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目的建立贴近实战化训练模式的模拟复杂空战机动(ACM)离心机训练方法。方法调研提炼飞行训练中典型的载荷参数,编制模拟复杂ACM离心机加速度曲线, 7 G曲线为+4.5 Gz 10 s→+2 Gz5 s→+7 Gz 10 s→+3 Gz 5 s→-1 Gz 5 s→+4 Gz 5 s→+3 Gz 10 s→-2 Gy/+5 Gz 5 s,8 G曲线为+4.5 Gz 10 s→+2 Gz 5 s→+8 Gz 10 s→+3 Gz 5 s→-0.5 Gz 5 s→+4.5 Gz 5 s→+3 Gz 10 s→-2 Gy/+6 Gz 5 s,9 G曲线为+4.5 Gz 10 s→+2 Gz 5 s→+9 Gz 10 s→+3 Gz 5 s→0 Gz 5 s→+5 Gz5 s→+3 Gz 10 s→-2 Gy/+7 Gz 5 s。受试者为12名健康男性,结合HP动作呼吸方式进行了持续12周的针对腿部、腹部、腰部和颈部肌肉的力量训练。12名受试者采用7 G曲线,在力量训练前和力量训练后进行了离心机训练;力量训练后,10名受试者采用8 G曲线、9名受试者采用9 G曲线,进行了离心机训练,记录分析复杂加速度耐力、疲劳评分等指标的变化。结果力量训练前10名受试者完成了7 G曲线,力量训练后12名均完成了7 G曲线,且疲劳评分显著低于体能训练前(P0.01);9名受试者完成了8 G曲线;7名受试者完成了9 G曲线;训练时的呼吸疲劳评分9 G与8 G曲线分别显著高于8 G与7 G曲线(P0.05),腿部疲劳评分没有显著差异。结论建立了离心机模拟复杂ACM训练方法,ACM曲线包含有侧向加速度及推拉动作,兼顾最高载荷并高低搭配,有利于提高飞行员进行长时间复杂空战的能力,具有较高的实际应用价值。  相似文献   

目的 建立飞行员做HP动作对抗推拉效应(push-pull effect,PPE)的离心机训练方法. 方法 依据实际空战机动飞行中记录的推拉动作(push-pull maneuver,PPM)飞行参数,在载人离心机常规训练的基础上增加HP动作对抗PPE训练.受试者为6名飞行员.训练分3日进行,第1日采用预编程模式,飞行员穿抗荷服训练HP动作,载荷为+Gz增长率和下降率均为3 G/s、峰值分别为3、5、6、7G各持续10 s的曲线.第2日采用预编程模式,载荷为一组-1Gz持续5 s与+Gz分别为3、5、6、7G各持续10 s,G值增长率为2 G/s,下降率为1 G/s的PPM曲线,飞行员在-1Gz时采用HP动作的呼吸方式呼吸,从-1Gz向+Gz开始转换时即做较用力的HP动作,并随着+Gz的增加逐渐加大用力程度.第3日采用闭环模式,进行+3、+5、+8 Gz各持续10 s的HP与PHP动作训练.记录飞行员的+Gz耐力、心率(heart rate,HR)、呼吸率(breathing rate,BR)、双腿蹬力(muscular force of legs,F1egs)等指标的变化,并采用SPSS 10.0统计软件对数据进行自身对照t检验或重复测量的方差分析. 结果 第1日,6名飞行员采用HP动作,均完成了+7 Gz持续10 s离心机训练,其中1名飞行员因曾患椎间盘突出,退出后续训练.第2日,5名飞行员均完成了HP动作对抗PPE训练,通过了-1Gz持续5 s,至+3、+5、+6、+7 Gz持续10s的PPM训练.第3日,5名飞行员均完成了HP与PHP动作+8 Gz持续10 s训练.随+Gz值的增加,Flegs明显高于前一次+Gz暴露时(F=127.047~322.488,P<0.01),HR、BR均显著高于+1 Gz安静时(P<0.01).各+Gz暴露时的Flegs、HR、BR在3个训练日之间无显著差异;-1Gz暴露时的HR、BR均显著高于+1 Gz安静时(P<0.01).飞行员主诉HP动作对抗PPE的离心机训练明显提高了对抗PPE的能力和信心. 结论 采用本研究建立的HP动作对抗PPE的离心机训练方法,能够显著提高飞行员对抗PPE的能力.  相似文献   

