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目的:分析喉疣状癌的临床病理特点、手术方式和疗效。方法:经病理证实的喉疣状癌患者10例,5例行垂直半喉+重建术;2例行环状软骨上喉部分切除+环舌会厌吻合术(CHEP);2例行支撑喉镜下YAG激光声带切除术,其中1例术后放疗,另1例4个月后原位复发,行垂直半喉+重建术后控制;1例行喉裂开声带切除术。结果:所有患者均恢复正常的呼吸和吞咽功能,9例插管患者拔除气管套管后均获得正常的发音功能。术后随访:1例患者原位复发,1例因其他部位肿瘤死亡,2例因心脑血管疾病死亡。全部患者手术部位癌细胞无远处转移,5年生存率75%。结论:喉疣状癌是高分化鳞状细胞癌的一种特殊类型,本病确诊有赖于病理专家与喉科医师密切配合。手术是喉疣状癌主要的治疗方式,在切除肿瘤的基础上保留喉功能,提高患者生活质量  相似文献   

喉癌患者喉部分切除术后的嗓音声学分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
目的 探讨喉癌患者喉部分切除术术式、喉功能重建方法与术后嗓音质量的关系。方法 采用Dr.Speech嗓音分析软件,对116例不同术式喉部分切除术患者分别于术后1、2年进行发声功能测试,对测得的基频微扰(jitter)、振幅微扰(shimmer)、标准化噪声能量(NNE)进行比较分析,判断受试者嗓音质量。结果 所测得的声学参数jitter、shimmer、NNE值,以喉声门上水平部分切除术组最低,嗓音质量相对最好(P〈0.01);喉次全切除术组最高,嗓音质量相对最差(P〈0.01)。声带切除术组和声带癌激光切除术组与其它各组比较,其差异均有显著统计学意义(P〈0.05或0.01),但这两组间比较,差异无统计学意义。各组术后嗓音质量效果从好到差依次为:喉声门上水平部分切除术组、声带切除术组、声带癌激光切除术组、喉垂直部分切除术组、喉额侧部分切除术组、喉次全切除术组。结论 喉癌患者喉部分切除术后,发声功能的恢复与手术方式及重建方法密切相关,其中,喉声门上水平部分切除术组术后嗓音质量相对最佳,喉次全切除术组术后相对最差。  相似文献   

垂直部分喉切除术的远期疗效观察   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
报告经随访3年以上垂直部分喉切除样126例。不同术式者5年生存率各异,额前部分喉切除术最高,为100%;其次喉裂开声带切除术为91.4%;垂直半喉切除术为73.1%;额侧部分喉切除术为72.2%;合计5年生存率为80.0%。术后喉功能保存良好,拔管率为75.4%。126例术后局部复发为13例,复发率为10.3%。颈部淋巴结转移6例,肺转移1例,多发生在手术后1年以内,大多数是行垂直半喉切除术及额侧  相似文献   

目的:探讨垂直喉部分切除术后改善发声,恢复喉功能的修复手段,以提高喉癌患者术后的生存质量。方法:垂直喉部分切除术后,用患侧甲状软骨外膜修复上半喉腔缺损,取健侧胸舌骨肌瓣(或舌骨-胸舌骨肌瓣)修复下半喉腔缺损并重建声带。结果:修复的新喉腔呈三角形,重建的声带具有一定的张力并参与发声,恰似一侧居于正中位麻痹的声带,发声时由健侧声带代偿运动与新声带前2/3相互靠近。93.4%的患者发声近乎正常或自觉发声质量较术前明显好转。结论:垂直喉部分切除术后采用患侧甲状软骨外膜和健侧胸舌骨肌瓣(或舌骨-胸舌骨肌瓣)修复缺损并重建声带,方法简单,取材方便,创伤小,效果满意,可作为垂直喉部分切除术后声带重建的首选方法。  相似文献   

