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目的 以英国药学技术人员的职业发展和教育模式为借鉴,以期为中国医院药学事业的发展提供实践依据。方法 介绍英国国家药学教育与药学技术人员发展框架及医院药师的受教育和职业发展路径,找出两国在药师培养、工作模式的不同和差距,提出促进中国临床药学事业发展、药学教育改革和临床药师培养的建议。结果与结论 英国的药学教育以培养面向临床及患者工作的药师为目的,学制4年,药学硕士学位,教学内容偏重临床实践。中国的药学教育起步较晚,药学人才培养模式与课程设置未突出该课程"交叉、实践性强"的特点;英国的药学教育模式、药学人才培养体系及医疗体制对其医院药学服务发展具有重要的作用,对中国药学人才培养模式与课程设置改革有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

顾洁  邵蓉 《中国现代应用药学》2019,36(23):2983-2986
目的 探讨药学硕士专业学位研究生课程体系的建设和发展。方法 在全国范围内选出20家有代表性的药学硕士专业学位研究生培养单位,以课程体系建设为研究对象开展调查和访谈。结果 从问题分析和解决的视角研究发现,课程设置与培养目标定位需进一步契合,授课方式需进一步多样化,课程内容需进一步加强针对性,课程资源需进一步丰富。结论 建议通过加强顶层设计、优化课程内容、开展课程共建等途径完善药学硕士专业学位研究生课程体系建设,提高药学高层次应用型人才培养质量。  相似文献   

杨阳  都丽萍  张波  梅丹 《中国药事》2017,31(12):1448-1452
目的:分析我国开展临床药师培训的具体情况,为专业型临床药学硕士培养提供思路。方法:搜索CNKI、万方、维普数据库,查询我国临床药师培训相关文献,分析临床药师培训与临床药学专业硕士培养的比较优势。结果:专业型临床药学硕士的培养应设置与临床实践密切结合的课程,同时须布置药学实践作业。考核内容应侧重于临床,注重过程考核。结论:临床药师的基本功是医嘱审核、用药教育、药物不良反应判断等,一切工作都应围绕临床,以患者为中心。在学习期间,专业型临床药学硕士更应着重锻炼这些基本功。只有这样,才能为今后参与临床治疗团队、提供药学服务、缩短执业过渡期打好基础。  相似文献   

孙子秋  徐晓媛 《中国药事》2018,32(12):1628-1637
目的:分析近5年美国药学教育研究的现状,为我国药学教育研究提供借鉴。方法:对《美国药学教育杂志》1055篇文章进行文献分析,选择其中几篇进行实例分析,对文章的研究方法详细分析。与我国高等药学教育研究的现状以及研究方法进行对比分析,提出改革建议。结果:美国药学教育研究内容广泛且深入,各研究机构合作较多,研究方法主要采用定量分析和实验对比,研究的热点是主动学习、跨职业教育、模拟患者以及人文关怀。结论:我国还应丰富研究对象,拓宽研究领域,丰富研究方法,加强学术交流平台的构建以及加强研究机构的合作。  相似文献   

目的:梳理总结实践经验,构建宜昌市第一人民医院药学专业硕士研究生专业实践的培养模式, 以期向相关教学机构提供借鉴。方法:查阅相关文献,将国家卫生健康委员会临床药师培养的经验进行梳理总结。将总结梳理的模式,结合学生的实际情况进行调整,并应用于实证研究,包括实践前确定组织管理构架,建立健全规章制度;培训过程以实践为主、理论为辅;实践过程中及实践完成后,工作领导小组定期督导,促进教学质量持续改进等。结果:在宜昌市第一人民医院药学专业硕士研究生专业实践的培养模式下,研究生经实践培训后,专业实践能力增强。结论:将国家卫生健康委员会临床药师培训体系融于药学专业硕士研究生的实践培养过程中,既可以提升药学专业硕士的药学实践能力,也为临床药师队伍储备了强有力的后备军。  相似文献   

曾聪彦  梅全喜 《中国药师》2015,(7):1136-1139
摘 要 目的: 探讨中药临床药学服务模式,为开展中药临床药学提供参考。方法: 介绍当前开展中药临床药学服务模式现状,分析其面临的困境,提出完善中药临床药学开展模式的建议。结果与结论: 各医疗机构中药临床药学开展模式各不相同,开展的内容各异,大多服务层次较低,并未有建立起一套完善的中药临床药学服务工作模式。完善该工作模式主要面临中药临床药学学科体系的缺失、中药临床药师的缺乏、中药临床药学内容的复杂性等问题,需要从加强中药临床药学学科体系的研究与探索、加强中药临床药师的培养、建立多层次中药临床药学服务、探索多元化的中药临床药学开展模式等方面加强工作,促进中药临床药学开展,逐步丰富中药临床药学内容,建立更深入、更全面、更合理的中药临床药学服务模式。  相似文献   

