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目的 研究振幅整合脑电图(aEEG)对于重症病毒性脑炎继发非惊厥型癫(痫)持续状态(NCSE)诊断的敏感度和特异度,探讨视频脑电图(VEEG)与aEEG结合在诊断NCSE中的临床意义.方法 回顾性分析26例临床诊断为重症病毒性脑炎继发NCSE(NCSE组,经临床及脑电图判定符合NCSE)患儿的临床资料,另设对照组(22例,临床上存在意识障碍、自动症等表现,经判定不符合NCSE).对两组病例进行脑电图检查及相关辅助检查.通过统计学分析对各项参数进行差异性分析.结果 NCSE组在发作期及缓解期aEEG波幅差异有显著性(P<0.001),而对照组差异无显著性.以VEEG作为诊断标准,aEEG对于NCSE诊断的敏感度为100%,特异度为90.1%.结论 对于重症病毒性脑炎继发NCSE的诊断,aEEG具有高敏感度、变化直观,易于快速解读等优势,对于尽早诊断及干预治疗有着重要意义.  相似文献   

目的 总结分析儿童非惊厥性癫痫持续状态(NCSE)多种脑电图(EEG)异常放电模式。方法 2016年9月至2020年9月首都医科大学宣武医院儿科收治的5例NCSE患儿,分析患儿的发作诱因、临床表现、EEG异常及治疗反应等情况。结果 报道的5例患儿,男童2例,女童3例。发病年龄1~12岁(中位值4岁2月)。5例均有反应迟钝,不同程度的智力倒退,其中例5有性格改变。NCSE诱因分析发现5例中感染引起惊厥持续状态后出现NCSE 1例(例4),抗癫痫药物调整过程中发作1例(例2),癫痫发作控制不佳1例(例5),突然停用所有抗癫痫药物1例(例3),诱因不明1例(例1)。发作期EEG特征多样,包括反复长时间的发作期放电,局部起始伴扩散和演变,左右反复交替出现(例1);全导高波幅慢波及右侧局灶性(Rolandic区)持续放电(例2);全导弥漫性高幅2.5~3Hz左右慢波、棘慢波长程发放(例3);全导持续周期性高幅慢波、尖慢波呈发放(例4)。双侧前头部(额极、额、中央、顶为主导联)5Hz高幅持续性慢波(例5)。所有患儿发作时静脉推注地西泮,临床症状及EEG均有不同程度的改善。结论 NCSE的临床表现和...  相似文献   

目的探讨儿童睡眠中癫痫性电持续状态(ESES)的临床和脑电图变化特征。方法通过长程视频脑电图(VEEG)监测,对35例合并ESES的癫痫患儿进行临床资料及脑电图资料的回顾性分析。结果35例患儿的VEEG,NREM期均见ESES现象,放电以Rolandic区为主。发病后精神行为异常25例(71.4%),智力障碍19例(54.2%),语言障碍22例(62.8%)。经抗癫痫药治疗后,26例有效,临床发作完全控制或明显减少;7例无效者采用甲泼尼龙冲击治疗后,在控制临床发作和痫样放电方面有良好的效果;2例无效。结论 ESES是涉及多种癫痫综合征的特殊EEG,NREM睡眠期持续放电是引起神经心理损伤的主要原因。而长程视频脑电图是诊断ESES的有效工具,便于早期采取干预措施,是改善神经心理损伤的关键。  相似文献   

目的由于非惊厥性癫痫持续状态(NCSE)的临床表现及脑电图的变化在儿童和成人很难被识别,容易被误诊,本研究主要是探讨NCSE的临床特点及脑电图表现。方法收集我院诊治过的4例NCSE患者的临床资料及脑电图资料,分析其特点。结果 4例患者既往均有癫痫发作。例1患者停药后出现NCSE发作,例3、例4患者由于药物控制不佳,例2患者的NCSE均发生在惊厥发作后,每次发作持续时间从0.5h至3d不等。例2、例3及例4患者反复多次出现NCSE。4例患者均表现为行为异常,例1、例2及例4患者发作时不讲话,不能和外界进行交流,例3患者发作时构音不清。随访后发现例2、例3患者记忆力下降,例1、例4患者智能基本正常。从脑电图来看,均表现为持续性棘慢波发放。例1为失神发作癫痫持续状态,例2、例3及例4为部分性发作癫痫持续状态。结论 NCSE在早期易漏诊,反复NCSE可导致患者记忆力下降,如癫痫患者出现持续半小时以上的行为异常等表现,应急行脑电图检查明确是否NCSE,使用苯二氮卓类及抗癫痫药物可终止NCSE。  相似文献   

