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目的 探讨立体定向穿刺引流术联合抗生素综合性治疗多发脑脓肿的效果。方法 回顾性分析2018年4月至2020年10月收治的5例多发性脑脓肿的临床资料。急性脑炎期应给予广谱、足量抗感染治疗;脓肿包膜形成时,采取立体定向穿刺引流术,术后采用高通量测序技术检测病原菌,并根据结果调整抗生素。结果 5例中,3例进行两次引流术,2例进行单次引流术。术后高通量测序技术明确致病菌,经充足疗程的抗感染治疗,脓肿灶逐步消失,未发生脑疝,全部治愈出院。术后6个月随访,除1例遗留肢体轻瘫外,其余4例无肢体活动障碍。结论 对于多发性脑脓肿,尽早明确诊断、选择合理的治疗方式是提高脑脓肿治疗效果的关键;高通量测序技术为抗生素调整提供依据,并对感染源治疗有指导作用;立体定向穿刺引流术可以缩短疗程,减少抗生素应用时间,提高治疗效果。  相似文献   

目的探讨立体定向辅助下神经内镜手术治疗多房性脑脓肿临床可行性。方法对我科2006年11月至2010年10月多房性脑脓肿14例,采用立体定向辅助下神经内镜手术治疗回顾分析。结果均一次穿刺成功,手术后脓腔消失,经随访8个月至3年,13例脓肿壁完全消失,术后1例复发。结论认为立体定向辅助下神经内镜手术治疗多房性脑脓肿具有定位准确、安全、创伤小等优点,此方法操作可行,疗效理想。  相似文献   

目的探讨CT脑立体定向穿刺抽吸置管,尿激酶灌注引流治疗幕上高血压深部脑出血的方法.方法对82例幕上高血压深部脑出血,行CT脑立体定向穿刺抽吸血肿约50%-70%,然后置管尿激酶灌注引流,并对16例血肿破入脑室者,于穿刺对侧行持续脑室外引流术.结果术后半年随访ADL分级,Ⅰ、Ⅱ级46例,Ⅲ级27例,Ⅳ级5例.V级2例.术后死亡2例.结论对于幕上高血压深部脑出血行CT脑立体定向手术治疗能降低术后并发症及病残率,提高存活者生存质量.  相似文献   

CT片定位X线导向脑立体定向术诊治脑深部病变   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我院于1985年采用头颅CT片定位和X线导向行脑立体定向术诊断治疗脑深部病变12例,效果满意,报告如下: 资料和方法 资料:男9例,女3例。年龄15~62岁。其中脑深部脓肿3例,经立体定向穿刺抽脓或置管冲洗,  相似文献   

立体定向穿刺引流治疗深部多发性脑脓肿   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的采用采用立体定向穿刺引流治疗探部及多发性脑脓肿.方法使用颅表定位器,对31例深行部及多发性脑脓肿立体定向穿刺引流术,术后持续冲洗引流3~14天,常规应用敏感肮生素.结果本组31例,共38个脓肿,均一次穿刺成功,经冲洗引流后,2例因脓肿腔不闭合而行手术治疗.余经CT复查证明脓腔消失,随访至今未见脓腔复发.结论多发性脑脓肿及小型的深部脑脓肿,直接手术有一定的困难,尤其是脓肿位于脑重要的功能区,手术风险更大.CT引导下立体定向穿刺引流治疗脑脓肿,以其操作方便,定位准确,损伤小,疗效可靠而显示其明显的优越性,特别是对儿童及年老体弱者  相似文献   

目的探讨术前头颅CT行简易立体定向在锥颅侧脑室引流术中的应用价值。方法对61例需行侧脑室引流术患者依照术前头颅CT行简易立体定位定向锥颅侧脑室穿刺引流术治疗。结果 61例患者均在术中成功行侧脑室引流术,其中一次性穿刺成功59例,成功率为96.7%(59/61);复查头颅CT出现2例置管位置不佳。本组出现穿刺通脑挫伤1例。结论锥颅侧脑室穿刺管引流术中应用术前头颅CT简易立体定位定向,具有手术操作简便,定位简单准确、一次性穿刺成功率高、创伤小等优点。  相似文献   

