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目的通过比较钉棒系统与髋臼上外固定架固定骨盆TileB1损伤模型的生物力学稳定性,为临床治疗选择更佳固定方式提供理论依据。方法取近期防腐的正常成人骨盆标本7具,保留从第5腰椎到股骨近端中上2/3的骨盆标本,保留双侧骶髂关节、双侧髋关节、双侧骶髂后韧带、双侧骶髂前韧带、双侧骶棘韧带、双侧骶结节韧带及完整的耻骨联合。将骨盆标本置于AGX生物力学实验机上,模拟人体正常双足站立中立位,由L5垂直向下加压至500N,依次测量下述4种情况下的耻骨联合位移:①完整骨盆;②耻骨联合切开,伴单侧骶棘韧带、骶结节韧带、骶髂前韧带切断,模拟骨盆水平旋转不稳定TileB1损伤:③钉棒系统固定骨盆TileB1损伤模型;,④髋臼上外固定架固定骨盆TileB1损伤模型。结果完整骨盆组的耻骨联合位移最小,为(0.125±0.024)mm。骨盆TileB1损伤模型无固定组的耻骨联合位移最大,为(4.589±0.366)mm。钉棒系统和髋臼上外固定架固定TileB1损伤模型,均可显著减少耻骨联合的分离,恢复部分骨盆环的力学稳定性。其中椎弓根钉棒系统固定的耻骨联合位移为(0.626±0.097)mm,髋臼上外固定架固定为(1.022±0.095)mm,两者之间存在统计学差异(P〈0.05)。结论钉棒系统在骨盆TileB1损伤模型中的生物力学稳定性优于髋臼上外固定架,能有效恢复骨盆环的力学稳定性。  相似文献   

移位的髋臼横断骨折合并髋关节后脱位和骨盆环骨折较少见。我院自 1990年至今共收治 19例 ,现报告如下。临床资料 男 11例 ,女 8例 ;年龄18~ 5 0岁 ,平均 31岁。致伤原因 :坠落伤 6例 ,挤压伤 5例 ,挤压伤合并撞击伤8例。 19例于伤后 2~ 12h入院。髋臼横断骨折按AO分类 :B1 型 9例 ,B2 型10例。髋臼骨折移位 10~ 40mm ,平均2 0mm。 5例有髋内游离体。合并骨盆环骨折 ,其中耻骨联合分离 7例 ,对侧耻骨升降支骨折 5例 ,耻骨联合分离及同侧骶髂关节移位 5例 ,双侧耻骨联合分离及同侧骶髂关节移位 2例。合并坐骨神经挫伤 2例 ,膀胱…  相似文献   

耻骨联合分离的手术治疗疗效分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
黎孝富 《西南军医》2004,6(6):63-64
国内首次报告手术治疗耻骨联合分离距今 9年 ,以后陆续有学者报告。作者复习 1994~ 2 0 0 4年国内文献报告 2 0篇共 117例 ,其中钢丝固定 2 7例 ,钢板 79例 ,外固定支架 38例。并总结本院 1995 -2 0 0 4年手术治疗的耻骨联合分离共 3例 ,现报告如下。1 临床资料  病例 1,男 ,6 2岁 ,农民 ,车祸伤。诊断耻骨联合分离 ,无合并伤。正位骨盆X片示 :耻骨联合分离2 .8cm ,骶髂关节无骨折及脱位。伤后 5d持硬麻醉下行切开复位钢丝固定 ,双股 0 .8mm钢丝绕闭孔绑扎两侧耻骨下支并在其前方打结固定 ,术中耻骨联合分离完全复位。术后 3d复查正位…  相似文献   

目的探讨3D导航下经皮骶髂关节螺钉内固定联合外固定架治疗Tile B/C型骨盆骨折临床疗效。方法回顾性分析2015年3月—2016年5月解放军武汉总医院骨科收治的18例Tile B/C型骨盆骨折患者资料,其中男性11例,女性7例;年龄18~63岁,平均35.5岁。骨盆骨折Tile B/C型分型中:B1型7例,B2型5例,B3型2例;C1型3例,C2型1例。18例患者骨盆后环骶髂复合体损伤均在3D导航下经皮骶髂关节螺钉内固定,前环均采用组合式外固定架固定。结果所有患者手术切口均甲级愈合;术后1例患者第3天复查出现外固定架松动,X线片示耻骨联合分离至术前,再次入手术室行前环切开复位钢板螺钉内固定术;1例患者出院1个月后复查发现外固定架松动,X线片示双侧耻骨上下支骨折无明显移位,一侧骶髂关节螺钉脱出钉道约1.0cm,重新调紧外固定架,3个月后拆除为固定架患者功能恢复良好;余患者内外固定效果稳定。术后骨折复位质量依据Matta放射学标准评定:优10例,良6例,可1例,优良率为88.9%。术后3个月拆除外固定架行X线、CT三维重建均显示耻骨联合无分离,骨折愈合良好,除1例骨盆前环更换固定方式未进行后期随访外,余17例患者术后均获10~24个月(平均18.6个月)随访,末次随访时根据Majeed评分标准评定骨盆功能:优10例,良7例,优良率为100%。结论 3D导航下经皮骶髂关节螺钉内固定联合外固定架治疗Tile B/C型骨盆骨折是一种安全、有效、操作简便的手术方法。  相似文献   

