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Objective To observe the effect of nerve growth factor(NGF)and electro-acupuncture(EA) on learning and memory in rats with cerebral ischemia.Methods An experimental model of cerebral ischemiareperfusion was established in 40 rats,who were then randomly divided into a model group,a sham operated group,a NGF group,an acupuncture group and a NGF plus acupuncture group.Three weeks were allowed for the recovery of the blood-brain barrier lesion caused by ischemia-reperfusion before intravenous injection of NGF(10μg/kg,once daily for 15 days)via the vena caudalis.In the two acupuncture groups,this was administered in combination with EA at the Baihui(DU20)and Yamen(DU15)acupoints(frequency 100 Hz,2 mA,20 min/time,once daily for 15 days).Morris' water maze test was used to assess any changes in spatial learning and memory abilities.Results The ischemic rats showed significant learning and memory disorders compared with the sham-operated group.In the NGF group,the rats' learning and memory abilities did not impmve significantly compared with the model group and the EA group.Significantly better learning was observed in the NGF+EA group compared with the model group,the EA group and the NGF group.Conclusion NGF combined with EA can improve the learning and memory abilities of rats with learning and memory dysfunction caused by cerebral ischemia-repedusion.  相似文献   
<正>吾师方剑乔教授系国家级名中医、博士生导师,浙江省针灸学会会长,从事针灸教学、科研和临床工作30余年。方师早年留学日本,博采众长,学验俱丰,擅长中医经典理论与现代医学相结合,将其应用于疼痛及免疫相关疾病,尤其对痛证的诊治颇具造诣。踝关节扭伤是一种常见的软组织损伤性疾病,在关节韧带损伤中占首位[1],大部分踝关节扭伤可以进行非手术治疗[2-3],但如果治疗不当,则会有20%~40%  相似文献   
自 1 998年 4月以来 ,笔者采用穴位天灸结合凉血活血中药治疗慢性肝炎高胆红素血症 ,疗效满意 ,现报告如下。1 资料与方法1 .1 一般资料 :慢性肝炎后高胆红素血症患者 71例 ,均为慢性乙型肝炎恢复期患者 ,慢性乙型肝炎按1 995年全国传染病会议拟定的标准诊断 ,入选患者肝功能检查血清总胆红素 ( TBil) >1 7.1 μmol/L,并排除肝外梗阻性黄疸 ,丙氨酸转氨酶 ( ALT)、天门冬氨酸转氨酶 ( AST)正常或轻度异常 ,其他临床症状轻微者。其中男 49例 ,女 2 2例 ,肝炎病史 1 .2~ 8.3年。 TBil2 5 .1~ 63.7μmol/L。上述患者按治疗先后随机分…  相似文献   
Objective To observe the effect of nerve growth factor(NGF)and electro-acupuncture(EA) on learning and memory in rats with cerebral ischemia.Methods An experimental model of cerebral ischemiareperfusion was established in 40 rats,who were then randomly divided into a model group,a sham operated group,a NGF group,an acupuncture group and a NGF plus acupuncture group.Three weeks were allowed for the recovery of the blood-brain barrier lesion caused by ischemia-reperfusion before intravenous injection of NGF(10μg/kg,once daily for 15 days)via the vena caudalis.In the two acupuncture groups,this was