目的开发利用高性能载人离心机的功能,进行推拉效应(PPE)模拟方法的研究。方法推拉动作(PPM)加速度曲线的参数设为:Gmin为-1Gz持续5s,Gmax范围为从+2.5Gz持续10s开始按0.25Gz的幅度递增,对编制的模拟PPM加速度曲线进行试运行后,以12名战斗机飞行员和6名志愿者为受试者,分别测定了在预先有和无-1Gz5s作用情况下受试者的基础+Gz耐力。结果 -1Gz的产生会附带产生+1Gx和+0.5Gy,能够为人体所耐受。预先暴露于-1Gz5s后所有受试者的基础+Gz耐力均显著下降,志愿者组平均下降(0.87±0.13)G(P0.01),飞行员组平均下降(0.95±0.25)G(P0.01)。1名志愿者和1名飞行员受试者在PPM暴露的"拉"阶段发生加速度导致的意识丧失(G-LOC)结论在高性能载人离心机上初步建立推拉效应模拟方法,为后续的推拉效应研究奠定基础。  相似文献   

前言 推-拉效应被定义为由于先前的O或-Gz应激导致的+Gz耐力降低。本报告描述了第一例推-拉效应被列为一项原因的军事航空事故的分析。 案情分析 两名加拿大空军CF-18战斗机飞行员进行一对一空战。在开始的迎面交战时,失事飞行员飞了一个+0.1 Gz到+0.5 Gz的相对负Gz动作8s,接  相似文献   

新的抗荷动作:HP与PHP动作抗荷效果的评价   总被引:13,自引:8,他引:5  
目的:检验新的抗荷动作--HP与PHP动作的抗荷效果。方法:HP动作由两部分构成,第1部分为全身肌肉根据+Gz大小进行用力收缩;第2部分为2.5s 1个周期的呼吸部分,即在0.5s内以口快吸气,同时发出汉语拼音“H”,再通过半闭的双唇用力进行慢呼气2.0s,同时发出汉语拼音“P”。PHP是在抗荷正压呼吸条件下做的HP动作。测试对象为20名飞行员和10名志愿者。在离心机上测定10名飞行员采用KH-7抗荷服与HP动作的抗荷耐力,另外10名飞行员采用KH-7抗荷服与L-1动作时的抗荷耐力作对照。在离心机上测定10名志愿者采用KH-5抗荷服、抗荷正压呼吸装备和做PHP动作时的+Gz耐力。结果:分别采用HP动作、L-1动作的两组飞行员的抗荷耐力均可达到8G10s,但采用HP动作时心率、呼吸率显著低于L-1动作(P<0.05)。志愿者采用装备做PHP动作的抗荷耐力均达到了9G10s,且完成得比较轻松。结论:HP、PHP动作具有良好的抗荷效果,心脏负荷较小,而且飞行员易于理解、掌握,易于抗荷正压呼吸结合。  相似文献   

目的 通过观察高原抗荷体能训练对+Gz耐力的影响,探讨高原抗荷体能训练对保持+Gz耐力的作用. 方法 12名男性健康志愿者,分为对照组与训练组,每组各6名.在海拔3780 m的高原,对照组不进行抗荷体能训练,训练组按照制定的高原抗荷体能训练方案在氧浓度为25%~27%o的富氧室内进行训练.进入高原第2周、第4周、第6周,在飞行员抗荷抗缺氧能力检测仪上对受试者进行HP动作+Gz耐力值检测.进入高原前和回到平原后分别在载人离心机上进行基础+Gz耐力值和HP动作+Gz耐力值测试. 结果 ①在高原驻训期间,对照组HP动作提升+Gz耐力值呈持续下降趋势,第6周明显低于第2周,差异有统计学意义(P=0.009);训练组第2周、第4周和第6周HP动作提升+Gz耐力值差异无统计学意义.2组受试者第6周与第2周HP动作提升+Gz耐力值变化量比较差异有统计学意义(t=3.059,P=0.012).②2组受试者高原驻训后离心机测试的基础+Gz耐力值比驻训前均有降低;对照组高原驻训后离心机测试的HP动作+Gz耐力值比驻训前明显降低(t=5.196,P=0.014),训练组高原驻训后比驻训前明显提高(t=2.712,P=0.042).2组受试者高原驻训前后HP动作提升+Gz耐力值变化量差异有统计学意义(t=3.480,P=0.008). 结论 高原驻训期间,在富氧体训室系统开展抗荷体能训练能够有效保持+Gz耐力.  相似文献   