目的探讨为非惊厥性癫痫持续状态(NCSE)的边缘叶脑炎(LE)的临床及EEG特征。方法回顾性分析9例表现有NCSE的LE患者的临床资料。结果 4例患者为急性起病,5例为亚急性起病。首发症状为复杂部分性癫痫持续状态(CPSE)7例,轻微发作癫痫持续状态(SSE)1例,简单部分性癫痫持续状态(SPSE)1例。9例患者均有精神症状、记忆障碍及自主神经功能紊乱,肺癌1例。头颅MRI显示脑实质急性炎症,主要集中于边缘系统,呈双侧对称或不对称信号异常改变,T_1WI为略低信号,T_2WI及Flair呈高信号。EEG表现为θ波背景6例,均可见δ波,其中棘慢波或尖慢波4例;α波背景2例,均可见δ波,表现为δ波背景1例。视频脑电图(VEEG)示1例SSE患者呈持续的痫性放电,在病侧蝶骨电极更显著,但无运动性癫痫发作。1例SPSE患者在皮质和颞近中央区有不同频率的局灶性棘波或棘慢综合波持续发放。7例CPSE患者呈颞区为主的各种形式癫痫性电活动广泛持续发放或反复阵发性出现,如节律性的棘波、尖波、δ或/和θ节律,可向邻近区域或对侧半球扩散,或左右交替;在无凝视反应或刻板自动症时呈现扩散至双侧半球的高波幅棘慢综合波或δ节律爆发。结论表现有NCSE的LE的临床和EEG有特征性改变,EEG和VEEG是LE是否存在NCSE的主要诊断依据。左右半球边缘叶病变出现的精神症状并不相同。各型LE对治疗反应不一,非副肿瘤性LE疗效较满意。  相似文献   

目的研究振幅整合脑电图(aEEG)对于重症病毒性脑炎继发非惊厥型癫持续状态(NCSE)诊断的敏感度和特异度,探讨视频脑电图(VEEG)与aEEG结合在诊断NCSE中的临床意义。方法回顾性分析26例临床诊断为重症病毒性脑炎继发NCSE(NCSE组,经临床及脑电图判定符合NCSE)患儿的临床资料,另设对照组(22例,临床上存在意识障碍、自动症等表现,经判定不符合NCSE)。对两组病例进行脑电图检查及相关辅助检查。通过统计学分析对各项参数进行差异性分析。结果NCSE组在发作期及缓解期aEEG波幅差异有显著性(P0.001),而对照组差异无显著性。以VEEG作为诊断标准,aEEG对于NCSE诊断的敏感度为100%,特异度为90.1%。结论对于重症病毒性脑炎继发NCSE的诊断,aEEG具有高敏感度、变化直观,易于快速解读等优势,对于尽早诊断及干预治疗有着重要意义。  相似文献   