病例 女,68岁,因车祸致骨盆碾挫伤,右髋骨向外移位,耻骨联合分离明显,会阴部出血较多,失血性休克形成,给予补液、输血、止血等对症支持处理,改善全身情况后转入我院。入院查骨盆平片示:双侧耻骨下支及耻骨梳骨折,耻骨联合分离9cm,即在硬膜外麻醉下行耻骨联合分离多功能外固定架固定术。手术在双侧髂前上棘后约1.5cm处起,各间隔3cm作一小切口,在髂棘上钻孔,将3根固定针旋入髂骨内外板之间约3cm,套上固定连杆及中间拉力连杆。  相似文献   

程毅  马向阳  夏虹 《军事医学》2021,45(11):814-819
目的 建立骶髂关节的三维有限元模型,模拟6个经典物理查体试验的生物力学条件以明确具体韧带产生的疼痛来源,提高该病诊断治疗效率.方法 ①应用3D-DOCTOR和Rapidform两种软件重建骶髂关节3D CAD模型;②在CAD模型基础上,应用Femap软件建立骶髂关节的FE模型和三维张力桁架单元;③应用Abaqus Standard 6.10版软件研究骶髂关节上的接触压力和每个韧带的应变,对骶髂关节三维模型进行有限元分析.结果 ①髋关节骨盆皮质骨的最大主应变主要分布在髋臼上方至髋臼后部,并延伸至坐骨大切迹、髂嵴及髋臼后部;②最大压力在骨盆挤压试验中为左侧10.2 MPa,在大腿推力试验中为14.1 MPa,在Patricks试验中为23.6 MPa,在Gaenslens试验中为27.9 MPa,而骶尖压力试验中最大压力为3.1 MPa;③挤压试验韧带最大应变发生在左侧骨间骶髂韧带(ISL),应变值为9.3%;分离试验韧带最大应变发生在左右侧ISL,应变值为4.4%;骶尖压力试验韧带最大应变发生在左右侧ISL,应变值为6.6%;大腿推力试验韧带最大应变发生在左侧骶髂后短韧带(SPSL),应变值为16.3%;Patricks试验韧带最大应变发生在双侧ISL,应变值左侧为13.8%,右侧为14.9%;Gaenslens试验韧带最大应变发生在右侧SPSL,应变值为22.2%.结论 该研究通过有限元分析在物理查体中对骶髂关节及单个韧带接触压力进行了定量预测.每次测试中所涉及的接触压力和韧带的组合均有较大差异.这些差异可能有助于了解骶髂关节疼痛的具体来源,加快诊断和治疗的进程,可促进骶髂关节失稳伤员的快速康复.  相似文献   

目的 探讨骨盆后环骨折脱位两种内固定方式的生物力学差异.方法 将6具成人新鲜尸体骨盆标本分别进行正常的生物力学测试,之后模拟Denis-Ⅰ型骨盆骶骨骨折,标本先后行改良Galveston系统固定与改良Galveston系统加骶骨棒固定骨盆后环,对固定后的骨盆进行垂直方向和扭转方向的骨盆生物力学测试.结果 在垂直压缩时,改良Galveston系统加骶骨棒固定组右侧骶髂关节垂直和水平位移比改良Galveston系统固定组小,但是两者之间差异无统计学意义(P>0.05).在扭转压缩时,改良Galveston系统加骶骨棒固定组右侧骶髂关节水平位移比改良Galveston系统固定组小,两者之间差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).结论 改良Galveston系统固定与骶骨棒固定叠加会增加骨盆后环的抗扭转稳定性.  相似文献   

