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阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停低通气综合征Repose舌骨悬吊术并发症评估治疗阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停低通气综合征(OSAHS)的Repose舌骨悬吊术并发症,并探讨其发生原因及防治措施。方法:2005年6月~2009年7月经多道睡眠监测确诊的OSAHS患者行Repose舌骨悬吊术44例,回顾性分析术中及术后并发症。对主诉吞咽异常者进行饮水实验和X线吞咽动态造影录像检查。结果:术中7例(15.9%)患者钛钉脱落,重新择位再次植入  相似文献   

评估治疗阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停低通气综合征(OSAHS)的Repose舌骨悬吊术并发症,并探讨其发生原因及防治措施。方法:2005年6月N2009年7月经多道睡眠监测确诊的OSAHS患者行Repose舌骨悬吊术44例,回顾性分析术中及术后并发症。对主诉吞咽异常者进行饮水实验和X线吞咽动态造影录像检查。  相似文献   

目的探讨对重度阻塞性呼吸暂停低通气综合征(OSAHS)患者行悬雍垂腭咽成形术(UPPP)联合舌骨悬吊术时引起的并发症。方法对重度OSAHS患者行UPPP联合舌骨悬吊术109例,每例患者术前均行清醒状态纤维喉镜下Muller检查、上气道的X线片或上气道CT测量,术前确定阻塞平面为腭-咽及舌-咽平面,但以舌-咽平面为主,均行UPPP联合舌骨悬吊术,术后均于ICU保留气管插管监护1~2d。结果1例患者术中下颌骨下缘打孔过于偏下,穿线打结后丝线将下颌骨打孔处下缘撕裂;6例患者术后颈部切口出现脂肪液化;3例患者颏部切口反复红肿,考虑缝线局部刺激;2例患者术后出现颈部切口出血。所有患者在开始进食时有咽部、舌部不适,手术2~4d后舌体运动略有受限,一般在5~7d后舌体运动感觉正常。结论舌骨悬吊术的并发症较少,解除重度OSAHS患者的舌-咽平面的狭窄不失为一种简单、安全、有效的方法。  相似文献   

目的:探讨Repose系统舌骨悬吊术联合悬雍垂腭咽成形术治疗重度阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停低通气综合征(OSAHS)的近期疗效。方法:12例重度OSAHS患者,经电子鼻咽喉镜检查结合Muiller试验检查确定存在腭咽及舌咽平面阻塞。然后先行Repose系统舌骨悬吊术,术后平均3 d行UPPP。结果:术后随访3个月,PSG复查,手术前后AHI及LSO2的变化均有统计学意义(均P<0.01)。呼吸紊乱指数从69.28±6.50下降至19.77±9.23,LSaO2从(65.25±3.14)%上升至(90.17±2.86)%。手术未见严重并发症。结论:分期Repose系统舌骨悬吊术联合UPPP手术近期疗效是目前治疗腭咽及舌咽平面阻塞的重度OSAHS患者的一种有效的手术方案。  相似文献   

目的探讨Repose舌骨舌根悬吊术联合腭咽成形术(UPPP)治疗重度阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停低通气综合征(OSAHS)的疗效。方法对28例重度OSAHS患者经鼻咽通气管、上气道CT、头颅定位侧位片、电子鼻咽喉镜结合Muller试验确定存在腭咽及舌咽平面阻塞。行R e p o s e系统舌骨和(或)舌根悬吊术+U P P P。结果术后随访6~12个月,复查上气道CT、多道睡眠图(PSG)监测,手术前后呼吸暂停低通气指数(AHI)及最低动脉血氧饱和度(lowest arterial oxygen saturation,LSaO2)的变化均有统计学意义(P均<0.05)。AHI从术前(56.32±15.70)次/h下降至术后(18.67±8.56)次/h,LSaO2从术前(56.37±4.35)%上升至术后(86.03±11.24)%。按杭州会议标准,治愈6例,显效18例,无效4例,总有效率为85.7%。术后除1例发生大出血外,未见其他严重并发症。结论同时存在腭咽及舌咽平面阻塞的重度OSAHS患者,Repose系统舌骨和(或)舌根悬吊术联合UPPP是目前一种有效的外科手术方案。  相似文献   