支撑喉镜下CO2激光及几丁糖局部涂布治疗喉狭窄   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:探讨CO2激光辅以局部几丁糖涂布治疗各种类型喉狭窄的手术方法和疗效。方法:1999年1月-2002年1月在全麻支撑喉镜下共行CO2激光辅以局部几丁糖涂布治疗种类喉狭窄患者21例,其中先天性喉2例,不同原因前联合粘连狭窄13例,后联合璞形成3例,喉乳头状瘤多次手术后喉闭锁2例,甲状腺术后双侧声带外展麻痹行杓状软骨切除术后声门狭窄1例。结果:全部患者术后随访6-24个月,18例拔管保留发声功能;3例再狭窄,2例经再次手术后拔管,无误吸,发声较低沉嘶哑;另一例行喉裂开“T”形管扩张。结论:CO2激光手术 几丁糖局部涂布是一种治疗喉狭窄的有效方法,手术安全简便,可避免颈外进路手术,同时保留较好的发声功能。  相似文献   

声门型喉癌激光声带切除术后复发病例临床分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目的:了解支撑喉镜下激光声带切除术治疗早期声门型喉癌复发的临床特点及如何选择再治疗方案。方法:采用波长为532nm的非接触式KTP激光,根据肿瘤大小和侵及深度选择不同术式:Ⅰ型声带切除术16例,Ⅱ型声带切除术63例,Ⅲ型声带切除术21例;对患者术后的复发时间、复发部位、选用术式及原发病变范围等进行分析。结果:1例在术后2个月复发,行激光手术切除,3个月后再复发,再行扩大垂直半喉切除,观察4年无复发。2例在术后3个月复发,1例在术后6个月复发,均行扩大垂直半喉切除,观察4年无复发。1例在术后1年复发,行全喉切除治疗。复发部位在前连合处4例,声带中部1例,其中原发病变T1a 3例,复发率为3.1%;T1b2例,复发率为50.0%。结论:激光声带切除术后复发时间多在半年内,复发部位多在前连合处,早期发现后应首选扩大的部分喉切除术;严格选择手术适应证,熟练的手术技巧是提高疗效的关键。  相似文献   

两种手术方法治疗双侧声带神经麻痹   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 通过观察经喉外进路及经支撑喉镜下行CO2激光手术切除杓状软骨治疗双侧声带神经麻痹的疗效,对比两种手术方法的优缺点,择优选取合适的术式。方法 对双侧喉返神经致喉狭窄的13例术后患者进行随访,其中7例行喉外进路杓状软骨切除术声带外展固定,6例行经支撑喉镜下行CO2激光手术切除杓状软骨,13例术前均已行气管切开,术后随访6个月至2年。结果 采用喉外进路杓状软骨切除术声带外展固定7例,术后1次拔管3例,2次拔管2例;采用经支撑喉镜下行CO2激光手术切除杓状软骨6例,术后1次拔管4例,2次拔管1例。结论 两种手术方法各有优缺点。  相似文献   

磷酸钛钾激光声带切除术不同术式的临床特点   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
目的 探讨支撑喉镜下磷酸钛钾(potasium titanium phosphate,KTP)激光声带切除术不同术式的选择及愈合过程中的临床特点。方法 选择76例早期声门型喉癌行KTP激光声带切除术,对不同术式术后喉内结构恢复过程、音质变化等进行随访观察记录。结果 Ⅰ型术式11例,3个月后恢复喉的正常结构及功能;Ⅱ型术式50例,3个月后有声带样粘膜皱襞(以下称新声带)形成,基本恢复喉的结构;Ⅲ型术  相似文献   

