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慢性乙型肝炎的疫苗治疗免疫学机制的探讨   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过对乙型肝炎疫苗治疗的13例患者的观察,分析乙型肝炎表面抗原特异细胞增殖反应及其抗原特异性T细胞分泌的细胞因子水平,以及观察疫苗治疗后的临床效果,探讨肝炎疫苗治疗慢性乙型肝炎的免疫学作用机制。血清HBVDNA水平在疫苗治疗结束后6个月显著地下降。疫苗治疗诱生6例抗原特异性CD4 T细胞的增殖反应(38 5 % ) ,同时分泌高水平的干扰素-γ和肿瘤坏死因子-α。血清HBVDNA水平在疫苗治疗结束6个月和18个月显著下降。表面抗原特异性CD4 T细胞可以间接地抑制HBV的复制,是由抗病毒细胞因子来介导  相似文献   
生活习惯与痛风   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的探讨实验性糖尿病小鼠心肌超微的变化及依那普利对其影响。方法雄性昆明种小鼠40只,随机分为正常组、糖尿病组、盐酸二甲双胍治疗组、盐酸二甲双胍加依那普利治疗组。实验性糖尿病鼠用链脲佐菌素(STZ)诱发糖尿病,4周后观察血管紧张素Ⅱ的变化及依那普利对其影响。结果STZ诱导的糖尿病鼠早期心肌血管紧张素Ⅱ(AngⅡ)增多。盐酸二甲双胍治疗组AngⅡ明显降低,加用依那普利治疗纽的AngⅡ进一步降低。结论依那普利对STZ-DM鼠心肌具有良好的保护作用,其保护心功能作用部分是通过调节心肌肾素-血管紧张素系统(RAS)来实现的。  相似文献   
Objective To investigate the best way to control the blood sugar level during the perioperation of bone fracture patients with type 2 diabetes(T2DM).Methods Bone fracture patients with T2DM were randomly divided into three groups:continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion group(insulin aspart,group CSII,n=20),glargine treatment group(insulin aspart+insulin glargine,group GA,n=20),and NPH treatment(insulin aspart+rh-insulin,group NA,n=20).The levels of fasting plasma glucose(FPG)and the 2 hours postprandial glucose(2h PG),blood glucose fluctuation(BGF),insulin dosage(ID),good effective time(GET),incidence of hypoglycemia,dawn phenomenon and infection,average time of stitches removal(ATSR),average hospitalized length(AHL)of three groups were compared.Results FPG and 2hPG,ID in group CSII[(6.32±1.18)mmol/L,(7.72±1.53)mmol/L,(35.40±1.60)IU]and group GA [(6.25±0.88)mmol/L,(7.32±1.17)mmol/L,(36.20±0.80)IU]were significantly lower than those of group NA [(7.44±1.36)mmol/L,(8.52±0.76)mmol/L,(40.50±2.40)IU,all P<0.05],simulaneously,BGF,GET incidence of complications,ATSR,AHL of group CSII and GA were significantly lower than those of group NA(all P<0.05).There were not significant difference between group CSII and group GA.Compared with group CSII,group GA had less costs in-hospital and better practicability.Conclusion Both CSII and insulin glargine combined with insulin aspart can effectively,safely,rapidly and stablely control hyperglycemia.and might be the first choice to control blood sugar for bone fracture patients with T2DM in perioperation.  相似文献   
分析652例糖耐量异常人群高血压发病的危险因素,结果显示伴高血压压病家族史者高血压的患病率显著高于不伴高血压病家族史。多因素Logistic逐步回归分析表明,阳性高血压病家族史是本组人群最重要的致高血压病危险因素(OR117.2,95%CI68.1-201.6)。年体重指数和尿微量白蛋白与高血压呈显著正相关。提示在高血压防治对对伴高血压病家族史的糖耐量异常人群应予以特别的注意,而着意减肥和更严格地  相似文献   
胰淀素(amylin)亦称胰岛淀粉样多肽(islet amyloid polypeptide,IAPP),发现于1987年,由CarthCooper等在英国剑桥大学从2型糖尿病病人的胰腺中提取出来,并报道了其全部氨基酸序列。胰淀紊是同胰岛素一起由胰岛B细胞分泌的一种多肽,属神经内分泌激素,与糖尿病关系密切,在骨代谢方面也起着重要作用。一直以来,糖尿病所引起的大血管、微血管并发症很受关注,而骨质疏松对糖尿病患者的影响通常不受重视。由糖尿病所引起的继发性骨质疏松症可以给糖尿病患者的健康造成严重的威胁,并且将给社会和家庭带来沉重的经济负担。迄今为止,  相似文献   
