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目的分析血培养真菌阳性结果患者感染的性质,提高抗真菌治疗水平,减少抗真菌药物的不良反应。方法利用医院感染实时监控软件跟踪全院血培养结果为真菌阳性的患者,制订个体化给药方案,对真菌血症患者进行抗真菌药物治疗。结果培养结果:2013年某医院血培养真菌阳性130次(55人),占全部血培养阳性结果的5.12%。感染菌种为:白假丝酵母菌71次,近平滑假丝酵母菌及光滑假丝酵母菌各25次,其他共9株(无名念珠菌4次,阿萨希毛孢子菌、奥默毕赤菌各2次、季也蒙念珠菌1次)。治疗结果:55例患者中出院29例;死亡22例;自动放弃治疗及转院3例;仍在院治疗1例。结论患者罹患真菌血液系统感染死亡率较高,临床药师及时发现并跟踪真菌血液感染患者,可以发挥临床药师的药学技术特色,提高治愈率、降低死亡率,临床药师深入临床协助临床医生合理使用抗真菌药物的方法值得大力推广。  相似文献   

目的:了解我院儿童药品不良反应(ADR)发生的一般规律及特点.方法:从患儿年龄、性别、给药途径、累及器官或系统及临床表现、药品种类、ADR分级等方面对我院78例儿童ADR报告,进行统计、分析.收集的78例儿童ADR报告为我院2008~2011年所发生.结果:78例ADR报告中,1~3岁儿童ADR发生率最高,性别差异不明显;静脉给药方式是引发ADR的重要途径,有50例(64.11%);ADR最常见的临床表现为皮肤及其附件损害,有45例(57.69%);引发ADR药品以头孢菌素类最多;ADR分级以轻中度为主.结论:临床应合理应用儿科药物,并重视ADR的监测及药物咨询工作,以减少或避免ADR的发生.  相似文献   

血培养中病原菌的分布及耐药性分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的 了解血培养的送检、检出及常见细菌的耐药性状况,指导临床对血液细菌感染患者的治疗.方法 用BacT/ALERT 3D全自动血培养仪培养,用VITEK系统鉴定菌种,用琼脂扩散法进行细菌的药敏测试.利用Whonet 5.3和Excel软件分析细菌分布、种类变化及药敏测试的数据.结果 我院自2002年11月~2006年4月共送检血培养标本2 115例,阳性率为14.14%;其中革兰染色阳性菌135例,革兰染色阴性菌125例,真菌49例,各占总数的43.69%、40.45%和15.86%.结论 及时了解血培养结果可以对临床有针对性的抗菌治疗提供依据,降低病死率,提高治愈率.  相似文献   

目的研究全相合异基因造血干细胞移植(allo-HSCT)术后间质性肺炎(IP)的临床特点及疗效评估。方法对我院自2004年1月~2012年2月行全相合allo-HSCT的119例患者进行研究。所有患者均使用抗病毒、抗细菌、抗真菌等药物预防IP。IP的突出特点是发热、干咳、低氧血症及肺部CT间质改变。及时治疗,甲强龙为主,经验性采用广谱抗细菌、抗病毒等药物,短期疗效不佳,则尽早抗真菌治疗。结果 119例患者中有15例发生IP,发生率为13%。其中,4例死亡,死亡率为27%。结论早期全面预防,IP发生率明显下降;密切观察,及早诊断,治疗重点突出并及早联合处理,疗效显著。  相似文献   

肺部真菌感染59例临床分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
目的提高对肺部真菌感染的认识。方法对2003年10月—2004年10月我院临床科室共59例肺部真菌感染情况进行回顾性分析。结果59例病人中,大部分合并基础疾病,其中以肿瘤、慢性阻塞性肺疾病、糖尿病、肺结核、冠心病为主,分别占25.4%,18.6%,15.2%,10.2%,10.2%,外科手术占16.9%。感染白色假丝酵母菌(白色念珠菌)52例(88.14%),烟曲菌5例(8.47%),毛霉菌2例(3.39%)。所有患者经抗真菌药物治疗,痊愈和好转36例(61.02%),无变化8例(13.56%),恶化4例(6.78%),死亡11例(18.64%)。结论肺部是真菌感染的好发部位,真菌感染以白色假丝酵母菌为主,肺部真菌感染一旦确诊,应积极进行抗真菌治疗,同时积极治疗基础病,根据药敏结果尽量选用窄谱抗生素,严格控制激素使用,尽量减少或避免可能导致肺部真菌感染的医源性因素。  相似文献   