目的 观察志愿者暴露于-1.5 Gz持续5 s与+Gz持续10 s离心机加速度作用下,腿部加压套带(压力20 k Pa)对推拉效应(PPE)的防护效果。方法 分别测定5名志愿者预先无-1.5 Gz作用时的基础+Gz耐力,预先有-1.5 Gz作用时的基础+Gz耐力及分别采用HP动作、腿部加压套带、腿部加压套带并做HP动作时的+Gz耐力。结果 预先-1.5 Gz作用使基础+Gz耐力下降(1.55±0.11)G(P0.01),HP动作、腿部加压套带及二者结合使用时分别增加+Gz耐力(1.25±0.25)G、(1.25±0.25)G、(2.40±0.29)G(P0.01);分别采用HP动作、腿部加压套带及二者结合使用时耐力终点+Gz暴露时的HR均显著高于其前-1.5 Gz暴露时。结论 证实了腿部加压套带对PPE的防护效果,对PPE防护装备的研制具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

前言 在海军空中作战中心进行+Gz训练时,对暴露于离心机加速度环境的飞行员进行了大量的关于从+Gz中恢复心脏功能的研究,以确定吸烟的飞行员心率(HR)恢复的动态特征。方法 共分析了13名飞行员的心电图数据。所用方案包括慢增长率G(GOR,0.1G/s)暴露。受试者处于放松状态,直到出现60°角光感消失,然后作抗G动作,直到受试者Gz耐力顶点(抗荷服不充气)。从开始运行前和达到+Gz顶点  相似文献   

前言 对特技表演和战斗机飞行员的观察及最近离心机上的研究进一步证实,-Gz暴露之后+Gz耐力减低。为了更好地对离心机上可能发生的更大-G的效应作定量测定,并试验0 Gz的效应,进行飞行试验。 方法 在RAF SAM,HUNTER T7飞机上设置按  相似文献   

HP动作对模拟推拉效应的防护作用   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
目的 利用下体正压在单轴向离心机上模拟推拉动作 ,观察提前做HP动作对推拉效应的防护效果。 方法 志愿者 10名 ,分为L 1动作试验组和HP动作试验组。先测定两组受试者的基础耐力 ;然后受试者穿抗荷服 (L 1动作组穿KH 3、HP动作组穿KH 7) )充气 4 0kPa(30 0mmHg) 持续 1min ,卸压后立即启动离心机 ,测定两组受试者下体正压卸压后的松弛耐力 ;再分别测定L 1动作组和HP动作组下体正压结束后立即做抗荷动作的 +Gz 耐力。 结果 下体正压卸压后HP动作组 +Gz 耐力下降 0 .70G (P <0 .0 1) ,L 1动作组耐力下降无显著性意义 (P >0 .0 5 )。下体正压卸压后采用抗荷收紧动作可使受试者的 +Gz 耐力显著升高 ,HP动作组提高程度为 3.4 0G(P <0 .0 1) ,L 1动作组为 2 .6 0G (P <0 .0 1)。下体正压卸压后采用L 1动作的耐力的增高程度比采用HP动作低 0 .8G (P <0 .0 5 ) ,采用HP动作最多可以使受试者 +Gz 耐力增加 3.75G ,且主诉疲劳程度低。 结论 提前做HP动作可以对推拉效应造成的G耐力下降进行有效防护  相似文献   

