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与脑灰质比较,T1WI呈稍低信号2例,等信号6例;T2WT呈稍高信号2例,等信号6例;增强后呈中度强化6例,明显强化2例;其中3例病变内部信号不均匀,增强后呈不均匀强化.3例行MRI动态增强扫描,2例时间-信号强度曲线为速升缓降型,1例为速升速降型.MRI清晰显示病变伴发或继发性改变.结论 MRI所示等信号、中度强化是该病的较特征性表现;CT有利于判断病变的起源,MRI能够更清楚、准确显示病变的范围,联合使用2种影像检查方法 能够对该病的诊断、治疗提供更全面的信息.  相似文献   
骨性外耳道发育不良是先天性外、中耳发育畸形的常见形式之一,CT表现较为复杂,目前认为骨性外耳道发育畸形分为以下3种类型:骨性外耳道闭锁、骨性外耳道狭窄和垂卣外耳道~([1-4]).  相似文献   
本文报道胆道显象剂~(99)mT_C-PI制备的改良方法。Sn-PI药盒在 4℃冰箱中保存有效期达 7月以上。~(99)mT_C-PI的标记率为95.2~98.9%。室温下放置 6小时保持稳定。本文分析了41例?常人~(99)mT_C-PI胆道显象的特点,并用其进行黄疸的鉴别诊断、急性胆囊炎的诊断和肠胃反流测定等共45例,均获得满意结果。  相似文献   
Objective To characterize the regular and the dynamic contrast enhancement MR imaging in choroidal hemangioma.Methods MR imaging findings of 30 cases (31eyes, 32 lesions) with choroidal hemangioma confirmed by follow-up results were retrospectively analyzed.Among them, postcontrasted T1-weighted imaging was performed in 30 patients and dynamic contrast enhancement scanning was performed in 26 cases.MRI findings and the time-intensity curve of dynamic contrast enhancement were analyzed.Results Among the 32 choroidal hemangiomas, 26 of them were at the temporal side of optic disc and 28 lesions were fusiform.Before enhancement, 23 lesions showed isointense T1-weighted signal and 31 lesions were isointense on T2-weighted imaging.All the lesions showed strong enhancement on postcontrast T1-weighted imaging, including 31 homogenously enhanced lesions and one heterogeneously enhanced lesion.Retinal detachments were found in 18 eyes.Fill-in sign were observed in 12 lesions during dynamic contrast enhancement.The time-intensity curve of dynamic contrast enhancement in 28 lesions suggested a pattern with rapid enhancement and slow washout, time to peak (91.00±25.27) s, slope ratio 3.03±1.13, the median of washout ratio 17.06%, enhancement ratio 2.87±0.79.Conclusion MRI showed a few features of the location, shape, signal characteristics, and enhancement pattern in choroidal hemangioma, which may contribut to diagnosis and treatment plan of this disease.  相似文献   
Objective To characterize the regular and the dynamic contrast enhancement MR imaging in choroidal hemangioma.Methods MR imaging findings of 30 cases (31eyes, 32 lesions) with choroidal hemangioma confirmed by follow-up results were retrospectively analyzed.Among them, postcontrasted T1-weighted imaging was performed in 30 patients and dynamic contrast enhancement scanning was performed in 26 cases.MRI findings and the time-intensity curve of dynamic contrast enhancement were analyzed.Results Among the 32 choroidal hemangiomas, 26 of them were at the temporal side of optic disc and 28 lesions were fusiform.Before enhancement, 23 lesions showed isointense T1-weighted signal and 31 lesions were isointense on T2-weighted imaging.All the lesions showed strong enhancement on postcontrast T1-weighted imaging, including 31 homogenously enhanced lesions and one heterogeneously enhanced lesion.Retinal detachments were found in 18 eyes.Fill-in sign were observed in 12 lesions during dynamic contrast enhancement.The time-intensity curve of dynamic contrast enhancement in 28 lesions suggested a pattern with rapid enhancement and slow washout, time to peak (91.00±25.27) s, slope ratio 3.03±1.13, the median of washout ratio 17.06%, enhancement ratio 2.87±0.79.Conclusion MRI showed a few features of the location, shape, signal characteristics, and enhancement pattern in choroidal hemangioma, which may contribut to diagnosis and treatment plan of this disease.  相似文献   