目的 探讨阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停低通气综合征(OSAHS)患者舌根等离子射频消融术并发症的原因及防治措施.方法 2008年3月至2009年12月经多道睡眠监测确诊的OSAHS患者行舌根等离子射频消融术193例,观察并分析其术中及术后出血、感染、舌根血肿、脓肿、疼痛、味觉改变、舌麻木感、舌体运动障碍、言语及吞咽功能障碍发生情况及处理措施.结果 术中未见并发症.术后疼痛186例(96.4%),颌下水肿155例(80.3%),继发性出血1例(0.5%),夜间猝死1例(0.5%),无舌黏膜溃疡、味觉改变、舌麻木感、舌根血肿、舌根脓肿、伸舌偏斜、言语及吞咽功能障碍.患者术后疼痛为轻中度,双氯芬酸钠栓可以起到良好的镇痛效果.继发性出血患者的出血量少,对症处理后未再发出血.夜间猝死1例发生在术后37 h,可能是术后局部水肿、疼痛加重睡眠呼吸暂停及夜间低氧血症,诱发心律失常而导致猝死.结论 舌根等离子射频消融术并发症多表现为疼痛、水肿等轻微反应,通过术后使用抗生素、激素及止痛药物可以有效控制.但是对于合并心肺疾病的重度OSAHS患者而言,舌根等离子射频消融术可诱发心源性猝死,应引起高度警惕.  相似文献   

目的 探讨阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停低通气综合征(OSAHS)患者舌根等离子射频消融术并发症的原因及防治措施.方法 2008年3月至2009年12月经多道睡眠监测确诊的OSAHS患者行舌根等离子射频消融术193例,观察并分析其术中及术后出血、感染、舌根血肿、脓肿、疼痛、味觉改变、舌麻木感、舌体运动障碍、言语及吞咽功能障碍发生情况及处理措施.结果 术中未见并发症.术后疼痛186例(96.4%),颌下水肿155例(80.3%),继发性出血1例(0.5%),夜间猝死1例(0.5%),无舌黏膜溃疡、味觉改变、舌麻木感、舌根血肿、舌根脓肿、伸舌偏斜、言语及吞咽功能障碍.患者术后疼痛为轻中度,双氯芬酸钠栓可以起到良好的镇痛效果.继发性出血患者的出血量少,对症处理后未再发出血.夜间猝死1例发生在术后37 h,可能是术后局部水肿、疼痛加重睡眠呼吸暂停及夜间低氧血症,诱发心律失常而导致猝死.结论 舌根等离子射频消融术并发症多表现为疼痛、水肿等轻微反应,通过术后使用抗生素、激素及止痛药物可以有效控制.但是对于合并心肺疾病的重度OSAHS患者而言,舌根等离子射频消融术可诱发心源性猝死,应引起高度警惕.  相似文献   

目的 探讨阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停低通气综合征(OSAHS)患者舌根等离子射频消融术并发症的原因及防治措施.方法 2008年3月至2009年12月经多道睡眠监测确诊的OSAHS患者行舌根等离子射频消融术193例,观察并分析其术中及术后出血、感染、舌根血肿、脓肿、疼痛、味觉改变、舌麻木感、舌体运动障碍、言语及吞咽功能障碍发生情况及处理措施.结果 术中未见并发症.术后疼痛186例(96.4%),颌下水肿155例(80.3%),继发性出血1例(0.5%),夜间猝死1例(0.5%),无舌黏膜溃疡、味觉改变、舌麻木感、舌根血肿、舌根脓肿、伸舌偏斜、言语及吞咽功能障碍.患者术后疼痛为轻中度,双氯芬酸钠栓可以起到良好的镇痛效果.继发性出血患者的出血量少,对症处理后未再发出血.夜间猝死1例发生在术后37 h,可能是术后局部水肿、疼痛加重睡眠呼吸暂停及夜间低氧血症,诱发心律失常而导致猝死.结论 舌根等离子射频消融术并发症多表现为疼痛、水肿等轻微反应,通过术后使用抗生素、激素及止痛药物可以有效控制.但是对于合并心肺疾病的重度OSAHS患者而言,舌根等离子射频消融术可诱发心源性猝死,应引起高度警惕.  相似文献   