目的 ;探讨立体定向血肿穿刺引流术治疗高血压脑出血的方法,手术时机、手术技巧和疗效。方法选取108例中等量及小量脑出血患者,采用立体定向微创血肿穿刺引流治疗。结果治疗前和治疗后1周、2周患者临床神经功能缺损评分差异有显著性(P<0.05),且治疗病程缩短。结论应用立体定向血肿穿刺引流术治疗中等量和小量脑出血,具有损伤小、安全性高、方法简便、手术定位准确、并发症少、神经功能缺损恢复快、缩短疾病疗程等优点。  相似文献   

目的 探讨多房性脑脓肿(MLPBA)患者的临床特征和治疗选择.方法 回顾性分析海军总医院神经外科自1991年至2011年收治的20例MLPBA和69例单房性脑脓肿(ULPBA)患者的临床资料并进行统计学处理.结果 本组MLPBA患者占全部脑脓肿患者的22.5%,2组间患者性别比例、年龄分布、病程时间、脓肿部位、细菌类型、感染途径和临床表现差异无统计学意义(P>0.05); MLPBA组的细菌培养阳性率和破人脑室率高于ULPBA组,MLPBA和ULPBA的平均脓肿体积分别为8.8 mL和13.3 mL.MLPBA和ULPBA的立体定向治疗复发率分别为26.7%和3.2%,死亡率分别为0%和4.3%.结论 MLPBA并非少见;其脓肿体积小于ULPBA但更易破入脑室;立体定向脓肿穿刺为第一治疗选择;虽有些患者需重复立体定向手术治疗,但总体预后良好.  相似文献   

目的探讨CT辅助下立体定向穿刺引流术治疗老年高血压基底节区脑出血的疗效及其并发症。方法将发病24 h内的80例老年高血压脑出血患者分为穿刺引流术组和对照组。两组患者分别采用CT辅助下立体定向穿刺引流术和药物保守治疗;观察比较两组患者的住院治疗时间、并发症、治疗后的神经功能恢复,以及治疗前、后的神经功能评分。结果引流术组患者的并发症发生率为12.5%,对照组则为32.5%。引流术组的住院时间(17.6 d)、最终NIHSS评分(3.28分)和总有效率(92.5%)均明显优于对照组(24.6 d,4.00分和77.5%)。结论 CT辅助下立体定向穿刺引流术治疗基底节区脑出血创伤小,可以明显减少各种并发症,缩短患者的住院时间减少花费。与保守治疗相比,能促进患者神经功能的早期恢复。  相似文献   

立体定向手术治疗深部脑脓肿   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
脑深部多发性脓肿的手术治疗历来是神经外科的一个难题。近年来,国外有较多研究报道,对脑深部病变,立体定向手术显示其优越性。我院1998年9月至2003年6月,采用CT定位立体定向抽吸术治疗深部多发性脑脓肿23例病人,现报告如下。  相似文献   

Between 1981 and 1986, 16 patients with brain abscesses underwent computed tomography (CT) guided stereotactic aspiration with (n = 5) or without (n = 11), catheter drainage. Infectious sources were found in 11 patients; 6 patients had concomitant immune suppression. Bacterial or mixed toxoplasmic-fungal or toxoplasmic-viral abscesses were diagnosed in 14 patients. After prolonged antimicrobial treatment, follow-up clinical and radiological evaluations confirmed abscess resolution in 12 patients. The abscess size was smaller in four patients, three of whom died 30-60 days after surgery due to overwhelming systemic opportunistic infections. One patient with a tuberculous brain abscess continued to exhibit gradual abscess regression one year after beginning three-drug antituberculous therapy. No surgical mortality occurred but two patients required evacuation of post-operative intracerebral haematomas that resulted from over-vigorous abscess aspiration. CT stereotactic drainage is a safe and effective technique to diagnose and treat brain abscesses and is mandatory for small or deep-seated lesions. Empirical therapy of suspected brain abscesses is rarely warranted in the era of CT stereotactic surgery.  相似文献   