目的:回顾性分析流行性腮腺炎患儿血尿淀粉酶增高与并发急性胰腺炎的关系.方法:检测流行性腮腺炎患儿血尿淀粉酶指标.结果:该组病例选取我院保健科传染病上报资料及感染性疾病科住院的流行性腮腺炎病例,共436例,男性235例,女性201例;年龄分布为8月龄至16周岁的儿童及青少年,平均8.7周岁;血尿淀粉酶增高396例,其中轻度增高218例,占55.05%;中度增高178例,占44.95%;并发急性胰腺炎11例,均为单纯水肿性胰腺炎,临床症状轻、治疗效果好,无严重并发症,预后好.结论:流行性腮腺炎患儿血尿淀粉酶增高与是否并发急性胰腺炎无相关关系,其发病率2.52%(资料报到儿童流行性腮腺炎中并发急性胰腺炎的发病率约2.4%,大致相当).  相似文献   

剖宫产围手术期抗感染药物应用分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的调查剖宫产患者围手术期抗菌药物应用状况,促进抗菌药物预防性应用的合理性。方法随机调阅我院2006年下半年至2007年上半年单一剖宫产无其它病发症的病例200份,对其围手术期抗菌药物应用状况进行调查统计、分析、总结。结果200例剖宫产病例在围手术期均使用了抗菌药物,有青霉素类、头孢菌素类、硝咪唑三大类共12个品种。给药方式以静脉给药加序贯口服给药为主,术前2h、麻醉时、术中预防性用药共占98.5%,术后连续用药占100%,术后用药6d者占97.5%。结论我院剖宫产围手术期抗菌药物在品种选择和首次应用时间、剂量、输液体积、输注速度等方面较为合理。但预防厌氧菌感染方面用药档次偏高;术后抗菌药物应用时间过长。  相似文献   

目的:分析2006年6月至2007年6月我院收集的396例抗感染药物不良反应(adverse drug reaction,ADR)报告,为提高ADR监测水平和临床合理用药提供参考.方法: 采用回顾性分类统计,对396例报告就年龄与ADR分布、给药途径、药物分类、累计器官系统、ADR严重程度进行统计分析.结果:在396例ADR报告中涉及86个药物品种,不良反应涉及机体多个系统损害,其中皮肤损害最多,有178例;新的和严重的ADR 16例,占5.30%.结论:抗感染药物不良反应的发生率与患者的年龄、给药途径、临床用药频率密切相关,对严重ADR的监测有待加强.  相似文献   

交通事故致肢体严重挤压伤的临床诊治分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 研究交通事故所致肢体挤压伤的临床特点及治疗方法.方法 利用创伤数据库采集分析我院自2003年1月~2008年1月收治的交通伤病人诊治信息,统计分析其中挤压伤的发生特点、临床特点、救治方法与结果等.结果 5年共收治交通伤2845例,肢体挤压伤82例,其中青壮年77例,占93.90%;发生部位分别为:小腿39例(47...  相似文献   

目的 了解我院真菌分离及耐药情况,为临床抗真菌治疗提供依据.方法 对本院2006年6~12月送检的标本进行真菌培养鉴定及药敏试验.结果 2006年下半年从临床各种送检标本中检出真菌90株,以白色念株菌检出率最高为61.1%,其次为热带念株菌28.9%;痰标本真菌分离例数最多53株;在各年龄段的真菌分布中,以71~80岁男性患者所占比例最大为26.7%;体外抗真菌药敏试验以两性霉素B敏感性最好,平均耐药率最低为3.3%.结论 真菌感染越来越多,加强真菌分离及药敏监测,合理用药,有助于患者的治疗.  相似文献   