离心机训练矫治+Gz耐力不良的高性能战斗机飞行员   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
目的 矫治两名+Gz耐力不良的高性能战斗机飞行员。方法在离心机上高+GZ负荷下训练抗荷动作(AGSM)和加压呼吸(PBG)动作。结果 AGSM的抗荷效果提高3.0-3.25G,加压呼吸了系统的抗荷效果提高2.75-3.0G,综合耐力比基础耐力高4.25-4.5G,两人均顺利通过8G10S的SACM+GZ曲线,达到训练标准。  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: Pilots of fighter aircraft are often exposed to maneuvers that produce negative acceleration (-Gz) immediately followed by positive acceleration (+Gz). This sequence has been found to reduce tolerance to +Gz, a phenomenon known as the "push-pull" effect. We devised a centrifuge training program to demonstrate this phenomenon to pilots. METHODS: The centrifuge of the Military Institute of Aviation Medicine in Warsaw, Poland, was modified in 1996 to allow active positioning of the gondola during rotation. Head-down position of -6 degrees to -40 degrees were used to produce relative -Gz (r-Gz) in a range down to 0.2. As a side effect, this produces Gy acceleration between -1.3 Gy and -1.6 Gy. Pilots completed normal centrifuge training, including a relaxed, gradual-onset run and three rapid-onset runs. They were then exposed to a profile that included a series of push-pull exposures where r-Gz was followed by +Gz with stepwise increases in the latter from +2.5 to +5 Gz. The final profile was a simulated aerial combat maneuver with push-pull elements. RESULTS: The trainees expressed surprise at the push-pull effect, which forced them to begin an anti-G straining maneuver at lower levels than normal. They complained about the presence of the Gy, which rarely occurs in aircraft. DISCUSSION: This type of profile appears useful for training pilots about the push-pull phenomenon. After collection of additional data, the profiles may be refined.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: The push-pull maneuver (PPM) is defined as a reduction in G-tolerance when positive acceleration (+Gz) immediately follows negative acceleration (-Gz) exposure, with the carotid baroreceptors presumably playing a dominant role in the ensuing BP (SBP) responses. The objective of this study was to determine whether application of neck pressure (NP) during the preceding -Gz phase maintains +Gz tolerance during subsequent +Gz. METHODS: There were 10 experienced men who were exposed to 3 centrifuge run types using a multi-axis centrifuge: a relaxed control run from +1.4 baseline to visual tolerance; a relaxed control PPM run (PPM-C) consisting of 5 s of -1 Gz followed by 15 s of +Gz to visual tolerance; and an experimental PPM run performed with pressurized neck (PPM-NP) consisting of -1 Gz for 5 s followed by 15 s of +Gz at the previous PPM-C G-tolerance level. RESULTS: Relaxed control G tolerance (3.6 _ 0.26 Gz) was greater vs. the PPM-C (3.0 +/- 0.21 Gz) and PPM-NP (3.1 +/- 0.20 Gz) conditions, but the two PPM conditions did not differ significantly. During -Gz, mean R-R interval for PPM-NP was significantly shorter than in the PPM-C from second 1 to second 3. During the +Gz phase, however, R-R interval responses between PPM-C and PPM-NP differed only at seconds 8 and 9. There were no differences in carotid sinus SBP between PPM-C and PPM-NP during -Gr. During +Gz, carotid sinus SBP was significantly depressed in PPM-NP and PPM-C conditions vs. Control. DISCUSSION: Application of NP during the -Gz phase, despite altering R-R interval, did not ameliorate SBP responses or reductions in G tolerance during subsequent +Gz exposure. Despite neck compression counteracting increased carotid hydrostatic pressure during -Gz, the carotid baroreceptor response is likely opposed by the aortic or other baroreceptors.  相似文献   

一种新型囊式抗荷系统的+Gz防护作用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的在离心机上,研究新型囊式抗荷系统的抗荷性能,评估其抗荷作用.方法 6名男性被试者采用本囊式抗荷系统不做抗荷动作(AGSM),暴露于10~15 s的梯形+Gz曲线后,再暴露于+5~9 Gz 模拟空战动作曲线(SACM) ,并伴随腿部适度收紧.结果得到了该先进囊式抗荷系统的+Gz防护作用和被试者的+Gz时间耐力.本抗荷系统的抗荷效果为5.33±0.26 G,均顺利通过了+5~9 Gz SACM,且用力程度和疲劳程度均较低.结论本抗荷系统+Gz防护效果良好,其配套方案可行.  相似文献   