目的探讨喉部分切除术治疗声门型、声门上型喉癌的疗效和功能恢复。方法对我院1992年7月--2003年8月间喉癌行喉部分切除喉功能重建术的32例(占同期喉癌手术59.2%)临床资料进行总结和随访。其中声门型喉癌23例,声门上型喉癌9例;行喉裂开声带切除术室带下移修复术5例,垂直喉部分切除带状肌修复14例。垂直喉部分切除会厌修复3例,扩大垂直喉部分切除环舌根会厌吻合术1例,声门上水平部分喉切除术7例,扩大声门上水平部分喉切除术舌根修复2例。结果1、3、5年生存率分别为96.9%(31/32)、87.0%(20/23)、72.2(13118)。总拔管率为90.6(29/32)。全部病例恢复经口进食,一经拔管均能发音。术后复发率为12.5%。结论喉部分切除术不仅是喉癌根治的有效术式,而且同时可以较好地保留喉的生理功能,提高患者术后的生活质量。  相似文献   

目的 比较半导体激光声带切除术和喉部分切除术治疗早期声门癌的临床疗效.方法 行激光声带肿瘤切除术(激光组)18例,部分喉切除术(手术组)20例,分析比较两组住院日、气管切开与否、术后喉功能保留情况及嗓音声学参数等指标以及随访结果.结果 激光组术后住院日短,大多数可避免气管切开,喉功能保留良好,且部分患者可在局麻下完成手术.两组患者的嗓音声学参数差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05).术后随访3~5年,两组术后复发情况比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05).结论 激光治疗早期声门癌实现了微创治疗,综合评价效果明显优于喉部分切除术组.  相似文献   

Submucosal cordectomy, an old procedure first described for the treatment of bilateral abductor vocal cord paralysis, was used to relieve glottic or minimal subglottic stenosis in four patients. Three attained adequate airways with no further procedures; one required subsequent dilations for granulation tissue after which decannulation was successfully effected. Although airway restoration has been successful, the resultant voice has been poor, poorer than that usually achieved with arytenoidectomy. When cricoarytenoid scarring precludes arytenoidectomy and lateral vocal cord fixation, an adequate laryngeal lumen can be restored with submucosal cordectomy if sufficient laryngeal cartilage support remains.  相似文献   

目的 探讨支撑喉镜下磷酸钛钾 (potasiumtitaniumphosphate,KTP)激光声带切除术不同术式的选择及愈合过程中的临床特点。方法 选择 76例早期声门型喉癌行KTP激光声带切除术 ,对不同术式术后喉内结构恢复过程、音质变化等进行随访观察记录。结果 Ⅰ型术式 11例 ,3个月后恢复喉的正常结构及功能 ;Ⅱ型术式 5 0例 ,3个月后有声带样粘膜皱襞 (以下称新声带 )形成 ,基本恢复喉的结构 ;Ⅲ型术式 15例 ,6个月后多数形成粘膜隆起 ,但失去运动功能。复发时间集中在术后 2~ 4个月 ,复发率为 6 .7% ,2年及 5年生存率为 10 0 %。结论 KTP激光声带切除术疗效好 ,损伤小。Ⅱ型和Ⅲ型术式在保证根治癌肿的基础上应尽可能保留声带肌。  相似文献   

Posterior glottic stenosis in children is not uncommon and must be differentiated from vocal cord paralysis when there is posterior glottic fixation. Procedures aimed at increasing the airway lumen by tissue excision have not been uniformly successful. Chronic aspiration and poor voice results have been reported. Expansion of the posterior glottis yields excellent results. Tracheotomy decannulation without aspiration and return of vocal cord mobility in children who have vocal cord fixation with achievement of a functional voice can be expected from widening the laryngeal framework. Scar incision without excision reduces the denuded laryngeal surface. The laryngeal framework is widened by anterior and posterior cricoid split and by stenting. Posterior cartilage grafting reduces scar tissue build-up and the duration of stenting.  相似文献   



Carbon dioxide (CO2) laser cordectomy is considered one of the modalities of choice for treatment of early glottic carcinoma. In addition to its comparable oncological results with radiotherapy and open surgical procedures, it preserves of laryngeal functions including voice production. The aim of this study was to detect how the larynx compensates for voice production after different types of CO2 laser cordectomy for early glottic carcinoma together with assessment of the vocal outcome in each compensation mechanism.