目的分析重症抗NMDAR脑炎临床,影像学及脑电图(EEG)特征。方法 23例血清和/或脑脊液(CSF)抗NMDAR抗体阳性、MRS评分4-5分的重症抗NMDAR脑炎,分析CSF白细胞数、意识障碍严重程度、呼吸功能衰竭特点及头颅MRI、24h长程视频脑电图(VEEG)特点。结果 23例重症抗NMDAR脑炎中,精神行为异常19例(82.6%),意识障碍20例(87%)。CSF白细胞数增高19例(82.6%),与轻症抗NMDAR脑炎差异无统计学意义(P0.05)。癫痫发作17例(73.9%),其中癫痫持续状态13例(56.5%)。24h VEEG监测,广泛慢波15例,其中θ波为主调12例,δ波为主调3例。14~20HZ快波背景2例,额顶枕颞导棘波、尖波或尖慢综合波发放6例,未见异常1例。头颅MRI异常14例(60.9%),其中累及额、颞、顶枕叶皮质6例,皮质下白质多发异常信号5例,累及海马5例,累及脑干2例,未见异常9例。呼吸功能衰竭10例(43.5%),Ⅰ型呼吸功能衰竭6例,Ⅱ型呼吸功能衰竭4例。结论重症抗NMDAR脑炎疾病的严重程度、CSF白细胞数量、意识障碍程度与抗NMDAR抗体的滴度无关,重症抗NMDAR脑炎易出现癫痫持续状态和中枢性通气不足所致呼吸功能衰竭。  相似文献   

目的 探讨昏迷患者非惊厥性癫痫持续状态(NCSE)的临床特点.方法 回顾性分析6例昏迷NCSE患者的临床资料.结果 6例患者中1例病毒性脑炎,1例大面积脑梗死,2例脑外伤,1例心肺复苏术后缺血缺氧性脑病,1例肾移植后代谢性脑病.其中,2例出现躁动,1例摇头、嘴唇咂动,2例四肢微小抽动,1例颜面抽动.所有患者的持续EEG(CEEG)监测均出现广泛或者局灶并发广泛的异常放电.结论 昏迷患者发生NCSE时多表现为躁动或面部、四肢微小抽动,CEEG监测能发现异常放电,有助于指导临床诊治.  相似文献   

目的探讨脑炎后癫痫持续状态(SE)进展为难治性SE(RSE)及超级RSE(SRSE)的早期预测因素。方法根据疾病进展情况将89例脑炎后SE患者分为非RSE组、RSE组及SRSE组。比较各组临床资料。结果非RSE组、RSE组及SRSE组年龄、SE严重程度评分量表(STESS)评分、基于流行病学SE病死率评分(EMSE)评分、脑炎-非惊厥性癫痫持续状态(NCSE)-地西泮抵抗-影像异常-气管插管(END-IT)评分、GCS评分、急性生理与慢性健康评分Ⅱ(APACHEⅡ)及影像学特征、昏迷中的NCSE、对苯二氮艹卓类药物无反应、静脉撤药发作、气管插管、应用血管活性药物比率差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05~0.01)。多因素Logistic回归分析发现,EMSE(OR=1.176,95%CI:0.984~1.405,P=0.075)、静脉撤药发作(OR=10.164,95%CI:1.825~56.603,P=0.008)和昏迷中的NCSE(OR=7.577,95%CI:1.337~42.940,P=0.022)是SE演变为RSE和SRSE的早期预测因素。结论EMSE超过42.5分、静脉撤药发作和是否为昏迷中的NCSE是SE患者进展为难治性的早期预测因素。  相似文献   

目的分析抗GABA(B)R脑炎临床,影像学及脑电图(EEG)特征。方法 5例血清和脑脊液(CSF)抗GABA(B)R抗体阳性的抗GABA(B)R脑炎,分析CSF白细胞数、头颅磁共振(MRI)、24h长程视频脑电图(VEEG)和预后特点。结果 5例抗GABA(B)R脑炎中,精神行为异常2例,意识障碍2例,CSF白细胞数增高4例,癫痫发作5例,其中癫痫持续状态4例(80%)。24h VEEG监测3例各导可见多量阵发性长程持续5~30s、4~6Hzθ节律,并前额、额、前颞可见尖波或复合性慢波。未见异常2例。头颅MRI异常1例,累及海马、额叶皮质。呼吸衰竭1例,行气管插管,未用呼吸机辅助呼吸。1例合并血和CSF抗Hu抗体阳性并发肺癌。随访半年死亡3例(60%),完全正常2例(40%)。结论抗GABA(B)R脑炎是以癫痫发作为特点的疾病,本组5例患者均早期出现严重的癫痫发作。预后与癫痫的严重程度和是否合并肿瘤有关。  相似文献   

