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1.在甘肃省兰州河口地区进行蒙古白蛉及中华白蛉感染人株及犬株利什曼原虫,计解剖蒙古白蛉323只,阳性58只(17.9%),中华白蛉53只,阳性23只(41.5%)。前者鞭毛体多在白蛉的胃及后肠部,但亦可发展至前胃部。后者鞭毛体多在胃及前胃部,但亦可在后肠部发现。2.两种白蛉对黑热病原虫的感染率有显著性的差别。但都具感受性,在兰州地区中华白蛉为主要传病媒介,蒙古白蛉次之,但从流行病学上,蒙古白蛉占该地区白蛉密度的94.3%,而中华白蛉仅占5.7%,蒙古白蛉的媒介作用不容忽视的。3.使用蒙古白蛉消化道内的鞭毛体,腹腔注射给健康田鼠三只黄鼠二只,皮肤划痕接种一只未获结果。  相似文献   

1.在甘肃省22个县市的蛉种调查,共发现有中华白蛉、蒙古白蛉、鳞喙白蛉和许氏白蛉四种。2.中华白蛉的季节分布是:五月中旬或下旬季节开始,七月上旬或中旬达高峯,9月下旬或10月上旬季节终了,季节全长4个半月左右;蒙古白蛉的季节分布与中华白蛉相似,全长亦为四个多月。从白蛉季节分布曲线上看,两种白蛉每年仅有一个世代的繁殖。3.白蛉密度消长与温度的关系较密切,而与湿度的关系并不显著。4.本省白蛉的主要栖息场所为窑洞及畜圈。中华白蛉分布极为广泛,其范围并不局限于村庄内,在野外洞穴中亦有大量白蛉存在。5.村镇边缘区较中心区的白蛉密度为高。6.白蛉活动时间:住屋内的白蛉黄昏开始活动,自21时起渐增加,至下半夜2时以后虽减渐少,但并不显著。7.白蛉的雌雄比例:一般为雌多于雄。8.中华白蛉的吸血范围较广,其中吸人血、驴血、犬血者较多;特别值得注意的是嗜吸犬血,且犬对中华白蛉有很大的吸引力。9.对三年来调查的生态学资料加以讨论和分析。  相似文献   

1.经土壤内检查幼虫和安装捕蛉器的方法来测定白蛉的孳生场所,发现孳生地是很分散的,在秦安郭家镇是以窑洞内的鼠洞为主其次为其他场所之鼠洞,在皋兰县抚河湾以畜圈的墙缝为主,其次为其他场所的墙缝和鼠洞。2.通过封闭马蛉薯窖的方法,发现该处亦为孳生地之一。3.通过安装捕蛉器发现在村镇周围的洞穴及野外的洞穴也是白蛉孳生地之一。4.经捕蛉器检查结果,发现皋兰县抚河湾有中华白蛉及蒙古白蛉,而秦安县郭家镇只发现中华白蛉。5.对这项研究工作的意义、方法及结果加以简单的讨论,认为用安装捕蛉器的方法比较简便而且效果较好。  相似文献   

<正> 了解白蛉的嗜血习性,对于掌握它与虫媒病的关系,为白蛉的室内饲养、驯化传代、遗传学研究等有适用价值,更有助于阐明白蛉的演化历史。作者等(1990)在证实了鲍氏司蛉的嗜血习性以后,于1991年9月又对宜宾地区白蛉亚科司蛉属的贝氏司蛉Sergentmyja bajyj 和歌乐山司蛉 S·koloshanensjs 的嗜血习性作了实验观察。  相似文献   

<正> 五十年代中,陈、徐二氏,七十年代后期冷氏等分别对本省的白蛉种类进行过调查。此后一直未见进一步的新报道。为了进一步了解本省的白蛉分布情况,结合白蛉相的研究,作者等于1958年7月对粤北几个县进行了白蛉亚科昆虫的调查,发现了两个省内新记录蛉种。包括过去调查的共有白蛉十一种,其种类及地理分布如下: 一、秦蛉属Genus Chinius Leng,1985 (1) 筠连秦蛉 C. junlianensis Leng,1985 阳山二、格蛉属 Genus Grassomyia  相似文献   

