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目的:分析布鲁菌病患者临床特征,提高对布鲁菌病的认知及诊断水平。方法:回顾性分析2014年1月至2019年3月本院明确诊断的11例布鲁菌病患者的流行病学特点、临床表现、实验室检查和流行病学资料。结果:确诊患者中,有明确牛羊动物及不熟生肉接触史者6例;临床表现为发热10例、关节痛4例、畏寒3例、头晕3例及乏力1例;实验室检查结果显示,11例确诊患者C-反应蛋白、红细胞沉降率结果均增高,谷丙转氨酶升高8例,降钙素原增高7例,血白细胞总数降低7例,淋巴细胞增高6例,血小板总数降低6例,血红蛋白降低5例;血培养送检11例,阳性8例,骨髓培养送检3例,阳性2例;随访结果表明该11例患者经内科积极治疗后均治愈。结论:对长期不明原因发热患者结合流行病学特点应考虑布鲁菌病可能,并应早期送检血培养和骨髓培养,避免漏诊和误诊,同时增强高危人群防护意识,防止暴发流行的可能。  相似文献   
[目的]总结明代浙派中医名家楼英调治不孕症的学术特点及遣方用药经验,以期对不孕症的诊治提供新的思路与参考。[方法]通过对楼氏所著《医学纲目》中有关不孕症的章节加以研究分析,总结楼氏治疗不孕症的诊治心得,浅析其治疗不孕症的学术特点及用药经验,并引用三种证型加以说明。[结果]楼氏在提炼明代以前医学名家治疗不孕症的学术思想基础上,结合自身临床经验,认为不孕症的主因有气血不足、痰瘀气滞、体质偏颇、男方精气不足等,治疗该病以调和气血为原则,通过养血益气、行气化瘀、温经暖宫、化痰祛湿、温通督脉诸法辨证施治。文中所引痰塞胞络型、阴虚血亏型、瘀滞胞宫型三种不孕证型,充分体现了楼氏以健脾化痰、滋阴养血、化瘀通络为治则,采用丹溪植芝汤、增损三才丸、荡胞汤为主方调治不孕症的诊疗思路。[结论]楼氏认为不孕症是由多因素引起的女性机体气血失和,难以摄精成孕,其治疗当以调和气血为总则,辨证论治,其学术思想具备临床价值,同时也体现了明代浙派中医诊治不孕症的源流及特色。  相似文献   
To map in vivo cortical circuitry at the mesoscale, we applied a novel approach to map interareal functional connectivity. Electrical intracortical microstimulation (ICMS) in conjunction with optical imaging of intrinsic signals (OIS) was used map functional connections in somatosensory cortical areas in anesthetized squirrel monkeys. ICMS produced activations that were focal and that displayed responses which were stimulation intensity dependent. ICMS in supragranular layers of Brodmann Areas 3b, 1, 2, 3a, and M1 evoked interareal activation patterns that were topographically appropriate and appeared consistent with known anatomical connectivity. Specifically, ICMS revealed Area 3b connections with Area 1; Area 1 connections with Areas 2 and 3a; Area 2 connections with Areas 1, 3a, and M1; Area 3a connections with Areas M1, 1, and 2; and M1 connections with Areas 3a, 1, and 2. These somatosensory connectivity patterns were reminiscent of feedforward patterns observed anatomically, although feedback contributions are also likely present. Further consistent with anatomical connectivity, intra-areal and intra-areal patterns of activation were patchy with patch sizes of 200–300 μm. In summary, ICMS with OIS is a novel approach for mapping interareal and intra-areal connections in vivo. Comparisons with feedforward and feedback anatomical connectivity are discussed.  相似文献   
ObjectivesTo determine whether microbial contamination of preservation solution (PS) in kidney transplantation is associated with donor-derived infections (DDIs).MethodsWe retrospectively analysed data from 1077 deceased kidney transplant recipients of 560 donors. In all, 1002 PS samples were collected for microbiological assessment to establish the incidence and distribution of contamination. Comparisons between patients with contaminated PS and those with sterile PS were performed