Intracranial true mycotic aneurysms are rare and generally lethal. We report a case of a near-drowned child with brain abscesses due to Pseudallescheria boydii, a saprophytic fungus, who died after subarachnoid hemorrhage occurred. CT showed contrast-enhancing lesions indicative of aneurysms of basilar and right posterior cerebral arteries that could not be appreciated 2 days before. P. boydii is often resistant to commonly used antimycotic drugs. Because CNS infection is frequently associated with near-drowning, early diagnosis and specific therapy are strongly recommended for these patients.  相似文献   

Mycotic aortic aneurysms remain a therapeutic challenge, especially in patients who are not suitable for open surgery. Endovascular treatment with stent-grafts in this indication is still disputed. Between January 2002 and January 2006, six patients with mycotic aneurysms of the thoracoabdominal or abdominal aorta were admitted to our department. All patients were male, aged 57–83 years (mean, 74.6 years). The mycotic aneurysms were diagnosed on the basis of clinical signs of infection, on CT, and, in four cases, on a positive blood culture. In all patients the mycotic aortic aneurysms were treated endovascularly by stent-graft implantation. Technical and clinical success was achieved in all patients. There was no in-hospital or 30-day mortality. In the follow-up period (range, 2–47 months) four patients died of cancer, cardiac failure, or unknown cause (one case). Two patients are still alive with nearly complete regression of the aneurysms. We conclude that treatment of mycotic aortic aneurysms with stent-grafts may be an alternative in selected patients.  相似文献   

目的总结胃远端切除术后十二指肠残端漏的营养支持经验,以提高十二指肠残端漏的治疗水平。方法对2005年1月—2009年12月,我院实施胃远端及全胃切除术后所发生的12例十二指肠残端漏(其中胃良性疾病3例;胃癌9例)病人的病况进行回顾性分析。结果8例于术后早期行十二指肠造口及腹腔引流术,采用持续胃肠减压,先给予肠外营养,然后实施从肠外营养支持逐步过渡到肠内营养支持的治疗手段。12例病人在肠外营养中强化了谷氨酰胺,10例使用了生长抑素,6例病人在十二指肠残端漏愈合期加用了生长激素。在首次胃手术后,2例漏口28~38 d自愈;10例漏口于2次手术后50~91 d愈合。其中1例因肺部感染合并严重的腹腔感染于首次术后31 d死亡。结论保证腹腔引流管通畅、持续胃肠减压,特别是肠外结合肠内营养支持、强化谷氨酰胺、生长抑素、生长激素等措施,是促进十二指肠残端漏愈合的重要手段。  相似文献   

急救绿色通道在严重创伤早期救治中的作用   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
目的 探讨绿色通道急救模式在严重创伤早期救治中的作用和意义. 方法 回顾性分析2006年1月-2007年11月以绿色通道急救模式救治60例创伤患者的效果,并与2004年1月-2005年12月收治的46例非绿色通道组患者的急救效果进行比较. 结果 两组患者性别、年龄、致伤机制、ISS及失血量等指标分布差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);绿色通道组60例患者死亡2例,死亡率为3%,对照组46例患者死亡5例,死亡率为11%(P<0.05).绿色通道组在急诊室处理时间、特殊检查时问、入院至手术室时间较对照组明显缩短(P<0.05). 结论 绿色通道急救模式缩短了严重创伤患者的救治空间和时间,显著降低了死亡率,提高了救治成功率,保证了创伤急救的"时效性和整体性".  相似文献   