Stereotactic drainage of brain abscesses   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Between 1981 and 1986, 16 patients with brain abscesses underwent computed tomography (CT) guided stereotactic aspiration with (n = 5) or without (n = 11), catheter drainage. Infectious sources were found in 11 patients; 6 patients had concomitant immune suppression. Bacterial or mixed toxoplasmic-fungal or toxoplasmic-viral abscesses were diagnosed in 14 patients. After prolonged antimicrobial treatment, follow-up clinical and radiological evaluations confirmed abscess resolution in 12 patients. The abscess size was smaller in four patients, three of whom died 30-60 days after surgery due to overwhelming systemic opportunistic infections. One patient with a tuberculous brain abscess continued to exhibit gradual abscess regression one year after beginning three-drug antituberculous therapy. No surgical mortality occurred but two patients required evacuation of post-operative intracerebral haematomas that resulted from over-vigorous abscess aspiration. CT stereotactic drainage is a safe and effective technique to diagnose and treat brain abscesses and is mandatory for small or deep-seated lesions. Empirical therapy of suspected brain abscesses is rarely warranted in the era of CT stereotactic surgery.  相似文献   

Summary CT- or MRI-guided stereotactic procedures should be a standard in a modern neurosurgical unit. Analysing 71 cases the indications and results of stereotactic neurosurgery are presented. In 53 patients stereotactic serial biopsies of different intraaxial lesions were performed, in 5 patients a spontaneous haemorrhage of the basal ganglia was removed by lysis with r-tPA. In 3 patients suffering from hydrocephalus due to diencephalic cysts a cystventricular shunt device was implanted. In 3 patients an intracerebral abscess was aspirated and drained. A stereotactic guided craniotomy and excision of small deep-seated lesions was performed in 6 cases. The accuracy of stereotactic tumour biopsies was 88.7 % in our series, in accordance to other authors. The stereotactic aspiration and drainage of an intracerebral abscess provides accurate localization and minimal cortical damage and offers the possibility of intracavitary application of antibiotics. The stereotactic internal shunt implantation seems to be an alternative approach in the treatment of diencephalic cysts due to its minimal invasiveness and low operative risk. The aspiration of basal ganglia haematomas with insertion of an external drainage allows the lysis of the haematoma with r-tPA or urokinase. With stereotactic guidance small, deep-seated intraaxial lesions can be well localized and removed.   相似文献   

目的总结手术治疗的69例脑脓肿,探讨脑脓肿手术病例的选择和治疗效果。方法分析69例脑脓肿的临床资料,采用立体定向穿刺术16例;开颅脑脓肿切除术25例;小骨窗开颅引流术28例,进行回顾性分析。结果立体定向穿刺术治愈15例,1例复发;开颅脑脓肿切除术治愈20例,好转2例,3例复发。小骨窗开颅引流术治愈25例,好转2例,1例复发。结论脑脓肿的治疗应根据患者年龄、全身状况、有无并发症、脑脓肿大小、部位、形态以及是否多发,采取个体化的治疗方式;个体化治疗有助于提高治疗效果。  相似文献   

目的 探讨MRI引导下立体定向活检术在颅内病变诊断中的作用价值。方法 自2009年1月至2015年3月应用立体定向系统与手术计划软件对25例颅内病变诊断不明确的患者行MRI定位下立体定向活检术。结果 除1例活检阴性外,病理诊断与最后诊断(结合临床和其他检查结果)一致20例,不一致4例;最后诊断与术前MRI诊断相符合8例,不符合9例,影像未诊断6例;切除术后病理与影像相符合1例,无明确关系1例。术后6例病变内少量出血,保守治疗;1例左额叶出血30 ml,行开颅血肿清除+去骨瓣减压术。结论 MRI立体定向活检术对颅内多发、深部病变的诊断具有重要价值,其安全性较高,但仍需进一步避免脑出血的风险。  相似文献   