目的 测量骶髂螺钉不同进针点置钉对骨盆外旋不稳定的生物力学影响,为临床应用提供试验依据.方法 10具新鲜冰冻成人骨盆标本,骶髂关节拉力螺钉经进针点B(髂后下棘前2.5 cm与坐骨大切迹上4.0 cm的交点)、A(B点同一水平面前方1.0 cm)、C(B点同一水平面后方1.0 cm)固定骶髂关节.测量骶髂关节前韧带完整组、A进针点组、B进针点组、C进针点组在相同外旋应力下骶髂关节、耻骨联合的分离距离,从而比较不同进针点的固定强度.结果 在对抗外旋力上,韧带完整组、C进针点组与A/B组差异均具有统计学意义(P<0.05);A、B进针点组之间差异无统计学意义(P>0.05).在骶髂关节稳定性上,除韧带完整组、B进针点组之间差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)外,余各组间差异均具有统计学意义(P<0.05).结论 对骶髂关节稳定性B进针点更为优越,更为安全、有效.  相似文献   

骶1椎弓根截面投影在骶髂螺钉置入中的作用   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
目的确定骶1椎弓根最窄截面在髂骨后外侧面的投影,为骶髂螺钉的置入提供一个安全的区域.方法取10具成人男性防腐骨盆标本,从骶1椎弓根最窄处垂直于椎弓根长轴将其截断,断面近似于矩形.在矩形的4个顶点,经骶髂关节沿骶1椎弓根长轴分别将4枚克氏针从髂骨后外侧穿出.4个穿出点的连线形成的矩形即为骶1椎弓根最穿截面在髂骨后外侧的投影.其底边与坐骨大切迹后下缘平行,其高和髂后上下棘连线平行.双侧同时测量投影区与坐骨盆标本,参照上述指标置入骶髂螺钉或克氏针共30枚,依正位、入口位、出口位X线片判断置入物位置.结果矩形投影的底为2.15cm,高为3.11cm.坐骨大切迹后下缘距矩形的下底边和上底边的距离分别为2.91cm和6.52cm.髂后上下棘连线距矩形后侧边和前侧边的距离分别为3.47cm和5.66cm.投影中心点到骶1管外缘和骶1椎体中心的距离分别为4.15cm和6.98cm.骶1椎弓根长轴在水平面上和前方髂骨翼及后方髂骨的更何况角、在冠状面上和髂骨后下骨面的夹角分别为60°、90°和90°.置入的30枚骶髂螺钉或克氏针其位置正确率为93%.结论骶1椎弓根最窄截面在髂骨后外侧的投影,是骶髂螺钉置入的理想和安全的区域.  相似文献   

<正> 一、骨盆及髋关节解剖提要1.骨盆:骨盆由左右髋骨和骶尾骨共同组成。髋骨由髂骨、坐骨及耻骨融合而成,在未成年期,上三块骨籍软骨相连,成年后,软骨骨化,三块融合为一,统称为髋骨。骨盆前方的耻骨部分由纤维软骨相连,虽然有一定活动度,却并非一个完善的关节,故又可称为“半关节”。骨盆后部两侧髋骨与骶骨构成骶髂关节。骶髂关节活动度很小,周围关节囊纤维层发达。骨盆侧方髋臼与股骨构成髋关节。骨盆是脊柱与下肢间的桥梁,躯干的重力通过骨盆传达到下肢,下肢的震荡也通过骨盆上达脊柱。  相似文献   

