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目的 了解糖尿病足患者社会支持与应对方式评分情况;探讨糖尿病足患者社会支持与应对方式之间的相关性.方法 以社会支持量表、医学应对问卷为主要工具,对120例糖尿病足患者进行社会支持和应对方式2方面的问卷调查,分析其相关性.结果 2组糖尿病足患者应对方式具有差异性,1级以上糖尿病足患者较0级糖尿痛足患者面对分值低[(17.82±1.98)vs.(19.48±2.81),P=0.000];回避分值高[(16.17±2.74)vs.(14.44±2.97),P=0.00)],屈服分值高[(10.87±1.90)vs.(8.81±3.17),P=0.00)];2组糖尿病足患者社会支持相比,1级以上糖尿病足患者较0级糖尿病足患者主观支持低[(37.24±5.74)vs.(42.68±6.28),P=0.00)],客观支持低[(34.56±2.63)vs.(45.13±3.2)],社会利用度低[(39.56±6.51)vs.(43.28±5.32),P=0.00)].糖尿病足患者中,社会支持与面对呈正相关(r=0.624,P=0.003),与回避、屈服呈负相关(r值分别为0.578和-0.722,P均<0.00).结论 1级以上糖尿病足患者积极应对能力偏低,社会支持低;糖尿痛足患者中,社会支持与应对方式密切相关.护士应重视增加糖尿痛足患者的社会支持,提高糖尿病足患者的积极应对能力,从而改善预后,提高其生活质量.  相似文献   
Objective To probe into the structure of core competences of baccalaureate nursing graduates,structuring a system of indexes evaluation of baccalaureate nursing graduates' core competences.Methods Adopting Delphi method and AHP method to evaluate the items,layer structure,weights,connotation of the indexes system.All data were collected and statistically treated.Results After two rounds of consultations,built an index evaluation system of baccalaureate nursing graduates' core competences.Individual Authority Coefficient of all experts are 0.775~1.0;the level of concordance of experts' opinion about index is above of 91.9%,the coefficient of concordance is 0.84,CI or CR of the logic concordance of all indexs is less than 0.1.Conclusions The index evaluation system of baccalaureate nursing graduates' core eompetenees is built after two rounds of consultation,the experts have high authority and concordance,CI or CR of the logic concordance of all indexs is less than 0.1.the evaluation sysem is scientific and reliable.  相似文献   
儒学人文精神是中华民族的丰流文化,本文通过阐述儒学人文精神在护士形象表现中的规范作用、在护理环境中的协调作用,说明护理物质文化中的表象特征.通过说明护理制度文化的支撑展现儒学人文精神在护理制度文化的调整作用.其在护理精神文化中是主导与构架作用.  相似文献   
Objective To probe into the structure of core competences of baccalaureate nursing graduates,structuring a system of indexes evaluation of baccalaureate nursing graduates' core competences.Methods Adopting Delphi method and AHP method to evaluate the items,layer structure,weights,connotation of the indexes system.All data were collected and statistically treated.Results After two rounds of consultations,built an index evaluation system of baccalaureate nursing graduates' core competences.Individual Authority Coefficient of all experts are 0.775~1.0;the level of concordance of experts' opinion about index is above of 91.9%,the coefficient of concordance is 0.84,CI or CR of the logic concordance of all indexs is less than 0.1.Conclusions The index evaluation system of baccalaureate nursing graduates' core eompetenees is built after two rounds of consultation,the experts have high authority and concordance,CI or CR of the logic concordance of all indexs is less than 0.1.the evaluation sysem is scientific and reliable.  相似文献   
