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日本福岛核事故伴发强烈的地震和巨大海啸,给当地的公众健康防护带来了巨大挑战.该文总结了核事故后多方面可供借鉴的教训,包括对自然和科技双重灾害的紧急应对、国际化影响、公众的心理健康效应以及政府与公众的信息沟通等.  相似文献   

日本福岛核事故后,应日本同行的邀请,我们访问了日本核医学应急的相关单位,并到相关地区进行了考察。本文探讨了日本福岛核事故应急处置过程中存在的问题,提出了我国核应急力量建设过程中应注意的问题及相关对策。  相似文献   

主题为辐射与健康危害的国际专家研讨会于2011年9月11日至12日在日本福岛县举行.研讨会组织了来自日本以及其他国家的相关领域专家,目的旨在讨论日本福岛核事故造成的潜在公众健康危害.与会专家们广泛的国际经验有利于对事故后放射性物质对环境污染的评估,一致认为,后续的评估应充分借鉴国际经验.该会议提出了日本福岛核事故后的辐射与健康危害的相关建议和结论.  相似文献   

日本福岛核事故后,大量放射性同位素泄漏到太平洋,虽然放射性同位素污染会被海洋大大稀释,短期内不会对海洋生物造成直接的危害,但随着食物链对长半衰期同位素的累积,会增高鱼类和海洋哺乳类生物群体的死亡率.该文总结了世界各国科学家们对福岛周围地区海洋生态学系统放射性污染调查的观点和建议.  相似文献   

日本东北和关东地区发生的里氏9.0级强烈地震及海啸,导致福岛核电厂放射性物质严重泄漏,国际核和放射性事件定级为7级核事故,核事故发生的后患值得深刻反思.  相似文献   

目的 调查日本福岛核事故所致北京地区的放射性污染情况,为政府制订及时有效的防控策略和处理机制提供科学的技术依据.方法 启动核应急监测体系,按照相应的监测规程和技术规范,对北京地区的空气、雨水、地表水和蔬菜的放射性污染水平进行了监测.结果 北京地区大气存在明显放射性污染的时期主要集中在事故后的15~41 d,131I放射性浓度在事故后22 d达到最高值,为5.89 mBq/m3,137Cs和134Cs的放射性浓度于事故后20 d形成了明显的高峰区,均低于131I峰值1个数量级以上;潮白河水总B放射性水平为0.314~0.602 Bq/L.结论 日本福岛核事故所致北京地区的放射性污染尚未对本地区居民产生明显的健康影响,但还需对核事故造成污染的远期情况进行持续观测.  相似文献   

日本福岛核事故发生后,我们按照上级指示精神,围绕如何提高核事故应急医学救治保障能力,尤其是在构建军地协同机制上做出了一些有益探索^[1],形成了与被保障单位指挥上联动、力量上联合的工作新局面。但核事故应急医学救援工作中仍存在响应相对滞后、协同机制有时不顺畅、军地一时难以形成合力等问题。现就核事故应急医学救援力量建设中军地联动机制探讨如下。  相似文献   

自上个世纪六十年代起,我国已开展对粮食和水源的放射性监测工作。至今,由于2次重大核电站事故,尤其是2011年日本福岛核事故中产生的放射性核素在海洋、大气和陆地上扩散并在食物链中积聚,放射性核素对人类健康的危害程度急需量化评估,因此,食品中放射性水平的测量至关重要。笔者概述了食品中放射性核素的常用测量方法,并对福岛核事故中造成公众健康危害的主要核素的具体测量技术和依据标准进行了分析,旨在为进一步完善测量食品中放射性核素的技术和标准提供理论支撑,为核辐射的应急管理和恢复策略提供数据支持,最终实现为公众的健康提供切实的保障。  相似文献   

日本福岛第一核电站事故发生距今已将近1年了,核事故的危害和影响至今仍是国际社会相关领域的热门话题.本文对该事故的发生、发展过程及其对周边国家的影响进行简要的介绍. 一、日本福岛核事故回顾 1.日本福岛第一核电站简介:日本福岛第一核电站位于福岛县双叶郡大熊町沿海,东临太平洋,隶属于东京电力公司.  相似文献   

目的 分析了福岛第一核电站事故期间由日本入境人员体表放射性污染情况.方法 根据《人员体表放射性污染处理技术方案(试行)》,组织国内重点监测省市放射技术机构,检测并报送由日本可能受辐射污染地区入境人员体表放射性污染检测数据.结果 根据各省市报送数据,截至2011年12月8日,全国共检测432人,其中429人检测结果接近本底水平,仅有3人高于本底水平.结论 通过福岛核事故期间由日本入境人员体表放射性污染检测,对他们的心理健康疏导以及避免当地民众的恐慌情绪起到了重要的作用.  相似文献   