锁定钢板治疗创伤性耻骨联合分离17例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 探讨锁定钢板内固定治疗耻骨联合分离的临床疗效及影像学结果.方法 回顾性分析自2007年12月至2009年12月行锁定钢板内固定治疗的耻骨联合分离17例,其中男11例,女6例;年龄23~65岁,平均45.3岁.骨折类型按Tile分类:B1型5例,B2型1例,B3型1例,C1型6例,C2型3例,C3型1例.耻骨联合分离全部采用锁定钢板固定,后环合并伤采用骶髂前路重建钢板固定7例,经皮骶髂螺钉固定3例,后路M型钢板固定3例.结果 耻骨联合部位手术时间0.5~2 h,平均1.5 h.术中出血50~600 ml,平均200 ml.住院时间14~62 d,平均21d.16例获得随访,随访时间6~30个月,平均16个月.骨盆骨折术后功能按照Majeed评分:优7例,良7例,可2例.结论 锁定钢板内固定治疗耻骨联合分离具有创伤小、操作简单、固定牢靠、并发症少等优点.对于Tile B型骨盆骨折,可以单纯固定前环,如果合并后环损伤、骨盆完全不稳,应该配合后环的复位与内固定.
Objective To investigate the clinical and radiographic outcome of traumatic pubic symphyseal diastases fixed with the locked plate. Methods From December 2007 to December 2009,17 patients(11 males,6 females,at mean age of 45.3 years)with pubic symphysis diastasis of unstable pelvic ring injuries were treated with open reduction and fixation with the locked plate.According to Tile classification system,five patients were with type B1 fractures,one with type B2,one with type B3,six with type C1,three with type C2 and one with type C3.All operations were performed under general anesthesia.Pubic symphyseal diastasis was treated by open reduction and fixation with the locked plate.There were 13 patients with associated posterior pelvic disruption,of which seven patients were treated by open reduction via anterior approach and fixed wich the reconstruction plates,three by close reduction and fixed with percutaneoua sacroiliac cannulated screws and three by posterior approach and fixed with M type plates. Results Of all the patients,16 patients were followed up for a mean time of 16 months(6-30months),which showed mean blood loss of 200 ml(50-600 ml)and mean hospital stay of 21 days (14-62 days).The clinical outcome was measured according to Majeed scores system,which showed excellent results in seven patients,good in seven and fair in two. Conclusions The locked plate fixation takes advantages of sailsfactory clinical outcomes with less operative trauma and a lower implant failure and wound infection rate in treatment of traumatic pubis symphysis diastasis.Locked plate fixation of symphysis call be performed alone when the posterior pelvic ring is only partially disrupted (Tile B).Posterior fixation construction should be used if the pelvic ring is under complete instability(Tile C).  相似文献   

Fractures of the pubic rami are almost invariably associated with fractures of the posterior arch of the pelvic ring. Two women, aged 50 and 67 years, with septic arthritis of the symphysis pubis attended by severe low back pain, were followed with CT and MR imaging of the pelvis, as well as bone scintigraphy in one patient. In the first patient sacral fractures with severe displacement were revealed, prompting stabilizing symphysiodesis. In the second patient an undisplaced fatigue fracture was confirmed in the right half of the sacrum. In patients with pelvic laxity following arthritis of the symphysis and post-traumatic osteolysis associated with low back pain, displaced or occult fractures of the bones adjacent to the sacroiliac joints should be considered.  相似文献   

A 30-year-old male was an unrestrained driver in a high-speed motor vehicle crash. On presentation, the patient was profoundly hypotensive with multiple injuries, including a 20-cm-deep perineal laceration with avulsion of the rectum, a diffusely tender abdomen, an unstable open-book pelvic fracture, and multiple rib fractures. Blood noted at the urethral meatus prompted a retrograde urethrogram and cystogram, which were within normal limits. A Foley catheter was placed with the return of clear urine. Closed reduction and external fixation of the pelvic fracture were performed emergently without difficulty. Postoperative computed tomography of the abdomen and pelvis revealed a retrovesical pelvic hematoma and entrapment of the bladder in the reduced pubic symphysis diastasis. Lower abdominal exploration revealed an intact bladder without evidence of gross bladder wall injury. On release of the external fixator, the bladder was easily reduced into the normal retropubic location. Definitive internal fixation of the pubic diastasis was performed. No urologic sequelae were noted postoperatively.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To assess the joints of the pelvic ring postpartum and to discern normal postpartum findings and pathologic lesions using MRI. MATERIALS AND METHODS: MR images were obtained in six women with severe pelvic ring pain after delivery, in 13 women after uncomplicated vaginal delivery, and in 11 healthy, nulliparous non-pregnant volunteers. Distances of the pubic gap, signal intensities of the pubic cartilage, and signal changes of the pelvic ring bones were determined and evaluated. RESULTS: Both postpartum groups had significantly larger distances of the interpubic gap compared to the nulliparous group (P = 0.0002). The mean signal intensity of cartilage of the symphysis pubis was significantly different on the T1-weighted and T2-weighted MR images in postpartum women compared to nulliparous women (P = 0.001), indicating a higher water content of the pubic cartilage. 13 of all 19 postpartum women had bruises of parasymphyseal pubic bones. One pubic symphysis rupture and one sacral stress fracture were detected in two symptomatic women. CONCLUSION: MR imaging is a useful adjunct to clinical examination to identify patients with lesions of the pelvic ring postpartum. MRI of the pelvic ring of asymptomatic postpartum women can demonstrate signal changes of the pubic cartilage and small bruises of the pubic bones.  相似文献   