大前庭导水管综合征(largevestibdaraqe4netsyndzome,LVAS)为常见的先天内耳畸形,患者多自幼发病,呈感喜神经性聋,由于过去对该病认识不足及检测手段欠缺,易误诊为其它原因的感音神经性聋。近期有2例成年患者在我院经检查确诊为LVAS,现介绍给同道,以共同提高对先天性耳聋的认识。例1男性,18岁,病历号950919,因右耳鸣、眩晕11天来诊。患者生后半个月因感染,用链霉素3天,6个月时患过风疹,自幼左耳全聋,右耳有听力,配戴助听器在高中三年级学习。11天前突发右耳鸣,听力明显下降,伴眩晕,往外院治疗,诊为梅尼埃病?当时…  相似文献   
人工耳蜗植入术影像学评估体系初探   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文描述了用于人工耳蜗植入术前、后评估的影像学检查方法和影像学检查的作用.在分析400余病例的基础上总结了人工耳蜗植入的禁忌证和妨碍人工耳蜗植入的其他颞骨异常的影像学表现及推荐的影像学检查方法.  相似文献   
目的从形态学角度阐述前庭蜗器断层解剖的微细结构,为人工耳蜗植入术和相关工作提供参考.方法采用火棉胶切片制作法,分水平位和冠状位切片并与CT断层扫描方位一致,选择代表性层面进行观察描述.水平位自下而上分蜗窗龛、蜗窗、锤骨柄、锤骨颈、锥隆起、面神经鼓室段、面神经膝、外半规管等8个层面描述;冠状位自前向后分耳蜗、前庭窗、蜗窗、面神经乳突段等4个层面描述.结果观察前庭蜗器各断层解剖的微细结构,并将火棉胶切片与CT扫描图像相对照,显示面神经迷路段终段、面神经膝和面神经鼓室段起始部与耳蜗中间周、基底周关系密切,将水平位切片与冠状位切片相结合,可全面显示面神经与耳蜗的位置关系,经比较水平位切片更具优势.冠状位切片可清晰的显示出蜗窗龛和蜗窗的解剖结构.结论通过分析研究面神经与耳蜗的位置关系以及蜗窗龛和蜗窗的解剖结构,对避免人工耳蜗植入术中对面神经的损伤和耳蜗钻孔位置定位及电极插入等都具有极大的帮助.  相似文献   
Objective To characterize the regular and the dynamic contrast enhancement MR imaging in choroidal hemangioma.Methods MR imaging findings of 30 cases (31eyes, 32 lesions) with choroidal hemangioma confirmed by follow-up results were retrospectively analyzed.Among them, postcontrasted T1-weighted imaging was performed in 30 patients and dynamic contrast enhancement scanning was performed in 26 cases.MRI findings and the time-intensity curve of dynamic contrast enhancement were analyzed.Results Among the 32 choroidal hemangiomas, 26 of them were at the temporal side of optic disc and 28 lesions were fusiform.Before enhancement, 23 lesions showed isointense T1-weighted signal and 31 lesions were isointense on T2-weighted imaging.All the lesions showed strong enhancement on postcontrast T1-weighted imaging, including 31 homogenously enhanced lesions and one heterogeneously enhanced lesion.Retinal detachments were found in 18 eyes.Fill-in sign were observed in 12 lesions during dynamic contrast enhancement.The time-intensity curve of dynamic contrast enhancement in 28 lesions suggested a pattern with rapid enhancement and slow washout, time to peak (91.00±25.27) s, slope ratio 3.03±1.13, the median of washout ratio 17.06%, enhancement ratio 2.87±0.79.Conclusion MRI showed a few features of the location, shape, signal characteristics, and enhancement pattern in choroidal hemangioma, which may contribut to diagnosis and treatment plan of this disease.  相似文献   
目的 探讨鼻腔鼻窦神经鞘瘤的CT和MRI表现,并评价2种影像检查方法的临床应用价值.方法 回顾性分析12例经组织学证实鼻腔鼻窦神经鞘瘤的影像资料,12例均做cT检查,10例做MR检查.结果 12例神经鞘瘤中良性11例,低度恶性1例;发生于鼻筛区4例,上颌窦3例,上颌窦、筛窦及蝶窦2例,上颌窦、鼻腔1例,蝶窦1例,后鼻孔1例;病变边界清楚,呈椭圆形4例,不规则形8例.CT表现:病变区轮廓扩大,相应鼻腔鼻窦骨质受压、变薄、移位,其中8例伴局部吸收,1例伴轻微侵蚀性破坏;平扫病变密度均匀10例,另2例其内可见低密度区,增强后2例病变显示不均匀强化.MRI表现:与脑实质比较,T1WI呈等信号,其中3例可见片状及结节状低信号,2例伴有片状高信号;T2WI呈不均匀等信号7例,稍高信号3例,其中2例伴有片状低信号;9例病变内可见点、片状高信号,其中6例伴有规整的结节状高信号,1例显示液-液面;增强后9例显示中度或显著不均匀强化,1例较均匀显著强化.2例行MR动态增强扫描,时间.信号强度曲线为平台型.6例伴有阻塞性鼻窦炎,T1WI为低信号,T2WI为高信号,增强后其内部不强化,边缘可见线状强化.MRI均清楚显示病变的范围和伴发的炎症.结论 骨质变形、变薄、吸收和MR T2WI所示斑片、结节状高信号并且增强后无强化为该病特征性表现;CT和MR两种影像检查方法联合使用能够对该病的诊断、治疗提供更全面的信息.  相似文献   
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