折脱位型颈脊髓损伤的手术策略及治疗效果。方法:1996年至2004年诊治无骨折脱位型颈脊髓损伤患者42例,根据受伤机制(屈曲暴力或过伸性损伤)及影像学表现(脊髓损伤不同)采用了3种手术方式,前路减压脊柱稳定性重建8例(I组),后路减压11例(Ⅱ组),后路脊柱稳定性重建23例(Ⅲ组),观察各组手术治疗前后及随访时JOA评分变化。结果:所有病例未发生血管、神经损伤等严重并发症,术后JOA评分平均增加4.1分(Ⅰ组4.2分.Ⅱ组3.6分,Ⅲ组4.2分).随访4、12、24周,JOA评分分别平均增加6.7分(Ⅰ组6.7分.Ⅱ组6.3分,Ⅲ组6.9分)、7.8分(Ⅰ组7.7分,Ⅱ组7.2分.Ⅲ组8.1分)、8.1分(Ⅰ组8.1分.Ⅱ组7.7分.Ⅲ组8.3分)。l例术后1年时仍有神经功能的改善。结论:对无骨折脱位型颈脊髓损伤,根据受伤机制及影像学检查.有针对性地选择手术方式.可以获得较好的临床结果。  相似文献   

胡冬敏 《中国科学美容》2011,(22):124-124,134
目的探讨MRI对脊柱外伤的诊断价值。方法回顾性分析急性脊柱外伤45例患者24h内的MRI表现。结果椎骨骨折32例,脊椎损伤14例;脊髓水肿15例,脊髓完全性断裂3例,不完全性断裂2例;椎旁软组织及韧带损伤27例,椎间盘损伤17例。MRI对脊柱外伤临床诊断明确。结论 MRI对脊柱外伤的诊断和预后的评估具有重要的价值,更是临床脊髓损伤的重要检查方法。  相似文献   

前交叉韧带损伤:3.0TMR影像与关节镜对照分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的分析膝关节前交叉韧带损伤的3.0TMRI特征,并与关节镜手术结果对照。方法回顾性分析来我院行3.0T MR膝关节检查的36例前交叉韧带损伤患者的40个膝关节,全部病例经关节镜检查确诊。应用3.0T MR机(Philips Achieva型),膝关节专用线圈,进行斜矢状位TSE T1WI、TSE T2WI、PD-SPIR和冠状位、轴位TSE T2WI扫描。前交叉韧带损伤分为完全断裂、撕裂(部分断裂)及胫骨端撕脱。将膝关节前交叉韧带损伤的3.0T MR影像特征与关节镜手术结果进行对照分析。结果前交叉韧带完全断裂MRI直接征象表现为韧带连续性中断,断端肿胀(21/25),间接征象为交叉韧带过度弯曲、T2WI和PD-SPIR股骨髁间窝外侧骨挫伤;MRI与关节镜诊断完全符合率为84.00%。前交叉韧带撕裂(部分断裂)MRI直接征象为ACL矢状T2WI和PD-SPIR显示形态不规则、部分撕裂,ACL局部肿胀增粗,信号增高,仍可见连续存在的纤维低信号;MRI与关节镜诊断完全符合率为66.67%。前交叉韧带胫骨端撕脱MR检查直接征像为胫骨近端可见T1WI、T2WI低信号撕脱骨片(3/3),ACL水肿、形态不规则,周围可见出血、积液,MRI与关节镜诊断符合率为100%。结论高场强3.0TMR膝关节诊断的多平面、多序列影像相结合可形成ACL立体影像观,结合临床能够有效诊断ACL损伤。  相似文献   

17岁以下儿童与少年脊柱脊髓损伤   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
报告了17岁以下儿童及少年脊柱脊髓损伤30例。占同期脊柱骨折、脊髓损伤的6.06%。主要致伤原因为高处坠落。损伤节段以腰椎为主,多节段脊柱骨折的发生率为40%。30例中26例有神经系统障碍。分析认为:儿童少年脊柱脊髓损伤中多节段脊柱骨折较多;无明显骨折脱位的脊髓损伤较多;保守治疗效果颇佳且病人恢复快,预后良好。  相似文献   

胸腰椎骨折(Tll~L。)引起的脊髓损伤(1.2~SI节段及马尾神经上部分)压迫大多来自椎管前方,由脱位的椎体、粉碎骨折片、突出和破裂的椎间盘等压迫损伤所致。这提示了前路减压的彻底性和合理性。近9年来,我们对16例胸腰椎骨折伴脊髓损伤患者进行了前路减压、椎体钉固定手术,现将治疗体会报告如下。临床资料本组男14例,女2例,年龄25~56岁,平均34岁。损伤部位:T125例,LI7例,1.;4例。按脊柱受伤机制,结合X光片分类,屈曲压缩型骨折9例,屈曲牵张型4例,爆裂型3例。脊髓损伤情况按Frankel神经功能分级标准,A级9例,B级2…  相似文献   

