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正夏天是充满生机的季节,也是要特别注意身体健康的季节。那么我们在这个季节应该如何健康生活呢?1.补水。夏天大量出汗会带走体内盐、维生素及钾、镁等微量元素,此时喝茶是最好的选择,因为饮茶既可以补充水分及流失的维生素等人体必需的物质,又能生津止渴、提神醒脑、增强食欲,最重要的  相似文献   
熊苗 《大众健康》2011,(3):96-96
开春了,装修的旺季又来了。装修后如何更好的预防那些对身体不健康的因素呢?我们可以适当吃以下这些食物,来对抗室内装修的污染源:  相似文献   
熊苗 《健康博览》2014,(3):49-49
俗话说,人是铁,饭是钢,可近日一则题为“白米饭——垃圾食品之王”的帖子在微博、微信圈广为流传。网帖称,南瓜、地瓜、土豆、芋头、大豆,可以提供丰富的膳食纤维、维生素、矿物质、蛋白质,且它们都是足够却不过量的碳水化合物(糖)的来源。而白米饭却完全不同,几乎不含有蛋白质、脂肪、维生素、矿物质——只有淀粉和糖。这是真的吗?  相似文献   
Objective To investigate natural spontaneous menopausal age , menstruation span and their relationship with menarche age and parity in Pudong district of Shanghai. Methods From Jan 2007 to Jul 2008, 15 083 spontaneous menopause women undergoing cervical cancer screening were enrolled in this study. The questionnaire included menarche age, parity, spontaneous menopausal age and menstruation span. Those women were divided into four groups based on age, which were group of 56 -60, 61 -65, 66 -70 and more than 70. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used for comparing difference between menopausal age and menstruation span. Multiple factor regressions was used to analyze the relationship between menarche age, parity and menopausal age and menstruation span. Results (1) Spontaneous menopausal age: the minimum was 29 years old, the maximum was 61 years old, and the mean age was (50.6 ±3.7)years old. The mean spontaneous menopause age were (50.9 ± 3.4), ( 50.7 ± 3.7 ), (50.0 ± 4.1 ), (49.6 ±4.0) years in groups of 56 -60, 61 -65, 66 -70 and more than 70 years. With the increasing age range in four groups, the increasing trends of menopausal age were observed, which the difference of 1.36 year was shown between groups of 56 - 60 and more than 70 years. (2) Menstruation span: the mean of menstruation span was (34.3 ± 4.1 ) years, which the minimal age of 12 years and maximal age of 48 years were recorded. (34.6 ± 3.8), (34.3 ± 4.1 ), (33.9 ± 4.6), (33.2 ± 4. 5) were observed in groups of 56 - 60,61 -65, 66 -70 and more than 70 years. With the increasing age range in four groups, the increasing trends of menstruation span were observed, which the difference of 1.41 year was shown between groups of 56 –60 and more than 70 years. (3)The impact of menarche age on menopausal age and menstruation span: there was no correlation between menarche age and menopausal age ( r = 0.02); however, menstruation span was found to be negatively correlated with the menarche age ( r = - 0.43 ). (4) The impact of parity on menopausal age and menstruation span: the mean menopausal age of women who had 1 -2 deliveries was significantly higher than those had no delivery or more than 3 deliveries ( P < 0.05 ). However, there was no difference in menopausal age between women with 1 and 2 deliveries or between women without delivery and more than 3 deliveries (P > 0.05). Menstruation span of women with 1 delivery was significantly longer that those with more than 1 delivery( P < 0.05 ), similarly, women with 2 deliveries had longer menstruation span than women without delivery or more than 3 deliveries(P < 0.05 ). There were no difference in menstruation span between women with more than 3 deliveries and without delivery ( P >0.05 ). (5) Multifactor regression analysis for menstruation span: menarche age was correlated with menstruation span negatively ( r = - 0.97,P <0.001 ). There was significantly different menstruation span between group of 61 -65, 66 -70 or more than 70 years and group of 56-60 (r= -0. 