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栀子金花汤对腹腔感染脓毒症大鼠炎症介质的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:观察中药栀子金花汤对腹腔感染导致脓毒症大鼠炎症介质的影响,评价中药在脓毒症治疗中的意义。方法:88只SD大鼠被随机分为假手术组、模型组、西药组、中药组、中西药结合组,其中各药物治疗组再按用药时间分为12、24和48 h 3个时间点。采用盲肠结扎穿孔术(CLP)制备大鼠脓毒症模型,各组均于术前2 h及术后每日2次给予相应药物干预。于各时间点取血检测肿瘤坏死因子-α(TNF-α)、白细胞介素-6(IL-6)、E-选择素、纤维蛋白原(Fbg)水平。结果:与假手术组比较,模型组Fbg显著下降,TNF-α、IL-6、E-选择素均显著升高(P均〈0.05)。分别与中药组和西药组同时间点比较,中西药结合组能显著降低TNF-α、IL-6、E-选择素水平,升高Fbg水平(P均〈0.05)。与西药组比较,中药组能显著升高血浆Fbg水平,以48 h最为显著(P〈0.05)。结论:采用中药栀子金花汤结合常规的西药治疗脓毒症,能取得较为满意的效果,应作为首选的治疗方式。  相似文献   
非接触式眼压计因其独特的优越性而在临床得到广泛的应用,但其测量结果受到情绪紧张、眼睑睫毛遮挡等多种因素的影响[1],从而影响其准确性。我院自2005年1月通过抬高上眼睑的方式来减少眼睑睫毛对眼压测量值的影响,取得更准确的眼压测量结果。现报道如下。1资料与方法1.1一般资  相似文献   
四君子汤加大黄对脓毒症大鼠肠黏膜屏障功能的保护作用   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
[目的]探讨中药四君子汤加大黄对脓毒症大鼠肠黏膜屏障功能的保护作用及机制。[方法]将40只雄性SD大鼠随机分为对照组、模型组和治疗组,建立腹腔感染脓毒症致肠黏膜屏障损害大鼠模型,治疗组大鼠每日灌喂中药2次。于造模后72h无菌条件下取大鼠肝、脾、肠系膜淋巴结行细菌培养,并取肝、肾、脾、小肠等脏器标本进行光镜观察。[结果]治疗组脏器细菌易位率显著低于模型组(P〈0.01),其肝,肾、脾、小肠等脏器光镜下炎症性病理损害均明显轻于模型组,肠黏膜炎症病理损伤指数较模型组显著降低(P〈0.01)。[结论]四君子汤加大黄能降低脓毒症大鼠肠黏膜通透性,防止肠道细菌易位,对肠黏膜屏障功能有明显的保护作用。  相似文献   
<正>膝关节骨性关节炎(knee osteoarthritis,KOA)是一种危害人类健康的常见病、多发病,是引起膝关节疼痛的主要原因之一。多见于中老年人,患者中女性多于男性。主要病理改变是关节软骨的退行性改变和继发性骨质增生。患者发病后长期疼痛、步行困难,严重影响日常生活及工作。KOA常规治  相似文献   
胆总管结石是外科的常见病、多发病,易引发胆管炎、胰腺炎等严重并发症。近年来,笔者观察益气柔肝方对31例胆总管结石患者术后肝功能的影响,探求中药治疗肝细胞损伤的部分规律,现报告如下。  相似文献   
目的 观察带有压力传感保护装置(自主研发)的康复训练支具在骨折早期进行康复训练对骨折愈合的效果.方法 选取40例资料完整、符合条件的老年股骨粗隆间骨折行动力髋螺钉内固定术后患者,随机分为实验组和对照组各20例.实验组患者应用带压力传感器保护装置(自2008年5月开始研制带有压力传感保护装置的康复训练支具,2009年1月至2010年6月临床推广应用)的下肢康复训练支具,在术后不同时期,根据患者具体情况,由医师通过计算机调控支具应力阈值,按照预定的个性化康复计划,指导患者借助双拐进行负重行走康复训练.对照组采用传统的康复治疗方法.按照统一的标准评价骨折临床愈合和骨性愈合时间.结果 随访13.0~24.0周,平均17.6周.实验组临床愈合时间7.0~12.0周,平均9.1周;骨性愈合时间12.0~16.0周,平均13.7周.对照组临床愈合时间9.0~13.0周,平均11.3周;骨性愈合时间14.0~20.0周,平均16.6周.2组间骨折临床愈合时间和骨性愈合时间经独立样本t检验,结果显示2组间骨折临床愈合时间和骨性愈合时间差异均有统计学意义(t值分别为5.174、5.846,P均<0.01).最终2组骨折均愈合,无骨折移位,无内固定物折断、松脱、失效等不良并发症.结论 应用带有压力传感保护装置的康复训练支具,在骨折早期由医师根据患者体重调控间断纵向应力刺激阈值,指导患者进行有效的量化的个性化康复训练,可以达到促进骨折愈合、缩短疗程、减少并发症目的.进一步证明在一定范围内间断的压应力刺激对骨折愈合有促进作用.
