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目的:了解《内经》的腧穴分类及其依据。方法:手检和机检全文并分类整理、考证。结果:《内经》主要依功能、部位分类,其次归经。结论:《内经》有关腧穴分类及其依据与现今不同,而与科学分类学一致。  相似文献   
电针治疗胃大部切除术后胃瘫综合征疗效观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的观察电针治疗胃大部切除术后胃瘫综合征的临床疗效。方法将36例胃大部切除术后胃瘫综合征患者分为治疗组24例和对照组12例。对照组采用常规西医治疗,治疗组在常规西医治疗的基础上进行电针治疗。治疗14 d后观察两组治疗前后胃液量变化和治愈率。结果治疗组治疗后治愈率为87.5%,对照组为50.0%,两组比较差异具有统计学意义(P〈0.05)。治疗组治疗后胃液引流量与对照组比较,差异具有统计学意义(P〈0.01)。结论电针是一种治疗胃大部切除术后胃瘫综合征的有效方法。  相似文献   
特发性胃轻瘫是慢性胃运动功能障碍的一种,以胃排空延迟为主要特点,西医对本病治疗效果尚不明确,本文通过针灸胃的合募配穴结合电针治疗特发性胃轻瘫,为中医治疗本病提供新的思路与方法。  相似文献   
采用文献研究法,检索国内大型的中文文献数据库CNKI(1959-2019)、WF(2001-2019)和VIP(1989-2019)中与八邪穴相关的临床研究类文献。对文献中所涉及疾病进行统计汇总,记录每一种疾病出现的频次(即每一种疾病被报道采用八邪穴参与治疗的论文篇数),最后对数据进行分析总结。共筛选出符合标准的文献386篇。文献使用频次在5%以上的疾病有中风、类风湿性关节炎、毒蛇咬伤、颈椎病4种;文献使用频次在1%~5%的疾病有雷诺氏综合症、稅神经损伤等13种;文献使用频次在1%以下的疾病有颈部扭伤、周围神经炎、痛风性关节炎等44种。推荐使用八邪穴治疗的疾病有中风、类风湿性关节炎、毒蛇咬伤、颈椎病等。  相似文献   
ObjectiveTo analysis the clinical curative effect on bladder function recovery after radical hysterectomy with acupuncture and acu-physiotherapy.MethodsA total of 564 cervical cancer patients in the gynecology department who received radical hysterectomy from January 2011 to December 2017 in Qilu Hospital of Shandong University were collected. According to the inclusion and exclusion criteria, we studied 360 case records at last, with 120 cases respectively. Patients got treatment of acupuncture [acupuncture at Zhōngwǎn (中脘 CV12), Tiānshū (天枢 ST25), Shuǐdào (水道 ST28), Tàichōng (太冲 LI3), Sānyīnjiāo (三阴交 SP6), Zúsānlǐ (足三里 ST36) and Yīnlíngquán (阴陵泉 SP9)], or acu-physiotherapy with two large-size electrodes placed on the bladder area above the pubic symphysis besides acupuncture, from the 3rd day after operation once a day till the 14th day that removing the indwelling catheter. And the blank group got no other auxiliary treatment except scrubbed the meatus orifice with iodophor twice a day. We tested the residual urine volume 6 h later after removement of indwelling catheter. Residual urine volume more than 100 mL was defined as urinary retention, and the volume less than 50 mL was defined as adequate bladder emptying.ResultsWe analyzed patients’ age, the International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO) stage, operation duration, amount of hemorrhage, depth of myometrium infiltration, cancer embolus, parametrium invasion, lymphatic metastasis, treating methods and residual urine volume recorded in case records, and there was no significant difference between every two groups (P >0.05). The incidences of urinary retention of the acupuncture group, the acu-physiotherapy group and the blank group were 24.17%, 21.67%, and 44.17%, indicating that both treating methods have significant effects (P <0.05), and acupuncture group was a little better than acu-physiotherapy group. The bladder function recovery rates of the 3 groups were 44.17%, 56.67%, and 40.83% correspondingly, which had significant difference between acu-physiotherapy group and blank group (P <0.05). Both acupuncture and acu-physiotherapy could reduce the incidence of urinary retention for the patients of Ib1 and IIa1 stages (P <0.01), whilst for patients of Ib2 and IIa2 stages, neither of the two methods was effective (P >0.05).ConclusionBoth acupuncture and acu-physiotherapy could prevent urinary retention after radical hysterectomy for local early cervical cancer (Ib1 and IIa1 stages) effectively, and acupuncture was a little more effective than acu-physiotherapy group. Acupuncture together with modulated medium frequency eletro-therapy could improve the cure rate of bladder function and minimize the residual urine volume.  相似文献   
<正>张登部(1942—),山东菏泽人,山东中医药大学教授、硕士生导师,中国当代针灸名家,澄江针灸学派山东再传人之一,享受国务院特殊津贴。曾获山东省优秀科技工作者、山东省专业技术拔尖人才、山东省名中医专家等名誉称号。先后发表学术论文、译文70余篇,主编、参编《针灸疑难奇症医案荟萃》《内经针灸知要浅解》等学术著作10余部,主持研究《灸法治疗中风病临床研究》《灸法治疗临床研究》等重大科研项目10余  相似文献   
帕金森病(Parkinson’disease,PD),又称震颤麻痹,是中老年常见的神经系统变性疾病,也是针灸治疗的优势病种,但目前临床上尚无统一的帕金森病的针灸腧穴处方。为此,我们通过考察近10余年的国内期刊文献,整理出帕金森病的期刊临床文献的腧穴应用情况,以便为临床治疗提供依据。  相似文献   
摘要:近些年来,中国针灸学暴露的一些问题受到了学术界的关注,如基础理论发展落后,基础研究没有解决临床实际问题,课本与临床实际需要相脱节,西方针灸学的崛起反过来挑战中国针灸学等。与此同时,发展现代针灸学的问题也不断被提及,但对于现代针灸学的理解并未形成广泛共识。从1951年朱琏出版《新针灸学》至今70年来,新范式下的现代针灸学一直处于边缘状态。但构建理论能够有效指导临床,并与现代科学文化背景相适应的现代针灸学体系是一项无法回避的历史任务,也是针灸学发展的重要方向。  相似文献   
神经根型颈椎病是颈椎病中最常见的类型,约占总数的60%以上,有迹象显示其发病率仍在不断上升,已引起人们高度关注。目前临床针对神经根型颈椎病患者的治疗多采用非手术疗法,其中以传统推拿、Maitland手法及针灸治疗较为常见,已被临床广泛采用,并具有良好疗效;但仍有部分患者经治疗后效果不够理想。为寻求更有效治疗方法,本研究于2003年8月至2007年4月间联合传统推拿、Maitland手法及电针刺激综合治疗神经根型颈椎病患者,并同时与传统推拿配合电针刺激进行疗效对比,发现前者疗效明显优于后者。  相似文献   
胃轻瘫是指在无机械性梗阻的情况下出现的以胃排空延迟为主要特点的慢性胃运动功能障碍,中医认为本病多与脾胃虚弱有关,病位在胃,本文采用合募配穴法结合电针的针刺方法治疗糖尿病胃轻瘫取穴少,见效快,疗效稳定。  相似文献   
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