18, P=0.020; r= -0.78,P <0.001 and r= - 1.23,P<0.001). Menstruation span in women with 1 -2 deliveries was significantly longer than that of women without delivery or more than 3 deliveries. (6)Multifactor logistic analysis of menopausal age: there was no association between menarche age and menopausal age, however, significant differences were found in mean menopausal age between different groups, which show that menopausal age of group 56 - 60 years was significant higher than the other groups, including age-group 61 -65 years ,66 -70 years and over 70 years ( r = - 0.18, P = 0.020; r = - 0.78,P < 0.001; r = - 1.23, P < 0.001 ). Menopausal age in women with 1 - 2 deliveries was significantly higher than those of women without delivery or with more than 3 deliveries,however, no difference between women with 1 and 2 deliveries or between women without deliveries and more than 3 deliveries was observed. Conclusion (1) Menopausal age and menstruation span exhibited increasing trends in Pudong district of Shanghai. (2) Menarche age and parity were the important factors influencing menopausal age and menstruation span. (3) With younger age of menarche, the menstruation span become longer. (4) Deliveries of 1 -2 times can significantly delay the menopause and prolong menstruation span, however, the multiple deliveries ( ≥ 3 times) had no significant impact on menopausal age and menstruation span.  相似文献   
从小在南方长大,每到夏天雨水比较多,也潮湿。北方气候在一般人的理解中,干燥,风沙大。其实这是对北方有些误会了。由于工作关系我在北方待了6年,也习惯了北方的生活和气候。其实,6年中很少感觉到风沙的袭击,尤其是秋季,是一年中最美丽的季节。秋季,指我国农历7、8、9月,包括立秋、处暑、白露、秋分、寒露、霜降6个节气。秋季,暑夏的高温已降低,人们烦躁的情绪也随之平静,秋高气爽、秋色宜人,可见我们在秋季不仅要从心理上享受秋季带来的舒爽,更要从饮食上调整自己的秋季健康。  相似文献   
目的探究0~3岁婴幼儿轮状病毒(RV)感染的流行病学特点及相关危险因素。 方法以2015年1月至2017年7月广东省农垦中心医院儿科住院并确诊的50例0~3岁轮状病毒感染腹泻患儿为研究对象,同时选取50例健康儿童作为对照组,对轮状病毒感染者的流行病学指标进行描述。采用针对本研究自制调查表对患者基本信息、生活习惯和生活行为进行调查,通过单因素和多因素统计学方法分析导致RV感染的危险因素。 结果描述统计学发现RV引起的腹泻于5~7月份和11~12月份为高月份,相对应季节分别为夏季和冬季,在RV感染引起的不同年龄段和性别腹泻患儿数量差异无统计学意义(χ2 = 0.622、0.519,P = 0.419、0.617),不同分子类型RV感染所致腹泻临床症状差异无统计学意义(χ2 = 1.011、0.219、0.948、0.628、0.435,P = 0.315、0.640、0.330、0.428、0.509);按时接种疫苗(OR = 0.52,95%CI:0.21~0.84)、良好洗手习惯(OR = 0.35,95%CI:0.19~6.48)和母亲喂奶前洗手行为(OR = 0.45、95%CI:0.21~0.93)均为患儿感染RV腹泻的保护因素,而小儿吮手指习惯(OR = 3.37,95%CI:1.58~6.21)、腹泻患者接触史(OR = 2.95,95%CI:1.87~4.05)及食用生冷不洁食物(OR = 2.53,95%CI:1.09~8.75)为危险因素。 结论0~3岁婴幼儿RV感染所致腹泻全年均可发生,夏、冬季节为高发季节,按时接种疫苗、良好洗手习惯、纠正小儿吮手指习惯、不与腹泻患者接触及不食用生冷不洁食物可降低RV感染的发生。  相似文献   
目的:观察炔雌醇环丙孕酮片对多囊卵巢综合征(PCOS)患者血清抗苗勒氏管激素(AMH)的影响。方法:选取2015年1月~2017年6月在上海市第六人民医院东院妇科门诊就诊的年龄20~30岁的PCOS患者63例。患者签署知情同意书后,予以炔雌醇环丙孕酮片治疗3个月。观察治疗前后内分泌、代谢参数的变化,并与年龄、体重匹配的健康女性比较。结果:63例PCOS患者中,50例完成了本研究。治疗前,PCOS患者的血清AMH水平显著高于对照组[(10.87±4.47)ng/ml vs(8.35±4.25)ng/ml,P0.05],但正常体重患者和超重/肥胖患者之间,血清AMH水平无显著差异。炔雌醇环丙孕酮片治疗3个月,患者的血清AMH显著下降,差异有统计学意义[(8.22±3.03)ng/ml vs(10.85±3.98)ng/ml,P=0.000]。结论:短期使用炔雌醇环丙孕酮片能显著降低PCOS患者的血清AMH水平。  相似文献   
神经衰弱 方一:沙参、玉竹各15克,粳米60克。将沙参、玉竹用布包好煎汤,去渣,加入粳米煮粥食,每天一次,连服数天。本方滋阴清热,宁心安神,适用于阴虚火旺所致的神经衰弱。  相似文献   
熊苗 《健康博览》2014,(9):59-59
<正>流言:近日一则在微博、微信等社交网络转发很高的新闻"隔夜西瓜放倒一家三口,实验证明隔夜西瓜细菌数量以亿计算",引起不少人恐慌。那么隔夜西瓜真的那么恐怖吗?真相:这个问题要看西瓜怎么放,常温下存放一晚确实会滋生不少细菌,但如果用保鲜膜覆盖或者将没吃完的挖出来密封,放置冰箱冷藏,不就不存在这个  相似文献   
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