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网络为高校思想政治工作带来了新的机遇及挑战,医药院校思想政治工作者必须合理利用网络的辅助作用,运用传统与创新的工作方法,开拓高校思想政治工作的新局面。  相似文献   
在中国古代以儒学为代表的政治文化中 ,有着极其丰富的“德治”思想 ,其中的不少精华之论可以为我们今天的“以德治国”提供资鉴。如治国以“德主刑辅” ,治民以教化为先 ;君主百官为民表率 ,严以律己 ,宽以待人 ,严以治吏 ,宽以治民 ,培育良好的政风 ;“民为邦本 ,本固邦宁” ,因而为政必须为民、爱民、养民、富民、教民 ,使之“有耻且格” ,培育淳厚民风 ;个人道德修养 ,着重自律 ,通过“内省”、“慎独”、“苦心”、“劳志” ,达到人格的自我完善 ,但也注重舆论监督 ,形成人人奋发自力的社会氛围。中国古代的“德治”思想尽管不乏可取之处 ,但它所浸透的封建意识和唯心主义的糟粕 ,亦须认真加以辨别和批判。  相似文献   
Western thought has dominated scientific development for a long time, and nursing has not escaped the influence of such ideology. Nurse scholars, in an attempt to fit the dominant scientific ideology, typically have had to struggle with non‐empirical elements of nursing. This orientation in science, however, may have contributed inadvertently to a form of scientific ethnocentrism in the culture of inquiry in nursing as in other fields. The result has been a narrow view of science and knowledge and failure to recognize the potential significance of Eastern philosophy in nursing knowledge development. Recently, intensive cultural exchanges between the East and the West have contributed to Western scientists becoming aware of the limits of Western linear thinking and concomitant efforts to explore the mysteries of Eastern philosophy. In this article, we explore Buddhism as one example of such philosophies that have great potential to enrich nursing as it continues to strive for definition and identity.  相似文献   
马莳毕生精研<内经>,著有<黄帝内经素问注证发微>、<黄帝内经灵枢注证发微>,阐发经文微义,承前启后,有较大的影响.其学术特点主要是训解经文详明缜密,注重联系实际应用;以经解经,前后融会贯通;并首创注解篇名,条分缕析,使之明了.  相似文献   
将思政元素融入耳鼻咽喉教学过程中,让思政教育与专业知识教育及实践同向同行、相辅相成,完成临床医学专业教育工作者的使命和职责,培养德才兼备的高素质医学人才和接班人。本文根据耳鼻咽喉科学线下、线上混合课程特点,通过讲授法、情景模拟教学法、虚拟仿真试验教学方法、问题导向式(PBL)教学法,将思政元素与思政内涵提升融合进耳鼻咽喉教学中,同时培养有思政教学意识和能力的师资队伍,邀请专家通过专题讲座、在线指导等形式对教师进行课程思政教学能力培养,并通过教学督导进行评价、示范与交流,教师们将思政育人元素融入耳鼻咽喉科学教育教学过程,实现教学相长,对于医学生的教学工作而言有着重要的意义。  相似文献   
目的:分析乡镇卫生院的现状,提出实行绩效管理的指导思想和具体操作方法.方法:通过对1801个乡镇卫生院的调查,并采用了有关课题的部分资料和数据进行描述性统计分析.结果:总结了乡镇卫生院的现状,尤其是存在的几个主要问题.结论:卫生院比以前有所改善,但是仍存在许多需要解决的问题.提出了乡镇卫生院明确实行绩效管理的指导思想和方法来提高综合服务水平.  相似文献   
《Substance use & misuse》2013,48(3):367-397
Previous research revealed an additive effect of recovery activities in that those who attended Twelve-Step meetings on a weekly basis during and after outpatient drug-user treatment had higher rates of abstinence compared to those who participated in either treatment or Twelve-Step programs alone. The current investigation extends the previous research by examining the possible effects of Twelve-Step ideology on participation in Twelve-Step programs and abstinence from drug use. The findings from this treatment outcomes study indicate that the acceptance of Twelve-Step ideology, particularly strong agreement with the need for frequent, lifelong attendance at Twelve-Step meetings, and the need to surrender to a “higher power” are significant predictors of weekly or more frequent attendance at Twelve-Step meetings independent from other potentially mediating variables. Twelve-Step ideology, specifically the notion that controlled or nonproblematic drug use is not possible, predicted abstinence independent from Twelve-Step participation and other potentially mediating variables. These findings often a number of implications concerning group process and recovery from drug misuse which are addressed in the Discussion section under the following topics: 1) spirituality and group cohesion, 2) spiritual transcendence, social transcendence, and recovery; 3) spirituality and the obstruction of recovery; 4) Twelve-Step ideology and learning; 5) perceived control of drug use, self-efficacy theory, and recovery; and 7) perceived control of drug use and optimistic illusions. Directions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   
The quest for rational and effective methods for political action has long been at the forefront of Swedish drug policy and prevention. This article focuses on the ideological dimension of Swedish drug prevention policy during the years 1981–2011 by examining the knowledge utilisation in the construction of drugs as a political problem. Ten public reports have been analysed in terms of how drugs are constructed as problems in policy proposals, including an analysis of how knowledge is used in proposals for preventive measures. There was a marked shift in the 1990s in how the drug issue was constructed as a problem and what preventive measures should be taken. What used to be an issue of social exclusion that should be managed politically on a structural level now became a behavioural concern and a matter of liberal drug values. Values, then, were to be addressed by methods aimed at modifying individual behaviour. The analysis suggests that drug prevention today has been constructed in a way that precludes reading drugs as a problem of social exclusion. Drugs are constructed as a problem to be handled by experts rather than politics, which helps to circumvent demands for political accountability and the very possibility of constructing drugs as a political problem.  相似文献   
Levels of infant mortality, and adult premature death in Polandare among the highest in Europe. Yet these levels of avoidabledeath are found within a socialist state which attaches considerableidealistic and instrumental value to health. This apparent anomalyis explored using a historical analysis of social and economicchanges in Poland The place of health within socialist ideology is examined andthen compared with information available on the health statusof the Polish population. The uneasy relationship between thevalue placed on health, and other competing political and economicpriorities is highlighted. This leads to a conclusion that improvementsin health in Poland are inextricably linked to changes in thecountry's socio-economic systems.  相似文献   
面向21世纪医学教育思想转变的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
转变教育思想是深化高等医学技育改革的先导.面向21世纪,医学教育首先要适应医学模式的转变与社会卫生的需求,适应现代科学技术迅速发展对医学生的要求。在教学内容和课程体系方面,建立综合、连续的多向型和富有弹性的课程,重新构建医学教育模块结构。教师在教学中应不断改进教学方法,重视学生能力培养,调动学生学习的积极性和主动性.  相似文献   
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