to assess the impact of microbial contaminations in perfusate on probable donor-derived infections (p-DDIs), and potential risk factors for p-DDIs were examined.ResultsThe contamination rate of PS was 77.8% (402/517). Bacterial species accounted for 85.6% (887/1036) of the total 1036 isolated microorganisms and 26.5% (275/1002) of the recipients' PS were contaminated by ESKAPE pathogens (Enterococcus faecium, Staphylococcus aureus, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Acinetobacter baumannii, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Enterobacter spp.). Enterococcus predominated the microbiological pattern. The incidence of infection was significantly higher in patients with microbial contamination than in patients with sterile PS (13.8% (107/776) versus 7.1% (16/226), p 0.006). The prevalence of p-DDIs was significantly higher in patients with ESKAPE contamination than in patients with other bacterial contamination in PS (7.2% (18/251) versus 1.0% (4/405), p 0.000). Univariate analysis indicated that ESKAPE contamination increased the risk of p-DDIs (p 0.001, OR 3.610, 95% CI 1.678–7.764). Multivariate analysis determined ESKAPE contamination as the only independent risk factor associated with p-DDIs (OR 3.418, 95% CI 1.580–7.393).ConclusionsThe high rate of microbial contaminations in PS is unusual and probably due to poor surgical procedures. Patients whose PS are contaminated by ESKAPE pathogens could have a significantly increased risk of p-DDIs at early post-transplantation.  相似文献   
[目的]追溯浙派中医儿科源流,梳理古今传承脉络,总结浙派中医儿科学术特色与传承发展。[方法]通过史料考证、文献分析、实地调查、名家走访等方法,从探究古今医家儿科学术思想的传承脉络,并结合浙江地域特点,归纳总结浙派中医儿科的学术特色,并探讨其传承方式及发展模式。[结果]浙派中医儿科受钱乙、金元各家尤其是朱丹溪学术的影响,同时结合浙江湿热地理环境因素特点,通过家传以及师带徒的传统方式和院校教育、名中医工作室建设等现代传承模式,形成了“因人因地制宜,擅长滋阴清热;重视后天之本,强调健运脾胃;详辨虚实夹杂,巧用和解之法;注重风邪为病,善用祛风之药”的临床诊疗学术特色。[结论]浙派中医儿科的四大学术特色,为流派学术思想的凝练及流派优势的发挥创造了良好条件。在传统师带徒方式的基础上结合院校教育并开展名医工作室建设的传承模式,更有利于浙派中医儿科的学术传承与创新发展。  相似文献   
目的 了解浙江省儿童伤害发生特点及规律,为制定相应的预防控制策略提供科学依据.方法 监测2005年1月至12月首次在哨点医院(2005年浙江省医院伤害急诊监测系统有5个监测点:金华市、嵊泗县、桐乡市、宁波市鄞州区、海宁市,每个监测点设立3家哨点医院:一家县级医院、一家乡镇中心卫生院、一家乡镇卫生院,开展伤害监测工作)急诊就诊,被诊断为伤害的儿童,由经过培训的急诊室医生或护士填写统一的监测表.内容包括儿童伤害的一般情况、伤害发生的时间、地点、伤害性质等.调查在患儿神志清醒的状态下进行,调查内容要保密,当患儿不能自己回答时,可询问知道相应情况的家人或陪同者.统计学方法 采用均数和构成比描述各项因素,包括性别、年龄、伤害发生时间、发生地点、发生原因、伤害严重程度等,采用y2检验考察构成是否存在差异.结果 2005年共监测到儿童伤害病例1794例,其中男性67.56%,女性32.44%;以本地居民为主,年龄(7.33±3.84)岁;最多的伤害发生地点是家中;4~11月为伤害的高发季节;伤害原因占前3位的分别是跌伤(47.94%)、交通伤(17.17%)和钝器伤(10.26%);儿童伤害发生时的活动第一位都是空闲时(67.66%),其次是学校活动(11.25%)和运动时(9.96%);90.33%的伤害患者经处理后回家,1.40%留观,7.04%住院,0.56%转院治疗,0.22%死亡,0.45%不详;以轻微浅表伤和中等程度伤害为主;儿童伤害最常见的3种性质是血肿瘀伤(31.29%)、浅表擦伤(23.69%)和骨折(8.67%);受伤部位按大类分,头部占39.47%,上肢25.80%,下肢28.55%,躯干4.81%,其他1.38%.结论 浙江省内儿童伤害最常见的是血肿瘀伤、浅表擦伤和骨折,伤害原因主要是跌伤、交通伤和钝器伤.儿童伤害常发生在空闲时,学校活动和运动时,因此,应加强安全教育和安全保护.  相似文献   