Objective. To demonstrate with radiographic imaging the association between pubic stress injury and sacroiliac abnormalities in athletes. Design and patients. Eleven athletes (9 men and 2 women), comprising seven male long-distance runners, one male soccer player, one male and two female basketball players, were imaged with plain films for complaints of pubic symphysis pain, sciatica, groin pain, or a combination of these complaints. In addition to the plain films, four patients were imaged with CT, two patients had MR imaging, and a bone scan was performed in three patients. Anteroposterior plain films of the pelvis of 20 patients without back pain or pubic pain were evaluated for comparison as a control group (ages 18–72 years, average 49 years; 11 women and 9 men). Results. All athletes showed plain film evidence of either sclerosis, erosions or offset at the pubic symphysis. Four had avulsion of cortical bone at the site of insertion of the gracilis tendon. Four patients demonstrated sacroiliac joint abnormalities on plain films consisting of sclerosis, erosions and osteophytes, and in one of these athletes, bilateral sacroiliac changes are present. Two patients with normal sacroiliac joints on plain films had a bone scan showing increased radionuclide uptake bilaterally at the sacroiliac joints. One patient with both plain film and CT evidence of sacroiliac abnormalities had an MR examination showing abnormal signal at both sacroiliac joints and at the pubic symphysis. A sacral stress fracture was found on CT in one patient with complaints of sciatica. In the control group, six patients, all over the age of 55 years, had mild sclerosis of the symphysis, but no plain film evidence of sacroiliac abnormalities. Conclusion. We have found a group of athletes in whom stress injuries to the pubic symphysis are associated with changes in the sacroiliac joint as demonstrated by degenerative changes or in the sacrum as manifested as a sacral stress fracture. These findings are probably due to abnormal stresses across the pelvic ring structure that lead to a second abnormality in the pelvic ring. The abnormality in the sacrum is not always well seen with conventional imaging. Recognition of the association of stress injury of the symphysis with back pain is important in that it can help avoid inappropriate studies and diagnostic confusion.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: Radiographic abnormalities in the pubic bone and symphysis are often seen in athletes with groin pain. The aim was to create a grading scale of such radiologic changes. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Plain radiography of the pelvic ring including the pubic bone and the symphysis was performed in 20 male athletes, age 19-35, with long-standing uni- or bilateral groin pain. We used two control groups: Control group 1: 20 healthy age-matched men who had undergone radiologic examination of the pelvis due to trauma. Control group 2: 120 adults (66 men and 54 women) in 9 age groups between 15 and 90 years of age. These examinations were also evaluated for interobserver variance. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION: The grading scale was based on the type and the amount of the different changes, which were classified as follows: No bone changes (grade 0), slight bone changes (grade 1), intermediate changes (grade 2), and advanced changes (grade 3). The grading scale is easy to interpret and an otherwise troublesome communication between the radiologist and the physician was avoided. There was a high interobserver agreement with a high kappa value (0.8707). Male athletes with long-standing groin pain had abnormal bone changes in the symphysis significantly more frequently and more severely (p>0.001) than their age-matched references. In asymptomatic individuals such abnormalities increased in frequency with age both in men and women.  相似文献   

目的探讨盆底三维超声在压力性尿失禁患者盆底功能损伤和疗效判断中的应用价值。方法选取40例产后压力性尿失禁患者纳入本次实验作为观察组,另选择同期产后40例正常产妇纳入本次实验作为对照组,观察组产后接受盆底康复治疗,2组均接受盆底三维超声检查,统计并比较2组盆底功能(盆底裂孔面积、膀胱尿道后角以及膀胱颈至耻骨联合下缘的距离)。结果观察组康复治疗前静息状态及Valsalva动作下的盆底裂孔面积、膀胱尿道后角均大于对照组,膀胱颈至耻骨联合下缘距离均小于对照组(P<0.05);观察组康复治疗后静息状态及Valsalva动作下的盆底裂孔面积、膀胱尿道后角均小于治疗前,膀胱颈至耻骨联合下缘距离均大于治疗前(P<0.05);观察组康复治疗后静息状态及Valsalva动作下的盆底裂孔面积、膀胱尿道后角、膀胱颈至耻骨联合下缘距离与对照组比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论对产后压力性尿失禁患者实施盆底三维超声检查,可以准确判断患者的盆底功能损伤情况,并可作为评价盆底康复治疗效果的重要参考依据。  相似文献   

目的 分析评价两种不同方法治疗耻骨联合分离的临床疗效.方法 回顾性分析2004~2008年采用空心拉力螺钉和重建钢板内固定治疗耻骨联合分离病例57例.其中39例采用经皮空心拉力螺钉治疗,18例采用重建钢板治疗.从手术时间、出血量、术后疼痛程度、并发症发生率、术后骨盆稳定程度、术后不同时间Matte评价等方面进行疗效对比...  相似文献   

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