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为了解东宁县饮用水水质与环境卫生现状,按比例分层随机的方式选择水质调查(监测)点14个,以水质调查(监测)点的14个村和每个点所在的村随机选取10户开展调查。结果,水质检测合格率为35.71%,大部分饮用水未经过无害化处理;卫生厕所占农村厕所的7.91%;垃圾、污水未做处理任意堆放和排放。农村居民饮用水水质与环境卫生现状值得关注,应加强农村居民的健康教育和行为干预,大力实施改水改厕政策,建造环境卫生设备,以提高农村居民的健康水平。  相似文献   
Objective To study the effect of attachment, coping style and social support on mental health in technical school students.Methods 372 technical school students were assessed by ECR(Experiences in Close Relationship's Inventory) ,Symptom Check Scale List-90 (SCL-90) and Coping Style Scale For Secondary School Students( CSS), Adolescent Self-Rating Life Events Checklist ( ASLEC), Perceived Social Support Scale (PSSS).Results ( 1 ) Life events had significant correlations with all indexes score of attachment anxiety ( r =0.293 ~ 0.356, P <0.01 ) ,the scale of coping style focus on emotion and the total score of SCL-90 ( r = 0.259 ~0.509, P<0.01 ) ,and the total score of perceived social support had significant correlations with the total score of SCL-90 ( r =-0.238, P < 0.01 ).( 2 ) Structural equation analysis ( model fit: χ2 = 540.593, RMSEA = 0.114,NFI = 0.864 ,CFI =0.884, P < 0.01 ) showed that life events affect on mental health through the mediation effects of coping style focus on emotion, attachment anxiety and the perceived social support and coping style focus on emotion had most mediating effect on mental health ( mediation effect = 33.2% ).Conclusion Life events had both direct effect and indirect effect through coping style focus on emotion, attachment anxiety and the Perceived Social Support on mental health.  相似文献   
目的 探讨依恋、应对方式、社会支持在生活事件对心理健康影响的中介效应.方法 采用整群抽样的方法对哈尔滨市某技工学校一年级新生372人进行中学生亲密关系经历量表(ECR),症状自评量表(SCL-90),应对方式量表(CSS),青少年生活事件量表(ASLEC),领悟社会支持量表(PSSS)问卷调查.结果 (1)生活事件与依恋焦虑因子呈显著正相关(r=0.293~0.356,P<0.01),与情绪集中性应对各因子呈显著正相关(r=0,259~0.509,P<0.01),与SCL-90总分呈显著正相关(P<0.01);领悟社会支持与SCL-90总分呈显著负相关(r=-0.238,P<0.01).(2)结构方程模型(拟合指数:χ2=540.593,RMSEA=0.114,NFI=0.864,CFI=0.884,P<0.01)分析显示生活事件影响心理健康的中介因素为情绪集中性应对、依恋焦虑因子、领悟社会支持,其中情绪集中性应对的中介效应最大,占总效应的33.2%.结论 生活事件直接影响心理健康,并通过情绪集中性应对、依恋焦虑、社会支持的中介作用间接影响心理健康.  相似文献   
崔滨 《健康》2012,(2):67-67
我们有世界上最吃苦耐劳、技术又高超的劳动者,但和其他发达国家的产业工人相比,我们勤劳却不快乐。一日,我被邀请去观看一场有中国、丹麦、波兰三国产业工人参加的国际焊接大赛。在与十多位欧洲普通工人的接触中,他们对电焊这份在我们看来又脏又累的工作的热爱,以及这份工作带给他们的幸福和快乐,深深打动了我。  相似文献   
我院近期收治了1例少见的巨大神经纤维瘤,术后2年复发并且发生恶变,现报道如下。病例资料患者,女,70岁,近日发现腹部肿块逐渐增大,腹部稍隆,触及表面光滑,不活动,有压痛,食欲不振,慢性病容,轻度消瘦,体温36℃。患者曾于2年前腹部占位手术,术后病检为神经纤维瘤。B超检查:于左侧腹腔探及一巨大实性肿物边界清,内回声不均匀,下达髂嵴,大小为16.7cm×10.5cm。B超诊断:腹腔内占位,以畸胎瘤可能性大。CT检查:左侧腹部见一11.0cm×13.0cm巨大软组织密度肿块,边缘清晰光整,内部有少许低密度灶。CT值在5~11HU之间。肿块…  相似文献   
Objective To study the effect of attachment, coping style and social support on mental health in technical school students.Methods 372 technical school students were assessed by ECR(Experiences in Close Relationship's Inventory) ,Symptom Check Scale List-90 (SCL-90) and Coping Style Scale For Secondary School Students( CSS), Adolescent Self-Rating Life Events Checklist ( ASLEC), Perceived Social Support Scale (PSSS).Results ( 1 ) Life events had significant correlations with all indexes score of attachment anxiety ( r =0.293 ~ 0.356, P <0.01 ) ,the scale of coping style focus on emotion and the total score of SCL-90 ( r = 0.259 ~0.509, P<0.01 ) ,and the total score of perceived social support had significant correlations with the total score of SCL-90 ( r =-0.238, P < 0.01 ).( 2 ) Structural equation analysis ( model fit: χ2 = 540.593, RMSEA = 0.114,NFI = 0.864 ,CFI =0.884, P < 0.01 ) showed that life events affect on mental health through the mediation effects of coping style focus on emotion, attachment anxiety and the perceived social support and coping style focus on emotion had most mediating effect on mental health ( mediation effect = 33.2% ).Conclusion Life events had both direct effect and indirect effect through coping style focus on emotion, attachment anxiety and the Perceived Social Support on mental health.  相似文献   
对于疼痛专家或临床各个科室,利用问卷评估患者的心理状况完成既往史的采集没有什么新意可言.有新意的是这些评估手段应该得到更广泛的应用,一开始就应该用来指导诊断、治疗,评估治疗的结果.这种变化的部分原因是生物医学模式管理慢性持续性疼痛病人的失败,另一个是新技术的发展使数据处理变的简单易行.  相似文献   
精氨酸血症是一种罕见的常染色体隐性遗传病,临床症状复杂多样,其病理机制尚未完全清楚,能量代谢障碍导致的神经元和少突胶质细胞损伤可能是其神经症状的原因。限制蛋白饮食、服用除氮药物等方式是治疗精氨酸血症的基本措施,但并不能完全阻止疾病的进展,酶替代或基因治疗是精氨酸血症的理想方案。基因编辑治疗尚未用于患者,肝移植是目前治疗精氨酸血症的有效手段。虽然肝移植并不能修复患者的基因缺陷,但可以补充精氨酸酶Ⅰ,使血浆精氨酸及其代谢产物降至正常,预防进行性损伤,缓解神经系统症状,提高生活质量。精氨酸血症发病率相对较低,人们对此尚缺乏完整认知。现就精氨酸血症的临床特点、发病机制、诊断及治疗进行综述,以期让更多人对精氨酸血症深入了解。  相似文献   
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