One hundred twelve patients treated with CO2 laser cordectomy were classified according to their main postoperative phonatory site. Perceptual analysis of voice samples using GRBAS (grade, roughness, breathiness, asthenia, and strain) scale was done for 88 patients after exclusion of the voice samples of all female patients to make the study population homogenous and the samples of 18 male patients due to bad quality (4 patients) or unavailability (14 patients) of their voice samples and the results were compared with those obtained from control group that included 25 age-matched euphonic male subjects.


Five types of laryngeal compensation were defined including: vocal fold to vocal fold, vocal fold to vocal neofold, vocal fold to vestibular fold, vestibular fold, to vestibular fold, and arytenoids hyper adduction. Characters changes of voice produced by each compensation type were found to be statistically significant except for breathiness, asthenia and strain changes in vocal fold to vocal fold compensation type.


The larynx can compensate for voice production after CO2 laser cordectomy by five different compensation mechanisms with none of them producing voice quality comparable with that of controls.  相似文献   

目的:评价喉垂直切除会厌下移喉重建术(Tucker技术)治疗早期声带癌(T1b,T2)的效果,明确Tucker技术的手术适应证。方法:回顾性分析139例接受Tucker技术治疗患者的临床资料,其中127例是首次接受治疗的患者(T1b48例,T279例),12例(Tr)是声带癌曾接受过放射治疗或声带切除后复发的患者。计算生存率和评估喉功能恢复情况。结果:T1期患者的5年生存率为91.0%,肿瘤局部控制率为100%;T2期患者的5年生存率为86%,肿瘤局部控制率为94.0%;Tr期患者的5年生存率为64.0%,肿瘤局部控制率为82%。喉功能保留方面:气管拔管率为100%,平均拔管时间10d。胃管拔除率为99.3%(138/139),6例因误咽施行了胃造漏术,1例因顽固性误咽导致吸入性肺炎施行了功能性全喉切除术;平均胃管拔管时间为15d。121例(87.1%)患者获得了好或较好的发声,18例患者的发声质量较差如同耳语声。结论:喉垂直切除会厌下移喉重建术(Tucker技术)是治疗T和T期声带癌的有效手术方法。  相似文献   