Objective To investigate the best way to control the blood sugar level during the perioperation of bone fracture patients with type 2 diabetes(T2DM).Methods Bone fracture patients with T2DM were randomly divided into three groups:continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion group(insulin aspart,group CSII,n=20),glargine treatment group(insulin aspart+insulin glargine,group GA,n=20),and NPH treatment(insulin aspart+rh-insulin,group NA,n=20).The levels of fasting plasma glucose(FPG)and the 2 hours postprandial glucose(2h PG),blood glucose fluctuation(BGF),insulin dosage(ID),good effective time(GET),incidence of hypoglycemia,dawn phenomenon and infection,average time of stitches removal(ATSR),average hospitalized length(AHL)of three groups were compared.Results FPG and 2hPG,ID in group CSII[(6.32±1.18)mmol/L,(7.72±1.53)mmol/L,(35.40±1.60)IU]and group GA [(6.25±0.88)mmol/L,(7.32±1.17)mmol/L,(36.20±0.80)IU]were significantly lower than those of group NA [(7.44±1.36)mmol/L,(8.52±0.76)mmol/L,(40.50±2.40)IU,all P<0.05],simulaneously,BGF,GET incidence of complications,ATSR,AHL of group CSII and GA were significantly lower than those of group NA(all P<0.05).There were not significant difference between group CSII and group GA.Compared with group CSII,group GA had less costs in-hospital and better practicability.Conclusion Both CSII and insulin glargine combined with insulin aspart can effectively,safely,rapidly and stablely control hyperglycemia.and might be the first choice to control blood sugar for bone fracture patients with T2DM in perioperation.  相似文献   
应用全自动生化分析仪检测了31例流行性出血热少尿期病人空腹血糖及血淀粉酶,并采用放射免疫分析法检测了血浆胰岛素含量.结果表明,此类病人的平均空腹血糖值为2.94mmol/L,明显低于正常值下限(3.89mmol/L);血淀粉酶及胰岛素的平均含量分别为634.16U和46.30mU/L,明显高于正常值上限(血淀粉酶为220U,血浆胰岛素为22mU/L).  相似文献   
Objective To investigate the best way to control the blood sugar level during the perioperation of bone fracture patients with type 2 diabetes(T2DM).Methods Bone fracture patients with T2DM were randomly divided into three groups:continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion group(insulin aspart,group CSII,n=20),glargine treatment group(insulin aspart+insulin glargine,group GA,n=20),and NPH treatment(insulin aspart+rh-insulin,group NA,n=20).The levels of fasting plasma glucose(FPG)and the 2 hours postprandial glucose(2h PG),blood glucose fluctuation(BGF),insulin dosage(ID),good effective time(GET),incidence of hypoglycemia,dawn phenomenon and infection,average time of stitches removal(ATSR),average hospitalized length(AHL)of three groups were compared.Results FPG and 2hPG,ID in group CSII[(6.32±1.18)mmol/L,(7.72±1.53)mmol/L,(35.40±1.60)IU]and group GA [(6.25±0.88)mmol/L,(7.32±1.17)mmol/L,(36.20±0.80)IU]were significantly lower than those of group NA [(7.44±1.36)mmol/L,(8.52±0.76)mmol/L,(40.50±2.40)IU,all P<0.05],simulaneously,BGF,GET incidence of complications,ATSR,AHL of group CSII and GA were significantly lower than those of group NA(all P<0.05).There were not significant difference between group CSII and group GA.Compared with group CSII,group GA had less costs in-hospital and better practicability.Conclusion Both CSII and insulin glargine combined with insulin aspart can effectively,safely,rapidly and stablely control hyperglycemia.and might be the first choice to control blood sugar for bone fracture patients with T2DM in perioperation.  相似文献   
高钙血症延边医学院附属医院内科裴海成,桂成淑大连医科大学附一院内科李昌臣概念机体内血清Ca浓度大约在8.9~10.1mg/dl(4.45~5.05mmol/L)的狭窄范围内维持,其中46%与白蛋白以结合型存在,47.5%以离子型存在,起着维持细胞功能...  相似文献   
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