administered in combination with EA at the Baihui(DU20)and Yamen(DU15)acupoints(frequency 100 Hz,2 mA,20 min/time,once daily for 15 days).Morris' water maze test was used to assess any changes in spatial learning and memory abilities.Results The ischemic rats showed significant learning and memory disorders compared with the sham-operated group.In the NGF group,the rats' learning and memory abilities did not impmve significantly compared with the model group and the EA group.Significantly better learning was observed in the NGF+EA group compared with the model group,the EA group and the NGF group.Conclusion NGF combined with EA can improve the learning and memory abilities of rats with learning and memory dysfunction caused by cerebral ischemia-repedusion.  相似文献   
Hegu (LI 4) and Taichong (LR 3) are the Yuan- Primary acupoints of the Large Intestine and Liver Meridian, and are collectively named as Si Guan (four gates) point. Combined use of these two acupoints can harmonize yin and yang, regulate qi and blood, and balance ascending or descending. This paper attempts to study the effects of Si Guan point on the vascular dilation and constriction in migraine patients from the perspective of its feature.  相似文献   
谈中医专业《针灸学》的教与学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针灸学是中医学的一个重要分支学科,<针灸学>是高等院校中医专业本科的主干课程,对该课程的教与学的好坏,在一定程度上影响中医专业学生的培养质量.根据我们往年的课堂情况及教学反馈信息,由于针灸学内容的特殊性及部分学生对专业的认识、导向等问题,对<针灸学>的学习仍处于一种茫然、被动状态,部分同学甚至存有学完针灸后将来有何用途的疑虑.为此,我们从2001年开始,对<针灸学>的教学作了一些尝试性的改革,并取得了较好的教学效果.  相似文献   
[目的]为建立合适的医学专业学位研究生临床技能培训制度,解决专业学位研究生临床技能培训与住院医师规范化培训之间的重复和矛盾。[方法]通过分析国内医学专业学位研究生临床技能培训现状,并结合国内“双轨合一”模式的成功实施案例,提出开展医学专业学位研究生临床技能培训与住院医师规范化培训相结合的“双轨合一”实施设想。[结果]在“双轨合一”的实施过程中,设立准入制度、分阶段培训、多站式考核模式、阶段考核制度,有利于提高医学专业学位研究生培养质量。[结论]浙江中医药大学有条件且迫切需要开展医学专业学位研究生临床技能培训与住院医师规范化培训相结合的“双轨合一”模式,大学研究生处需加强过程监管,医学继续教育部门应制定统一考核标准,保证医学专业学位研究生的培养质量。  相似文献   
摘要:[目的]探讨针灸“颈腰同治”思路治疗颈椎病的理论依据及临床可行性。[方法]根据颈椎病与腰部疾患的·陆床相关性,从传统经络学说、解剖及脊柱力学平衡的角度,分析颈椎病发病过程中颈部与腰部的相互影响,寻求针灸治疗颈椎病更为有效的治疗方案。[结果]“颈腰同治”治疗颈椎病的理论依据主要在传统经络上,颈椎与腰椎主要靠足太阳经与督脉加强彼此相互联系;生理解剖上,椎体及其周围肌肉、韧带共同维护脊柱的生理平衡;生物力学角度,脊柱力学平衡的改变,可以使颈腰同时受累。[结论]针灸“颈腰同治”治疗颈椎病具有充分的理论基础和较好的临床疗效,为针灸临床治疗颈椎病提供了一种新的治疗思路,值得临床进一步验证与推广。  相似文献   
颈源性头痛的发病机制在于"筋损致病",即颈部经筋急性损伤或慢性劳损后所产生的"炎症"刺激引起头痛.治疗上应根据"顺筋取穴""筋穴治痛"的原则,以经筋起止点、压痛点、压痛缓解点、筋结点为主穴,施以震颤松解手法和温针灸法,以达筋松脉通、通则不痛之效.  相似文献   
针刺减肥与药物比较已显示出一定的优势。目前针刺减肥取穴大多取用脾胃经穴且以腹部穴位为主,取穴及用针数量多,临床也存在疗效个体差异大、疗程长、患者依从性不够高等问题。减少取穴及用针数量,提高患者针刺减肥的疗效及依从性是值得我们思考的问题。本文从肥胖、能量代谢与脑及督脉的相关性,探讨督脉经穴治疗肥胖症的可行性,以期在针刺减肥的方法上另辟蹊径,充分发挥针刺减肥的优势,扩大患者的受益面。  相似文献   
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