2011年3月,日本福岛发生核电站爆炸事故,大量放射性核素释放到环境中。尽管福岛事故释放的放射性核素131I的活度低于切尔诺贝利事故,但事故可能产生的对儿童甲状腺的影响以及其他健康效应,仍令人关注。本文简述了事故后福岛儿童甲状腺癌与辐射照射间关系的最新研究进展。事故后福岛县儿童甲状腺癌发病率与当地儿童接受外照射剂量间无明确关联,尚无明确证据证明辐射照射对儿童甲状腺产生负面影响,甲状腺癌发病率升高可能是过度筛查所致。  相似文献   

An application of sequential automated SPE separation equipment coupled to the quadrupole-based ICPMS instrumentation with a dynamic reaction cell such as a screening test system of 90Sr and Pu isotopes in environmental samples was developed in this work. So far, during the course of a large number of reports as to various specific radioactivities in environmental samples surveyed at radioactive contaminated area around the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plants (FDNPP), there is a much smaller number of reports on 90Sr and Pu isotopes than that of 134Cs and 137Cs since the FDNPP accident, and then it would be expected to develop the simple analysis method of these isotopes instead of radiation measurements currently in use. In particular, a screening for 90Sr in environmental samples has been accomplished using an isotopic ratio measurement mode in comparison with the characterization on the Solid Phase Elution (SPE) separation between strontium and zirconium isotopes around the mass-90 fraction. As a result, for a trial analysis of environmental samples of a muddy snow water and a soil which were collected at Fukushima, it was found that the present developed system makes it applicable for achieving up to the specific activity levels of several hundreds Bq/kg (90Sr) and about 1–2 Bq/kg (Pu isotopes) as the screening test system.  相似文献   

日本东海村核转化工厂临界事故及应急医学处理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1999年9月30日,日本茨城县东海村核转化工厂发生了继前苏联切尔诺贝利核事故以来最大的一次临界事故,事故中共有213人受到不同剂量照射,其中2人受照剂量分别为16~23 Gy、6~10 Gy,1人为2 Gy,2人为10 mSv,208人为0~5 mSv。2000年12月在日本千叶召开了"东海村临界事故及其应急医学处理"国际讨论会,笔者应邀参加了会议。本文介绍了事故经过、剂量评估和中子的相对生物学效应等问题。  相似文献   

Rays as weapons     
PURPOSE: Ionizing radiation is being regarded as life threatening. Therefore, accidents in nuclear power plants are considered equal threatening as nuclear bomb explosions, and attacks with dirty bombs are thought as dangerous as nuclear weapon explosions. However, there are differences between a nuclear bomb explosion, the largest imaginable accident in a nuclear power plant, and an attack with a dirty bomb. It is intended to point them out. METHOD: The processes are described, which damage in a nuclear bomb explosion, in the largest imaginable accident in a nuclear power plant, and in an attack with a dirty bomb. Their effects are compared with each other, i.e. explosion, heat, shock wave (blast), ionizing radiation, and fallout. RESULTS: In the center of the explosion of a nuclear bomb, the temperature rises to 100Mio degrees C, this induces damaging heat radiation and shock wave. In the largest imaginable accident in a nuclear power plant and in the conventional explosion of a dirty bomb, the temperature may rise up to 3000 degrees C, heat radiation and blast are limited to a short distance. In nuclear power plants, explosions due to oxyhydrogen gas or steam may occur. In nuclear explosions the dispersed radioactive material (fall out) consists mainly of isotopes with short half-life, in nuclear power plants and in dirty bomb attacks with longer half-life. The amount of fall out is comparable in nuclear bomb explosions with that in the largest imaginable accident in a nuclear power plant, it is smaller in attacks with dirty bombs. An explosion in a nuclear power plant even in the largest imaginable accident is not a nuclear explosion. In Hiroshima and Nagasaki, there were 200,000 victims nearly all by heat and blast, some 300 died by ionizing radiation. In Chernobyl, there have been less than 100 victims due to ionizing radiation up till now. A dirty bomb kills possibly with the explosion of conventional explosive, the dispersed radioactive material may damage individuals. The incorporation of irradiating substances may kill and be difficult to detect (Litvinenko). A new form of (government supported) terrorism/crime appears possible. CONCLUSION: The differences are important between a nuclear weapon explosion, the largest imaginable accident in a nuclear power plant, and an attack with a dirty bomb. Nuclear weapons kill by heat and blast; in the largest imaginable accident in a nuclear power plant, they are less strong and limited to the plant; an attack with a dirty bomb is as life threatening as an ("ordinary") bomb attack, dispersed radiating material may be a risk for individuals.  相似文献   

王治东  袁勇  王琪  周钢桥 《军事医学》2016,(10):839-842
核与辐射事故医学救援中,对事故人员进行分类诊断可使医疗资源得以充分利用,从而大大提高救援效率。生物剂量估算技术是目前判断外照射放射损伤程度的有效方法。利用生物剂量估算技术进行受照人员的分类诊断,对核与辐射事故医学救援的高效、有序具有重要意义。该文针对现有生物剂量估算技术的特点及其在核与辐射事故医学救援分类诊断中的应用进行了分析讨论。  相似文献   