目的 介绍Repose骨螺钉系统治疗重度阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停低通气综合征(OSAHS)患者的手术方法.方法 对32例重度OSAHS患者(Friedman分型Ⅱ、Ⅲ型,腭咽、舌咽平面塌陷)进行舌体消融、悬雍垂腭咽成形、硬腭截短、Repose骨螺钉舌根和(或)舌骨悬吊手术后进行6个月随访,比较患者手术前后多道睡眠监测及X线测量下咽气道参数,评价疗效.结果 32例患者手术前后平均体质量指数差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);平均呼吸暂停低通气指数(AHI)由(78.3±11.6)次/h(X±s,下同)降低至(18.4±12.5)次/h,最低血氧饱和度由0.632±0.007提高至0.794±0.006,差异均有统计学意义(t值分别为13.5、4.1,P值均<0.01).下咽气道间隙由(12.1±3.2)mm增加至(16.9±2.6)mm,后气道间隙由(9.2±3.3)mm增加至(15.6±2.4)mm,差异均有统计学意义(t值分别为2.5、7.6,P值分别小于0.05和0.01).治愈6例(AHI<5次/h),占18.8%;显效24例(AHI<20次/h且降低幅度≥50%),占75.0%;治愈和显效率达93.8%.在32例手术患者中,3例舌根牵引患者术后3~7 d出现口底异物感,6个月左右消失;1例舌根牵引术后3个月左右发现下颌边缘性骨髓炎,抗感染治疗5 d后痊愈;1例舌根牵引术患者术后7 d舌下区出血,予以压迫止血后出血止;1例舌骨悬吊术患者术后5 d发现下颌积血,切开引流,加压包扎1周后痊愈.结论 Repose骨螺钉系统用于重度OSAHS患者的联合手术中安全有效.  相似文献   

目的探讨应用X线测量舌骨悬吊联合腭咽成形术前后舌咽平面后气道间隙的变化,为治疗舌咽平面狭窄提供形态学依据。方法对30例经多导睡眠监测系统(polysomnography,PSG)、Müller′s试验确定的舌咽平面和腭咽平面狭窄的中、重度OSAHS患者,同期行舌骨悬吊术联合腭咽成形术。术后随访,应用PSG及X线头影测量分析治疗效果。结果术后随访1年,呼吸紊乱指数从(63.00±11.23)下降到(19.00±4.52),参照杭州会议OSAHS疗效评定标准, 治愈12例(40.00%),显效10例(33.33%),有效3例(10.00%),无效5例 (16.67%),总有效率83.33%。X线头影测量分析示舌骨向前上移位,后气道间隙扩大。结论舌骨悬吊术可通过向前上牵拉舌骨,扩大舌咽平面后气道间隙,达到治疗舌咽平面狭窄的部分OSAHS患者。  相似文献   

目的介绍在无气管镜辅助下应用经皮旋转扩张气管切开术的初步经验,评价该术对患者术中、术后的影响。方法对2005年1月至2005年8月于北京大学第一医院用pereutwist气切组套行经皮旋转扩张气管切开术的10例,对手术时间、患者术中情况、操作难易程度、出血情况、术后并发症等进行评估。手术在无气管镜辅助下进行。结果10例患者中1例在旋入扩张器时出现血氧饱和度一过性下降至0.88;其余患者在操作过程中血氧饱和度均在0.95—1.00。患者术中血压、心率均未出现大幅度变化。手术时间为3-10min,平均6.2min。8例操作没有任何困难,2例操作稍有困难。6例患者术后1周内行气管镜检查,均无气管后壁损伤。除1例术后出血、1例伤口感染外,无其他术中及术后并发症。结论经皮旋转扩张气管切开术与传统气管切开术相比,具有操作简单,手术时间短,出血少等优点。可以在无气管镜辅助下进行。只要谨慎操作,可以避免严重并发症的发生。  相似文献   

IntroductionLocoregional complications of sinusitis are dominated by oculo-orbital and/or cranioencephalic manifestations that may be life-threatening or jeopardize functional prognosis. The aim of this study was to report epidemiological, diagnostic and therapeutic aspects.Materials and methodsA retrospective study included inpatients managed for sinusitis complications in the ENT and neurosurgery departments of the Fann university hospital center in Dakar, Senegal between January 1, 2005 and December 31, 2016.ResultsIn all, 80 files were collected. Mean age was 18.5 years, with male predominance. Mean time to treatment was 18.2 days. Cranio-encephalic complications were the most frequent (54 cases; 67.5%): mainly subdural empyema (30 cases) and brain abscess (10 cases). Seventeen patients (21.25%) had oculo-orbital complications: mainly orbital cellulitis (52.9%) and preseptal cellulitis (29.4%). Nine patients (11.25%) had both cranioencephalic and oculo-orbital complications. Acute sinusitis (82.5%) was the main cause of complications. 52.5% of patients showed pansinus involvement. Medical treatment consisted in broad-spectrum antibiotic therapy combining third-generation cephalosporins, metronidazole and gentamycin in cranio-encephalic complications and clavulanic acid and metronidazole in oculo-orbital complications. Thirty-four patients (42.5%) underwent surgical sinus drainage. Neurosurgical drainage was performed in 35 cases (43.75%). Post-treatment course was marked by 6.25% mortality (5 cases) and 16.25% sequelae.ConclusionWith 6.25% mortality and a high rate of functional sequelae, complications of sinusitis are a serious concern in our region. Improving prognosis requires earlier management and better coordination between health professionals.  相似文献   