Objective To observe the effect of pressure-protective brace with pressure-sensitive device in the early stage rehabilitation training enhance bone healing, shorten the treatment course and reduce complications,a kind of independently developed pressure-protective brace with pressure-sensitive device was utilized with quantified discontinuous longitudinal stress stimulation under doctors' regulation according to procedure. Methods The pressure-protective brace with pressure sensitive device for rehabilitation training was developed in May 2008 ,and was applied in clinics during January 2009 to June 2010. Forty elder patients,with complete clinical data, underwent Dynamic Hip Screw (DHS) internal fixation of femoral intertrochanteric fracture were were enrolled into this study. These cases were assigned into experimental group and control group with 20 patients respectively. The patients of experimental group performed lower extremity rehabilitation training wearing the pressure-protective brace. The load training of lower extremities with double crutches was modulated by doctors through regulating the threshold value of pressure in different time and different condition after operation according to the prearranged rehabilitative plan of individuation. The controls were instructed to performed lower extremity rehabilitation training in traditional way. Both the clinical healing and bone union time in all cases were evaluated according to the uniform standard. Results Total 40 patients were followed up for 13.0 - 24. 0 weeks ( average, 17.6 weeks ). Clinical healing time was 7.0 - 12. 0 weeks ( average,9. 1 weeks ) and bone healing time was 12. 0 - 16.0 weeks(average,13. 7 weeks)in experimental group. While in control group,the clinic healing time and bone union time was 9. 0 - 13.0 weeks( average, 11.3 weeks) and 14. 0 -20. 0 weeks (average, 16. 6 weeks)respectively. The Independent T-test results showed that whether clinic healing time or bone healing time presented significant differences between experimental group and the controls( P<0. 01 ). All of the fractures in these two groups were healed at the end time of follow up without adverse complications,including fracture displacement, implant break, implant loose and failure. Conclusion The pressure-protective brace with pressure sensitive device used for quantifying rehabilitation training can enhance bone union, shorten the treatment course and reduce complications. This method further proves that discontinuous compressive stress in a certain range can stimulate fracture healing.  相似文献   
乳腺癌辨证分型与雌孕激素受体的相关性分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目的 :了解乳腺癌患者的中医辨证分型与病理组织学类型、雌孕激素受体表达的相关性。方法 :对乳腺癌患者 12 5例进行术前临床评估、中医辨证分型 ,术后进行病理组织学分类及检测雌孕激素受体 ,并进行分析。结果 :12 5例中 ,肝郁气滞 78例 (6 2 4 % ) ,脾虚痰湿 2 6例 (2 0 8% ) ,瘀毒内阻 15例 (12 0 % ) ,气血双亏 6例(4 8% )。中医分型各组的病理组织学类型无显著差异 ,肝郁气滞组雌孕激素受体阳性率明显高于其它组。结论 :乳腺癌中医辨证分型中肝郁气滞的患者雌孕激素受体阳性率最高 ,预后好。  相似文献   
Objective To evaluate the in vitro effects of lidamycin upon vasculogenic mimicry and apoptosis induction in glioma cells. Methods Tube formation assay was performed to estimate the inhibitory effects of lidamycin upon vasculogenic mimicry in C6 and U87 glioma cells. The vasculogenic mimicry of glioma cells was photographed and enumerated. Annexin V-FITC/PI was used for determination of glioma cell apoptosis with flow cytometry. Results Vasculogenic mimicry assay indicated that 0. 1 nmol/L, 0. 5 nmol/L and 1 nmol/L lidamycin showed significant inhibition of vasculogenic mimicry in C6 and U87 cells. Comparing with C6 control group (14. 7 ± 1.2), 0. 1 nmol/L (12. 7 ± 0. 6), 0. 5 nmol/L (9. 0 ± 1.7) and 1 nmol/L (4. 7 ± 0. 6) lidamycin inhibited vasculogenic mimicry in C6 cells with statistical significances (P = 0. 013, P = 0. 005 and P = 0. 0002 respectively). Comparing with U87 control group (14.7±1.2), the vasculogenic mimicry of 0.1 nmol/L (10.0±2.0), 0.5 nmol/L (8.3±1.5) and 1 nmol/L lidamycin (4. 3±0. 6) treated U87 cells showed statistical significances (P =0. 025, P =0. 005 and P =0. 0009 respectively). The apoptotic ratios of same dosages lidamycin treated C6 cells and U87 cells showed a similar tendency as vaaculogenic mimicry inhibition (P < 0. 001). Lidamycin was more potent than neocarzinostatin in vasculogenic mimicry inhibition and apoptosis induction of C6 cells and U87 cells. Conclusion Lidamycin can inhibit vasculogenic mimicry and promote apotosis of glioma cells. Thus it is a promising drug in glioma treatment. Further researches on the therapeutic efficacy of enediyne antibiotics in glioma are needed.  相似文献   
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