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患男,25岁.因“腹痛、腹胀2 d”入院,入院时右侧腹部压痛,返流跳痛明显,轻度肌卫,右侧中下腹可扪及一实质性包块,界欠清,活动度差,右肾区叩痛明显.否认有外伤及结核病史,否认有癌症病史.  相似文献   
术前影像诊断子宫浆膜外肌瘤可能性大。进腹探查:子宫前位,大小正常,活动可,表面光滑,与周围脏器无粘连,左卵巢明显增大,一部分呈实性包块,另部分呈囊性,右侧卵巢及附件外观正常,行子宫及双附件切除术。冰冻剩余部分常规切片:灰白色肿块大小9 cm×7 cm×6 cm,切面一侧见直径3 cm的囊腔,壁厚约0.1 cm,切面灰白,质中。表面附输卵管长约3 cm,直径0.4 cm。病理:左卵巢卵泡膜细胞瘤,部分黄素化,月经黄体(图3)。  相似文献   
目的提高对胸膜孤立性纤维瘤CT影像表现的认识。方法报告2例经手术病理证实的胸膜孤立性纤维瘤的CT影像表现,并复习文献。结果2例病变CT影像均表现为右侧胸腔巨大肿块,边界清楚呈分叶状,与胸壁间间隙清楚;密度不均匀,可见斑点状钙化;增强扫描动脉期显示肿块内较多肿瘤血管,实质期肿块不均匀强化呈"地图样";邻近肺组织受压不张,纵隔移位;右侧少量胸腔积液。其中一例伴有右侧第7后肋受压骨质吸收,第7/8肋间孔扩大,肿块向椎管内扩展。结论胸膜孤立性纤维瘤具有相对特征性的CT表现。CT在定位定性诊断方面有重要价值。  相似文献   
田华  郑晓刚 《诊断病理学杂志》2006,13(6):466-466,I0020
患者男性,26岁。颜面浮肿伴胸闷、气促10天,发现尿检异常5天。查体:一般情况差,唇绀、端坐呼吸,全身水肿明显。颜面部红肿,颈静脉怒张,双肺呼吸音弱,可闻及少量干哕音;心音低钝,心率112次/min,律齐;腹部皮肤可见明显静脉曲张,肝肋下可及4cm,剑突下6cm,压痛明显。  相似文献   
<正>韧带样纤维瘤病(DF)来源于肌肉间结缔组织纤维母细胞,是一种罕见的良性纤维增生性病变。笔者就最近收治的1例肠系膜韧带样纤维瘤病,复习国内外相关文献,对其做一介绍,现报告如下。1临床资料1.1一般资料病人,男,53岁。因中上腹部隐痛不适1周,加重伴低热3 d入院。查体:右上腹部稍膨隆,未能扪及包块,有轻压痛,无明显反跳痛,肝脾肋下未及,肠鸣音正常。实验室检查正常,肿瘤标记物正常。术前CT提示  相似文献   
目的:探讨背部弹力纤维瘤的MRI表现。方法:回顾性分析4例经手术及病理证实的背部弹力纤维瘤的MRI表现及特点。结果:双侧肩胛下区肿物3例,右侧1例,质地柔软。MRI显示实性肿物均位于前锯肌及背阔肌深面,呈椭圆形;与周围肌肉分界清晰,与后胸壁分界不清。肿物信号不均匀,可见纤维组织信号及脂肪信号交替排列。结论:背部弹力纤维瘤有其特征性的MRI表现,MRI能明确肿瘤范围及其与周围组织结构关系,是诊断背部弹力纤维瘤的有效方法。  相似文献   
The coincidence of a gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST) and a neuroendocrine tumor (NET) in neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1) is described only five times within the literature. We report on a 63 year old Caucasian female with the rare condition of neurofibromatosis type 1 coinciding with recurrent gastrointestinal stromal tumor plus bilateral pheochromocytoma (PCC). After a history of palpitations and dizziness that lasted for years, a left adrenal mass was detected by CT. Laparotomy revealed a pheochromocytoma of the left adrenal gland while an ileoterminal GIST was found incidentally intraoperatively. After six months contralateral PCC and multiple recurrent GIST were resected again. After four years the patient is doing well without any signs of further recurrent tumors. Discussion includes review of the literature.  相似文献   
AIM: To investigate the mechanisms of sulfasalazine (SASP) in the treatment of ulcerative colitis (UC). METHODS: Changes of pathological signs and histological grading of 106 patients with active UC were observed before and after the treatment with SASP, 1 g, thrice daily for 6 wk. RESULTS: The effect of SASP on the vasculitis in lamina propria was 48.2% and 17.4% in the mild active UC (P<0.001) and 68% and 26.7% in the moderate active UC (P<0.001) before and after treatment. Fibroid necrosis of vessel wall was found in one case of mild UC and two cases of moderate UC before treatment and was not found after treatment. No thrombosis was found in mild UC before and after treatment, while thrombosis was found in one case of moderate UC before treatment. The effect on mucosal glandular abnormality was 30.4% and 13.0% in mild UC (P<0.05), and 42% and 40% in moderate UC (P>0.05) before and after treatment. The rate of eosinophil infiltration was 98.2% and 80.4% in mild UC (P<0.01), and 100% and 91.1% in moderate UC (P<0.05) before and after treatment. The effect on crypt abscess was 21.4% and 4.4% in mild UC (P<0.05), and 48% and 13.3% in moderate UC (P<0.001) before and after treatment. The effect on mucosal pathohistological grading was 2.00+/-0.84 and 0.91+/-0.46 in mild UC (P<0.001), and 2.49+/-0.84 and 1.31+/-0.75 in moderate UC (P<0.001) before and after treatment. CONCLUSION: SASP can improve small vessel lesions and crypt abscesses and reduce neutrophilic and eosinophilic leukocyte infiltration in inflammatory mucosa of UC.  相似文献   
孤立性纤维瘤(solitary fibrous tumor ,SFT )是一种较为少见的间叶组织来源的肿瘤[1]。自1931年K1emperer and Rabin[2]报告第一例胸膜孤立性纤维瘤(solitary fibroustumor of the pleura ,SFTP)以来,文献报道大约有900例,尤其是巨大孤立性纤维瘤(giant solitary ibrous tumor ,GSFT )的病例更少。因此对该类疾病诊断及治疗尚处于探索阶段[3-7]。2008年3月至2013年3月我院共收治G S-FT 患者8例,手术切除后恢复良好,无手术并发症,随访6个月至5年未见复发,现报道如下。  相似文献   
患者男,25岁,因发现右肺占位9年于2013年1月7日入院。患者于9年前体检时发现右肺下叶有占位性病变,考虑良性,患者无自觉症状,未行手术治疗。每隔2~3年复查,病灶较前无明显改变,患者仍无自觉症状,以右肺下叶肿瘤收入院拟行手术治疗。患者无胸闷、咳嗽、咳痰与呼吸困难等症状。  相似文献   
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