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椎动脉优势一般被认为是一种先天性血管变异或是无意义的临床发现.许多研究表明,椎动脉优势造成的双侧椎动脉血流不对称易于导致基底动脉弯曲.一些研究显示,椎动脉优势和基底动脉弯曲与后循环卒中均存在一定的相关性.  相似文献   

椎-基底动脉形态与发生脑干梗死的关系: 623 例临床分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的研究基底动脉弯曲与双侧椎动脉粗细差异的关系,基底动脉弯曲及双侧椎动脉粗细不等与发生脑干梗死的关系。方法按时间顺序提取2005年7月至2006年7月进行头颅磁共振成像(MRI)和磁共振脑动脉造影(MRA)检查的623人的影像资料,观察基底动脉弯曲4个等级中双侧椎动脉粗细不等发生率、基底动脉弯曲方向与椎动脉细侧侧别一致率、基底动脉弯曲4个等级中脑干梗死发生情况及双侧椎动脉精细不等本中梗死发生情况。结果在基底动脉0至3度弯曲样本中,双侧椎动脉粗细不等的发生率分别为54%,85%,83%和80%,基底动脉0度组与1,2度组有显著差异。在基底动脉1至3度弯曲且双侧椎动脉粗细不等的样本中,椎动脉细侧所在侧别与基底动脉弯曲方向的一致率为83%。基底动脉无弯曲(0度弯曲)和基底动脉1至3度弯曲组间脑干梗死发生率无明显差异。双侧椎动脉粗细相等与不等组脑干梗死发生率无明显差异。结论在本组资料中,双侧椎动脉粗细不等可能是基底动脉弯曲的原因之一,基底动脉的弯曲程度及双侧椎动脉粗细不等对脑干梗死的发生未构成影响。  相似文献   

目的探讨Solitaire支架取栓联合Neuro输送导管抽吸进行颅内大动脉急性闭塞机械血管再通的效果。方法在同轴导管系统下,使用Solitaire支架取栓联合Neuro输送导管抽吸,对1例大脑中动脉急性闭塞、1例基底动脉尖急性闭塞患者进行颅内大动脉急性闭塞的机械血管再通。结果 1例大脑中动脉急性闭塞患者取+抽的血栓长度3 cm,术后右侧颈内动脉造影示颈内动脉-大脑中动脉再通良好,脑梗死溶栓分级(TICI)3级,术后90 d随访,改良Rankin量表评分3分。另1例基底动脉尖急性闭塞患者血管完全再通,左侧椎动脉造影示基底动脉、双侧大脑后动脉完全再通,TICI 3级。结论使用Solitaire支架取栓联合Neuro输送导管抽吸进行颅内大动脉急性闭塞的机械血管再通技术,初步显示可有效提高血管再通率和减少远端栓塞事件。  相似文献   

<正>双侧椎动脉通常不对称,当差异明显时就成为一侧椎动脉优势(VAD),其对基底动脉弯曲的形成及后循环脑梗死的影响仍处于探索阶段,本文对上述情况进行简要综述。1椎-基底动脉解剖以及VAD椎-基底动脉经桥脑腹侧的基底动脉沟向上至中脑底端、脑桥顶端,发出左右各一条大脑后动脉和小脑下前动脉,此后穿过硬脑膜,发出供应颈髓的脊髓前动脉、脊髓后动脉和供应部分小脑和第四脑室脉络丛的小脑后下动脉(PICA)。脑动脉  相似文献   

随着神经影像学的发展,基底动脉弯曲检出率明显增高.基底动脉弯曲的发生和发展过程受年龄、基底动脉长度、椎动脉优势等因素的影响.基底动脉弯曲会影响后循环血液供应,并可能造成脑干和脑神经压迫导致相应的临床症状.  相似文献   

目的探讨椎动脉优势对基底动脉弯曲及椎基底动脉连接部位脑桥和小脑梗死的影响。方法选择单侧脑桥或小脑后下动脉供血范围的梗死患者91例(梗死组),分析影像学资料,包括梗死侧别、椎动脉优势、基底动脉弯曲和它们的方向性关系,另选健康体检者83例(对照组)。多因素分析基底动脉弯曲的预测因素。结果梗死组椎动脉优势常发生于左侧(P<0.01)。76例患者椎动脉优势与基底动脉弯曲呈反方向(P<0.01)。脑桥梗死发生于基底动脉弯曲的对侧,小脑后下动脉梗死发生于非优势椎动脉侧(P<0.01)。与对照组比较,梗死组基底动脉弯曲方向、基底动脉弯曲分级及右侧椎动脉直径差异有统计学意义(P<0.01)。多因素分析表明,椎动脉直径是预测基底动脉中、重度弯曲的惟一预测因素(OR=2.70,95%CI:1.22~5.98)。结论椎动脉流速不对称是基底动脉弯曲的重要血流动力学因素,这增加椎基底动脉连接部的脑梗死。  相似文献   

