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作者用阿霉素(5mg/kg)给大鼠一次性静脉注射,造成功极似人类微小病变型肾病综合征的动物肾病模型,表现为严重蛋白尿、低白蛋白血症、高胆固醇血症及胸、腹腔积液;电镜下肾小球上皮细胞足突肿胀、融合,光镜下病变甚微;上皮细胞足突肿胀、融合先于白蛋尿出现。结合以前所作肾小球多阴离子定量分析的结果,认为多阴离子的丢失系上皮细胞足突肿胀、融合和白蛋尿产生的主要因素。该模型具有方法简便,蛋白尿持续时间长,病变稳定,药源充足,制作成功率高等优点。  相似文献   
本文报告35例单纯手术治疗的小儿肾母细胞瘤的临床病理特点。男性28例,女性15例。年龄最小4个月,最大11岁。主要症状为腹部包块。临床分期Ⅱ期20例,Ⅲ期15例。肿瘤由上皮成分、胚胎成分及间叶成分组成。按组成成分分为高度、中度和低度分化三型。获随访结果的23例,仅2例健在,存活10年以上。此2例均为高度分化,临床属Ⅱ期;虽单纯手术治疗,效果较好。说明若以上皮成分为主,临床为Ⅰ~Ⅱ期病例,手术切除后不一定要给予长期的放疗或化疗。  相似文献   
注射性臀肌挛缩是累及儿童的一种疾患;常致行走障碍。患儿在幼年时多有较长期的臀部肌肉注射青霉素(以下称PNC)等药物史。为了探讨其发病是否与注射药物有关,本院小儿科成功地建立了注射性肌挛缩动物模型。在此基础上,我们进行了病理学观察,现将结果报道于下。  相似文献   
77例慢性肺心病的临床病理总结   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
张尚福  谭永淑 《华西医讯》1989,4(2):159-161
鱼精蛋白对大鼠肾小球多阴离子及超微结构的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Perfusion of rat kidneys with polycation protamine, resulted in pathologic alterations of glomeruli very similar to those observed in minimal change nephrotic syndrome in human. In the experimental model, colloidal iron stained kidney tissue sections were analyzed quantitatively by image analyzer and stereology in combination with the observation of other glomerular ultrastructure. The mean thickness of foot processes and the foot processes making up the volume fraction of glomerular capillary were determined. The studies showed that there was a significant decrease in glomerular polyanions of kidneys perfused with protamine as compared with that of the control group (P < 0.01). The glomerular alterations included swelling and fusion of foot processes and narrowing or loss of filtration slits. Electron-dense particles formed by binding of protamine to polyanions were seen primarily in the lamina rara externa of glomerular basement membrane and also along the lamina rara interna and on the foot process surface, which showed the distribution feature of glomerular filter. These results suggest that the ultrastructure alterations of glomeruli may result from the neutralization of polyanions by perfusion with protamine.  相似文献   
Eight cases were reported in order to elucidate the important role of electron microscopy (EM) played in diagnosis of knotty tumors. The diagnosis of tumors made by light microscopy (LM) could be confirmed, corrected or eliminated with EM, and the types and histogenesis of tumors could be decided more accurately with EM than with LM. But EM has its inherent limitations, so it is emphasized that diagnosis made by EM must rest on solid basis of LM, and sometimes EM should be combined with other methods, such as histochemistry and immunohistochemistry.  相似文献   
以死胎,死产及非肺炎早期新生儿尸检51例对照,观察159例早期新生儿肺炎尸检资料。根据肺部病变将新生儿肺炎分为急性弥漫型,急性小灶型,支气管、支气管周围型,间质型及肺炎合并透明膜型5类,其中以急性弥漫型最常见。同时认为肺内有羊水吸入并不一定是吸入性肺炎及时对早期新生儿肺炎应予重视.  相似文献   
应用图象分析仪对39例中度分化大肠腺癌、17例高度分化大肠腺癌和8例低度分化大肠腺癌进行了核形态定量对比分析。结果表明中度分化大肠腺癌是一群异质性肿瘤,可根据细胞核大小再进一步分成亚组,这样能更准确反映中度分化大肠腺癌的生物学行为。  相似文献   
作者等以胃液乳酸脱氢酶(LDH)为指标,配合纤维胃镜,对21例胃癌患者进行了动态观察,结果表明经~(00)钴放射治疗或手术治疗后,胃液LDH下降,若癌肿复发或转移时,胃液LDH又上升,说明胃液LDH活性升高或降低,与肿瘤的存在或消退有关,可作为胃癌预后观察的生化指标。  相似文献   
人肝癌细胞的HLA—Ⅰ类抗原表达   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
为了为肝癌细胞毒性T细胞疫苗设计、构建及免疫治疗策略的决策提供体外实验研究依据,采用免疫细胞化学LSAB法及流式细胞术观察了体外培养人肝癌细胞的HLA-Ⅰ类抗原表达情况。结果显示,人肝癌细胞株Alexander、HepG2、SMMC-7721、QGY-7703都有较强的HLA-Ⅰ类抗原表达,这使细胞毒性T细胞杀伤肝癌细胞成为可能。  相似文献   
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