Because of the proximity of vital structures, certain complications are inherent to neck dissection (ND) for the treatment of patients with squamous cell carcinoma of the upper aerodigestive tract.Aim: To establish the incidence of complications of ND.Methods: A cross-sectional retrospective study of patient registries. ND with curative intention was evaluated in 480 patients with squamous cell carcinoma of the upper aerodigestive tract from January 1995 to December 2008 to identify perioperative complications.Results: Considering the total quantity of dissected neck sides, 413 radical ND and 295 selective ND were studied, of which 220 were supraomohyoid ND and 75 were jugular ND, totaling 708 sides. There were no deaths. The most frequent complication was marginal mandibular nerve injury (5.5%), followed by accessory nerve injury (5.1%). However, in 18 out of 21 cases this nerve was sacrificed for oncological completeness.Conclusions: There were no perioperative deaths. Nerves were the most commonly injured structures; the marginal mandibular branch is injured most (5.5%).  相似文献   

Cochlear implantation is a safe and reliable method for auditory restoration in patients with severe to profound hearing loss.ObjectiveTo describe the surgical complications of cochlear implantation.Materials and MethodsInformation from 591 consecutive multichannel cochlear implant surgeries were retrospectively analyzed. All patients were followed-up for at least one year. Forty-one patients were excluded because of missing data, follow-up loss or middle fossa approach.ResultsOf 550 cochlear implantation analyzed, 341 were performed in children or adolescents, and 209 in adults. The mean hearing loss time was 6.3 ± 6.7 years for prelingual loss and 12.1 ± 11.6 years for postlingual. Mean follow-up was 3.9 ± 2.8 years. Major complications occurred in 8.9% and minor in 7.8%. Problems during electrode insertion (3.8%) were the most frequent major complication followed by flap dehiscence (1.4%). Temporary facial palsy (2.2%), canal-wall lesion (2.2%) and tympanic membrane lesion (1.8%) were the more frequent minor complications. No death occurred.ConclusionThere was a low rate of surgical complications, most of them been successfully managed. These results confirm that cochlear implant is a safe surgery and most surgical complications can be managed with conservative measures or minimal intervention.  相似文献   

A dewlap is a hanging fold of skin under the throat of oxen and dogs. A similar swelling sometimes occurs in man after radiation therapy. The incidence and natural history of this ‘radiation dewlap’ has been assessed in patients receiving radiotherapy to malignant growths in the head and neck region. The appearance of this complication has been correlated with the age of the patient, the site and stage of the tumour and the type of radiation employed. The aetiology and significance of the complication are discussed with reference to the anatomy and physiology of the affected tissues and the physical characteristics of the radiotherapy administered. Possible methods of prevention are suggested.  相似文献   

Objective To observe the effect of immediate topical application of chitosan on preventing anterior giottic stenosis (AGS) after microsurgical resection of both vocal fold with CO<,2> laser , including the anterior commissure, in a canine model. Methods Sixteen canine larynges were injured by microresecting procedure of both vocal folds with CO<,2> laser. The dogs were randomly divided into two groups, chitosan group and control group. The chitosan and isotonic sodium chloride solution(control) were used for 5 minutes immediately after surgery. One week after the initial surgery, three dogs in each group were randomly selected , ultrastructure of fibroblast were examined with transmission electronic microscope and expression of basic fibroblast growth factor(bFGF) and traansforming growth factor betal (TGF-β1) were evaluated by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay(ELISA). Three weeks after surgery, the rest dogs' glottic web were lysed and repeatedly treated with chitosan and isotonic sodium chloride solution respectively. The glottic wound healing and AGS formation were examined every week, and all larynges were harvested and examined histologically six weeks after the initial surgery. Results Transmission electronic microscope examination of the ultrasmcture of fibroblast indicated that chitosan inhibited the proliferation of fibroblast. Chitosan increased the expression of bFGF and TGF-β1, and bFGF and TGF-β1 in chitosan group, which was significantly higher than that in control group (z = -2.887 and -2.005, P =0.002 and 0.041). Chitosan decreased the extent of AGS formation. Three weeks after the surgery, the AGS lesion in the control group affected mean 49% of the length of the vocal folds from the anterior commissure to the vocal process, while chitosan group affected mean 7%, which was significantly less than the extent of web formation in the control group, (z = - 2. 619, P = 0. 008). The grade of collagen content in chitosan group was significantly lower than that in control group (P = 0. 003). Conclusion Chitosan is effective in preventing AGS after CO<,2> laser cordectomy.  相似文献   

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