脊柱骨折十分常见,约占全身骨折的5%~6%,脊柱骨折可以并发脊髓损伤特别是颈椎骨折脱位损伤脊髓引起截瘫的可能性比较多能严重致残甚至丧失生命。本地区(新疆和田地区)核桃产量比较多,核桃是和田的特产,是农民的主要经济来源之一,因核桃树枝松脆,容易断裂,农民每年采摘过程中,从树上摔下导致脊柱损伤病例较多,最多见的是胸腰椎骨折并截瘫。  相似文献   

MRI诊断胸腰椎骨折后柱韧带复合体损伤的可靠性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 探讨MRI诊断胸腰椎骨折患者后柱韧带复合体(posterior ligamentous complex,PLC)损伤的真实性与可靠性。方法2004年12月至2005年6月,胸腰椎骨折患者82例,男54例,女28例;年龄14-75岁,平均45.8岁;高处坠落伤47例,交通事故伤15例,重物压伤7例,其他损伤13例。82例患者中单节段骨折65例,双节段骨折16例,三节段骨折1例(有连续两个节段骨折),损伤节段共100处。术前对胸腰椎骨折患者进行MR检查,评价PLC损伤情况。术中探查并记录PLC损伤程度。分析MRI诊断PLC各部分损伤的灵敏度、特异度和符合率。结果 MRI诊断棘问韧带、棘上韧带和黄韧带损伤的灵敏度分别为92.3%、95.2%和93.3%,特异度分别为98.6%、98.7%和100.0%,符合率分别为97.0%、98.0%和99.0%。MRI显示小关节囊损伤22例,术中探查小关节囊损伤21例。MR检查PLC损伤的整体符合率Kappa值为0.786。结论 MRI是诊断PLC损伤的有效方法,具有灵敏度、特异度及符合率高的特点,与术中所见高度一致。  相似文献   

We report upon 12 cases of magnetic resonance imaging of cervical spinal cord injuries, in 8 cases done within 24 h after the injury. We found haemorrhages in the spinal cord in 3 cases, compression of the spinal cord in 3, swelling of the spinal cord in 2, and transsection of the spinal cord and hematoma in the epidural space in 1 case each. A normal MR image was seen in a patient with a complete transverse lesion of the spinal cord. The other 4 MR examinations were carried out between 2 weeks and 8 months after injury or operation. In 2 of these trauma victims interbody fusion of the cervical spine was performed, and the neurological deficit was subsequently worse in both. In 1 patient the course of a haemorrhage within the spinal cord was monitored by MR imaging: 1 image revealed the treatment of a burst fracture of C-7 with an interposed flap from the greater omentum.  相似文献   

Summary In spite of the recent advances in neuroradiology including the CT scan and the spin-echo-magnetic resonance (MR), accurate diagnosis of arteriovenous malformations (AVMs) involving the spinal cord is still based on selective angiography. This last procedure is invasive and needs to be repeated during the follow up. Phase contrast angio MR was performed with a 0.5 Tesla unit on 12 patients with an AVM involving the spinal cord (7 intramedullary AVMs, 4 perimedullary fistulas, and 1 dural fistula with perimedullary venous drainage); 4 of these were investigated before and after treatment. Angio MR showed abnormal vascular patterns within the spinal canal in all cases, without distinguishing between arteries and veins; the nidus of the intramedullary AVMs was displayed in all cases. Angio MR provided images of the whole AVMs comparable to the angiographic pictures, in contrast to the spin-echo MR, which provided only discontinued images of the vessels. The efficient range of velocity providing images varied, according to the type of the malformation (slow for dural fistulas, rapid for intra-medullary AVMs). In the 4 patients investigated after treatment, comparison of the images obtained before and after treatment permitted assessment of the degree of occlusion of the malformation. Finally, angio MR as a complement of spin-echo MR can now be used as a reliable tool for detection of spinal cord AVMs, assessing the indication for angiography, and, furthermore, it can probably replace most of the postoperative control angiographies. The value of the efficient imaging velocity is disputable but seems to depend on the haemodynamic characteristics of the malformation and may then serve as a guide to angiography.  相似文献   