目的 在药学专业型研究生培养中探索儿童药物临床研究人才的培养模式。方法 分析儿童药物临床研究者应具备的素质,构建系统化、多层次的医教协同培养机制,以应用为导向优化课程体系,以儿科药物治疗需求为驱动引导学位论文选题,加强培养过程监管。通过促进研究生角色和观念转换,进行儿童药物临床研究技术培训,促进成果转化,强化研究生儿童药物临床研究能力培养。结果 初步建成了基于医教协同理念的儿童药物临床研究人才培养模式,培养的研究生符合社会与行业需求。结论 构建医教协同培养机制是培养儿童药物临床研究人才的重要路径。  相似文献   

张远  龙恩武 《中国药师》2013,16(3):450-452
摘 要 目的:通过介绍澳大利亚药学教育与服务模式,思考中国药学教育、药事服务的不足之处,并提出改进措施。方法: 查阅文献资料,了解澳大利亚大学的药学课程设置情况,药师执业的相关政策法规和社区药店的服务内容。结果:澳大利亚药学教育的专业课程比重大,且开设多门专业实践相关课程,注重专业性、实践性。药剂师定位为“药物治疗专家”。药学服务以患者为中心,以合理用药为目的,并开展多种相关护理、保健等服务,充分发挥了药剂师的特长。结论:中国药学教育须明确人才的培养方向,并且加大专业课的学习力度,与实践相结合。药学服务应以“病人为中心”,开展以用药为主、健康保健为辅的专业技术型服务。  相似文献   

摘 要 目的: 探讨我国建立中药临床药学培训基地的重要性和意义。方法: 结合中药临床药学工作开展的现状、存在问题等,阐述开展中药临床药学培训基地的紧迫性和必要性,明确建立中药临床药学培训基地的重要意义。结果: 建立培养专业中药临床药学人才的中药临床药学培训基地,可以为患者提供更高质量的临床药学服务,必将促进中药临床药学发展和药学服务水平提升。结论:建立中药临床药学培训基地迫在眉睫,意义重大,是当前中药临床药学工作需要解决的重要课题。  相似文献   

摘 要 目的:了解全球对慢性非传染性疾病(以下简称“慢病”)患者药学监护的研究现状。方法:在GoPubMed网站首页搜索框内输入“‘Chronic Disease’[mesh] AND ‘Pharmaceutical Care’[mesh]”进行检索,搜集PubMed数据库中关于对慢病患者药学监护的文献,检索时限为建库至2018年6月19日,利用GoPubMed网站的统计功能,分析相关文献的发表年份、主题、国家和刊载期刊等情况。结果:共检索到4 110篇文献。2008年以来每年发表相关文献超过200篇。发表对慢病患者药学监护相关文献较多的国家依次是美国(1 530篇)、英国(266篇)和加拿大(233篇),我国发表相关文献76篇。结论:近年来对慢病患者药学监护相关研究日益受到关注,我国相关研究较少,做好对慢病患者药学监护的实践与研究对于保障患者用药安全、充分发挥药师专业作用具有重要意义。  相似文献   

目的:为改进临床药学人才培养模式提出建议。方法:采用调查研究法,对四川省部分医院的临床药学利益相关方和四川省开设了临床药学专业(或方向)的高校进行问卷调查。结果:共发出问卷511份,收回有效问卷495份,有效回收率为96.87%。调查显示,临床药师的工作得到了医疗团队成员的肯定。大部分临床药师或在读的临床药学专业学生对目前的知识结构和培养方案表示认可,但仍认为应加强临床药学实践以及相关交叉学科知识的学习;现行的学科体系基本可以满足需求,只是在实践与理论教学比重、学科交叉、部分课程设置、教师资源整合上有待完善。结论:①应制定准则,促进临床药学工作的规范化发展;②合理调整专业课程内容,有效进行学科交叉;③设置统一的课程标准,进行专业认证标准分层;④设置长学制临床药学本硕连读专业,增加实践课程比例;⑤整合师资力量,充分发挥医院临床药师的潜能。  相似文献   

