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关于临床药学人才培养课程设置的探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
随着我国经济的迅速发展和医疗体制改革的深入,临床药师的需求将不断增长。应在我国的主要医药高等院校建立完善的临床药学本科教育体系,建立安全、合理用药的人才体系。临床药学本科的课程应包括生物医学、药学、临床医学和社会管理科学等几方面的内容,教学中应加强临床医药学和医药信息检索知识的学习,并注重临床药学实践、与人沟通能力和获取新知识能力的培养,以使其能适应将来临床药师工作的需要。  相似文献   

高等临床药学人才教育模式与培养课程设置的探讨   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
随着我国经济的迅速发展和医疗体制改革的深化,临床药师的需求将会不断增长。现阶段可采用培养药学博士、临床药学硕士和在职培训等多种方式来改善临床药师短缺的状况。长期来看,应在我国的主要医药高等院校建立完善的药学博士教育体系,建立安全合理用药的人才体系。药学博士的课程应包括生物医学、药学、临床医药学、中医药学和社会管理科学等几方面的内容,教学中应加强临床医药学、药物基因组学、药物经济学和医药信息检索知识的学习,并注重临床药学实践、与人沟通能力和获取新知识能力的培养,以使其能适应将来临床药师工作的需要。  相似文献   

覃燕玲 《中国药房》2011,(26):2493-2495
目的:探讨临床药师在呼吸内科开展药学服务的作用。方法:介绍我院临床药师在呼吸内科开展药学服务的经验和体会。临床药师在呼吸内科的工作内容主要包括:为临床医师提供药物信息;参与临床合理用药方案的制订;审核医嘱,纠正用药误区;协助护士解决工作中遇到的药学问题;向患者实施用药教育和指导。结果与结论:临床药师发挥药学优势,开展药学服务,为医师提供了用药帮助,为患者提供用药教育,对合理、安全地使用药物起到了应有的作用,得到医师和患者的认可。  相似文献   

目的总结临床药师在消化科开展药学服务的经验,探讨临床药师参与临床药物治疗实践、促进合理用药模式。方法临床药师深入临床,在消化科开展面向医护人员和患者的药学服务,并对部分典型的药学服务实例进行展示和分析。结果临床药师充分发挥自身药学专长,在促进合理用药、抗菌药物监控、药品不良反应监测、患者用药教育等方面发挥了良好的作用。结论临床药师提供了多种形式的药学服务,对安全、有效、经济用药起到积极的作用,但还需不断提高自身的专业水平,保证知识体系与时俱进。  相似文献   

目的 建立咳喘药学服务门诊用药教育工作模式,对咳喘患者进行规范的用药指导,观察药学服务门诊用药教育工作模式的临床应用效果。方法 选取2021年9月至2023年9月在该院咳喘药学服务门诊就诊需使用吸入制剂的219例患者作为观察对象,均采用用药教育工作模式进行用药指导,并随访3个月,于指导前后均采用慢性阻塞性肺疾病评估测试问卷(CAT)、哮喘控制测试问卷(ACT)及Morisky用药依从性量表(MMAS-8)评分评估患者用药情况。随机抽取5名临床药师在建立用药教育工作模式前后进行业务水平的考核,包括用药指导、用药准则、处方审核等方面。结果 随访3个月后,患者的CAT、ACT、MMAS-8均显著优于随访前,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。建立用药教育工作模式后,临床药师的用药指导、用药准则、处方审核等业务水平均较建立前提高,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 临床药师通过咳喘药学服务门诊为患者提供优质药学服务,极大提高了患者用药依从性和吸入制剂正确使用率,从而保证药物治疗效果最大化。此外,咳喘药学服务门诊的开设对于提高临床药师素质和规范用药指导也具有重要意义。  相似文献   

目的:为了扩大药师的知识面,提高现代药师专业技术水平,促进药房工作从供应型向药学服务型转化。方法:就是医院领导应重视药师临床专科化、网络化的学习培训,合理安排时间对药师进行再教育,做到统一学习临床药学及网络信息知识,学习人体解剖及内外科等诊疗基础知识。结果:医院药学研究对象由“以药物为中心”发展到药学监护提高的“以病人中心”的医院药学发展方向。结论:医院在职药师应该进行专科化、网络化的学习、培训教育,应该提高药师应用网络信息技术,提高药学监护、临床用药评价、药物不良反应监测的水平,逐步提高药学服务质量,指导临床用药及咨询服务。  相似文献   