扩大半椎板切除术治疗颈脊髓损伤   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:11  
Xu S  Liu S  Sun T  Liu Z 《中华外科杂志》1999,37(10):607-609,I037
OBJECTIVE: To treat cervical spinal cord injury (SCI) accompanied with narrowing spinal canal by expanded hemilaminectomy. METHODS: From 1995 January to 1998 April 51 patients of cervical SCI were treated by expanded hemilaminectomy. Spinal injury classified in to 3 types: no fracture-dislocation (39 patients) fracture dislocation at the lower cervical spine (11), and burst fracture (1). The types of SCI included central cord injury (18 patients) incomplete cord injury (19), and complete cord injury (14). MR imaging in 23 patients showed degenerative changes with normal intensity of the cord in 14 patients, multiple level hyperintensity in 3, cystic changes in 3, myelomalasia in 3, and cord brocken in 1. Expanded hemilaminectomy was performed in 24 hours in 3 patients, in 48 hours in 9, in one week in 2, after one week in 35, and after one year in 2. The left or right laminae were removed from C(7) to C(3) in 42 patients, C(3) - T(1) in 3, C(2) - C(7) in 2, C(3) - C(6) in 3 and C(4) - C(7) in 3. Hemilaminectomy was expanded lateral to the inner of apophyseal joint and medial to the inner lamina beneath the spinal process. RESULTS: Follow-up lasted for 1 year and 7 months. Six patients with complete cord injury had of the no recovery lower extremity but recovery of the brachialis and extensor radial longus. 12 patients of central cord injury had full recovery except intrinsic muscles of the hand (5). They operated were on 2 weeks after injury. 17 patients of incomplete cord injury recovered to Frankel IV. CONCLUSIONS: Expanded hemilaminectomy is indicated for patients of cervical SCI with narrowing spinal canal or without fracture dislocation. Best results can be obtained in patients of central cord injury, and incomplete cord injury. Even in complete cord injury, 1 - 2 forearm muscle may recover (24.8%), securing a pinch grip reconstruction.  相似文献   

Disc herniation in cervical fracture subluxation   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Previous reports of computed tomographic scan with contrast myelography in cervical spinal cord injury have shown a rate of disc herniation of less than 5%. We hypothesized that injuries associated with forces adequate to cause bone or ligamentous injury in the region of the disc space could be associated with higher and more significant rates of disc herniation. Thirty-seven consecutive traumatic midcervical fracture subluxations were reviewed. Fracture subluxation was defined by fracture of the facet joints, pedicles, or vertebral bodies or more than 3.5 mm subluxation from C2-C3 to C7-T1. Reduction was achieved in 97% and was not associated with neurological deterioration. On the basis of plain films, tomograms, and plain computed tomographic scans, the injuries were classified as flexion dislocation, flexion compression, compression burst, or extension injuries. Twenty-five computed tomographic scans with contrast myelograms and one magnetic resonance imaging scan were obtained. All patients with partial neurological deficits were studied. A herniated disc was defined as that which deformed the thecal sac and/or nerve roots. Retrospectively, a neuroradiologist reviewed the studies for the presence of herniated disc. Disc herniation was seen at the level of injury in 9 (35%) patients and not seen in other patients. Forty-seven percent of the patients with partial deficits had herniated discs. Herniated disc was seen most frequently in flexion dislocation and flexion compression injuries. Three patients (20%) with partial deficits underwent discectomy. Patients with partial spinal cord injury and discectomy, on average, improved more than other patients with partial spinal cord injury.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: We evaluated the prognostic and clinical value of radiological findings including prevertebral hyperintensity (HI), cord compression, intramedullary high-signal intensity (IMHSI) and instability in patients with traumatic central cord syndrome without evidence of fracture and dislocation. METHODS: The radiological and clinical findings of 23 patients who had undergone surgery between 1996 and 2002 were reviewed retrospectively. All of the patients underwent dynamic motion study and magnetic resonance (MR) imaging after trauma. Neurologic status was evaluated with American Spinal Injury Association motor score pre- and postoperatively and compared with the radiological findings. Anterior decompression and fusion were performed in 12 patients with 1- or 2-level lesions, and posterior decompression was done for 11 cases of multilevel lesions. RESULTS: Prevertebral HI was found in 17 patients. Among them, instability was revealed in 11 patients. There was significant correlation between prevertebral HI and instability (P = .014). Cord compression was found in varying degrees in all patients on MR imaging. Intramedullary high-signal intensity was found preoperatively in 19 (83%) of 23 patients, and it was revealed at the most compressed level of the spinal cord in all cases. The neurologic level was consistent with the level of instability (100%), IMHSI (95%), and cord compression (87%). Mean American Spinal Injury Association motor scores in patients with instability were lower than in those without instability (P < .05). CONCLUSIONS: The presence of prevertebral HI, IMHSI, and cord compression influenced the neurologic status of the patients. The instability was significantly associated with poor prognosis for neurologic outcome. Prevertebral HI on T2 MR imaging may be a possible indicator of instability in patients with central cord syndrome after hyperextension injury.  相似文献   