Summary: Purpose: Convulsive status epilepticus (CSE) is a major medical and neurological emergency that is associated with significant morbidity and mortality. Despite this high morbidity and mortality, most acute care facilities in the United States cannot evaluate patients with EEG monitoring during or immediately after SE. The present study was initiated to determine whether control of CSE by standard treatment protocols was sufficient to terminate electrographic seizures. Methods: One hundred sixty-four prospective patients were evaluated at the Medical College of Virginia/VCU Status Epilepticus Program. Continuous EEG monitoring was performed for a minimum of 24 h after clinical control of CSE. SE and seizure types were defined as described previously. A standardized data form entry system was compiled for each patient and used to evaluate the data collected. Results: After CSE was controlled, continuous EEG monitoring demonstrated that 52% of the patients had no after-SE ictal discharges (ASIDS) and manifested EEG patterns of generalized slowing, attenuation, periodic lateralizing epileptiform discharges (PLEDS), focal slowing, and/or burst suppression. The remaining 48% demonstrated persistent electrographic seizures. More than 14% of the patients manifested nonconvulsive SE (NCSE) predominantly of the complex partial NCSE seizure (CPS) type (2). These patients were comatose and showed no overt clinical signs of convulsive activity. Clinical detection of NCSE in these patients would not have been possible with routine neurological evaluations without use of EEG monitoring. The clinical presentation, mortality, morbidity, and demographic information on this population are reported. Conclusions: Our results demonstrate that EEG monitoring after treatment of CSE is essential to recognition of persistent electrographic seizures and NCSE unresponsive to routine therapeutic management of CSE. These findings also suggest that EEG monitoring immediately after control of CSE is an important diagnostic test to guide treatment plans and to evaluate prognosis in the management of SE.  相似文献   

Tay SK  Hirsch LJ  Leary L  Jette N  Wittman J  Akman CI 《Epilepsia》2006,47(9):1504-1509
BACKGROUND: Nonconvulsive status epilepticus (NCSE) is a highly heterogeneous clinical condition that is understudied in the pediatric population. OBJECTIVE: To analyze the epidemiological, clinical, and electroencephalograpic features in pediatric patients with NCSE. METHODS: We identified 19 pediatric patients with NCSE from the epilepsy database of the Comprehensive Epilepsy Center at, Columbia University between June 2000 and December 2003. Continuous electroencephalographic (EEG) monitoring was analyzed and chart review was performed. RESULTS: The patients ranged from 1 month old to 17 years of age. Five patients developed NCSE following convulsive status epilepticus (CSE), and a further 12 patients developed NCSE after brief convulsions. Two developed NCSE as the first manifestation during a comatose state following hypoxic events. Acute hypoxic-ischemic injury was the most frequent etiology of NCSE in our population (5 of 19; 26%), followed by exacerbation of underlying neurometabolic disease (4 of 19; 21%), acute infection (3 of 19; 16%), change in antiepileptic drug regimen (3 of 19;16%), refractory epilepsy (2 of 19; 11%) and intracranial hemorrhage (2 of 19; 11%). Six patients had associated periodic lateralized epileptiform discharges (PLEDs), one had generalized periodic epileptiform discharges (GPEDs). Five (5 of 19; 26%) patients died of the underlying acute medical illness. Periodic discharges were associated with worse outcome. CONCLUSION: The majority of our patients with NCSE had preceding seizures in the acute setting prior to the diagnosis of NCSE, though most of these seizures were brief, isolated convulsions (12 patients) rather than CSE (five patients). Prolonged EEG monitoring to exclude NCSE may be warranted in pediatric patients even after brief convulsive seizures. Prompt recognition and treatment may be necessary to improve neurological outcome.  相似文献   