临床药师为医护人员提供药品信息,对安全用药提出合理化建议,本文介绍专职临床药师在老年病科广泛参与临床药学实践的情况,包括参与临床查房、指导护士做好用药安全管理、提供药物信息、指导患者用药教育、监测不良反应及指导多种形式的全程化药学服务。为探讨临床药师在老年病科参与临床药物治疗的工作方法提供参考资料。  相似文献   

侯幸赟  陶霞 《中国药房》2014,(14):1324-1328
目的:通过规范的药学问诊和用药教育过程,得到细致详尽的患者用药信息,提高患者用药依从性,从而提高临床药师药学监护的效率和质量。方法:总结临床药师在内分泌科查房问诊和药学监护的经验和技巧,通过设计问诊和用药教育表格的方式使患者相关信息简洁明了、药学问诊和用药教育过程有条不紊。结果与结论:规范的药学问诊和用药教育,可使患者用药信息更全面,使临床药师参与药学监护更具体、规范。  相似文献   

目的 探讨临床药师参与冠心病患者全程化药学管理的规范化工作模式,供同行参考.方法 结合实例,总结临床药师参与冠心病患者药学监护经验,探讨规范化的药学管理模式.结果 制定了临床药师参与患者全程用药监护的标准化工作流程,明确了临床药师参与冠心病患者管理的工作内容,包括医学查房、药学查房、医嘱审核、危险因素评估、参与治疗方案制订、制订并实施用药监护计划及用药教育.结论 临床药师可以利用自己的专业优势,参与冠心病这样的复杂、疑难病例的药物治疗.  相似文献   

以诊疗指南为指导开展临床药学服务的体会   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:对以诊疗指南为指导开展临床药学服务进行总结。方法:总结江西省宜春市人民医院开展临床药学服务的情况,分析典型案例。结果:我院临床药师在临床实践中应用诊疗指南,根据指南开展临床药学服务和进行用药评价取得了良好的成效。结论:诊疗指南有助于临床药师培养临床思维、与医生交流、指导患者用药教育,是临床药师学习的捷径。通过查找、学习、推广诊疗指南,临床药师可以更好地提供临床药学服务,使医生在临床上合理地应用诊疗指南,为患者提供最佳的诊疗方案。  相似文献   

Objective. To evaluate the impact of an evidence-based course in complementary medicines on the attitudes, knowledge, and professional practice behavior of undergraduate pharmacy students.Design. A required 12-week evidence-based complementary medicine course was designed and introduced into the third-year undergraduate pharmacy curriculum. The course included a combination of traditional lectures, interactive tutorial sessions, and a range of formal assessments.Assessment. Pre- and post-course survey instruments were administered to assess changes in students’ attitudes, perceptions, knowledge, and the likelihood they would recommend the use of complementary medicines in a pharmacy practice environment.Conclusion. Completion of a required evidence-based complementary medicines course resulted in a positive change in pharmacy students’ perceptions of the value of various complementary medicines as well as in their willingness to recommend them, and provided students with the required knowledge to make patient-centered recommendations for use of complementary medicines in a professional pharmacy practice setting. These findings support the need for greater evidence-based complementary medicine education within pharmacy curricula to meet consumer demand and to align with pharmacists’ professional responsibilities.  相似文献   

我国临床药师知识结构需求状况的调查分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周乃彤  李欣然  胡明 《中国药房》2011,(48):4529-4532
目的:为临床药学的教育教学体系改革提供参考。方法:采用问卷调查的方式进行调研,了解我国临床药师知识结构需求情况。结果:临床药师整体水平有所提高,高素质高学历的人才正在逐渐加入进来。三级医院临床药学工作开展较二级及以下医院好,取得了一定效果,重点表现在抗菌药物使用趋向合理。临床药师普遍认为临床药学的发展前景尚不确定,需要一定大环境支持。经过传统化学教育模式的临床药师普遍认为最缺乏的是临床医学与治疗学知识和临床实践技能。结论:目前的临床药学课程体系有待调整,应增设专门的临床药学专业。药学教育的实践部分应加强,可以将临床实习分为几个阶段贯穿于整个药学生的教育过程中,以加强药学生的专业行为和习惯的培养。综合运用多种教学方式,提高临床药学的教学质量。在临床药学快速发展、专业人才匮乏的现阶段,在职培训、继续教育是对高等药学教育的一个很好的补充。  相似文献   

