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Real-time ultrasonography can detect the movement of viscera immediately deep to the abdominal wall. This motion of abdominal contents is called viscera slide, and is produced by the force of respiratory motion (spontaneous viscera slide) or by manual ballottement of the abdomen (induced viscera slide). Viscera slide was observed in 18 "normal" subjects (no history of previous abdominal surgery or peritonitis) and in 24 subjects at "risk" for abdominal wall adhesions because of previous abdominal operations or past history of peritonitis. In 14 of the 24 "risk" group subjects, spontaneous and induced viscera slide was restricted to excursions of less than 1 cm (58.3%). Operations were performed on 18 patients, which confirmed the fact that restriction of ultrasonically detected viscera slide identified abdominal wall adhesions in all cases, but no adhesions were found in patients with normal viscera slide. This ultrasonic finding of restricted viscera slide may be useful in the preoperative discovery and localization of abdominal wall adhesions prior to laparoscopy or laparotomy.  相似文献   
藏象学说是中医学的核心内容,为什么选择的脏腑是五脏、六腑、奇恒之腑,其划分标准是什么?这关系到中医学理论的基础。通过对人体的组织器官的分析,明确中医藏象学说脏腑的选择原因,并论述胰腺在中医学中的地位,讨论了现在公认的脏腑划分标准,提出了新的脏腑划分标准的三条原则,并探讨胆的脏腑归属。  相似文献   
Liu B  Zhao JS 《中国针灸》2011,31(6):526-528
基于初始经脉模式与脏腑-经脉模式的构建,梳理、分析经脉表里关系的真正内涵与核心要义,认为两种经脉模式下的经脉表里关系各具不同的特点与意义,主要体现在:①初始经脉模式下,<灵柩·经别>六合理论是其经脉表里关系的核心;络脉(络穴)对经脉表里关系具有重要的沟通作用.②脏腑-经脉模式下,脏腑相合促进了具有表里关系的经脉的匹配与沟通;气血的环周运行对经脉表里关系产生积极的影响.  相似文献   
There is growing evidence that target-derived neurotrophins regulate the function of visceral neurons after birth. However, the postnatal profile of neurotrophin supply from internal organs is poorly described. In this study, we compared neurotrophin concentrations in lysates of murine peripheral target tissues (lung, heart, liver, colon, spleen, thymus, kidney and urinary bladder) at different time points after birth. In most organs, there was a decrease of neurotrophin concentrations in the first weeks after birth. In contrast, there were characteristic increases of specific neurotrophins during adolescence or adulthood. These increases were found for nerve growth factor (NGF) in the heart, thymus, kidney and liver, for brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) in the lung, and for neurotrophin-3 (NT-3) in the colon. In conclusion, we show that neurotrophins display a very differential and dynamic profile in internal organs after birth.  相似文献   
《黄帝内经太素》,唐初医学家杨上善所著,是现存最早的《黄帝内经》版本。该书以唐初哲学为指导,开分类研究《内经》先河;延续《内经》脏为库藏、藏天地间精气的基本功能,突出并论证五脏藏神为五脏核心功能。其中,肝为库藏,应春,储藏天地之间少阳之气、五行木气;肝藏血,血是肝所储藏的精气;肝舍魂,舍魂为肝的核心功能,主藏血是为舍魂。《太素》对《内经》肝理论的发展:1)分类整理,使知识同一系统;2)以肝舍魂为核心功能协调并论证了肝所藏精气、血及魂的结构关系;3)以佛教理论指导,论证神、魂内生。明确《太素》肝脏象理论结构,对于明确肝脏象理论的形成与发展及对当代中医肝脏象理论的深入认识,无疑具有重大意义。  相似文献   