新型载人离心机在军事航空医学中的应用   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
目的 探讨在新型载人离心机上进行飞行员抗荷耐力选拔与训练、-Gx体验、动态飞行模拟(dynamic flight simulation,DFS)训练以及抗荷装备生理鉴定实验的方法,探索新型载人离心机的应用方法. 方法 ①24名飞行员在六三型载人离心机上进行基础+Gz耐力检查,然后按同样方法,在新型载人离心机上进行了对照检查.②100名飞行员进行了离心机训练,其中的42名飞行员为被动控制训练,58名飞行员为闭环控制训练.③8名飞行员体验-1.5 Gx及-2.0 Gx载荷.④18名飞行员进行DFS飞行体验,特技飞行动作包括左盘旋、右盘旋、半滚倒转、斤斗、半斤斗翻转和桶滚.⑤6名志愿者和9名飞行员在新型载人离心机上,分别进行服装、PBG、服装结合PBG、服装结合PBG及抗荷收紧动作(anti-G straining manoeuvre,AGSM)的抗荷效果试验. 结果 ①在新、老离心机上检查出的+Gz耐力结果平均值分别为(4.25±0.34)G及(4.41±0.14)G(t=3.03,P<0.01),其差异与连续检查所致的疲劳及飞行员对重复检查的主观重视程度有关,排除二者影响,在新离心机上可采用现有抗荷耐力选拔方法.②在进行被动控制训练的飞行员中,25人完成7 G持续10 s,9人完成8 G持续10 s,仅有2人完成9 G持续10 s.在进行闭环控制训练的58名飞行员中,48人完成7 G持续10 s,19人完成8 G持续10 s,23人完成9 G持续10 s.③飞行员在进行-Gx载荷体验时,反映在座舱俯仰、滚转过程中头晕、恶心的感觉比较明显.④飞行员认为DFS体验与实际飞行接近,对提高机动空战能力具有实用价值.⑤抗荷装备的抗荷性能达到了飞机性能的要求.结论 新型载人离心机在高性能战斗机飞行员抗荷耐力选拔训练、-Gx体验、DFS体验及抗荷装备生理鉴定试验等工作中获得广泛应用,形成了相关应用方法,取得了较好的效果,为进一步开展相关工作奠定了基础. Abstract: Objective To investigate the approaches and the application effects of acceleration tolerance screening and training for fighter pilots,-Gx experience,dynamic flight simulation (DFS) experience and physiological evaluation of anti-G equipment on new human centrifuge. Methods ①Twenty-four pilots underwent the relaxed+Gz tolerance examination on a single degree of freedom centrifuge (Model 63) and on new human centrifuge for comparison.②One hundred high performance fighter pilots carried out centrifuge training.Among them,42 pilots were in passive control mode while the other 58 pilots were trained by close-loop mode.③Eight pilots experienced -1.5 Gx and-2.0 Gx on the new centrifuge.④Eighteen pilots performed aerobatic maneuvers,such as left spiral,right spiraI,split S loop,immelmann,and barrel roll in DFS awareness.⑤Six volunteers and 9 pilots served as subjects.The tests of anti-G capability evaluation for suits,suits combined with pressure breathing for G (PBG),and suits combined with PBG and anti-G strainingmaneuver (AGSM) were conducted respectively. Results ①The mean relaxed+Gz tolerance of pilots obtained on the new and old centrifuge was (4.25±0.34) G and (4.41±0.14) G respectively (t=3.03,P<0.01).The difference would be relative to fatigue that caused by continuous running and pilots' endurance to the reduplicate riding.So the current+Gz tolerance screening method was applicable on the new centrifuge regardless of the influence of the above mentioned factors.②In the training under passive control mode,25 of 42 pilots completed the training of 7 G for 10 s,9 pilots for 8 G for 10 s and 2 for 9 G for 10 s.In the close-loop control training,48 pilots passed training of 7 G for 10 s,19 pilots for 8 G for 10 s,and 23 for 9 G for 10 s.③During-Gx experience,the feelings of dizzy and disgust were evident during the roll and pitch movements.④Pilots reported that DFS training was similar to actual flight and possessed great practical value in improving aerial combat ability.⑤The performance of anti-G equipments reached the functional requirement. Conclusions New human centrifuge can be applied in acceleration tolerance screening and training for high performance fighter aircraft pilots,-Gx experience,DFS training,and physiological evaluation for anti-G equipments.Relevant approaches have been established,and the application of new human centrifuge has acquired a satisfactory result.which lays the foundation for further work.  相似文献   

目的探讨PHP动作对载人离心机致加速度性肺不张的防护作用。方法试验采用的模拟空战曲线(SACM)包括2个各45 s的+4.5 Gz和2个分别为15 s和45 s的+5.0 Gz的平台,基线为+3.0 Gz(各30 s)。7名志愿者呼吸浓度为100%的O2,在3种条件下进行SACM离心机暴露:A组,O2系统安全余压打开;B组,O2系统安全余压关闭;C组,O2系统安全余压关闭且采用PHP动作。结果 SACM暴露后,A组肺活量(VC)下降0.27 L,用力肺活量(FVC)和用力呼气量(FEV)均无显著变化,主观症状评分较低(2.5±2.6),胸部X线成像改变不明显。B组VC和FVC分别下降0.69 L(P<0.01)和0.29 L(P<0.05),咳嗽、胸痛、吸气困难等主观症状明显,其评分(8.1±2.2)显著高于有安全余压时(P<0.05),出现肺不张的典型影像学表现。C组VC和FVC无明显下降,无明显主观症状,主观感觉评分很低(0.8±0.9),与不采用PHP动作时的差异非常显著(P<0.01),肺不张的影像学征象比不采用PHP动作时明显减轻。结论采用PHP动作能够有效防止加速度性肺不张的发生。  相似文献   