Objective To probe into the structure of core competences of baccalaureate nursing graduates,structuring a system of indexes evaluation of baccalaureate nursing graduates' core competences.Methods Adopting Delphi method and AHP method to evaluate the items,layer structure,weights,connotation of the indexes system.All data were collected and statistically treated.Results After two rounds of consultations,built an index evaluation system of baccalaureate nursing graduates' core competences.Individual Authority Coefficient of all experts are 0.775~1.0;the level of concordance of experts' opinion about index is above of 91.9%,the coefficient of concordance is 0.84,CI or CR of the logic concordance of all indexs is less than 0.1.Conclusions The index evaluation system of baccalaureate nursing graduates' core eompetenees is built after two rounds of consultation,the experts have high authority and concordance,CI or CR of the logic concordance of all indexs is less than 0.1.the evaluation sysem is scientific and reliable.  相似文献   
医院护理部应对突发疫情的组织管理工作   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
当医院面对SARS这一突发疫情时 ,为保证护理工作能正常有序运行 ,作者根据具体需要做好各项准备工作 ,制定相关规章制度 ,严格岗前培训 ,并科学合理调配安排人力 ,采用增加一线人员配备 ,适当缩短工作时间的方法 ,在保证完成工作任务的同时 ,保障了护理质量和护理人员的身心健康  相似文献   
新形势下军队医院护理岗位练兵实践   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
目的:提高新形势下军队医院多元化护理队伍整体业务水平。方法:采取抓战备训练与应急保障训练,分层次练兵,多种形式训练与结合主题文化活动练兵相结合。结果:操作成绩练兵前后有显著差异性(P〈0.01)。结论:采取多种形式练兵活动对新形势下军队医院多元化护理队伍整体业务水平提高有积极意义。  相似文献   
目的 了解甲型H1N1流感发热门诊患者自我效能感状况及其影响因素.方法 运用一般情况调查表、一般自我效能感昔表、甲型H1N1流感认知调查表、社会支持评定量表对来我院发热门诊就诊的826例患者进行问卷调查.结果 调查对象一般自我效能感得分为(2.44±0.63)分,低于常模(P<0.05);调查对象的一般自我效能感得分受其年龄、性别、婚姻状况、文化程度、社会支持程度、甲型H1N1流感认知程度的影响(P<0.05);与年龄、文化程度、社会支持程度、甲型H1N1流感认知程度呈正相关(P<0.05).结论 甲型H1N1流感发热门诊患者一般自我效能感得分较低,护理人员在接诊发热患者时,应了解其自我效能感状况,分析影响因素,给予有效的护理干预,提高自我效能感,增强流感防控效果.  相似文献   
目的 通过应用ISO9000族质量标准规范临床护理服务基础设施.方法 按照ISO9000族质量标准,全员动员,成立领导小组,制定质量手册,临床督导,1个月检查验收、评议.通过自制质量评估量表分别对47个护理单元规范前后各检查填表1次,比较评价;发放满意度问卷对患者、护士进行实施前后问卷调查.结果 规范前后护士站、治疗室、处置室、换药室、抢救病房、普通病房等临床服务基础设施与护理服务质量在患者、护士满意度的测评中差异均有统计学意义(P<0.01).结论 应用ISO9000族质量标准能有效规范临床护理服务基础设施,是提高临床基础护理质量、提高护理服务满意度的有效手段.  相似文献   
规范护理行政管理的实践与体会   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的对护理单元进行规范化管理,提高护理工作质量。方法对33个护理单元进行规范化管理项目流程再造,制定并下发病区规范化行政管理标准,建设和观摩示范病区,对规范化管理成果进行验收。结果33个护理单元初查合格率为94.0%,复查合格率97.0%,差异有统计学意义(P〈0.01)。在护理质量方面,规范前合格率为消毒隔离管理93.6%,病房管理94.6%;复查合格率消毒隔离管理97.8%,病房管理98.9%,规范前后比较差异有统计学意义(P〈0.01)。结论规范护理管理,再造护理流程,制定全院达成共识的标准,严格按标准评价,提高了护理工作质量,对护理管理达到规范化、标准化、持续化有重要意义。  相似文献   
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