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目的 调查武汉市地铁工作人员营养与饮食行为状况,分析饮食行为影响因素。方法 采用分层随机抽样的方式对武汉市地铁集团402名员工进行问卷调查,收集基本信息、膳食摄入及日常饮食行为情况,运用秩和检验、χ2检验和多因素logistic回归分析对营养状况和饮食行为及其影响因素进行评价。结果 地铁工作人员日均蔬菜类、水果类、蛋类、奶及奶制品和水摄入量低于推荐量;畜禽肉类摄入量高于建议量;三班制和四班制员工的蔬菜摄入量低于不轮班和两班制员工(P<0.05)。不经常吃早餐的比例,客运值班员和行车值班员高于行政管理人员(χ2 = 19.307,P<0.05),三班制和四班制高于不轮班(χ2 = 20.513,P<0.05)。点外卖的比例,女性高于男性(χ2 = 10.195,P<0.05),客运值班员和行车值班员高于电动客车司机和行政管理人员(χ2 = 31.061,P<0.05),三班制和四班制高于不轮班(χ2 = 19.735,P<0.05)。51.3%的员工吃饭过快。多因素logistic分析显示,男性(OR = 0.595,95%CI:0.357~0.990)、非行政管理人员工种(客运值班员:OR = 0.169,95%CI:0.036~0.794; 行车值班员:OR = 0.095,95%CI:0.020~0.452; 电动客车司机:OR = 0.107,95%CI:0.022~0.527)与健康饮食行为呈负相关,年龄小(20~25岁:OR = 4.568,95%CI:1.784~11.694;>25~30岁:OR = 3.553,95%CI:1.528~8.261)与健康饮食行为呈正相关。结论 武汉市地铁工作人员存在某些食物种类摄入不合理情况,性别、年龄和工种是健康饮食行为的影响因素。  相似文献   
Excessive noise exposure is a serious global urban health problem, adversely affecting millions of people. One often cited source of urban noise is mass transit, particularly subway systems. As a first step in determining risk within this context, we recently conducted an environmental survey of noise levels of the New York City transit system. Over 90 noise measurements were made using a sound level meter. Average and maximum noise levels were measured on subway platforms, and maximum levels were measured inside subway cars and at several bus stops for comparison purposes. The average noise level measured on the subway platforms was 86 ± 4 dBA (decibel-A weighting). Maximum levels of 106, 112, and 89 dBA were measured on subway platforms, inside subway cars, and at bus stops, respectively. These results indicate that noise levels in subway and bus stop environments have the potential to exceed recommended exposure guidelines from the World Health Organization (WHO) and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), given sufficient exposure duration. Risk reduction strategies following the standard hierarchy of control measures should be applied, where feasible, to reduce subway noise exposure.Gershon and Barrera are with the Department of Sociomedical Sciences, Columbia University, Mailman School of Public Health, 600 West 168th Street, 4th Floor, New York, NY 10032, USA; Neitzel is with the Department of Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98105, USA; Akram is with the Department of Environmental Health Sciences, Columbia University, Mailman School of Public Health, New York, NY 10032, USA.  相似文献   
广东省某市地铁六号线工程建设项目卫生学预评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张建鹏  潘尚霞  邓峰 《预防医学论坛》2007,13(12):1069-1071
[目的]对南方某市地铁六号线工程项目在可行性研究阶段进行卫生学预评价,评估和预测项目可能产生的人群健康危害因素,提出卫生防护措施,为建设和运营提供卫生管理依据和建议,并为行政审批提供科学依据。[方法]选择同一城市已建成投人运营的地铁一号线进行类比分析,同时结合检查表法进行预评价。[结果]主要卫生设施等方面的设计要求总体上基本符合卫生学原则;该项目建成运营后可能产生的主要健康影响因素有噪声、不舒适的微小气候、地面的交通尾气、冷却水中的军团菌等。[结论]按照卫生学预评价意见,建立健全卫生管理制度,完善必要的卫生设施,运营过程中产生的各种乘客健康影响因素可得到控制、减轻或消除,从公共场所卫生学角度评估该项目是可行的。  相似文献   
目的对某地铁站站台公共区域空调系统工程竣工进行卫生学评价。方法依据《公共场所集中空调通风系统卫生学评价规范》,采用现场卫生调查、工程卫生分析、检查表法和卫生检测的方法进行分析评价。结果本项目空调系统设计参数、运行工况、布局、卫生设施、气流组织等配置基本符合国家标准和卫生管理规范要求,但欠缺空气净化消毒装置和风管清洗窗口;空调工况和通风工况新风量检测结果分别为60、299 m3/(h.人),新、送、回风管内表面积尘量、细菌总数、真菌总数、β-溶血性链球菌以及冷却水、冷凝水嗜肺军团菌的检测结果均符合卫生规范要求。结论该项目空调系统卫生基本符合国家标准和规范要求,存在的卫生问题仍须进一步改善。  相似文献   