目的探讨基底平行解剖扫描磁共振成像(BPAS-MRI)在颅内椎-基底动脉病变诊断中的应用价值。方法回顾性连续纳入2017年8月至2019年3月于中日友好医院神经科就诊主诉为"头晕或眩晕"并常规行头部三维时间飞跃法MR血管成像(3D TOF-MRA)及BPAS-MRI检查的80例患者,对双侧颅内段椎动脉、基底动脉在3D-TOF-MRA的基础上进行BPAS-MRI检查。对3D TOF-MRA血管显影正常的双侧椎动脉及基底动脉管径进行3D TOF-MRA与BPAS-MRI检查结果的比较,以观察BPAS-MRI检查对正常管径轮廓结构的显示情况。对3D TOF-MRA血管显影不正常的双侧椎动脉及基底动脉进行BPAS-MRI与3D TOF-MRA显影结果的对比分析,以探讨BPASMRI在颅内后循环血管病变中的诊断及鉴别作用。结果 (1) 80例患者共240支椎-基底动脉中,123支(51.2%) 3D TOF-MRA显影正常,其左、右侧椎动脉及基底动脉的管径平均值3D TOFMRA与BPAS-MRI比较,差异均无统计学意义(均P 0.05)。(2) 117支(48.8%)血管在3D TOFMRA上显影异常,其中39支(16.2%)血管仅通过MRA易漏诊或误诊,包括椎动脉发育不全15支(6.2%),椎动脉闭塞9支(3.8%),椎-基底动脉重度狭窄7支(2.9%),椎动脉发育不良5支(2.1%),椎-基底动脉扩张延长2支(0.8%)及椎动脉夹层1支(0.4%)。结论 BPAS-MRI能够清晰显示颅内后循环系统血管外部轮廓结构,联合3D TOF-MRA提高了颅内椎-基底动脉病变诊断的准确性。  相似文献   

血管支架成形术在颅内椎-基底动脉狭窄中的临床应用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
目的探讨经皮血管支架成形术治疗椎动脉颅内段和基底动脉狭窄。方法对24例椎动脉颅内段和基底动脉狭窄患者进行血管造影,行经皮血管内支架置入术,并根据患者血管狭窄程度给予预扩张或后扩张。结果24例患者椎动脉狭窄和基底动脉狭窄的狭窄率从术前平均84%下降到24%,术后均没有缺血性卒中发作。随访13个月,22例患者临床症状消失,2例患者遗有永久性神经功能障碍,其中1例与手术有关,1例与颅内血管远端病变有关。结论椎动脉颅内段和基底动脉狭窄患者,内科治疗无效时,经皮血管内支架置人术可以缓解椎-基底动脉狭窄患者缺血症状,预防卒中再发生。  相似文献   

目的对比急性后循环脑梗死患者行静脉溶栓、动脉溶栓及基底动脉取栓联合支架植入术的治疗效果。方法选择急性后循环脑梗死患者87例,按照发病至入院时间分别进行静脉溶栓(发病时间6 h,静脉溶栓组)、动脉溶栓(发病时间6~24 h,动脉溶栓组)及基底动脉取栓联合支架植入术(发病时间24 h,基底动脉取栓组),比较三组患者的治疗效果。结果三组患者治疗后其有效率差异有统计学意义(P0.05);组间比较,动脉溶栓组治疗有效率高于静脉溶栓组,基底动脉取栓组治疗有效率高于动脉溶栓组、静脉溶栓组(P0.05)。结论急性后循环脑梗死患者采用基底动脉取栓联合支架植入术治疗具有更好的治疗效果。  相似文献   

椎动脉迂曲对脑血流动力学影响的临床研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 探讨椎动脉迂曲对脑血流动力学的影响.方法 对223例椎-基底动脉短暂性脑缺血发作(TIA)患者行脑血管造影术,筛选出椎动脉迂曲患者,经颅彩色多普勒的方法对椎动脉血流动力学改变进行评价.结果 223例椎-基底动脉TIA患者中84名患者椎动脉迂曲;与无椎动脉迂曲组相比,椎动脉迂曲患者年龄更大,具有血管危险因素的比例更高;椎动脉迂曲患者,尤其在中重度椎动脉迂曲患者收缩期血流速度、平均血流速度低于对照组,而血管搏动指数及阻力指数均高于对照组.结论 椎动脉迂曲是椎-基底动脉TIA常见血管异常,并导致血流动力学改变,高龄和血管危险因素可能是导致椎动脉迂曲的因素.  相似文献   