Aim. Status epilepticus (SE) can lead to sequelae or even death. Identifying characteristics associated with poor outcome is crucial in guiding patient treatment. Based on our retrospective patient cohorts, potential prognostic factors were analysed. Methods. Patients consecutively treated for refractory convulsive status epilepticus (CSE) between 2001 and 2010 and non‐convulsive status epilepticus (NCSE) between 2004 and 2009 were studied. Outcome was compared to prognostic variables. Index SE episodes were used for the statistical analyses. Crosstabs and independent samples t‐test were applied. Due to sample size, logistic regression was performed for the combined groups. Results. In total, 50% (9/18) of index refractory CSE and 42% (16/38) of index NCSE episodes led to sequelae. Refractory CSE requiring narcosis for >20 hours was associated with poor outcome (p=0.05). De novo presentation (p=0.0001), long‐lasting SE (>2 hours) (p=0.014), age >65 years (p=0.002), and refractory SE (p=0.047) were predictors of poor outcome following NCSE. Based on logistic regression for combined refractory CSE and NCSE, de novo presentation was identified as the strongest predictor of sequelae. Conclusions. Older age and de novo SE are predictors of sequelae following NCSE. Prolonged SE is a risk factor for poor outcome, both for refractory CSE and NCSE. Aggressive initial treatment to terminate seizures during the early phase is therefore essential.  相似文献   

目的探讨儿童癫痫持续状态(SE)的临床特点、治疗策略及预后。方法回顾性分析2015年1月至2019年10月空军军医大学唐都医院神经外科收治的36例儿童SE患者的临床资料。采用抗癫痫药物、麻醉药物等控制SE后,根据患儿的具体情况进一步行手术(24例)或药物治疗(12例)癫痫。观察SE的控制情况、癫痫的预后及相关并发症。结果36例患儿的年龄均≤14岁,其中≤3岁者22例;症状性SE 29例,特发性SE 7例;惊厥性SE 32例,非惊厥性SE 4例;可控性SE 25例,难治性SE(RSE)8例,超难治性SE(SRSE)3例;有诱发因素者29例;影像学异常者24例;脑电图显示大脑异常放电者35例,放电抑制者1例。36例患儿中,28例采用抗癫痫药物治疗后SE完全控制,8例给予了麻醉药物。33例SE完全控制,1例部分有效(为RSE患儿),2例无效者均死亡(均为SRSE患儿);控制时间为10 min至72 h(中位时间为40 min)。13例出现SE治疗的相关并发症。共33例患儿获得随访,随访时间为(2.5±1.4)年(1.0~5.5年)。手术治疗的24例患儿中,5例发生手术相关并发症;术后随访EngleⅠ级者20例,Ⅱ级者4例。采用药物治疗的9例患儿,发作频率降低≥50%者6例,发作频率降低<50%者3例。结论低龄尤其是≤3岁者SE高发,大部分患儿为症状性且有明显诱因,影像学异常者多见,脑电图均异常;抗癫痫药物和麻醉药可控制大部分SE,但RSE和SRSE患儿的疗效差;手术治疗对预防症状性SE及改善其预后效果较好。  相似文献   

Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease (CJD) is the most common transmissible human spongiform encephalopathy. Seizures and status epilepticus (SE) are an uncommon finding in CJD. We report a 64-year-old woman with rapid cognitive decline who had electroencephalographic (EEG) changes suggestive of nonconvulsive status epilepticus (NCSE). She was later diagnosed with sporadic CJD (sCJD). We also reviewed the literature for published cases on this topic. MEDLINE was employed to identify all published reports of CJD and SE. We identified 8 references with a total of 12 cases with CJD and NCSE. sCJD should be considered in the differential diagnosis of any patient who presents with rapid cognitive decline and EEG changes consistent with status epilepticus.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: The aims of this retrospective study were: (1) to compare the demographics, clinical characteristics, etiology, and EEG findings of status epilepticus aborted with medication (ASE) and refractory status epilepticus (RSE), (2) to describe the treatment response of status epilepticus (SE), and (3) to determine predictors of long-term outcome in children with SE. METHODS: Medical records and EEG lab logs with ICD-9 diagnostic codes related to SE were reviewed. Patients younger than 18 years of age, hospitalized in 1994-2004 at the Mayo Clinic, Rochester, were included. RESULTS: One hundred fifty-four children had SE; 94 (61%) had ASE, and 60 (39.0%) had RSE. Family history of seizures, higher seizure frequency score, higher number of maintenance antiepileptic drugs (AEDs), nonconvulsive SE, and focal or electrographic seizures on initial EEG were associated with RSE by univariate analysis. In-hospital mortality was significantly higher in RSE (13.3%) than in ASE (2.1%). In the long term, survivors with RSE developed more new neurological deficits (p < 0.001) and more epilepsy (p < 0.004) than children with ASE. Children treated in a more aggressive fashion appeared to have better treatment responses (p < 0.001) and outcomes (p = 0.03). Predictors of poor outcome were long seizure duration (p < 0.001), acute symptomatic etiology (p = 0.04), nonconvulsive SE (NCSE) (p = 0.01), and age at admission <5 years (p = 0.05). DISCUSSION: Several patient and clinical characteristics are associated with development of RSE and poor outcome. Prospective, randomized trials that assess different treatment protocols in children with SE are needed to determine the optimal sequence and timing of medications.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Nonconvulsive status epilepticus (NCSE) is a usually underdiagnosed and potentially treatable cause of altered awareness in the elderly. To assess etiologies, associations with other medical problems, and prognosis of NCSE in a population aged >75 years we performed a nested case-control study. METHODS: We retrospectively evaluated the clinical manifestations and EEG findings in 19 consecutive elderly patients (mean age 83.3 years) presenting with NCSE and compared them with 34 elderly patients (mean age 83.3 years) with altered mental status but without EEG evidence of NCSE. The variables compared included brain lesions on CT or MRI, number of concomitant chronic active diseases, previous neurological disorders, acute medical problems, the use and withdrawal of medications, and outcome. Statistical analysis was performed using chi-square test, t-test, Fisher's exact two-tailed test, and Wilcoxon rank sum test. RESULTS: The etiology of NCSE was epilepsy in 2, acute medical disorders in 14, and a cryptogenic cause in 4. The NCSE group had a more frequent history of epilepsy, 35% versus 8.8% (p = 0.028); tramadol use, 31% versus 0% (p = 0.00151); longer hospitalization, 25 days versus 7 days (p = 0.0004); and unfavorable outcome, 50% versus 5.8% (p = 0.00031). No significant differences were found in the other variables. Unfavorable outcome was associated with a higher number of comorbidities (>2) and to a severely altered mental status. CONCLUSIONS: NCSE is a serious cause of altered mental status in the elderly. Although its direct role in brain damage is controversial, elderly patients with NCSE have higher morbidity and worst prognosis than those with altered mental status without NCSE.  相似文献   

We retrospectively analysed the clinical characteristics, electroencephalogram (EEG) records, brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans, antiepileptic therapy and prognosis of a case series with ambulatory non-convulsive status epilepticus (NCSE) which evolved into a malignant form (mNCSE). mNCSE was defined as NCSE that continues or recurs five days or more after the onset of general anaesthesia, including those cases where NCSE recurs upon reduction or withdrawal of anaesthetic therapy. Four women and two men were studied. The mean age was 42.8?years (range: 19-63?years). Two of six patients had a previous diagnosis of epilepsy. Four patients died. Two patients had a good outcome with return to consciousness and activities of daily life, and one of these subjects developed temporal lobe epilepsy. In four patients, the cause of mNCSE was encephalitis. Clinical presentation was complex partial status epilepticus (CPSE) in three patients and generalised NCSE (GNCSE) in the other three. Two of the latter had encephalitis and one was diagnosed with progressive myoclonus epilepsy (PME) of Lafora type. The mean duration of the NCSE episode was 47.5?days (range: 9-139?days; SD: 53.1). In three patients, continuous or rhythmic focal epileptiform discharges were the EEG pattern at onset. In the other three, continuous rhythmic generalised spike-wave, polyspike-wave or sharp slow-wave complexes were observed. Antiepileptic treatment was heterogeneous and patients were treated with an average of 6.0 AEDs (range: 3-10; SD: 3.0). In summary, mNCSE is a severe epileptic condition that occurs often in the context of encephalitis or pre-existing epilepsy. Both CPSE and GNCSE may occur. Although high mortality is associated with mNCSE, some patients may survive with normal or good recovery.  相似文献   

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