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智力发育有几个阶段婴幼儿期是智力启蒙阶段.学龄期智力和认知结合,飞速发展:青春期进入一生智力发展的巅峰时期。智力发展好坏、快慢,取决于4个关键的认知要素。  相似文献   
如果告诉你,中国孩子比日本孩子长得矮。你大概不会相信吧?然而。研究人员的统计资料表明:我国7岁的男女儿童的平均身高分别比日本同龄孩子矮0.6厘米和0.5厘米:15~18岁男女青少年分别比日本同龄者矮1.4厘米和0.6厘米。以上的统计结果令人深思。  相似文献   
<正> 千古之谜——贫困县却是状元乡贫穷和愚昧,通常被看作是一对孪生兄弟。甘肃省会宁县,地处我国西北内陆黄土高原腹地,一个国家级的贫困县。3月31日,记者随国家发改委公众营养与发展中心组织的考察团前住会宁。初到西北,正赶上沙尘天气,虽然一出兰州机场几乎在同一时间就进入了密封良好的汽车,但记者还是感到口里进了沙子。中午刚过,窗外在沙尘的笼罩下已是一片昏黄,公路两边的山丘起伏延  相似文献   
中国0~18岁儿童、青少年身高、体重的标准化生长曲线   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
目的 研究制定中国0~18岁儿童、青少年身高、体重的生长参照值及标准化生长曲线,供儿科临床及预防保健工作使用.方法 采用"2005年中国九市7岁以下儿童体格发育调查"及"2005年中国学生体质健康调研"中九省市94 302名0~19岁(差1天未满19岁)城区健康儿童青少年的身高(3岁以下测量身长)、体重测量数据,应用LMS方法对数据进行拟合修匀,获得所需要的百分位和标准差单位(Z分值)数值并绘制相应的曲线图.结果 制定出0~18岁男、女儿童各自的年龄的体重、年龄的身高第3、10、25、50、75、90及97百分位及-3、-2、-1、0、+1、+2、+3倍标准差(SD)单位曲线图.与世界卫生组织(WHO)新的生长标准及美国疾病预防控制中心(CDC)2000年(CDC2000)标准进行比较,三者之间存在差异.男童15岁、女童13岁之前,中国儿童身高略高于美国及WHO标准,之后逐渐低于美国及WHO标准,18岁时男童身高低于美国3.5 cm,女童低于美国2.5 cm;体重在学龄期后差异明显,18岁时中国男童低于美国平均约5.9 kg,女童差别更大,8~18岁间差值约4.1~20.5 kg.结论 该套身高、体重标准图表具有国家代表性、年龄完整,可作为中国儿童青少年的生长参照标准在儿科临床及公共卫生领域中使用,有利于生长异常的早期识别、疾病的诊断以及治疗效果的评价.  相似文献   
中国0~18岁儿童、青少年体块指数的生长曲线   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Objective To construct the body mass index(BMI)reference data and curves for Chinese children and adolescents from birth to 18 years of age.Methods Data from two national representative cross-sectional surveys which were The National Growth Survey of Children under 7 years in the Nine Cities of China in 2005 and The Physical Fimess and Health Surveillance of Chinese School Students in 2005,Height(length was measured for children under 3 years)and weight data of 93 702 urban healthy children from nilie cities/prodnces used to calculate tlle BMI.The LMS method was used to smooth the BMI,with estimates of L,M.and S parameters,values of percentile and Z-score curves which were required were calculated,and then standardized growth charts were generated.Adult cut-offs for overweisht and obesity at 18 years was used to study the cut-offs for children 2 to 18 years of age.Results The smoothed percentiles and Z-scores reference data and curves of BMI-for-age for boys and girls aged 0.18 years were made out respectively.BMI cut-off values for overweight and obesity for children from 2 to 18 years of age were also deftned.At 18 years,the BMI values are equivalent to the overweight cut-off (≥24 kg/rn2)and obesity cut-off(≥28 kg/m2)for Chinese adults.Comparison with the reference of the WHO and 2000 CDC for the United States,there were some difference among them,at the 97th percentile curve therewas a big difference between Chinese and U.S.adolescents.On the whole,the China BMI curve for boys was higherthan the WHO curve and lower than 2000 CDC at 97 percentile curve,but the China BMI curve for girls was lowest among the three curves.There was also significant difierence between China and Japan BMI values at 97 percentile curve.Conclusion BMI growth curves are very useful in child growth monitoring and nutritional surveillance,discovering overweight and obesity.The BMI growth charts are recommended for use in pediatric clinic and public health service.  相似文献   
目的:了解新疆的维吾尔、哈萨克、汉族小学生的体格发育和运动素质水平。方法:对1995年全国学生体质与健康调研资料进行比较分析。结果:汉族身高发育居优势,体格水平高,但运动素质起始水平低;维吾尔族体格发育水平相对低,身体充实度等提高,但肌力和柔韧性展现明显优势;哈萨克族体重水平最高,身体充实度高,速度、爆发力和耐力素质表现优异,但肌力和柔韧性素质表现较差。结论:应继续发挥这些民族学生的体质优势,努力改善其体格和运动素质方面的某些不足。  相似文献   
16~22岁高身材青少年体质与健康状况分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:研究16~22岁高身材有少年体质与健康状况。方法:以1995年全国学生体质健康调研16~22岁男女青少年114917人为对象,按马丁身高分类标准分成8类,分析其中高身材者体质现状和健康问题。结果:1995年群体中处于马丁6段以上的高身材者比1991年明显增多,达到特高身材(男≥185.0cm,女≥1720cm)的比1991年增加约一倍。高身材青少年中近视和龋齿患病率较高,存在着身体柔韧性院,肌耐力水平低和耐力跑成绩不如其他身高段的现象。结论:高身材青少年并非意味着体质与健康状况有更高的优势,应采取措施促进其健康成长。  相似文献   
本文以7、9、12岁为代表年龄群体,利用1995年全国学生体质健康调研资料,分析我国小学生的乳牙龋患现状,主要内容有:(1)乳牙龋患状况的年龄、性别差异;(2)城乡间、不同社会经济水平地区间的乳牙龋患率、龋均、患者龋均及龋失补构成比比较;(3)针对分...  相似文献   
孕早期精神受刺激对出生儿单纯性先心病发病的影响   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
利用浙江省13个市县0~2岁儿童先心病普查发现的单纯型先心病病例,采用1∶1配比病例对照研究,调查了351对先心病患儿和正常对照的父母孕期前后有关暴露情况。单因素及条件Logistic回归结果显示,母亲孕早期精神受刺激可能增加先心病发病危险。结果提示:为减少先心病发病危险,孕早期应合理调整自己的心理状态,保持心情愉快。  相似文献   
群体青少儿营养状况的多元判别分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper is on studying the relationship between physical growth and nutrition status of children and youth by using multivariate canonical discriminant analysis. 3,790 boys and girls of 7-19 yrs of age were classified into four groups according to the height-for-weight method. Then, by using seven physical measures as predict variables, canonical discriminant functions were set up for boys and girls respectively. The backward substitutional test showed that the coincidence ate was quite high, 90.90% for boys and 92.47% for girls respectively. The susceptibility of various physical measures in reflecting children's nutrition status was analysed, and the practical use of these discriminant functions was discussed.  相似文献   
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