目的探讨机械再通治疗急性基底动脉闭塞患者的近期疗效。方法回顾性分析12例基底动脉急性闭塞并接受支架辅助血管内再通治疗的患者资料。对8例患者使用Apollo或Wingspan支架,4例使用Solitaire AB支架。血管内介入治疗后按照脑梗死溶栓等级系统(TICI)分级评定血管再通情况。评估3个月后的临床结局。结果①基底动脉远段闭塞3例,近段闭塞4例,椎动脉颅内段延伸至基底动脉近段闭塞3例,基底动脉全程闭塞2例。术前美国国立卫生研究院卒中量表(NIHSS)评分的中位数为20(15~24)分。②血管内机械再通治疗的技术成功率为100%,10例达到充分再通标准。2例患者术中发生血管痉挛,无临床症状。1例发生症状性颅内出血。③患者出院时NIHSS评分中位数为10(4~22)分,同最初NIHSS评分相比,7例患者NIHSS评分改善≥5分。④4例术后3个月的功能转归良好,死亡3例。结论血管内机械再通治疗急性基底动脉闭塞具有较高的再通率,可改善3个月时的临床结局。针对基底动脉闭塞不同病因需要个性化的血管内治疗方法。  相似文献   

The authors report the case of a 67 year old man with a previous history of aortobifemoral arterial graft who had unstable angina after carotid endarterectomy. Coronary angiography by the right brachial artery was complicated by a cerebrovascular accident with a reactive coma, convulsions and respiratory problems. Selective angiography of the right vertebral artery showed an image of occlusive thrombosis of the basilar artery. In view of the clinical state and angiographic appearances, the authors decided on immediate intra-arterial thrombolysis with Urokinase which dissolved the clot and reestablished flow in the basilar artery, the cerebellar and posterior cerebral arteries. The outcome was favourable with immediate and good recovery of consciousness and hospital discharge on the sixth day without neurological or radiological sequellae. Cerebrovascular accident is a rare and potentially serious complication of left heart catheterisation which requires immediate cerebral angiography to determine the mechanism and propose an appropriate therapeutic approach.  相似文献   

To explore the strategy of acute cerebral artery embolism after radiofrequency catheter ablation (RFA) for atrial fibrillation (AF). Reporting two cases with acute cerebral infarction after RFA for AF. Two patients were both with AF, and intracardiac thrombus was excluded through transesophageal echocardiogram (TEE) before procedure. Approach of ablation: circumferential pulmonary vein ablation in left atrium to isolate pulmonary vein plus linear ablation in the top and bottom of left atrium (BOX procedure). They both received Dabigatran Etexilate 110 mg twice daily, starting 6 hr after ablation. Symptoms of major stroke appeared 30 hr after ablation in Case 1. Occlusion was detected in M1 segment of the left middle cerebral artery by MRI 2 hr after symptoms onset. Intravenous thrombolysis was given immediately. In Case 2, the patient presented symptoms of major stroke 34 hr after ablation and occlusion in the basilar artery was confirmed by MRI 4.5 hr after symptoms onset. Although it was beyond the thrombolysis time window, mechanical thrombectomy was taken 7 hr after the symptoms onset. The culprit artery was successfully revascularized in both cases. In Case 1, NIHSS score was reduced from 8 (before thrombolysis) to 0 (24 hr after thrombolysis). In Case 2, NIHSS score decreased from 18 (before embolectomy) to 3 (24 hr after embolectomy). Both of the patients live a normal life without brain function impairment and hemorrhage until the last follow‐up. Timely recanalization could attained a good cure effect when acute stoke was happened after RFA for AF.  相似文献   

急性基底动脉闭塞后行Solitaire AB型支架取栓术六例   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的 探讨Solitaire AB型支架用于急性基底动脉闭塞后动脉取内栓的效果及安全性 方法 回顾性分析2010年5-11月广东省中医院脑病中心采用Solitaire AB型支架进行急性基底动脉闭塞后动脉取栓术6例,若治疗后残余狭窄率≥50%则同时行支架成形术.分析其即时取栓效果,术后出血情况,比较患者治疗前后NIHSS评分及预后情况.结果 ①6例患者经1~3次取栓后,基底动脉均获得冉通;对其中5例有残余狭窄者联合使用球囊扩张支架成形术.②1例患者支架释放后.支架内急性血栓形成,经处理后复查造影显示基底动脉通畅.③5例患者术后3~7d复查头部MRI,均未见脑梗死灶扩大,基底动脉通畅.1例患者术后1 d脑出血,7d后死亡.④5例患者出院时NIHSS评分较入院时降低2~15分;5例患者出院时改良Ptaglkin评分0分1例,1分2例,2分2例.结论 在急性基底动脉血栓形成的患者中,使用Solitaire AB型支架取栓术是相对安全、有效的,患者预后良好.  相似文献   