With the continuous improvement of liver transplantation technology, the survival rate of liver transplantation has been improved, but recurrent or de novo malignancy remains one of the major factors affecting the long-term survival of liver transplant recipients.

Case Report

A 45-year-old Chinese man had a plastic biliary stent placed on account of biliary anastomotic stenosis after 3 years of piggyback liver transplantation. He came to our hospital because of recurrent fever and jaundice for 2 weeks, and his carcinoembryonic antigen-199 had increased. The patient's duodenal papillary was cauliflower-like at endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography to replace the biliary stent. He was initially suspected of having duodenal papillary carcinoma after liver transplantation. However, the pathology from endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography and endoscopic ultrasound-guided biopsy showed inflammation. While awaiting the result of biopsy, his CA-199 decreased significantly after anti-infection and symptomatic treatment. The patient was diagnosed with biliary anastomotic stenosis and duodenal papillitis. He was discharged uneventfully; to date, there is no evidence of malignant tumor.


We report this case to provide helpful information to clinicians about the management of the duodenal papilla cauliflower-like neoplasm after liver transplantation, which should be considered as inflammatory first. Perhaps our view can avoid the risk of bringing an excessive medical treatment and unnecessary economic burden to patients and their families.  相似文献   


Non-traumatic osteonecrosis of the femoral head (ONFH) is a refractory osteonecrosis disease caused by an abnormal blood supply to bone tissue. However, therapeutic hip preservation strategies are diverse, and the therapeutic outcomes are not ideal.


A network meta-analysis was performed to assess the effect of hip preservation treatments on non-traumatic ONFH.


We searched public electronic databases through May 15, 2017 using the following keywords: “femoral head necrosis osteonecrosis”; “femoral head osteonecrosis”; “osteonecrosis of femoral head”; “avascular necrosis of femoral head”; “necrosis of femoral”; and “random*”. The primary outcome in the present analysis was the treatment failure rate. Secondary outcomes included the Harris hip and the Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Osteoarthritis Index (WOMAC) scores.


We included 21 articles assessing a total of 1415 hips in our analysis. In the network meta-analysis, the treatments were ranked by the surface under the cumulative ranking curve (SUCRA). Core decompression (CD) plus cytotherapy was most likely to reduce the treatment failure rate (SUCRA score = 18.9%), followed by alendronate treatment (SUCRA score = 17.8%), cocktail treatments (SUCRA score = 15.6%), extracorporeal shock wave therapy (ESWT) plus alendronate (SUCRA score = 15.4%), and avascular biomaterials plus cytotherapy (SUCRA score = 13.8%) in a frequentist framework; similar results were obtained in a Bayesian framework. For the secondary outcomes, ESWT was most likely to improve the Harris hip score (SUCRA score = 33.7%), followed by ESWT plus alendronate (SUCRA score = 33.1%) and cocktail (SUCRA score = 19.6%) treatments in a frequentist framework. A traditional analysis showed that the effect of CD plus cytotherapy was significantly better than the effect of CD alone in improving the WOMAC score (SMD, ?6.01; 95% CI, ?7.81 to ?4.22; p < 0.001).


CD plus cytotherapy is a relatively superior treatment for reducing treatment failure rates in early and intermediate ONFH patients, and ESWT is the most effective treatment for improving Harris hip scores.  相似文献   
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