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采用彩色多普勒超声显象仪在经颈静脉肝内门体分流术(TIPS)治疗8例肝硬化门静脉高压(CPH)食管静脉曲张出血患者治疗前后测定患者门静脉血液动力学改变。方法采色多普勒超声显象仪测定TIPS术前以及术后一、三周门静脉血流速度们静脉血流量。结果术前门静脉血流速度、门静脉血流量为10.26±4.25cm/s、1145.36±436.52ml/min,术后一、三周增高至21.70±589cm.s、19.72±5.24cm/s和2238.79±971.4ml/min、2054.71±880.56ml/min,P<0.01、0.05。门静脉压力由3.6±0.7kPa降至1.73±0.35kPa,P<0.01。结论肝硬化门静脉高压症患者TIPS术前及术后进行彩色多普勒门静脉显象测定,可以了解门静脉血流状态、血管走行、有无血栓,对适应症的选择和判断预后有一定价值。  相似文献   

梗阻性黄疸内毒素血症与细胞免疫功能的关系   总被引:8,自引:5,他引:8  
目的研究梗阻性黄疸免疫功能及其与内毒素血症的相关性.方法检测28例梗阻性黄疸患者及20例健康对照者血清内毒素,T淋巴细胞亚群及血清SIL2R的水平.结果梗阻性黄疸患者血清内毒素和SIL2R水平较对照组明显升高(470ng/L±113ng/L和725kU/L±201kU/Lvs284ng/L±103ng/L和324kU/L±116kU/L,P<001),T淋巴细胞亚群CD3,CD4,CD4/CD8明显降低(504%±33%和299%±38%vs638%±44%和383%±28%,P<001;122±032vs143±037,P<005),同时亦发现梗阻性黄疸内毒素血症组较非内毒素血症组CD3,CD4水平明显减低,SIL2R水平明显升高(474%±51%和276%±52%和867kU/L±231kU/Lvs523%±52%和312%±43%和674kU/L±189kU/L,P<005).相关分析显示血清内毒素水平与血清SIL2R水平呈显著正相关(r=08517,P<001).结论梗阻性黄疸时内毒素血症与免疫功能状态密切相关.  相似文献   

超声显像预测肝硬变上消化道出血的危险性   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
目的研究B超显像预测门脉高压上消化道出血的危险性.方法1990年~1996年采用B型超声诊断仪探测142例(非出血组108例,出血级34例)肝炎后肝硬变患者肝门静脉、脾门静脉的直径,并与慢性肝炎75例作为对照.结果肝门静脉、脾门静脉直径与食管胃底静脉曲张发生率有关.肝硬变上消化道出血组肝门静脉(151cm±020cm)、脾门静脉(118cm±028cm)直径明显大于肝硬变非出血组(119cm±023cm,094cm±018cm,P<001).肝门静脉、脾门静脉直径与上消化道出血率呈正相关(r=099,P<001).肝门静脉≥15cm,脾门静脉≥11cm,可作为预测上消化道出血的警戒线.22例门脉高压患者应用普鲁纳洛治疗,治疗后显示肝门静脉、脾门静脉直径较前缩小.结论应用B超显像测定静脉直径可预测肝硬变上消化道出血的危险性,亦可作为观察降门脉压力药物疗效的指标.  相似文献   

大肠癌患者促胃液素检测的临床意义   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
目的研究大肠癌患者血清及癌细胞内促胃液素(Gas)水平及临床意义.方法采用RIA法检测35例大肠癌患者血清和癌细胞及癌旁粘膜细胞内Gas水平.结果大肠癌患者术前、术后血清Gas水平与对照组无显著差异(P>005),根治术后明显低于术前(29ng/L±5ng/Lvs35ng/L±12ng/L,t=2772,P<001),在高分化(36ng/L±16ng/Lvs28ng/L±5ng/L)和中分化腺癌组中(38ng/L±7ng/Lvs27ng/L±3ng/L)差异显著(t=2152和2356,P<005).大肠癌细胞内Gas水平明显高于癌旁3cm和6cm粘膜(213ag/细胞±72ag/细胞vs147ag/细胞±36ag/细胞,139ag/细胞±32ag/细胞;t=4891和5613,P<001)和正常粘膜(136ag/细胞±46ag/细胞;t=2534,P<005),高分化腺癌明显高于低分化和粘液腺癌(241ag/细胞±78ag/细胞vs161ag/细胞±46ag/细胞,t=2505,P<005).结论大肠癌细胞可通过自分泌方式分泌Gas,Gas升高是大肠癌分化良好的标志  相似文献   

当归对肝硬化门脉高压影响的临床与实验研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的和方法:通过对胆管结扎肝硬化犬门脉系压力的直接测定,超声多普勒监测肝硬化患者的门脉血流,研究当归对肝硬化门脉血流动力学的影响。结果:(1)当归静脉给药,肝硬化犬的门静脉压(Ppv)、嵌塞肝静脉压(WHVP)、肝静脉压力梯度(HVPG)显著降低(P<005~001),平均动脉压(MAP)、心率(HR)无明显变化(P>005);(2)当归口服用药后(10~12周),肝硬化患者门静脉内径(Dpv)、脾静脉内径(Dsv)、脾静脉血流量(Qsv)显著降低(P<005~001),门静脉血流量(Qpv)降低无显著意义(P>005)。结论:用药后,患者症状与肝功能(ALT)部分好转,未见副作用。表明,当归为降低门静脉高压安全有效的药物  相似文献   