立体定向治疗颅脑病变   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
目的:探讨立体定向技术治疗脑深部病变的疗效。方法:利用ASA-601S和Fischer脑立体定向仪治疗82例脑深部病变患者,行定向活检治疗22例,血肿清除治疗5例,脑脓肿抽吸术2例,囊性颅咽管瘤置入Ommaya管治疗53例。结果:活检确诊为胶质瘤10例,生殖细胞瘤4例,脑寄生虫3例,肺癌脑转移4例,1例第三脑室后部病变活检为胶质细胞增生。4例胶质瘤行手术治疗后病情好转,其余肿瘤行放射治疗,有6例痊愈(4例生殖细胞瘤,2例转移性肿瘤)。3例寄生虫经过症治疗后痊愈;2例脑脓肿经抽吸、抗炎治疗后痊愈;脑血肿5例经治疗痊愈;53例颅咽管瘤置放Ommaya管后3例痊愈(行囊内放疗),50例好转。结论:立体定向治疗脑深部病变定位精确、损伤小、操作简便、安全可靠、值得提倡。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Tubercular brain abscess (TBA) is a rare manifestation of CNS tuberculosis. It is characterised by an encapsulated collection of pus, containing viable tubercular bacilli without evidence of tubercular granuloma.PRESENTATION AND HISTORY: Patients may present with features of raised intracranial pressure and focal neurological deficit commensurate with the site of the abscess. A history of pulmonary tuberculosis may be present, as documented in one of our six cases; three of our six children developed TBA despite 3-weeks to 12-month courses of antitubercular chemotherapy prescribed for post-TBM hydrocephalus.DIAGNOSIS: Contrast CT head, MRI, MR spectroscopy is helpful in making the diagnosis and planning the treatment. TBA may be unilocular or multilocular on contrast CT scan. A relatively long clinical history and an enhancing capsule with thick wall are suggestive of TBA. Pyogenic abscess, however, has a thin rim on contrast CT. The capsule of TBA is formed of vascular granulation tissue containing acute and chronic inflammatory cells, particularly polymorphs. Proof of tubercular origin must be demonstrated either by presence of acid fast bacilli in culture or staining of pus or wall.TREATMENT: Treatment options include simple puncture, continuous drainage, fractional drainage, repeated aspiration through a burr hole, stereotactic aspiration and total excision of the abscess. Total excision usually becomes necessary in multilocular noncommunicating and thick-walled abscesses. Antitubercular therapy is the mainstay of management. The development of fulminant tubercular meningitis is sometimes problematic following surgical excision of TBA, as seen in one of our four operated cases. Mortality is reported to be high despite progress in treatment, while five of the six children treated by us responded well to the treatment.  相似文献   

Current concepts in the management of pyogenic brain abscess   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Current philosophy of treatment of brain abscess includes aspiration, appropriate antibiotics, treatment of sequelae and eradication of the primary source. Early clinical suspicion and diagnosis with CT is crucial. Small abscesses (<3 cm) in cerebritis or capsular stage located deep in clinically stable, poor surgical risk patients with diagnosis firmly supported by CT, may be treated with medical treatment only. Biweekly CT scan must be done to monitor the treatment response. CT or ultrasound guided aspiration should be performed in the event of clinical deterioration, failure of reduction in size or enlargement of abscesses. Encapsulated abscess (>3 cm), presence of significant neurological deficit or mass effect, doubt in the diagnosis and presumed resistant organisms are best treated with aspiration. Excision is required in large superficial abscesses resistant to multiple aspirations, post-traumatic abscess with a foreign body or fistula and multiloculated abscess of nocardial or actinomycotic aetiology. Results are directly related to the sensorium at the time of presentation. Stereotactic aspiration of all the loculi of multiloculated abscess in single or staged aspiration, and more completed drainage and lavage with endoscopic stereotactic evacuation may cut down indications of excision of brain abscess in future. It is concluded that, with diagnostic and technical advancements, a trend of adequate drainage of brain abscess via minimally invasive surgery is emerging. Confirmation of diagnosis and monitoring of treatment response with magnetic resonance spectroscopy may allow greater number of patients in future to be managed with medical treatment only.  相似文献   

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