Since there was an increasing demand for highly educated pharmacists with clinical experience, a one-year graduate course in clinical pharmacy practice (Yakugaku Senkouka) was established at Meijo University in 1975. This was aimed to provide pharmacists a training program for clinical skills and hospital settings. The course became a leading school in clinical pharmacy education in Japan. The present study describes what it was like and how it contributed to the development of clinical pharmacy in the country. In this article, the history is divided into five terms ranging from 1975 to 2002. The first term (1975-1979): To introduce the educational system, a system that was modeled on those in USA was introduced. The curriculum of clinical clerkship and the methods for evaluating training process were devised. The second term (1980-1984): Clinical clerkships were systematized and modified to fit to society. A manual textbook for training in clinical pharmacy was edited. The third term (1985-1989): The activities in the course were recognized as a new professional practice of pharmacists in Japan under The New Medical Law and The Law of Healthcare Insurance. The fourth term (1990-1995): Clinical pharmacy became popular nationwide. In Meijo University, a new challenge was made to merge clinical pharmacy skills with scientific backgrounds. The fifth term (1996-2002): To cope with the trends of extending undergraduate pharmacy education to six years, it has been decided that the course will be reorganized into a 2-year master's course in clinical pharmacy and accepted as a graduate course in 2003. The history of the course, a forerunner of clinical pharmacy education in Japan, ended in 2002.  相似文献   

药学专业本科生的知识结构   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为适应当前实施药学服务、保障公众健康的需求,药学专业本科生的知识结构和课程设置需要进一步优化。应该着重拓展基础医学、临床药学特别是临床药物治疗学的教学,强化对英语、计算机信息科学的实践教学,培养具有扎实基础知识和良好发展潜力,能够适应现代药学工作需要的药学专业人才。  相似文献   

临床药学理论课具有鲜明的实践特色。文章主要阐述情景模拟实践结合CBL在临床药学专业理论教学中的应用,以期能为我国临床药学本科阶段教育提供参考。  相似文献   

Cooperation in education and research in medical and pharmaceutical sciences between Kobe Pharmaceutical University and Kobe University was started in 2008 for training professionals in drug development and rational pharmacotherapy. Initially, we started a two-year pharmacy residency program. Our pharmacy residents can attend lectures at our universities, and they also help pharmacist preceptors educate undergraduate pharmacy students in practical training. As curricula for cooperative education of pharmacy, nursing and medical students, we developed two new elective subjects (early exposure to clinical training for first year students and IPW (inter-professional work) seminar for fifth year pharmacy students) to learn about the roles of health care professionals in a medical team. Cooperative research between faculty members and graduate students is also in progress. For faculty and staff developments, invited lectures by clinical pharmacy and medical professors from the United States on the clinical education system in pharmacy and medicine in the United States have been held. This systematic cooperation will contribute to the promotion of a new curriculum for inter-professional education in the health-science fields.  相似文献   

This study reports on the perceptions of recent graduates of their undergraduate pharmacy course. Questionnaires were sent to 952 graduates undertaking their preregistration training in the period 1992–3. Of the total response of 695 (73 per cent), 55 per cent were in community pharmacy, 38 per cent in hospital and the remainder in various joint posts. Their opinions on the usefulness of course topics indicated that pharmacognosy and some topics within pharmaceutical chemistry were significantly regarded as of little use (P<0.05), while the vocationally-oriented topics were the most useful. The only topics thought to require significantly more extensive teaching (P<0.05) were responding to symptoms and clinical pharmacy. Pharmacognosy and some topics within pharmaceutical chemistry were considered to require less teaching. The remainder were considered to be given sufficient time. Problem-solving, and small group tutorials and seminars were considered very useful forms of learning by 73 per cent and 63 per cent of respondents, respectively. Clinically-oriented topics were considered significantly beneficial (P<0.05) and useful for inclusion within the new four-year framework. The study suggests that changes in course design should not include undergraduate specialisation, the graduates' branch of pharmacy having no influence on their opinion of the usefulness of clinical pharmacy and pharmacy practice topics. It also suggests that some science-based topics need to be made more relevant to pharmacy and that clinical and practice-based topics should have a major role in an extended course.  相似文献   

当前中药产业发展面临着国际市场份额少,国内资源、环境、技术约束以及全球高水平科研机构竞争等现状和问题,而中药学学科则面临拔尖人才、优质资源缺乏等问题,同时中药产业的核心关键技术和中药学学科的发展必须以我为主,自力更生、自主创新、科学发展。该文提出以大中药健康产业发展为契机,中药学学科建设为抓手,与相关学科进行学科交叉,做好顶层设计,强化基础本科人才培养,创新研究生培养模式,健全终身教育体系等思路,超前培养未来中药产业急需的各类型、各层次复合创新型人才,服务于国家战略和我国的医药卫生事业。  相似文献   

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