Objective. To explore the current status of pharmacy education in Thailand.Methods. The International Pharmaceutical Federation of the World Health Organization’s (FIP-WHO) Global Survey of Pharmacy Schools was used for this study. The survey instrument was distributed to the deans of the 19 faculties (colleges) of pharmacy in Thailand.Results. More than half the colleges have been in existence less than 20 years, and the government owns 80% of them. There were 2 paths of admission to study pharmacy: direct admission and central admission system. The doctor of pharmacy (PharmD) programs can be divided into 4 types. Approximately 60% of all teaching staff holds a doctoral degree. Regarding the work balance among teaching staff, around 60% focus on teaching activities, 20% focus on research, and less than 20% focus on patient care services concurrent with real practice teaching. The proportion of student time dedicated to theory, practice, and research in PharmD programs is 51.5%, 46.7%, and 1.8%, respectively. Sites owned by the colleges or by others were used for student training. Colleges followed the Office of the National Education Standards’ Internal Quality Assurance (IQA) and External Quality Assurance (EQA), and the Pharmacy Council’s Quality Assessment (ONESQA) .Conclusion. This study provides a picture of the current status of curriculum, teaching staff, and students in pharmacy education in Thailand. The curriculum was adapted from the US PharmD program with the aim of meeting the country’s needs and includes industrial pharmacy and public health tracks as well as clinical tracks. However, this transition in pharmacy education in Thailand needs to be monitored and evaluated.  相似文献   

Background — Confirming the validity of the previously published course experience questionnaire (CEQ), a tool in general use in higher education, will enable its specific use in the evaluation of postgraduate clinical pharmacy programmes. The postgraduate clinical pharmacy programmes of interest may have unique aspects to them which may affect validity of the CEQ, for example, the dual emphasis on learning experience through both a formal class environment and workplace practice activities. Objective — To validate the course experience questionnaire (CEQ), a tool used for student evaluation of higher education provision. Method — A UK postal survey, using the CEQ, of graduates from clinical pharmacy postgraduate programmes. Cases were subject to exploratory factor analysis and compared with previous, non‐pharmacy samples. Setting — Graduates from 11 different postgraduate clinical pharmacy programmes in the UK since 1990 were surveyed. A total of 511 questionnaires were distributed and 364 (72 per cent) were returned. Key findings — Factor analysis showed that the sample exhibited similar key constructs to other higher education samples. An important finding was a split in the “good teaching” construct in this postgraduate sample. This split reflects the type of teaching delivery common in postgraduate clinical pharmacy programmes. Conclusions — The validation of this important evaluation tool for use in higher education means that comparisons can now be made between institutions and programmes, providing evidence for the quality of provision of these programmes from the student's perspective.  相似文献   

BackgroundThe pharmacist career is constantly adapting to societal and health care needs. The past decade has seen a growing demand for curricular development to align graduation outcome with workforce competencies.ObjectiveThis study aims to identify expectations for both didactic and experiential components of a new curriculum based on young pharmacist practitioner views.MethodsAn online survey questionnaire was used in 2019–2020 to evaluate the pharmacy curriculum to detect indicators or key areas which require comprehensive reform.ResultsThe predominant majority of the 205 study participants recommended reduction in credit hours for Natural Sciences (78.54%) and a similar increase in the Theoretical and Practical Expertise Module (77.9%). Pharmaceutical care, clinical therapeutics and clinical pharmacy competencies should also be more highlighted in the program. Findings indicate the current training does not prepare for problem-solving and daily workplace challenges (72.7%) or for extended pharmacist skills and competencies (71.71%). Results show inconsistency in practical training experience, as all respondents participated in practical training for drug manufacturing and analysis but 61.0% reported no hands-on skills training in a hospital-clinical simulation setting. Indications for practitioner involvement into the natural sciences and biomedical subjects (86.3%) confirm the obvious need for more practice-oriented education.ConclusionsEducational reforms seem to be inevitable to achieve measurable improvement in professional practice and skills competency. The country specific demand for a needs-based pharmacy education reflects global trends but may also provide useful insights for individual transitions to transform education through practice and improve practice through education.  相似文献   

This paper describes the status of the bachelor’s degree in clinical pharmacy education in China, with particular focus on educational institutions, programs, and curricula. The authors conducted a systematic literature review of clinical pharmacy education articles published from 2006 to 2011. To ensure the completeness of the investigation, an e-mail was sent or telephone call made directly to the colleges whose curriculum information could not be obtained by the above methodology. Twenty-three colleges offered a program in clinical pharmacy education in 2011. The colleges award either a bachelor of science or a bachelor of medicine degree with programs ranging from 4 to 5 years in duration. The 5-year BS degree program was most popular. Although the number of clinical pharmacy programs in China has steadily increased, more graduates and standardization of curricula are needed to meet the country’s steadily expanding need for quality health care.  相似文献   

社会与管理药学是一门新兴的边缘交叉学科,目前国内本学科研究生培养工作正在如火如荼的展开。本研究将国内与国外学科研究生培养情况进行比较,发现国外社会药学教育更偏向于药学实践的教育,人文社会科学教育的比例较大,更强调人在药学服务中的主观能动性。由此,笔者提出采取科学定位人才培养目标,完善课程体系,加大教材建设的力度,加强师资队伍建设,引入不同的教学法等一系列措施来保证构建科学合理的学科教学体系,为研究生培养提供思路。  相似文献   

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