本实验对鳞喙白蛉及孙氏白蛉的生活史进行了观察。鳞喙白蛉的雌蛉产卵数平均为79.1个,蛉卵孵化率平均为72.9%。在温度为24°~28℃时,从卵发育至成蛉所需时间平均为29.9天。蛹的羽化率平均为90.4%,雌、雄蛉的性比例为1.16∶1。孙氏白蛉雌蛉产卵数平均为32.8个。在温度为22°~28℃时,从卵发育至成蛉所需的时间平均为37.9天。羽化的成蛉,雌与雄之比为1.2∶1。  相似文献   

目的 阐明我国中华白蛉群体的遗传差异,探讨四川白蛉的分类地位。方法 在我国陕西、河南、甘肃和四川等地采集白蛉,依据形态和分子特征鉴别种类,扩增其线粒体DNA细胞色素b(mitochondrial DNA cytochrome b,mt DNA-Cytb)基因片段,测定和分析序列。结果 共获得42个单倍型,形成2个独立的家系,存在明显的地理聚集性,分别是来自陕西和河南的各单倍型家系,以及四川和甘肃的单倍型家系,均呈平行演化,四川白蛉与中华白蛉的单倍型未完全区分。分子变异等级分析(analysis of molecular variance,AMOVA)计算结果显示变异主要存在于种内群体间(89.25%),其次是群体内个体间(20.41%),种间的变异部分为负值,FST值为0.808,各群体间具有相当水平的遗传分化。各群体间的地理距离与基因流的相关性Mantel检验,显示两者呈负相关性(R2=0.888),群体遗传结构符合距离隔离模型。结论 我国中华白蛉群体间遗传差异大小与地理距离存在密切相关性,综合分析显示中华白蛉与四川白蛉在形态和分子水平已出现遗传分化,支持其为独立种。  相似文献   

苏明 《广西医学》2002,24(3):430-431
眼球挫伤所致的继发青光眼在临床中较常见 ,也是眼外伤致盲的主要原因之一。现将我院 1990年 1月至 1999年 1月眼球挫伤继发青光眼 5 8例 5 8眼作回顾性分析。1 临床资料1 1 一般资料 :本组男性 4 9只眼 ,女性 9只眼。年龄 7至 6 8岁 ,其中 14岁以下 2 1只眼 (36 2 % ) ,15岁至 4 0岁 2 0只眼 (34 5 % ) ,4 1岁至 6 0岁 12只眼(2 0 7% ) ,6 1岁以上 5只眼 (8 6 % )。入院时视力情况 (包括矫正视力 ) :视力光感至 0 0 5者 32只眼(5 5 2 % ) ,大于 0 0 5至 0 3者 18只眼 (31 0 % ) ,大于 0 3以上 8只眼 (13 8% )。眼压最高 8 5 3kP…  相似文献   

白蛉属于节肢动物门,昆虫纲,双翅目,毛蛉科,白蛉亚科,是一种小型吸血昆虫。白蛉能够传播黑热病(Kala azar),早已证实。山西省白蛉的调查研究工作,自1956年开始,至今已发现四种白蛉,它们是中华白蛉,蒙古白蛉,鳞嘩白蛉和许氏白  相似文献   

土门白蛉幼虫具有白蛉与司蛉两属的形态特征。属白蛉属的特征为触角内侧鬃毛呈羽状分枝,尾刚毛短。属司蛉属的特征为胸背前缘中毛短小,约为内毛的0.43倍,腹背后缘内毛较中毛及外毛均短,并自前至后依次递减,点状微小鬃毛极为细小,长度仅有5μm。该蛉成虫腹部背板Ⅱ~Ⅵ节的毛丛为竖立与平卧相交杂,蛹的特征与白蛉属相符。术文比较了土门白蛉与江苏白蛉除卵外的各虫期形态,并对土门白蛉的分属问题进行了探讨。  相似文献   

Host preference of wild caught phlebotomine sandflies was studied in Marigat, Baringo District, Kenya, an endemic focus for both Leishmania donovani Laveran & Mensel and L. major Yakimov & Schokhov using precipitin test of blood meals. Sandflies of the Phlebotomus Rondani & Berte and Sergentomyia Franc & Parrot genera were encountered blood fed and resting in nine different habitats which were investigated. Analysis of their blood meals revealed a distinct host preference between the Phlebotomus and Sergentomyia genera. A distinction of host preference within species of each of the two genera was also observed. Furthermore, certain resting habitats from which the bloodfed sandflies were collected appeared to be favoured by specific sandfly species. It was observed that most of the wild hosts such as lizards and rodents except the hippopotamus, shared the same resting habitats with the sandflies. It was also observed that the man-biting sandflies preferred to rest outdoors after feeding. Domestic animals and man were the favoured hosts of vectors of both visceral and cutaneous leishmaniases, thus introducing an element of zooprophylaxis.  相似文献   

