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Measuring outcomes in health care have become mandatory as regulatory agencies, institutional guidelines, employers, and consumer groups advocate for quality health care focusing on improving patient outcomes. System-level quality departments often provide a framework for performance improvement (PI) that supports the organizational PI plan. However, nurses must learn to lead and be actively involved in projects in the radiology department to ensure key performance indicators are developed with on-the-ground quality management to improve patient outcomes, system performance, and professional development. This article explores such efforts at a large women’s specialty hospital in the Southern United States.  相似文献   
Burn injuries are underappreciated injuries associated with substantial morbidity and mortality. Overexposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation has dramatic clinical effects in humans and is a significant public health concern. Although the mechanisms underlying UVB exposure are not fully understood, many studies have made substantial progress in the pathophysiology of sunburn in terms of its molecular aspects in the last few years. It is well established that the transient receptor potential ankyrin 1 (TRPA1), and vanilloid 1 (TRPV1) channels modulate the inflammatory, oxidative, and proliferative processes underlying UVB radiation exposure. However, it is still unknown which mechanisms underlying TRPV1/A1 channel activation are elicited in sunburn induced by UVB radiation. Therefore, in this review, we give an overview of the TRPV1/A1 channel-mediated signalling cascades that may be involved in the pathophysiology of sunburn induced by UVB radiation. These data will undoubtedly help to explain the various features of sunburn and contribute to the development of novel therapeutic approaches to better treat it.  相似文献   
黄帅立 《河南中医》2020,40(4):500-502
2019年为己亥之年,土运不足,厥阴风木司天,少阳相火在泉。下半年相火淫胜,火气流行,克金、刑水。风木盛则克制土运,土运本不足,致虚者更虚,强者更强,此谓之不相得,不相得则病;且气克运,古称之为天刑,天刑之年多灾害。2019年,冬季主气太阳寒水之上少阳相火客临,致冬不藏反长,天不寒反暖。地气封藏不固,水中阳气不藏,本应该被抑制或杀灭的微生物却因火热而未灭,并得少阳火毒助长而毒性更猛,化生为火疫。2020年为庚子年,主行金运,金克木,可平复2019年偏盛之木运,故瘟毒会被2020年之金运削弱或肃杀。针对此次瘟疫,未病之人预防要点为:虚邪贼风,避之有时;精神内守,病安从来;正气存内,邪不可干;饮食宜忌,尤为重要;避秽化浊,芳香化湿。已病之人的治疗,依据此次瘟疫"少阳火毒夹湿"病机,以咸补之,以甘泻之,以咸耎之,岁谷宜丹,间谷宜豆。此次瘟毒的性质虽为湿热火毒,但患者体质却有寒热虚实之别,感染后症状、病情和预后亦不同,故中医临证时应遵循辨证论治,三因治宜的原则;若体质素有湿热,邪从本气而化,可遵循运气病机施治;若体质本热,湿去而化为火毒,则应以制火为主;若体质本寒,热去而化寒湿,则应温化寒湿,芳香化浊;若体质素虚,出现危重证候,则应在祛邪时,重视固护元气。  相似文献   
癌症是世界的难题,是全球人类的灾难。西医放疗、化疗、手术被誉为抗肿瘤的“三板斧”,是治疗癌症的传统方法。何乃举主任中医师遍访全国中医界名家及民间老中医,加之长期的临床实践,形成从伤寒六经辨治癌症的思路经验,从六经辨证仲景已经把癌症早有定位,按照六经辨证学术研究,脏腑本能之气衰败,三阳经外感入里化内热,内热不除,耗伤三阴,引起三阳内闭,闭则不通,聚焦在脏腑,泛滥成灾,这是肾亏骨空内伤。内伤三阳热耗,形成阴不足,阳有余,阴阳失调,必然使脏腑大病。按六经辨治方法,泄内实热,顺水行舟,给病邪找出路,热去阴自复。开鬼门解表,洁净腑利小便。把握伤寒六经辨治规律,诊治癌症也有十之六七,也能见病之源,病跟经走,方跟病行,经病同行,六经大道找病,切中病源。  相似文献   
介绍运用经方辨治水痘和带状疱疹的异同。认为两者均为水痘-带状疱疹病毒感染引起的常见皮肤病。治疗水痘应以祛邪为主,辨证以六经中的太阳、阳明、少阳三阳经为重点,可运用石膏类方等;而对于带状疱疹,应重视扶正,辨证宜兼顾六经、衡量虚实,可予柴胡类方等。  相似文献   
头痛是临床上的一种常见病,多发病,内伤外感均能引起,病因复杂多变,病程长短不一,症状轻重有别,容易反复发作,甚者严重影响患者的生活和工作,引发一系列身心问题,给患者带来了极大的痛苦。中医对头痛病的认识可追溯到2000年前的《黄帝内经》,治疗上更是积累了丰富的经验。传统的辨证论治有时候在临床中证型难以明确区分,往往难以和教科书上的辨证分型对号入座。笔者近年来采用张仲景的六经辨证,先辨六经,次辨方证,灵活运用经方加减治疗各种头痛,方证对应,效果明显。  相似文献   
Introduction: Ocular dysfunctions and toxicities induced by antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) are rarely reviewed and not frequently received attention by treating physicians compared to other adverse effects (e.g. endocrinologic, cognitive and metabolic). However, some are frequent and progressive even in therapeutic concentrations or result in permanent blindness. Although some adverse effects are non-specific, others are related to the specific pharmacodynamics of the drug.