经局部动脉内溶栓治疗急性脑梗死   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
目的 研究经血管内选择性溶栓治疗 49例 8h内发病的急性脑梗死患者 ,以评估动脉内溶栓治疗急性脑梗死的疗效。方法 患者均急诊行头颅CT检查 ,31例经股动脉插管 ,全脑血管造影确认脑梗死 ,再选择性将导管插入患侧颈内动脉和椎动脉并注入尿激酶 5 0~ 75万单位行接触性和区域性溶栓治疗。对照组 18例行常规治疗。结果 溶栓后血管再通率为 71% ,有效率为 83%。 2 3例颈内动脉系和 4例椎基动脉系梗死在溶栓后 2周内神经损害体征明显改善 ,2例死亡。溶栓组改良爱丁堡 斯堪的纳维亚脑卒中量表 (MESSS)评分改善 (2 1.6± 13.6 )分 ;对照组改善 (5 .9± 5 .3)分。溶栓组发病时间越短其疗效越好。结论 选择性动脉内溶栓治疗是一种治疗急性脑梗死的有效方法 ,具有较高的血管再通率  相似文献   

Elongation and bending of the basilar artery are frequently observed in both normal and pathological subjects. However, their mechanism of generation remain unclear. In the present study, we measured basilar arteries in patients and normal subjects using magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) and estimated the relationships between these anatomical changes and some factors such as age, sex and vertebral artery dominance. A total of 510 subjects underwent MRA. Basilar artery length (BAL), bending length (BL), or side of bending of basilar artery was estimated on the plain images including the basilar artery in two groups with and without vertebral union. BAL was longer in males than in females (P = 0.0009) and correlated with age (P < 0.0001) in the population with vertebral union, while BL did not differ between genders and was not correlated with age in this population. Both BAL and BL were longer in subjects with vertebral artery dominance than in subjects with equivalent-sized vertebral arteries in the population with vertebral union (P < 0.0001 and P = 0.0005). No difference in the frequency of basilar artery bending was observed between males and females and no correlation was observed between the frequency of basilar artery bending and ages in subjects without vertebral artery union. A significant negative correlation between the side of bending of the basilar artery and dominant side of vertebral arteries was found for group of all patients (P < 0.0001). BAL growth may mainly depend on aging, and the presence of vertebral artery dominance may contribute to the growth of BAL while BL growth may depend on vertebral artery dominance mainly in the contralateral direction.  相似文献   

目的探讨血管内治疗椎-基底动脉夹层动脉瘤的效果。方法回顾性分析北京市海淀医院和首都医科大学宣武医院2013年8月至2014年9月入院治疗的40例椎-基底动脉夹层动脉瘤患者的临床资料,并对其进行临床症状及影像学随访。按治疗方式分为支架辅助弹簧圈栓塞组(A组,34例)和载瘤动脉闭塞组(B组,6例),并根据术后1年的临床症状及影像学随访评价疗效。结果术后随访1年,A组患者改善29例(85.3%),稳定1例(2.9%),进展4例(11.8%),4例进展患者死于脑梗死并发症(术后1周至半年);B组6例患者均较术前改善,未发生颅内出血及缺血事件。结论采用支架辅助弹簧圈栓塞技术和载瘤动脉闭塞技术治疗椎-基底夹层动脉瘤相对安全有效。  相似文献   

We report here an autopsy case of massive pontine hemorrhagic infarction secondary to embolic basilar artery occlusion. A large embolus appeared to have traversed the vertebral artery into the basilar artery as a result of basilarization of the vertebral artery due to severe stenosis of the contralateral vertebral artery. Extensive ischemia due to embolic occlusion of the entire length of the basilar artery, and migration of the embolus are assumed to have resulted in a massive pontine hemorrhagic infarction.  相似文献   

We report a patient with dissection of the bilateral intracranial vertebral artery (VA) that did not present any symptoms other than occipital headache, which was probably associated with sleeping overnight in a car seat with unsteady head position. Although cerebral angiography revealed extensive dissection of the bilateral VA after branching of the posterior inferior cerebral artery, retrograde flow to the basilar artery (BA) via the right posterior communicating artery contributed to preserved posterior circulation. These findings indicate that even in patients without neurological deficits, the involvement of BA cannot be excluded and that accurate evaluation using radiological techniques should be considered.  相似文献   

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