Women continue to expand their participation in all areas of aviation, including flying high performance fighter aircraft. Acceleration (+Gz) stress is unique to fighter aviation, therefore it is important to thoroughly understand the electrocardiographic (ECG) response to +Gz stress since it reflects a portion of the cardiovascular +Gz tolerance. A comparison of the ECG response to centrifuge +Gz stress between 685 men and 94 women was made from data existing within a centrifuge data repository. The frequency of occurrence of specific types of atrial, ventricular, and the other most frequently observed ECG changes to +Gz stress were compared for females and males. Females had less atrial ectopy; essentially equivalent premature ventricular contractions (PVC's), multiformed PVC's, paired PVC's; less frequent ventricular and supraventricular tachycardia; and more frequent PVC's in a bigeminal pattern and QRS on T PVC's. Sinus arrhythmia, sinus bradycardia, and increased T-waves post +Gz stress were more frequent in males, with ectopic atrial rhythm and atrioventricular dissociation essentially equivalent in males and females. Although few women have participated in either simulated aerial combat maneuver type centrifuge profiles or centrifuge high-G training, they have shown similar ECG changes including conduction and rhythm disturbances infrequently seen in males, such as +Gz-induced right bundle branch block and high-G bradycardia. Based on the currently available ECG response data, women have no demonstrated unique susceptibility to +Gz-induced ECG changes. Therefore, no contraindication exists to initiating additional acceleration research to fully evaluate women's tolerance to the more stressful, higher levels of +Gz stress.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: As the Gz capabilities of tactical helicopters increase, the risk to unprotected helicopter aircrew resulting from the physiologic response to transitions from -1 Gz (push) to +4.5 Gz (pull) loads needs to be addressed. METHODS: There were 9 volunteers who participated in a study conducted at the Veridian Operations Centrifuge Facility in Warminster, PA. A 1-h mission scenario consisting of nine helicopter maneuvers, based on inflight G measurements (push-pull mission, PPM), simulated both current (CM: -0.2 to +3.5 Gz) and projected future platform capabilities (FM: -1 Gz to +4.5 Gz). Additional scenarios were run in which push transitions were limited to +1 Gz (GM). Measurements included blood pressure (BP), heart rate (HR), loss of vision, and subjective fatigue. RESULTS: Visual decrements were minimal during CM while muscular tensing was required to avoid blackout during FM. Light loss typically occurred during the transition from -Gz to +Gz. Within the scope of these tests, subjects tolerated the range of Gz stresses associated with current U.S. Navy rotary wing platforms. When subjected to FM G-loads (typical of current U.S. Army high-performance platforms), cardiovascular stress significantly increased, Gz tolerance dropped as much as 1.2 G, and HR increased as much as 67 bpm. Cardiovascular changes were significantly greater during FM PPM relative to GM. Four subjects reported Almost-Loss of Consciousness (A-LOC) symptoms during FM. CONCLUSIONS: While G-stress experienced by aircrew generated by current helicopters does not appear to present a high risk, G-awareness training is recommended to reduce risks to aircrew exposed to G-loads generated by more aggressive helicopters. Future studies are required to determine the impact of longer mission times and dehydration.  相似文献   

目的 研究高性能战斗机飞行员进行模拟空战机动(SACM)训练时心血管功能变化情况,从而提出保护措施。方法 高性能战斗机飞行员10名,在载人离心机上进行SACM训练。训练中,飞行员穿用抗荷服,做L-1抗荷动作及进行抗荷正压呼吸(PBG);监视并记录心电图、耳脉搏和呼吸。结果 10名飞行员在SACM时均发生不同程度的心律失常。心律失常以室性期前收缩为主,多发生于吸气末,4G以上的高G暴露中开始有心律失常发生,9G时发生率最高。心率增快程度和 Gz值呈正相关。在抗荷动作的吸气相,耳脉搏的幅值突然降低。结论 SACM训练中,室性期前收缩多发,这可能为一种潜在性的危险。应训练飞行员正确掌握抗荷动作和PBG的实施要领,调控有氧体育锻炼强度,定期进行SACM训练,并实行心电图监控,以减少空战机动中心律失常发生率。  相似文献   

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