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基于温病学理论,探讨新型冠状病毒肺炎的中医病因病机与诊治思路。温病学说源于明清之前的历代中医理论积累,经过长期的温热病防治实践而形成,其对于外感热病(包括烈性传染病)的病因病机、证治方药有着较为系统的论述,近年来在我国的新发传染病防治中发挥出积极的作用。温瘟相通,瘟疫病因多为热毒疫邪,表现为热证阳证,可按温病学中的卫气营血或三焦辨证分期论治,或治以吴又可、庞安时等的经方验方,这些因、机、证、治理论可试用于新型冠状病毒肺炎的中医诊疗。且肺与大肠相表里,胃肠道也是新型冠状病毒侵袭或繁殖的部位,采用中医清热通下之法,使邪从肠道而出,可能是减轻体内病毒感染与肺脏炎症的一种途径。  相似文献   
六经气津互化论   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
气与津皆生于水谷,气生于水,水化于气,津即为水。由于气津互化的密切关系,故任何一方的改变,都会影响到另一方,即所谓水化于气,亦能病气;气生于水,亦能病水。因此,太阳经气可概括为两大功能,即卫外和气化,是由气津互化而体现的;阳明气津之间,表现为相互制约;少阳经的气津互化,关系到少阳气机的条达舒畅及三焦水道的通调运使;太阴脾气的健旺,可使津液化生有源;少阴心肾精血充沛,滋养有时,才可使心肾之气化生有源;而厥阴之气的条达顺畅,又可维持津液代谢的平衡状态。  相似文献   
复方通络中药改善肥胖患者血管内皮细胞功能障碍研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的观察复方通络中药对单纯性肥胖患者血管内皮依赖性舒张功能障碍的干预效应,探讨其作用机制。方法应用高分辨血管超声检查选择血管内皮依赖性舒张功能障碍[以血流介导的肱动脉扩张率(FMD)表示]肥胖患者(65例),随机分为通络中药治疗组和对照组。治疗组32例,对照组33例。治疗组给予辛香疏络2号胶囊,3g/次,每日3次;对照组给予淀粉胶囊,3g/次,每日3次。共用药12周,分别测定用药前后FMD、肱动脉内径(D0),同时检测辛香疏络2号治疗前后患者血清总胆固醇(TC)、三酰甘油(TG)的变化。结果治疗后治疗组FMD较对照组明显增加(P〈0.01),TC、TG较治疗前及对照组明显下降(P〈0.01)。结论复方通络中药辛香疏络2号胶囊可明显改善肥胖患者血管内皮障碍,调节血脂可能是其改善血管内皮功能机制之一。  相似文献   
In the first experiment, 48 subjects carried out a visual spatial attention task. Stimuli were presented at the vertical meridian, either above or below a fixation dot, and the subjects were instructed to attend to one of these stimulus positions and ignore the other position. In three different conditions, the distances between stimulus positions and fixation were 0.5°, 0.9°, and 1.3°. Subjects searched for the presence of prememorized target letters at the attended location: memory load was one or four items in different conditions. The P1/N1 enhancement typically found on the horizontal dimension was not observed on the vertical dimension. Instead, a positive shift of the attended compared with the unattended stimuli was found, which was most prominent at anterior electrodes. This positivity showed effects of the distance manipulation. The N2b-P3a effect of attention and the effect of memory load (search negativity) normally present in this kind of selective search task were also found. Reaction times were faster when attention was directed above fixation than when it was directed below fixation. The event-related potential data suggested that this difference could be attributed to a more efficient neglecting of irrelevant stimuli presented below fixation. In Experiment 2, we examined whether the absence of the P1/N1 enhancement as the result of spatial attention in Experiment 1 could be attributed to (a) the presentation of stimuli along the vertical meridian instead of along the horizontal meridian, (b) the use of midline electrodes instead of lateralized electrodes, and (c) the relatively small spatial separation between the relevant and irrelevant stimuli. Twelve subjects searched for the presence of a single target letter at an attended position in three different conditions. In two of the conditions the letters were presented to the left or right of fixation. The distance between fixation and the stimulus positions was 1.3° in one of these conditions and 3° in the other condition. In the third condition, the stimuli were presented at 3° above or below fixation. In all three conditions effects similar to those in Experiment 1 were observed. In addition, in all three conditions an enhancement of the P1 and N1 components was found at two lateral occipitotemporal electrodes.  相似文献   
本研究取材于人的皮肤,电镜常规方法处理。发现人皮肤内有两种类型的神经肥大细胞联接。提示可能分别为传出性和传入性的,或暂称为A型和B型联接,分别报告于上篇和本篇中。 B型联接的构造特点是,脱开薛旺鞘样长带包被的轴突来到肥大细胞近旁,突进细胞体中。轴突终末的一部分被胞质唇封盖起来,终末周围的轴膜与细胞质膜形成联接的双层膜。无肥大细胞表面皱褶参与其形成,无线粒体和显明的囊泡存在终末之内,无薛旺细胞包被轴突终末。薛旺细胞伴同A型联接出现,可与肥大细胞紧密接触。胞质内有狭缝系统和粗面内质网片断,能拖出长尾,估计将过渡为鞘膜。薛旺细胞不是间织细胞,这里的间织细胞应是成纤维细胞。  相似文献   
慢性萎缩性胃炎(CAG)属于胃癌前疾病,具有发病隐匿、病程缠绵、容易迁延恶化等特点。广东省名中医刘凤斌教授多年诊疗CAG,认为CAG的病因、病程特性与伏邪致病过程密切相关,从伏邪学说论治CAG,遵循透邪外出、补益脾胃、祛瘀通络与清热养阴治疗原则,随证用药,疗效显著。  相似文献   
近年来,随着冠脉介入诊疗技术的普及,冠状动脉微循环障碍(CMD)的检出率逐步升高,CMD已成为远期心血管事件的独立预测因子。络病理论认为CMD病位在络,病机为心络瘀阻、心络郁滞/虚滞和心络绌急,通络成为其基本的治法治则。芳香类药物可直接入络搜邪,芳香通络疗法较单纯活血通络法疗效更佳。故而从络病理论、芳香通络疗法的立法依据等方面,对芳香通络疗法治疗CMD进行论述。  相似文献   
对人体十二经脉进行循行路线的示踪研究。方法用^32P整体放射自显影技术,对220例例骨病患者(其中手三阴极,三阳经和足三阳经各30例,足三阴经130例)进行循行路线穴位示踪。结果阳性176例,阳性率80%。其中出现点状放射自显影像者8例,占线状放射自显影像者1例。结和出的β射线在机体软组织中的有效射程仅4mm,整体放射自显像表明,^32P只能在人体皮肤或皮下2-3mm深度中运行,提示十二指脉循行路  相似文献   
中医经络学说与现代经络研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
论述经络学说的形成和发展过程,回顾现代经络研究的概况。认为经络研究必须 发重视十二经脉的特殊循行路线及其在人体机能调节中的作用这一核心问题,加强对经功能整体性的研究。  相似文献   
人体双侧对称经络电阻抗失衡与疾病的相关研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过实验装置.分别测量人体双侧对称经络对称两穴位之间的电流波形,计算其电阻抗值,探讨经络的导电特性。证明了正常人双侧经络电阻抗的对称性、经络循行线的低阻性及双侧经络电阻抗失衡与其络属脏器病变的相关性等问题。  相似文献   
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