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BackgroundAdjunct therapies (ATs) may further improve outcomes after botulinum toxin injections in spastic patients, but evidence was unclear in previous systematic reviews.ObjectiveTo assess the efficacy of non-pharmacological ATs in spastic adults according to the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health and build an expert consensus-based on a Delphi process.MethodsFour electronic databases were searched up to May 2020 for reports of comparative trials of non-pharmacologic ATs after botulinum toxin injections in spastic adults. Then, 25 French experts participated in a two-round Delphi process to build recommendations on the use of ATs.ResultsWe included 32 studies (1202 participants, median 32/study) evaluating the effects of physical agents (n = 9), joint posture procedures (JPPs, n = 11), and active ATs (n = 14), mainly after stroke. The average quality of articles was good for randomised controlled trials (median [interquartile range] PEDro score = 7 [6–8]) but moderate (n = 2) or poor (n = 2) for non-randomised controlled trials (Downs & Black checklist). Meta-analysis was precluded owing to the heterogeneity of ATs, control groups and outcome measures. There is evidence for the use of JPPs except low-dose manual stretching and soft posture techniques. Continuous postures (by taping or casting) are recommended; discontinuous postures (by orthosis) may be preferred in patients with active function. Device-free or device-assisted active ATs may be beneficial in the mid-term (> 3 months after botulinum toxin injections), particularly when performed at a high-intensity (> 3 h/week) as in constraint-induced movement therapy. Self-rehabilitation remains understudied after a focal treatment, but its interest is highlighted by the experts. The use of physical agents is not recommended.ConclusionsJPPs and active ATs (device-assisted or device-free) may further improve impairments and activities after botulinum toxin injections. Further studies are needed to better define the best strategies for ATs as a function of the individual treatment goals, participation and quality of life.Review RegistrationPROSPERO (CRD42018105856).  相似文献   
曹立虎 《河南中医》2020,40(2):196-198
糖尿病患者饥饿感病机有胃火炽盛、胃强脾弱、脾胃虚弱、瘀热消谷、痰热消谷等。糖尿病初期,痰热、火热之证常见,患者出现多食易饥表现,应考虑痰热消谷、火热消谷,选用白虎汤、玉女煎、消渴方等加减治疗;病程日久,火热伤阴,壮火食气,出现气阴两虚等表现,此时出现多食易饥症状,则需考虑胃强脾弱、脾胃虚弱等病机,采用半夏泻心汤、附子理中丸、参苓白术散等治疗;瘀血贯穿糖尿病始终,故在使用以上方法治疗糖尿病患者消谷易饥效果欠佳时,可考虑瘀热消谷的因素,采用桃核承气汤、白虎汤合桂枝茯苓丸治疗。糖尿病与痰湿关系密切,针对该病机引起的饥饿感,在清热的同时,还应化痰除湿。糖尿病病程日久患者,饥饿感病机复杂,宜"观其脉证,知犯何逆,随证治之"。  相似文献   