强直性脊柱炎下颈椎骨折的临床回顾性分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
洪锋  倪建平 《中国骨伤》2013,26(6):508-511
目的:探讨强直性脊柱炎下颈椎骨折的手术方式和疗效。方法:自2003年1月至2011年10月,对采用手术治疗(7例)和保守治疗(1例)的强直性脊柱炎下颈椎骨折患者进行回顾性分析,8例均为男性,年龄27~49岁,平均41岁。所有骨折经CT、MRI证实,其中6例骨折伴脊髓损伤症状。1例采用头颈胸支具保守治疗,其余7例手术治疗,手术方式包括单纯前路(5例)、单纯后路(1例)和联合前后路(1例);术后随访根据CT等影像学检查骨折融合情况,并根据Frankel分级的改变来评估脊髓损伤是否改善。结果:8例患者均获随访,时间4~38个月,平均18个月。7例患者获得骨性融合,无脊髓损伤患者(3例)术后随访仍无脊髓神经损伤,脊髓损伤患者(5例)术后随访各获得不同程度恢复。7例患者Frankel分级平均改善1级,1例患者骨折延迟愈合(随访中)。结论:强直性脊柱炎下颈椎骨折是一种相对特殊性的损伤,容易发生骨折移位损伤颈髓,应尽早采用手术治疗,手术方式则根据具体情况综合选择。  相似文献   

目的 探讨MRI检查在判断急性颈椎损伤患者脊髓损伤程度中的作用。方法 对 82例急性颈椎损伤患者在受伤 2 4h内行MRI检查 ,并进行早期连续的临床检查 ,分析MRI表现与脊髓损伤程度之间的相关性。结果 急性颈椎损伤的 10种MRI表现中 ,髓内出血提示完全性脊髓损伤 (FrankelA级 ) ;脊髓肿胀及脊髓水肿多见于FrankelA -C级的病人 ,同时 ,脊髓肿胀及水肿的程度与脊髓损伤程度成正比 ;脊髓受压多见于FrankelA级和FrankelB级的患者 ;颈椎脱位多见于脊髓损伤程度较重 (FrankelA -C级 )的患者 ;椎管狭窄与脊髓损伤程度之间无明确相关性 ,但多见于老年患者 ;颈椎间盘突出、颈椎椎体骨折、颈椎附件骨折及韧带损伤与脊髓损伤程度间无明显相关性。结论 急性颈椎损伤患者早期行MRI检查 ,可以帮助判断脊髓损伤的程度 ,对治疗方法的选择及准确判断预后具有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

目的 探讨臂丛根性撕脱伤的高分辨率磁共振成像特点,为早期诊断臂丛根性撕脱伤提供帮助.方法 筛选于2006年2月-2011年2月收治臂丛损伤的病例,术前均行臂丛MRI检查,术中探查证实为臂丛根性撕脱伤45例,总结臂丛根性撕脱伤的高分辨率磁共振表现特点及MR诊断臂丛根性撕脱伤的应用价值.结果 臂丛根性撕脱伤的MRI表现为:①创伤性脊膜囊肿最为常见,有42例,出现率为93.3%;②脊髓偏移,有25例,出现率为55.6%;③脊神经前后根消失,有8例,出现率为17.8%;④“黑线”征,有18例,出现率为40.0%.核磁共振对臂丛根性撕脱伤诊断的敏感性为95.7%,特异性为77.8%,准确性为94.6%.结论 臂丛根性撕脱伤患者的MRI中以创伤性脊膜囊肿最为常见,可对臂丛损伤的定位诊断及手术治疗提供参考依据.  相似文献   

目的 提高对自发性脊柱硬膜外血肿非典型MRI表现的认识.方法 对2000年至2008年来院的10例自发性脊柱硬膜外血肿非典型MRI表现进行分析,男7例,女3例;年龄12--64岁,平均32.1岁.所有病例均无明显的外伤史.常规行矢状位T1WI、T2WI,横轴位TwI,8例行增强扫描.结果 血肿呈梭形、椭圆形,位于脊髓的侧后方或后方的硬膜外腔.血肿发生于颈段5例,胸段3例,胸腰段2例.病灶与脊髓之间有一低信号线状影相隔,尤以T2WI显示最佳.血肿范围多在2~4个椎体,总量约5~10 ml,均值为(6.9±1.8)ml.在T1WI图像上,6例表现为等信号,4例表现为高信号;在T2WI图像上,6例表现为混杂高信号,4例表现为混杂低信号.5例血肿壁边缘轻度强化.6例血肿MRI信号比较典型.4例血肿MRI信号不典型.活动性出血以及血肿因时间而演变是血肿征象不典型的原因.本组4例误诊的原因:(1)活动性出血所致血肿征象不典型;(2)血肿位于狭窄的腔隙内;(3)临床上无外伤史.结论 根据血肿演变的规律,结合起病时间及可能存在活动性出血对血肿MRI信号进行分析,有利于对非典型血肿的诊断和鉴别诊断.  相似文献   

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