Areas covered: This review was written after detailed search in PubMed, EMBASE, ISI web, SciELO, Scopus, and Cochrane Central Register databases (from 1970 to 2019). It summarized the reported ophthalmologic adverse effects of the currently available AEDs; their risks and possible pathogenic mechanisms. They include ocular motility dysfunctions, retinopathy, maculopathy, glaucoma, myopia, optic neuropathy, and impaired retinal vascular autoregulation. In general, ophthalmo-neuro- or retino-toxic adverse effects of AEDs are classified as type A (dose-dependent), type B (host-dependent or idiosyncratic) or type C which is due to the cumulative effect from long-term use.

Expert opinion: Ocular adverse effects of AEDs are rarely reviewed although some are frequent or may result in permanent blindness. Increasing knowledge of their incidence and improving understanding of their risks and pathogenic mechanisms are crucial for monitoring, prevention, and management of patients’ at risk.  相似文献   

急性胰腺炎中医病因病机复杂,临床表现烦冗多变,传统中医辨证分型粗略,尚不能精准指导急性胰腺炎的中医药治疗。本文基于急性胰腺炎"热病观"和相关指南共识,结合八纲辨证和伤寒六经,拟建立急性胰腺炎的六经平脉辨证体系,以期促进急性胰腺炎的中医药治疗。  相似文献   
李焱  翟凤霞 《陕西中医》2020,(5):660-662
妊娠期间,咳嗽不已,称"妊娠咳嗽",亦称"子嗽",孕妇咳嗽日久未见好转,咳嗽胸痛甚则咳而呕吐,或咳嗽剧烈或久咳不愈,可损伤胎气,导致堕胎、小产。笔者运用六经辨证治疗外感型中表寒里热证子嗽,认为此类患者病在太阳阳明,属于寒热错杂之表寒里热,采用《伤寒论》中方证麻杏甘石汤合止嗽散,使热从外泄,宣发卫气,散寒不助热、解表不伤正,故辨证论治取得了显著的疗效。同时子嗽治疗还需注意健脾固肾安胎,应将顾护胎元贯穿治疗妊娠咳嗽的始终。  相似文献   
        子痫前期(pre-eclampsia,PE)是指妊娠20周以后出现的新发高血压伴多系统受累和损害的综合征。在世界范围内,每年子痫前期可造成大于50万新生儿和胎儿以及大于7万孕产妇死亡,全球发病率约2%~8%[1]。而重度子痫前期可继发出现溶血、肝酶升高、血小板减少等,即HELLP综合征,导致全身多个系统器官损害。子痫前期是多种因素共同作用所致,因此应该从多角度、多机制探究子痫前期的分子病理学基础,方有可能实现PE的早期预测和预防。 浏览更多请关注本刊微信公众号及当期杂志。  相似文献   
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