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Objective Lung cancer cells associated with radioresistance are likely to give rise to local recurrence and distant metastatic relapse,but little is known about its underlying mechanisms.In the present paper,the effects of the HPV16 E6 and HPV16 E7 oncoprotein on the radiosensitivity of lung cancer cell lines were investigated.Methods The HPV16 E6 or HPV16 E7 oncoprotein was expressed by a transient transfection with pcDNA3-HPV16 E6 or pcDNA3-HPV16 E7 expression vector.Human lung cancer H2179 cells and mouse lung cancer Lewis cells were exposed to a γ-ray radiation source,cellular survival was evaluated by using a colony formation assay.The expression of HPV16 oncoproteins E6/E7,extracellular signal-regulated kinases 1/2(ERK1/2) and AKT signaling was determined by Western blot assay.VEGF secretion was determined by ELISA.Results Both HPV16 oncoproteins E6 and E7 significantly decreased radiosensitivity of H2179 cells,associated with a promotion of the ERK1/2 and AKT phosphorylation.A decrease of reactive oxygen species(ROS) and an increase of VEGF levels were observed in the cells expressing the HPV16 oncoproteins E6 and E7.Furthermore,a similar reduction of radiosensitivity mediated by the HPV16 oncoproteins E6 and E7 was also observed in a mouse lung cancer Lewis cells.Conclusion The findings indicate that the HPV16 oncoproteins E6 and E7 negatively affects susceptibility of lung cancer cells to radiotherapy via regulation of the ERK1/2 and Akt signaling pathway and VEGF expression.  相似文献   

金鹏 《武警医学》2010,21(2):184-184
本刊讯 武警浙江总队医院在认真做好部队官兵医疗保障的同时,连续30年开展为驻地困难家庭送温暖、送健康、献爱心活动,赢得了群众高度赞誉.今年春节前夕,该院在去年帮扶310户困难家庭的基础上,进一步加大了帮扶力度,出资22万余元,对嘉兴市区410户困难家庭开展献爱心行动.  相似文献   

球管是CT机最昂贵的消耗部件之一,其使用好坏,直接影响医院的经济效益和社会效益.随着放射科质量控制与质量保证工作的深化,许多单位已意识到质量控制与质量保证工作的开展在延长CT球管寿命及由其带来的巨大经济收益方面所产生的实际意义,同时在如何延长球管使用寿命方面探讨出了一些可行的经验[1,2].  相似文献   

目的 观察成熟耳石损伤后修复再生的形态学和元素变化特点,为深入认识其修复再生的规律和机理提供依据.方法 给予过载刺激(10 Gy 5 min)造成18只豚鼠耳石的损伤破坏,用扫描电镜(scanning electron microscopy,SEM)分别观察过载刺激后1 h、2 d、8 d时其椭圆囊囊斑,用X射线显微能谱分析技术(electron probe X-ray microanalysis,EPMA)测量不同形态类别的耳石元素构成.结果 过载刺激后1 h正常耳石形态消失,被大量球状物代替,2 d时球状物逐渐矿化,8 d时哑铃状耳石出现并与矿化球状物共存,此外各时期均可见各种耳石的变性.EPMA结果显示,变性耳石Ca元素含量显著增高和P元素含量显著降低.另外,球状物在由初期向成熟矿化期转化过程中,表现出P元素含量逐渐增加和Ca元素含量逐渐减少的趋势,但未达到统计学显著水平.结论 成熟耳石损伤破坏后可以修复再生,该过程中形态学的变化伴随着元素构成的变化.  相似文献   

例资料 患者,男,9个月.因出生后时常哭闹不安独坐不稳就诊.患儿为孕8个月早产.查体:神清,体温37.6℃,心肺听诊无异常.腹软,双下肢不能伸直,右侧明显,踝阵挛(-),双下肢略肿胀,皮肤颜色无异常,皮温不高.肌力张略高,肌力Ⅳ级.X线示如图1.实验室检查:白细胞10.8×109/l,红细胞4.62×1012/l,血红蛋白90 g/l,C反应蛋白21.70 mg/l(正常参考值0.1~10.0 ng/l),血沉29 mm/1h,青霉素皮试( ).  相似文献   

韩耀华 《放射学实践》2008,23(4):449-449
病例资料患者,男,8岁。因挫伤右前臂到骨科就诊,发现右前臂肘侧表皮擦伤,轻微红肿及压痛,无轴向扣击痛,无明显活动受限,触及双侧肘窝外侧桡骨小头部前突,骨性硬,与桡骨一致性相连续,关节活动无功能障碍。双肘正侧位X线片示两肘关节桡骨小头呈对称性明显向前移位(图1、2),桡骨中  相似文献   

患者 女,70岁.以腹胀3 d收住消化内科,多次DR片提示肠梗阻,保守治疗10 d肠梗阻未能解除.既往肝硬化失代偿. CT扫描显示:右侧耻骨肌和闭孔外肌间可见大小约2 cm×3 cm软组织影,内呈低密度,并与腹内肠管相通,近端肠管明显扩张,伴有液平(图1,2).CT诊断为:闭孔疝,肠梗阻.转入外科治疗.  相似文献   

Biomarkers,such as chromosome aberration and micronuclei assays,prove to be reliable for facilitating clinical diagnosis in radiation accidents.In a radiation accident in India,chromosomal aberration,γ-H2AX,as well as other blood markers,were detected in accidentally exposed victims.This multi-parametric approach aided in confirming that individuals had been exposed by ionizing radiation.However,doses were impossible to estimate because of a 30-day delay in accident awareness.Exposure dose for victims was estimated using a dose-response curve previously established.Dose estimation,blood cell depletion kinetics,and no appearance of prodromal symptoms suggested that doses of exposure were low.Hematologic investigation,sampling time,and chromosome aberration scoring were all proposed according to data from the victims exposed to 60Co.Finally,knowledge regarding chromosome aberration analysis and the importance of international co-operation and assistance should be shared from this accident.  相似文献   

目的:探讨足趾感染性嵌甲的治疗方法。方法:178例226个感染性嵌甲,即时手术,大范围楔形切除嵌甲及感染性组织,手术前后不用抗生素,骨外露的切口涂用MEBO治疗;观察指标:病人疼痛反应。化脓感染的控制,伤口愈合,保留甲的美观程度,复发率及医疗费用。结果:病人术后无痛或轻微疼痛,无须用止痛药物,不影响睡眠,可穿宽松鞋自由走动;术后3d可见新生肉芽组织填满切口,1周左右可见新生白色的上皮组织完全覆盖切口,继续应用MEBO1周~2周,全部愈合,愈合后无明显瘢痕,保留甲大而美观;切口无化脓感染,无末节趾骨骨髓炎发生。结论:手术结合MEBO是根治感染性嵌甲的有效方法。  相似文献   

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