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目的:通过研究电针百会、腰奇穴对戊四氮致痫大鼠脑电信号波幅、频率和功率谱密度的改变,探讨电针治疗戊四氮致痫大鼠的机制,为电针的抗痫作用提供理论依据。方法:将20只大鼠左右海马处植入电极,恢复7 d后进行戊四氮造模,造模成功的大鼠电针百会、腰奇穴治疗14 d。记录SD大鼠正常时、癫痫发作时、电针治疗时、电针治疗后脑电波信号,对截取的信号强度进行时域分析,傅里叶变换后进行频域分析。结果:电针百会、腰奇穴可以降低PTZ致痫大鼠发作期的波幅(P<0.01),升高被降低的Beta频段、Gamma频段主频率(P<0.01),降低各频段能量值(P<0.01),重新调整各波段的能量比重,使趋势接近正常大鼠。结论:电针百会、腰奇穴对戊四氮致痫大鼠的抗癫痫作用与兴奋GABA中间抑制性神经元的电生理活动有关。  相似文献   
目的:观察艾灸百会穴治疗抑郁症的临床疗效。方法:将81例抑郁症患者按就诊顺序采取开放式随机分组,其中观察组42例予基础心理治疗+艾灸百会穴,对照组39例予基础心理治疗+口服百忧解,两组均治疗8周,于治疗前后应用汉密尔顿抑郁量表(HAMD17版)、抑郁自评量表(SDS)、自拟中医证候等级评分量表等评定临床疗效,并同时观察不良反应,随访1年。结果:两组临床疗效比较无显著性差异(P0.05);两组治疗后HAMD及SDS积分均明显低于治疗前(P0.01),但两组间比较无显著性差异(P0.05);在改善中医证候方面,观察组治疗后情绪抑郁、内疚自责、心悸胆怯、不思饮食症状评分与对照组无显著性差异(P0.05);而多思善虑、失眠健忘、神疲懒言症状评分与对照组相比有显著性差异(P0.05或P0.01)。观察组不良反应低于对照组,且依从性优于对照组。结论:艾灸百会穴治疗抑郁症的临床疗效与百忧解相当,在改善失眠相关的症状方面明显优于百忧解,且不良反应少,患者依从性佳。  相似文献   
Objective To observe the effect of nerve growth factor(NGF)and electro-acupuncture(EA) on learning and memory in rats with cerebral ischemia.Methods An experimental model of cerebral ischemiareperfusion was established in 40 rats,who were then randomly divided into a model group,a sham operated group,a NGF group,an acupuncture group and a NGF plus acupuncture group.Three weeks were allowed for the recovery of the blood-brain barrier lesion caused by ischemia-reperfusion before intravenous injection of NGF(10μg/kg,once daily for 15 days)via the vena caudalis.In the two acupuncture groups,this was administered in combination with EA at the Baihui(DU20)and Yamen(DU15)acupoints(frequency 100 Hz,2 mA,20 min/time,once daily for 15 days).Morris' water maze test was used to assess any changes in spatial learning and memory abilities.Results The ischemic rats showed significant learning and memory disorders compared with the sham-operated group.In the NGF group,the rats' learning and memory abilities did not impmve significantly compared with the model group and the EA group.Significantly better learning was observed in the NGF+EA group compared with the model group,the EA group and the NGF group.Conclusion NGF combined with EA can improve the learning and memory abilities of rats with learning and memory dysfunction caused by cerebral ischemia-repedusion.  相似文献   
2003年10月~2013年10月,我们在临床中运用艾灸关元穴、百会穴治疗小儿遗尿症89例,疗效满意,方法简单,易于接受,现总结如下。  相似文献   
Objective To observe the effect of nerve growth factor(NGF)and electro-acupuncture(EA) on learning and memory in rats with cerebral ischemia.Methods An experimental model of cerebral ischemiareperfusion was established in 40 rats,who were then randomly divided into a model group,a sham operated group,a NGF group,an acupuncture group and a NGF plus acupuncture group.Three weeks were allowed for the recovery of the blood-brain barrier lesion caused by ischemia-reperfusion before intravenous injection of NGF(10μg/kg,once daily for 15 days)via the vena caudalis.In the two acupuncture groups,this was administered in combination with EA at the Baihui(DU20)and Yamen(DU15)acupoints(frequency 100 Hz,2 mA,20 min/time,once daily for 15 days).Morris' water maze test was used to assess any changes in spatial learning and memory abilities.Results The ischemic rats showed significant learning and memory disorders compared with the sham-operated group.In the NGF group,the rats' learning and memory abilities did not impmve significantly compared with the model group and the EA group.Significantly better learning was observed in the NGF+EA group compared with the model group,the EA group and the NGF group.Conclusion NGF combined with EA can improve the learning and memory abilities of rats with learning and memory dysfunction caused by cerebral ischemia-repedusion.  相似文献   
百会穴是大脑的总司令 当人头痛、失眠、烦躁、眩晕的时候,都会下意识地去揉脑袋。有的人会揉太阳穴,有的人揉眉心,有的人揉印堂,有的人用冷水洗把脸,有的人甚至用冰块冷敷。这些虽然都可以减轻一些不适,但都不是最好的法子。哪种方法是最有效的呢?现在我教给大家一个头部穴位按摩法,它就是按摩诸阳之会、百脉之宗的百会穴。  相似文献   
针刺治疗面肌痉挛176例临床观察   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
梅国胜  黄选玮 《中国针灸》2000,20(11):659-660
针刺治疗面肌痉挛176例,以探索治疗此症的有效手段。采取循经远端取穴为主,局部不针或少针并配合独特的操作方法。结果有效率为93.8%。病因病理明确,择经取穴有的,操作得当,才能获得较好疗效。  相似文献   
艾灸强壮要穴对衰老小鼠免疫功能的影响   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
高希言  王燕 《河南中医》2005,25(11):24-26
目的:观察艾灸不同强壮要穴对衰老小鼠免疫功能的影响。方法:采用D-半乳糖造成衰老小鼠模型,观察艾灸不同强壮要穴对衰老小鼠免疫功能的影响。结果:大椎穴能更有效地提高衰老小鼠的胸腺和脾脏指数,降低SIL-2R的含量作用显著。命门穴提高衰老小鼠的红细胞C3b受体活性的作用较好,督脉要穴的疗效与关元、足三里穴相比,无显著差异。结论:艾灸督脉要穴可明显改善衰老小鼠的免疫功能,督脉可应用于抗衰老研究。  相似文献   
阳痿又称勃起功能障碍,针灸治疗阳痿有一定疗效。符文彬教授认为,气机郁滞、心神失守、宗筋失养为阳痿的病机,治疗可采用疏肝调神整合针灸疗法,选穴以任脉、督脉、足厥阴肝经穴为主。“一针二灸三巩固”整合针灸治疗模式的主要选穴如下:针刺选用百会、印堂、引气归元穴组(中脘、下脘、气海、关元)、太冲、合谷、三阴交和水道;精灸选用引气归元穴组(中脘、下脘、气海、关元)、肾俞、命门、涌泉等;刺络放血选用双侧心俞、肝俞;皮内针选穴肝俞、心俞、肾俞等,以巩固治疗。“一针二灸三巩固”的疏肝调神整合针灸疗法治疗肝气郁滞型阳痿的效果较佳。  相似文献   
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