同为中医理论体系核心内容的经络学说和脏腑学说,在各自独立发展的过程中曾经相互影响。脏腑阴阳属性的认定和脏腑相合关系的确立,都与经脉学说的影响密不可分。脏腑的阴阳属性和阴阳之气的多少,起初是用“二阴二阳”来标定的。当“三阴三阳”命名了经脉,进而经脉络属了脏腑之后,才架设了脏腑与“三阴三阳”之间沟通的桥梁。在经脉表里关系和经脉脏腑络属关系的影响下,脏腑相合学说逐步成熟,《灵枢·经脉》的脏腑经络学说最终得以建立并占据了中医学术的主流地位,与之相左的其他“异说”则渐渐游弋于学术边缘而日趋湮没。  相似文献   
本文着重论述喜、怒、忧、思、悲、恐、惊,这七种情志的变化导致脏腑功能紊乱,气机升降失调,进而影响气血对皮肤的滋养,使皮肤失其健美;衰老既可直接影响皮肤美容,也可通过脏腑功能减退间接影响皮肤美容。情志对延缓衰老过程有重要作用。因此,唯注意协调情志,使气血流畅,真元之气不衰,才能保持皮肤健美。  相似文献   
The representation of the kidney in the lateral somatosensory thalamus was mapped using electrical stimulation of the renal nerve in pentobarbitone-anesthetized cats. Ninety-five of 197 thalamic neurons studied responded to renal nerve stimulation. The responsive neurons were located in the periphery of the ventral posterolateral nucleus (42%, VPLp) and the neighboring dorsal and lateral aspects of the posterior complex (58%; POd and POl). No visceroceptive neurons were found within VPL proper. The mean response latency of the thalamic neurons to electrical nerve stimulation was 9.5 ± 2.6 ms (mean ± S.D.), suggesting an involvement of A δ, and possibly A β fibers in the primary afferent pathway. The visceroceptive neurons were further characterized with innocuous mechanical stimulation of the body surface, and for 94 of the 95 neurons a somatic receptive field could be determined. Of these, 35% were located on the lower back and belly, i.e., the dermatomes of the lower thoracic and upper lumbar spinal projection areas of the renal nerve. 52% of the somatic receptive fields were located on the contralateral foot, thigh, tail, or hind leg (lower lumbar, sacral and coccygeal dermatomes) and 13% covered the arm and upper body (upper thoracic and lower cervical dermatomes). Comparison between the thalamic representations of the renal and pelvic nerves showed that both covered comparable areas adjacent and around, but not within VPL proper. It is concluded that VPLp, POd and POl play a role in processing visceral, possibly including nociceptive, information from the kidney of the cat.  相似文献   
目的:研究癫癎发作对雄性Wistar大鼠生殖系统相关指标的影响,企为临床癫癎男性患者提高生育质量提供依据.方法:运用氯化锂-匹罗卡品建立Wistar雄性大鼠癫癎模型,取血样、睾丸、附睾、精子分别测定其血清性激素、脏器系数、精子计数,观察精子活力及形态,分析癫癎对雄性大鼠生殖的影响.结果:癫癎造模成功组(A组)及癫癎造模未成功组(B组)的总睾酮(TT)及孕酮(P)水平均显著低于健康对照组(C组),而A组TT水平又显著低于B组,A组大鼠孕酮(P)水平与B组比较差异无显著意义.而A组黄体生成素(LH)及卵泡刺激素(FSH)均显著高于B组及C组,A组大鼠泌乳素(PRL)水平显著高于B组及C组,雌二醇(E2)在三组间比较差异无显著意义.A组与C组及B组相比睾丸脏器系数(睾丸重/体重)显著降低.A组大鼠精子计数低于C组及B组.在精子活动率,A组及B组低于C组.在大鼠精子畸形形态的观察中,A组及B组中可观察到较多的精子头部畸形.结论:氯化锂-匹罗卡品建立的Wistar雄性大鼠癫癎模型对生殖系统的相关检测指标均有较明显的影响.  相似文献   
通过系统整理中医传统理论中耳与脑、脏腑与脑、耳与脏腑之间的联系,结合体表刺激耳迷走神经-孤束核-默认网络脑效应机制研究,将传统针灸与现代医学相融合,提出“耳脑脏腑”相关理论。刺激耳甲的耳穴心不仅可以直接调节心神,通过耳脑相关机制调理脑与脑神,还可以配合或间接刺激耳甲区的五脏,调理五脏之神(心神、肝魂、肺魄、脾意和肾志),从而实现神脑并调和体用兼治之功,对于脑失常、神失常、五脏神失常类的疾病,理论上来说,具有较好的临床疗效。“耳脑脏腑相关”理论的提出,对于揭示采用耳穴心治疗脑系疾病和相关脏腑病提供了理论支持,对于加强中医原创理论创新提供典型范例,实现了继承与创新的结合,对于现代拓展脑病、脑科学和相关脏腑病研究提供了新方向和新思路。  相似文献   
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