Forest workers, including loggers, foresters, and wildland firefighters, are regularly exposed to some of the most fatal occupational environments in the United States. These hazardous work environments may become even more complex and dynamic when subject to bark beetle outbreaks that have resulted in significant tree mortality. The impacts of tree death from bark beetles are significant, with the cumulative 17-year (2000–2016) footprint for bark beetle caused tree mortality estimated at 54 million acres. However, how workers think about and act in these environments is understudied. This study, therefore, approaches the issue of beetle kill and forest worker safety by examining the perspectives or workers themselves. Its contribution is to leverage ethnographic research to provide insights that can generate new research questions, better inform outreach, and ultimately improve worker safety outcomes. The resulting insights show that beetle kill was understood by workers as a hazard that increased the complexity and dynamism of the work environment, making situational awareness both more necessary and more difficult to maintain. While much research about situational awareness focuses on hazardous situations, it is suggested that building adequate situational awareness should also include broader considerations of organizational communication, as well as training and experience considered over the course of entire careers.  相似文献   
[目的]通过现代检验技术研究筋疽(糖尿病足非缺血性坏疽)湿热毒盛证的糖脂代谢指标。[方法]收集136例筋疽(糖尿病足非缺血性坏疽)患者进行不同证型间指标的比较。[结果]湿热毒盛证患者空腹血糖(FBG)、糖化血红蛋白(HbA1c)、餐后2 h血糖(2 hPBG)、晚期糖基化终末产物(AGEs)、白蛋白(ALB)、总胆固醇(TC)、高密度脂蛋白(HDL-C)与其他证型比较存在统计学差异(P<0.05)。湿热毒盛证患者C-反应蛋白(CRP)、人可溶性血管细胞黏附分子1(sVCAM-1)与其他证型组间比较存在统计学差异(P<0.01)。[结论]筋疽(糖尿病足非缺血性坏疽)湿热毒盛证形成的原因与低营养状态下糖脂代谢紊乱引起的高血糖及持续炎症反应相关。  相似文献   
络脉是经脉系统的分支,具有沟通表里上下、联系脏腑的作用,在支持气血运行方面呈现双向流动的特性,具有物质交换和新陈代谢的功能。脑为诸阳之会,脑络纵横交错,脑络渗灌气血以充实脑髓并敷布阳气以温煦脑神,为"脑主神明"提供物质基础和源动力。病理情况下脑络不通,毒邪内生,而致"毒损脑络"。"毒损脑络"病机学说不仅应用于中风病机研究中,而且拓展到痴呆等其他脑病中,推动了中医脑病病机理论的发展。新近发现脑内存在"胶质淋巴系统",是星形胶质细胞介导的脑脊液-脑间质液的交换流动系统。胶质淋巴系统把脑脊液中的葡萄糖、脂质、电解质和载脂蛋白E等营养物质和神经活性物质运送到脑组织,也能清除脑内代谢产物(如乳酸)、可溶性蛋白(如β-淀粉样蛋白和Tau蛋白)和异物,这是维持脑内环境稳态的重要液体流动系统。胶质淋巴系统的发现为神经系统疾病病理机制的研究提供了新视角,可能成为脑血管疾病、神经退行性疾病等神经精神系统疾病干预的新靶点。作为脑内广泛分布的代谢废物排出途径和物质运送系统的胶质淋巴系统可能是"脑络"病变的生物学基础,是中西医对"毒损脑络"认识的交叉点,从胶质淋巴系统探析"毒损脑络",有可能为揭示"毒损脑络"的现代内涵提供新的靶点。  相似文献   
Hyperhidrosis can seriously impair patients’ quality of life. Medical history, including heredity and hyperhidrosis during youth, as well as current age and time elapsed since menopause, is important to consider when distinguishing between postmenopausal hyperhidrosis and vasomotor symptoms to enable adequate treatment. This report concerns a subgroup of eight postmenopausal patients participating in a randomized controlled trial regarding botulinum toxin (Btx) type B treatment in craniofacial hyperhidrosis. Even though the sample size is small and the enrolment is not yet completed, the promising data collected hitherto are interesting to present in advance because this subtype of craniofacial hyperhidrosis is often underrecognized and challenging to treat. Patients were randomized to receive Btx type B or placebo. Measurements were performed before treatment and 3 ± 1 weeks after. The Dermatology Life Quality Index (DLQI) score was improved for all patients after Btx type B treatment (n = 3) with a median decrease of 9 points (90% median improvement). The placebo group (n = 5) had a median increase of 2 points (–18% median decline). When the same group (n = 5) received Btx type B (open) the DLQI score decreased with a median of 7 points compared with baseline (91% median improvement). Treatment‐related adverse events were temporary and did not prevent improvement of life quality. Furthermore, background data evaluation uncovered interesting findings regarding vasomotor symptoms in relation to postmenopausal hyperhidrosis. In conclusion, the results indicated that Btx type B seems to be a safe and effective treatment in postmenopausal craniofacial hyperhidrosis. Further research is encouraged.  相似文献   
林国华针灸治疗难治性突发性耳聋经验撷要   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
总结林国华教授针灸治疗难治性突发性耳聋经验,并对典型医案进行介绍。林国华教授认为本病多因少阳经气厥塞所致,提倡尽早针灸干预,治病求本,谨守"少阳暴厥"之病机,谨遵"疏解少阳,通耳开窍"之法,临证必用听宫,主取少阳经穴,辅予辨经取穴,巧施发蒙针法与气流灌耳法,妙用岭南火针疗法,必要时调气调神、加取募穴,共奏通耳复聪之效。  相似文献   
肉毒毒素注射引起的不良反应,是药物本身的组成成分引起的与用药目的无关的有害反应,与医生注射方式和注射技术无关。尽管肉毒毒素生产厂家的药品说明书上也有提示,但其所提供的信息不够全面,也未必能引起医生的足够重视。目前文献上多为散发病例。为此作者对过去20年有关肉毒毒素注射引起的过敏反应、肉瘤样肉芽肿、眼睑水肿、流感样症状等相关不良反应的临床表现、发病机制与治疗方法进行综述。  相似文献   


Rosacea is a chronic inflammatory skin condition whose etiology has been linked to mast cells and the antimicrobial peptide cathelicidin LL-37. Individuals with refractory disease have demonstrated clinical benefit with periodic injections of onabotulinum toxin, but the mechanism of action is unknown.


To investigate the molecular mechanism by which botulinum toxin improves rosacea lesions.


Primary human and murine mast cells were pretreated with onabotulinum toxin A or B or control. Mast cell degranulation was evaluated by β-hexosaminidase activity. Expression of botulinum toxin receptor Sv2 was measured by qPCR. The presence of SNAP-25 and VAMP2 was established by immunofluorescence. In vivo rosacea model was established by intradermally injecting LL-37 with or without onabotulinum toxin A pretreatment. Mast cell degranulation was assessed in vivo by histologic counts. Rosacea biomarkers were analyzed by qPCR of mouse skin sections.


Onabotulinum toxin A and B inhibited compound 48/80-induced degranulation of both human and murine mast cells. Expression of Sv2 was established in mouse mast cells. Onabotulinum toxin A and B increased cleaved SNAP-25 and decreased VAMP2 staining in mast cells respectively. In mice, injection of onabotulinum toxin A significantly reduced LL-37-induced skin erythema, mast cell degranulation, and mRNA expression of rosacea biomarkers.


These findings suggest that onabotulinum toxin reduces rosacea-associated skin inflammation by directly inhibiting mast cell degranulation. Periodic applications of onabotulinum toxin may be an effective therapy for refractory rosacea and deserves further study.  相似文献   
A型肉毒素是肉毒梭状芽孢杆菌在繁殖过程中分泌的A型毒性蛋白质,具有很强的神经毒性。其在皮肤美容方面的疗效显著而被熟知。除皮肤美容外,临床实践和前期研究均证实A型肉毒素在治疗皮肤病方面亦有明显疗效,且部分疾病经治疗预后明显优于传统治疗,如瘢痕与多汗症等。  相似文献   
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