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患者女性,50岁。临床诊断:心肌病。此次因眼角膜移植术住院,术后1周进食少,下床后突感心悸、恶心而昏倒。即测BP90/60mmHg(12/8kPa),急查血钾3.21mmol/L。心电图Ⅲ导联(附图)基本心律为窦性,频率约为78次/min,可见频发的室性早搏呈二联律,室早配对  相似文献   
完全性左束支传导阻滞(CLBBB)远较完全性右束支传导阻滞少见。多数学者认为,心脏发生CLBBB,表示有严重心肌损害,大多数病例预后较差。我院自1963~1987年共检查心电图256584例,  相似文献   
完全性左束支传导阻滞合并左室肥厚的心电图诊断探讨郭清桂完全性左束支传导阻滞(LBBB)时诊断左室肥厚(LVH)比较困难。近年来LVH的超声诊断标准已被人们所承认。我们利用超声心动图测定42例LBBB住院患者的心脏大小,探讨LBBB伴LVH的心电图指标...  相似文献   
慢性肾炎尿毒症患者除了氮质潴留,酸中毒与电介质紊乱外,心血管系统亦有明显改变,甚至发展成尿毒症性心肌病,因而心电图常有明显改变。经过血液透  相似文献   
1978年4月~1979年12月,我们先后为10例病人作了15例次经静脉人工心脏起搏术,现报告如下。一般资料本组10例病人,男7,女3。年龄27~72岁,平均53.5岁。  相似文献   
Rhomotoxin has specific pharmacologic low- ering blood pressure and slowing heart rate action It is not a central nervous system type antihypertensive agent. Its mechanism of blood pressure lowering action is not direct dilation of the peripheral blood vessels and has no relation with blood volume. Its pharmacologic action has no relationship with the sympathetic nervous system, but is related to the cholinergic musca- rinergic system and may also be related to the intravascular receptor, while its negative chro- notropic action is due to activation of the vagus through the sinus nerve.  相似文献   
1969年Scherlag将心腔内导管电极记录希氏束电图(HBE)法标准化以来,HBE的使用迅速普及,适用范围不断扩大,积累了大量的资料和经验。但是大系列组的HBE正常值的报告却较少,而且报告大都局限在年纪较轻的先天性心脏病患者范围内。本文报告40例房室传导正常患者的HBE正常值,并结合文献进行讨论。  相似文献   
八厘麻毒素对动物的急性中毒性实验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文就我院药剂科提炼制备的八厘麻毒素作急性中毒性动物实验,报告如下。 一、急性毒性试验 取18~22克健康小白鼠25只,雌雄未限,按预试致死量分组进行腹腔注射,求得  相似文献   
临床及动物实验均证实八厘麻毒素能明显降低血压和降慢心律。本文报告其药理机理的动物实验研究结果。 一、方法与结果 狗以硫喷妥钠麻醉。将塑科管插入股动脉,并与水银检压计连接,记录血压的变化。以心电图机记录心率和心律。实验药物均经输液塑料管注入股  相似文献   
Thallium-201 dipyridamole test (Tl-201DT) has high sensitivity and specificity in the assessment of coronary disease (CAD), but is not always available. We proposed impedance cardiography DT (IDT)instead. To determine the characteristic changes of impedance cardiogram (ICG) in patients with typical angina and to compare with those in normal subjects, 37 subjects undergoing IDT were divided into 3 groups: typical angina (15), suspected chest pain (11) and normals (11). Dipyridamole (DP) was infused intravenously for over 10 minutes at a total dose of 0.75 mg/kg. Simultaneous recording of ECG, PCG, and ICG were repeated immediately 2 minutes and 4 minutes after infusion of DP, and immediately and 5 minutes after intravenous infusion of aminophylline. Eleven parameters, HR, SPRP, QZ/ZA2, HI, SV, CO, A wave, A/C, O wave, O/C, A + O/C were observed. Only in O/C and A + O/C there were changes of significant differences (P less than 0.01) between groups. Specificity was 100% (0/11 positive) in normals. Sensitivity was 80% (12/15 positive) in the angina group, but only 46.7% (7/15) with ECG. The characteristic changes in CAD patients during IDT were angina induced by DP, abnormal O wave on ICG and change from deep A wave to abnormal O wave. No serious complication occurred after IDT. Our results indicate that IDT is a simple, practical and valuable method for detecting CAD.  相似文献   
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