ObjectiveTo investigate the fauna and seasonal activity of different species of sand flies (Diptera: Psychodidae: Phlebotominae) in Asalouyeh, the heartland of an Iranian petrochemical industry, Southern Iran, as a oil rich district. Sand flies are the vectors of at least three different kinds of disease, the most important of which is leishmaniasis, and it is a major public health problem in Iran with increased annual occurrence of clinical episodes.MethodsA total of 3 497 sand flies of rural regions were collected by sticky traps fixed, and cleared in puris medium and identified morphologically, twice a month from April to March 2008.ResultsPredominant species included four of genus Phlebotomus (Phlebotomus alexandri Sinton, 1928, Phlebotomus papatasi Scopoli, 1910, Phlebotomus bergeroti Parrot and Phlebotomus sergenti Parrot) and one of genus Sergentomyia (Sergentomyia tiberiadis Alder, Theodor & Lourie, 1930). The most prevalent species was Phlebotomus papatasi, presented 56.4% of the identified flies. The others were Phlebotomus sergenti (22.5%), Phlebotomus alexandri (4.5%), Phlebotomus bergeroti (12%) and Sergentomyia tiberiadis (5%) as well. The percentage of females (68%) was more than that of males (32%). The abundance of sand flies represented two peaks of activity; one in early May and the other one in the first half of September in the region.ConclusionPhlebotomus papatasi is the probable vector of zoonotic cutaneous leishmaniasis in the region. Further molecular studies are needed to determine the definite vector of the region.  相似文献   

程睿  范娜  鲁晓晴  王斌  梁国栋 《中国热带医学》2018,18(10):1070-1074
目的 白蛉可通过吸血活动而传播多种病原体,包括寄生虫、细菌、病毒,是重要的医学媒介昆虫。我国在白蛉传播病毒及其与疾病关系的研究基本处于空白状态。本文介绍了国际上有关白蛉传播病毒及其与人畜动物疾病关系的最新研究进展,包括白蛉传播的病毒、白蛉传播病毒在病毒学中的分类、白蛉传播病毒引起的人类及动物性疾病,以此推动中国白蛉传播病毒相关的研究。  相似文献   

报道征鉴司蛉和贝氏司蛉幼虫的形态,并与鳞喙、孙氏、鲍氏司蛉幼虫的形态进行了比较。以上各蛉可根据幼虫胸部和腹部Ⅶ、Ⅷ两节各相应腹背后缘鬃毛的比例进行鉴别。上述各相应鬃毛的比值均经统计学处理,凡可做为分类依据的数据,其差异均有高度的显著性。尤其对亲缘关系相近的种类,在成蛉分类中有一定困难的蛉种如征鉴司蛉、鳞喙司蛉和孙氏司蛉,可借助幼虫的形态达到鉴定的目的。  相似文献   

Cardiologists and generalists have been reported to diverge in terms of their self-reported use of angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors, but information on their actual use of ACE inhibitors has been lacking. In order to assess ACE inhibitor use in patients with heart failure in a teaching hospital and any differences between specialties we studied all patients in the Western Infirmary of Glasgow between 1 April and 1 October 1996 with an echocardiogram showing moderate or severe left ventricular systolic dysfunction (n = 236). We found that most patients were on an ACE inhibitor (66%), 12% had been tried but found to be intolerant, 10% had not been tried because of a contraindication, but 12% had not been tried despite no contraindication. Of those on treatment, 58% were on a dose used in a major survival study (38% of all patients). Most patients were treated by a cardiologist (64%). Of these, more were on an ACE inhibitor (77% vs 53%, p < 0.01), fewer had been tried but found intolerant (11% vs 18%), and fewer had never been tried (11% vs 29%, p < 0.01), irrespective of whether they had a contraindication (5% vs 18%, p < 0.01) or not (6% vs 12%). More were on a dose used in a major survival study (48% vs 31%, p < 0.05). We conclude that, despite improvements over time, ACE inhibitors are still under-used, sometimes without good reason. There are also differences in the use of ACE inhibitors between cardiologists and generalists which may affect outcome, and could affect resource utilisation.  相似文献   