On December 26, 2004, a tsunami from the Indian Ocean struck the coastal city of Banda Aceh, Sumatra, Indonesia. This case report describes a 24-year-old woman who presented to the Dr. Zainoel Abidin Hospital in Banda Aceh on January 8, 2005, with a tsunami-related illness. The patient was initially treated for tetanus and aspiration pneumonia with a guarded prognosis. Her recovery was complicated by malaria and recurrent pneumonia. Treatment was hampered by a shortage of medication and equipment, damage to the hospital, and a filthy environment. Morphine, diazepam, and ketamine infusions were used to good effect. This case highlights some of the logistical problems of treating multiple tetanus patients in an austere environment.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND/AIM: [corrected] Idiopathic retroperitoneal fibrosis (IRF) is an uncommon disease characterized by a retroperitoneal fibrotic tissue that often involve the ureters, leading to the obstructive nephropathy and variable impairment of renal function. Findings strongly suggest an autoimmune etiology. Surgery, medical treatment with immunosuppressive drugs, or a combination of both are proposed. The optimal treatment has not been established yet. The aim of this study was to present our experience with combined immunosuppressive therapy of IRF, steroids (S) and mycophenolate mofetil (MMF). METHODS: We prospectively followed four patients with IRF from January 2004 to December 2006. Three patients had an active disease with bilateral hydronephrosis. In the two of them acute renal failure was presented, and ureteral catheters were inserted in one in order to manage ureteral obstruction. One patient has came to our unit with a relapse of IRF and incipient chronic renal failure after the prior therapy with ureterolysis and immunosuppressive drugs (azathioprine and tamoxifen). All patients received steroids and MMF. Two patients were treated with intravenous methylprednisolone pulses (250 mg each), for three consecutive days, followed by oral prednisone 0.5 mg/kg/day. The other two patients received oral prednisone at the same dose. Prednisone was gradually tappered to a maintenance dose of 10 mg/kg/day. Simultaneously, all patients received MMF, initially 1 g/day with the increase to 2 g/day. RESULTS: After four weeks of the therapy all symptoms disappeared, as well as a hydronephrosis with a decrease of erythrocyte sedimentation rate and Creactive protein (CRP) to normal level in all patients. Three patents remain in remission untill the end of the follow up. One patient had a relapse because of stopping taking the therapy after six months. He was treated by oral prednisone 0.5 mg/kg/day, which was gradually decreased. After twelve weeks hydronephrosis disappeared and CRP returns to the normal level. CONCLUSION: The combination of steroids and mycophenolate mofetil led to the remission of IRF with a strong and quick immunosuppressive effect. It also provided avoiding the long-term use of high steroid dose and surgical procedures.  相似文献   

We report our experience with resident preliminary interpretations given at night on both abdominal and neurological CT scans to quantify the discrepancy rate when compared to the final report. An attempt was also made to document any adverse clinical outcomes as a result of the preliminary interpretation. From January 1, 2004 to December 31, 2004, adult CT examinations were prospectively interpreted by residents at night at a level I trauma center. Both the neurological and body CT scans were reviewed beginning at 7:00 a.m. the following morning by the respective subspecialty staff and discrepancies were noted. Adult CT examinations (6,858) were prospectively interpreted by residents: 5,206 cranial spinal CT examinations and 1,652 body CT examinations. Among the neurological studies, there were six cases identified as major discrepancies (0.1%) and 185 minor discrepancies (3.5%). Among the body CT cases, there were seven cases identified as major discrepancies (0.4%) and 23 cases of minor discrepancies (1.4%). There is a low discrepancy rate (0.2% major and 3.1% minor) in the preliminary resident interpretations from the final report. The process of overnight preliminary CT interpretations should continue as it is not substandard care.Presented at the American Society of Emergency Radiology 2005 Annual Meeting, Tucson, Arizona.  相似文献   

MEBT/MEBO在中小面积深度烧伤创面的应用   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
目的:探讨MEBT/MEBO在中小面积深度烧伤创面上应用的可行性。方法:对2004年3月~2005年12月间收治的25例中小面积深度烧伤的病人,采用MEBT/MEBO方法治疗并进行回顾性分析。结果:25例病人全部治愈出院,创面愈合后无明显瘢痕生长或瘢痕浅平柔软,关节部位无功能障碍。结论:MEBT/MEBO治疗中小面积深度烧伤临床效果满意。  相似文献   

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