面对世界多次发生地铁爆炸恐怖袭击的现实,结合对脏弹威胁的考量,本文以城市地铁遭遇脏弹恐怖袭击为假设,探讨其医学救援的难点和对策。梳理的难点有现场医学救援协同要求高;医疗后送的时效性难保证;对大批量伤员实施洗消难度大;现场医学救援展开区域有限;公众心理救援需求紧迫。提出的对策是明确反恐应急机制,多方合作细化预案;设置多个应急医院,形成救援保障网络;统筹医学救援力量,保障救援顺利实施;定期进行训练演练,总结经验提升能力。  相似文献   
慈捷元  蓝涛  李胜浓  李忠平 《职业与健康》2009,25(24):2792-2794
目的了解深圳地铁一期工程竣工验收时站内空气质量,为工程验收提供科学依据。方法根据国家有关法规、卫生标准,采用国家标准规定的检验检测方法,对深圳市地铁站内空气质量进行现场与实验检测分析,评价其是否符合国家卫生标准。结果除可吸入颗粒物,其他检测分析项目均符合国家卫生标准。结论该市地铁工程竣工验收时车站内空气质量良好。  相似文献   
The United States Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 reflected increasing concern about potential effects of low-level airborne metal exposure on a wide array of illnesses. Here we summarize results demonstrating that the New York City (NYC) subway system provides an important microenvironment for metal exposures for NYC commuters and subway workers and also describe an ongoing pilot study of NYC transit workers’ exposure to steel dust. Results from the TEACH (Toxic Exposure Assessment, a Columbia and Harvard) study in 1999 of 41 high-school students strongly suggest that elevated levels of iron, manganese, and chromium in personal air samples were due to exposure to steel dust in the NYC subway. Airborne concentrations of these three metals associated with fine particulate matter were observed to be more than 100 times greater in the subway environment than in home indoor or outdoor settings in NYC. While there are currently no known health effects at the airborne levels observed in the subway system, the primary aim of the ongoing pilot study is to ascertain whether the levels of these metals in the subway air affect concentrations of these metals or related metabolites in the blood or urine of exposed transit workers, who due to their job activities could plausibly have appreciably higher exposures than typical commuters. The study design involves recruitment of 40 transit workers representing a large range in expected exposures to steel dust, the collection of personal air samples of fine particulate matter, and the collection of blood and urine samples from each monitored transit worker.  相似文献   
深圳地铁站室内空气质量状况分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的了解深圳地铁一期工程18个地铁站的室内空气质量状况及其影响因素。方法根据《公共场所卫生监测技术规范》的要求,对18个地铁站的站厅、站台及室外对照进行卫生监测。结果部分地铁站的温度、湿度和可吸人颗粒物(IP)达不到卫生标准的要求;站台的室内污染物CO2、细菌总数浓度分别是(0.041±0.008)%、330cfu/m3,高于站厅[分别是(0.040±0.008)%、300cfu/m3],P〈0.05;而站台的CO、甲醛和IP浓度(分别是0.71±0.22)mg/m3、(0.073±0.019)mg/m3、(0.200±0.115)mg/m3,略高于站厅[分别是(0.69±0.20)mg/m3、(0.072±0.019)mg/m3、(0.187±0.087)mg/m3];晚上的CO、甲醛浓度较高,分别是(0.74±0.21)mg/m3、(0.076±0.017)mg/m3。结论新风质量和人流鼍对地铁站室内的空气质量有一定影响。  相似文献   
目的对某地铁站公共场所初步设计进行卫生学评价。方法采用类比调查、卫生学调查、工程卫生分析、检查表法相结合的评价方法对该项目进行卫生学评价。结果类比地铁站站厅PM10、甲醛、噪声合格率分别为70%、90%、90%,站厅温湿度、风速、CO、CO2、细菌总数,空调风管细菌总数、真菌总数、β-溶血性链球菌和冷却水、冷凝水嗜肺军团菌的合格率均为100%,存在空调未安装空气净化消毒装置、新风管和回风管未能与机组连接等问题;该项目选址、建筑卫生学、公共区平面布置、空调通风排气设施、消声防震设施、给排水设施、辅助卫生设施及相关参数初步设计基本符合卫生学要求,但存在欠缺空调部分卫生设施、控制病媒生物与废弃物收集设施,未考虑电磁场防护设施和卫生管理与应急救援措施等设计缺陷。结论该项目主要卫生设施及参数初步设计基本符合标准和规范要求,消除或控制健康危害因素的公共卫生技术设计的基本原则是可行的,存在的设计缺陷应在下阶段设计完善。  相似文献   
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