Are patients with abnormal cervical smears adequately managed?   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The outcome was assessed for all 1062 women in Nottingham who had a first report of abnormal cervical cytology in 1981. Satisfactory follow up could be found for only 628 (59%) of them. For 275 (26%) one subsequent normal smear had been reported but no further follow up requested. For 43 (4%), no subsequent test, after the abnormal smear, had been requested by the patient's general practitioner. Thirty patients (3%), 22 of whom had been tested at a special clinic, had not responded to a request for follow up. Even after extensive efforts we could not find the outcome in the remaining 86 (8%) of the patients. Adequate follow up of patients with abnormal cervical cytology is not being achieved. Improvements in the records systems and some changes in procedure should be made to reduce this problem.  相似文献   

CT扫描在脊柱结核诊断中的价值   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨CT扫描在脊柱结核诊断中的价值。方法回顾性分析55例脊柱结核的CT表现。结果55例中累及胸椎16例,腰椎26例,胸腰椎同时受累10例,腰骶椎3例。单椎体受累11例,两个椎体33例,三个及以上椎体11例。四种骨破坏类型中粉碎型18例(32.7%),溶骨型15例(27.3%),骨膜下型14例(25.5%);局部硬化型8例(14.5%);附件及肋骨破坏分别为16例(29%)和11例(20%);椎体压缩改变18例(32.7%);死骨11例(20%);椎间盘改变22例(40%);椎旁脓肿43例(78.2%);椎管狭窄17例(30.1%)。结论CT扫描在脊柱结核诊断中具有重要的临床价值  相似文献   

Intensive investigations on the breeding sites of phebotomine sandflies were undertaken in Kitui, Machakos and Baringo foci of leishmaniases in Kenya. A total of 473 soil samples weighing approximately 4,244 kg were collected from termite hills, animal burrows, tree hole, human dwellings, animal enclosures, under tree canopy, open ground, chicken coop and rock crevices habitats and incubated in the field laboratories. 267 samples weighing approximately 3002 kg were positive, producing 6419 sandflies comprising 17 different species. This study resulted in the identification of both perennial and seasonal breeding sites of most of the phlebotomine sandfly species found in these three leishmaniases foci.  相似文献   

1682例囊虫病中有皮肌结节者1542例(91.7%),其中有癫痫发作者411例(24.4%);无皮肌结节而有各种脑症状者140例(8.3%),其中有癫痫发作者113例(80.7%)。合并各种脑症状者561例,占总例数1682例的33.4%。经活检证实为囊虫病的111例患者中,进行了囊虫间接血凝试验(IHA)与囊虫间接荧光试验(IFAT)对比研究,IFAT的阳性率明显高于IHA的阳性率,P<0.01。  相似文献   

Acid-suppressing drugs and anticoagulants are used increasingly in general practice. Warfarin is potentiated by some acid-suppressing drugs, notably cimetidine and omeprazole, through interference of the cytochrome P450 system. This study aimed to ascertain the extent of co-prescribing of warfarin and acid-suppressing drugs in general practice. We conducted a retrospective survey of the records of all patients prescribed acid-suppressing drugs over a 2-year period to ascertain those who had also taken warfarin; we also made a cross-sectional survey of all patients on warfarin to ascertain those who had taken acid-suppressing drugs. From a general practice population of 45 574 patients in northern England, 3423 (7.5%) had been prescribed acid-suppressing drugs during the previous 24 months. Of 274 patients who had been on warfarin, 44 (16.1%) had also taken acid-suppressing drugs (26 H2 receptor blockers and 18 proton-pump inhibitors). The commonest reasons for anticoagulation were thrombo-embolic disease (40.9%), atrial fibrillation (36.4%), valvular heart disease (18.2%), and surgical prophylaxis (4.5%). The indications for concurrent acid-suppressing drugs were: 'dyspepsia' 38.6%, reflux 22.7%, oesophagitis 13.6%, duodenal ulcer 13.6%, gastric ulcer 4.5%, unknown 6.8%. There have been no studies from primary care to evaluate the possible clinical effects of the concomitant use of acid-suppressing drugs and warfarin; some fluctuations in coagulation control, particularly in patients taking the combinations intermittently, may be due to this.  相似文献   

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