目的探讨3种不同的双侧声带麻痹治疗术后声门面积及嗓音质量。方法 46例双侧声带麻痹患者分别采用激光杓状软骨切除术(A 组24例),膈神经替代喉返神经吻合术(B 组9例),喉外径路杓状软骨切除声带外移固定术(C 组13例)治疗,手术前后行声门测量及嗓音分析。结果 A、B、C 组拔管率分别为91.7%(22/24)、88.9%(8/9)、100.0%(13/13),3种术式术后最大开放声门面积平均(x±s)分别为:(47.2±7.4)mm~2、(78.3±16.0)mm~2、(48.1±6.5)mm~2。B 组术后声门面积明显大于 A、C 组,差异有统计学意义(t 值分别为4.46和3.85,P 值分别为0.000和0.001)。A、C 组术后声门面积差异无统计学意义(t=1.68,P=0.101)。A 组术后17例能保持术前的嗓音质量,7例恶化;B 组术后5例嗓音好转,1例恢复正常,3例无变化;C 组术后3例嗓音无变化,10例恶化。B 组9例术后膈神经修复侧膈肌均麻痹不动,肺活量及最大呼吸容量为术前的72%~84%及76%~84%;半年后膈肌动度恢复达35%~76%,肺活量及最大呼吸容量为术前的93%~97%及91%~98%。结论膈神经替代吻合术后拔管患者声门面积最大,嗓音最好。激光杓状软骨切除和喉外径路杓状软骨切除声带外移固定术均能建市足够气道,拔除气管套管,但前者嗓音明显优于后者。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To assess local control of early-stage glottic cancer by laser cordectomy in comparison with previously published external partial laryngectomy series and to determine the relevance of histological margins in glottic cancers excised with laser cordectomy. DESIGN: Retrospective review of laser cordectomy for carcinoma in situ (Tis) and stage T1 glottic cancer from January 1991 to January 2004. SETTING: University hospital. PATIENTS: Fifty-two patients with Tis or T1 glottic cancer. INTERVENTION: Endoscopic laser cordectomy, classified using the system proposed by the European Laryngeal Society Working Committee. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Local control after initial surgery and after salvage compared with a published historical control group, according to the type of cordectomy performed and the histological margins of the removed specimen. RESULTS: Sixteen patients with Tis, 30 with T1a tumors, and 6 with T1b tumors were followed up for an average of 38 months. Type I cordectomy was the most common procedure used to treat Tis, and type II and type III were the most common for treating T1a and T1b tumors. Of 6 recurrences, 4 were treated with laser cordectomy and 2 were treated with external partial laryngectomy. The rate of laryngeal preservation was 100%. There were 3 recurrences despite histologically clear margins. Three (17%) of 18 patients with suspicious margins developed recurrences. The rate of local control with single intervention (46 [89%] of 52) was lower than with partial external laryngectomy. However, 46 (89%) of 52 patients ultimately had less tissue removed by laser than would have been removed by external partial laryngectomy. CONCLUSIONS: Laser cordectomy provides excellent local control and laryngeal preservation. Close follow-up of patients with positive or suspicious margins is an alternative to further routine treatment.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To calculate recurrence, mortality and complication rates and evaluate postoperative voice quality after laser resection of T(1a) glottic carcinoma. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Since 1995 we have treated 118 patients with a T(1a) glottic carcinoma with laser surgery. In order to evaluate postoperative voice quality, patients who were alive and free of recurrence were sent the Voice Handicap Index (VHI) questionnaire containing 30 questions concerning how their voice affects their daily life physically, emotionally and socially. RESULTS: Twelve patients (10%) had a local recurrence and received further treatment, either a second laser treatment, radiotherapy or a total laryngectomy. One patient (0.84%) died due to the laryngeal cancer. Ninety-nine patients were sent the VHI questionnaire and 94 of the completed questionnaires were included in the study and analyzed. The mean total score was 13.2, with mean subscores of 6.5 (physical), 4.1 (functional) and 2.5 (emotional). CONCLUSIONS: The results indicate that these patients as a group do not consider that their voice has a negative impact on their daily life. Good surgical technique is essential to obtain a good functional result. The laser strength should be kept low and the surgical margins small in order to minimize scarring and vocal cord stiffness.  相似文献   

Several surgical procedures have been proposed for the treatment of respiratory distress secondary to bilateral vocal cord paralysis. The aim of all surgical techniques used is to restore a glottic lumen sufficient to guarantee adequate breathing through the natural airway, without tracheotomy and preserving an acceptable phonatory quality. In this study we present our experience from 1998 to 2004 concerning the use of the diode contact laser for a modified Dennis-Kashima posterior endoscopic cordectomy (extended to the false homolateral chord in 3 cases and to the homolateral arytenoid vocal process in 6 cases). 18 patients (15 male, 3 female) were treated; the age range was 35-84 years. The etiology of paralysis varied: iatrogenic post-thyroidectomy and post-thoracic surgery in 5 cases (28%), post-traumatic in 2 cases (11%), secondary to a central lesion in 11 (61%). The operation was carried out with a diode contact laser (60W; 810 nm). Follow-up was 20 months. Dyspnea improved in all patients; the 9 tracheostomized patients were decannulated within 2 months after surgery. Final voice quality was subjectively good in 16 patients (88%). None of patients had any complications after surgery. In conclusion, the endoscopic posterior cordectomy performed by contact diode laser is an effective and reliable method for the treatment of dyspnea secondary to bilateral laryngeal paralysis, guaranteing a sufficient airway without impairing swallowing and maintaining acceptable voice quality.  相似文献   

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