内容仅涉及事故性急性核辐射的远期效应:1.日本原爆幸存者(包括宫内受照者约2800名)的流行病学调查结果,归纳为强关联、弱关联和无关联的远期效应。在第8~15孕周阶段接受1Gy照射的胎儿,约有43%会发生智力发育延迟,为受照0.01Gy以下的对比组危险度的50倍以上。对原爆人群各部位癌症的相对、绝对和归因危险作了介绍。对原爆幸存者受照射后怀孕所生子女(1946年5月以后出生),用(1)不利的妊娠结果、(2)死亡事件、(3)携带有性染色体异常儿童的频率、(4)携有由于基因突变引起的血液蛋白电泳变异体儿童的频率等遗传学指标提示,近爆心(<2000m)幸存者(>1Gy)所生儿童与远离爆心组(0.01~0.09Gy)相比,仅仅是预期趋势上有差别,实际上未发现有统计学意义的差异。即使如此,这两组儿童间的差异用上述4个指标中的前3个观察结果,估计了加倍剂量,平均数是1.56Sv,但是有争议。2.马绍尔群岛放射性落下灰受照居民医学随访近况,甲状腺疾病发病率高,而在日本原爆幸存者中则未见类似情况,估计与马绍尔群岛居民甲状腺因摄入放射性碘而照射量较大有关。3.日本福隆丸号渔民受落下灰照射后远后效应资料。4.美国Y-12工厂共8名受照者的远后效应:4例有放射性白内障,1998年时仅活存3例。5.前苏联切尔诺贝利核电站事故中急性放射病(ARS)病人远后效应:2例Ⅲ度ARS病人分别于照后第6年和第9年发生骨髓增生异常综合征(MDS)引起死亡,1例Ⅰ度ARS病人也于照后第9年诊断为MDS,另一例Ⅱ度ARS病人照后第11年发生急性单核细胞白血病。6.巴西137Cs事故5年后远期效应。  相似文献   

A nuclear criticality accident occurred in Japan on September 30, 1999, which resulted in severe exposure of three victims to mixed flux of neutrons and gamma-rays. Estimated average doses for the three victims were 5.4 Gy of neutrons and 8.5 Gy of gamma-rays for Patient A, 2.9 Gy of neutrons and 4.5 Gy of gamma-rays for Patient B, and 0.81 Gy of neutrons and 1.3 Gy of gamma-rays for Patient C. They then suffered the consequences of the effects of ionizing radiation resulting in acute radiation syndrome. In Patients A and B, bone marrow failure was so severe that they received haematopoietic stem cell transplantation. The graft initially took successfully in both patients, although in Patient B it was later taken over by his own haematopoietic cells. They also suffered from severe skin lesions, later exhibited gastrointestinal bleeding and eventually died of multiple organ failure 82 and 210 days after the accident, respectively. The survival of these patients beyond the period of agranulocytosis means that bone marrow failure per se caused by exposure to ionizing radiation may now be overcome. Patient C also developed bone marrow failure and was treated with granulocyte colony-stimulating factor as well as supportive care. He recovered without major complications and is now under periodical follow-up. Remarkably, during the prodromal phase, all the patients exhibited hypoxaemia, two of whom also showed interstitial oedema of the lungs. In Patient C these manifestations improved within a week. The circumstances of the accident and the initial medical treatment of the victims are described.  相似文献   

Environmental radiation and radioactive releases   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Today the most important anthropogenic radiation comes from atmospheric testing of nuclear weapons carried out 20-30 years ago, authorized discharges to the sea from nuclear reprocessing plants, and from the Chernobyl accident in 1986. In the past decade the International Union of Radioecologists (IUR) has contributed to improved international co-operation among radioecologists from all parts of the world through its creation of a number of working groups for specific radioecological problems. More than 30 years of radioecological studies have probably made the radioactive contamination of our environment the best-understood of all present pollution problems. This review indicates the doses to man received from the important anthropogenic sources, as well as those from natural background radiation. It appears that in a global perspective the latter is by far the most important contributor.  相似文献   

Radiation decontamination unit for the community hospital   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"Freestanding" radiation decontamination units including surgical capability can be developed and made operational in small/medium sized community hospitals at relatively small cost and with minimal plant reconstruction. Because of the development of nuclear power plants in relatively remote areas and widespread transportation of radioactive materials it is important for hospitals and physicians to be prepared to handle radiation accident victims. The Radiological Assistance Program of the United States Department of Energy and the Radiation Emergency Assistance Center Training Site of Oak Ridge Associated Universities are ready to support individual hospitals and physicians in this endeavor. Adequate planning rather than luck, should be used in dealing with potential radiation accident victims. The radiation emergency team is headed by a physician on duty in the hospital. It is important that the team leader be knowledgeable in radiation accident management and have personnel trained in radiation accident management as members of this team. The senior administrative person on duty is responsible for intramural and extramural communications. Rapid mobilization of the radiation decontamination unit is important. Periodic drills are necessary for this mobilization and the smooth operation of the unit.  相似文献   

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