冬虫夏草多糖治疗慢性丙型肝炎患者的临床研究   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:14  
目的研究冬虫夏草多糖(CP)治疗慢性丙型肝炎的疗效.方法慢性丙型肝炎患者21例,口服CP15mL,3次/d,连服3mo,治疗前后检测肝功能、血清肝纤维化标志物外周血T细胞亚群及NK活性的变化.结果慢性丙型肝炎患者经CP治疗后,血清ALT(U/L,61±35vs35±15)及rGT(U/L,169±85vs118±52)较治疗前显著降低(P<005).血清HA(μg/L,293±109vs214±96)、PⅢP(μg/L,143±48vs114±42)及CⅣ(μg/L,245±98vs188±87)均较治疗前显著下降(P<001,<005及<005);CD4(364%±66%vs410%±56%)、CD4/CD8(114±040vs143±022)、NK(167%±46%vs197%±42%)均较治疗前显著增加(P<001),而CD8(326%±47%vs289%±37%)则明显降低(P<005);血清胆红素略减、清蛋白略增但差异均无显著性.结论冬虫夏草多糖可以增强慢性丙型肝炎患者细胞免疫功能,改善肝功能,并具有一定的抗纤维化作用  相似文献   

门静脉高压患者门静脉压力与血流动力学的相关性研究   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:16  
目的 探讨门静脉高压患者门静脉血流动力学的变化特点及其与门静脉压力的相互关系。方法 采用彩色多普勒超声对41例肝硬化门静脉高压患者(Child A、B级31例、C级10例)于手术前检测门静脉(PV)、脾静脉(SV)和肠系膜上静脉(SMV)的内径和血流速度,再计算出相关的面积和血流量;于手术时对31例ChildA十B级患者直接测量门静脉压力。32例健康人和26例慢性乙型肝炎患者(慢肝组)作为对照。结累 门静脉高压两组患者PV、SV和SMV内径(cm)分别为1.51和1.52、1.32和1.34及1.15和1.15较慢肝组和正常组明显增宽,r分别为1.31和1.16、0.96和0.79及0.91和0.82(P<0.01);血流速度较正常组和慢肝组明显减慢(P<0.01);门静脉高压C级组门静脉血流速度(cm/s)为4.65较门静脉高压A十B级组(6.42)明显减慢(P<0.01),而两组 SV和 SMV的血流速度则差异无显著意义(P>0.05);门静脉高压 A+B级组三条静脉的血流量明显大于正常组和慢肝组(P<0.01或P<0.05);门静脉高压C级组门静脉血流量明显小于A十B级组(P<0.01);而SV和SMV的血流  相似文献   

糖尿病肾血流变化的彩色多普勒超声观察   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
用彩色多普勒血流显象(CDEI)和脉冲多普勒超声心动图(PDE)检测26例肾功能正常的非胰岛素依赖型糖尿病病人及20例正常人的双侧肾动脉血流,以探讨糖尿病肾病血流动力学改变。糖尿病病人与正常人对照,肾动脉内径增宽(P〈0.01),血流量增加(P〈0.01),搏动指数及阻力指数降低(P〈0.05)。结果表明,糖尿病临床肾病前期呈高灌注、低阻力改变。提示CDFI和PDE可为临床异期发现糖尿糖尿病肾病提  相似文献   

目的研究亚硒酸钠对甲基硝基亚硝基胍(MNNG)所致胃粘膜细胞损伤的防护作用.方法观察了亚硒酸钠对MNNG所致胃粘膜细胞非程序DNA合成(UDS)、脂质过氧化物(LPO)和rasP21表达的影响.结果胃粘膜细胞先用10μmol/L或1μmol/L亚硒酸钠预处理4h,再给MNNG组细胞的非程序DNA合成水平(cpm/×10-6min-1,1166±156或1566±187vs1838±205,P<001~005),脂质过氧化物(20d,μmol/L,45±06或47±06vs74±07,P<001)和rasP21蛋白含量(20d,A,068±008或086±007vs108±011,P<001~005)均显著低于MNNG组.结论一定剂量亚硒酸钠对MNNG诱导的胃粘膜细胞损伤有防护作用.  相似文献   

肝动脉栓塞致胃粘膜损伤的实验研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
目的研究肝动脉栓塞致胃粘膜损伤的机制.方法日本大耳白兔32只,随机分为3组:正常组8只,假手术对照组8只,肝动脉栓塞组16只.用超液态碘油制兔部分肝动脉栓塞模型.在手术前后,用放免法测定其血浆中内皮素(ET)水平,直接穿刺门静脉测压,激光多谱勒血流仪测定其胃粘膜血流量(以电压V表示),并观察胃粘膜组织形态学改变.结果肝动脉栓塞术后3d和6d兔血浆ET(ng/L,215±35,215±47)显著高于假手术对照组(155±28,146±28,P<001).肝动脉栓塞术后6d,其门静脉压力(kPa,109±010)明显高于对照组(085±007,P<005).胃粘膜血流量(364V±077V)显著低于正常组(481V±042V,P<005)和假手术对照组(465V±032V,P<005).胃粘膜损害发生率(688%)显著高于对照组(250%,P<005).结论肝动脉栓塞可使其血浆ET水平明显升高,门静脉压力增加,胃粘膜血流量下降,从而导致胃粘膜损伤  相似文献   

彩色多普勒血流显像监测肝移植术后门静脉并发症   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目的探讨彩色多普勒血流显像技术(CDFI)监测对肝移植术后门静脉并发症的诊断价值.方法应用CDFI对504例原位肝移植患者进行术前和术后连续监测.术前监测内容包括门静脉主干直径、血流速度及有无门静脉栓塞等;术后监测内容包括门静脉供体段、受体段、吻合口的直径、管腔内回声、血流方向及血流速度等.结果术后当日门静脉平均血流速度为46.27 cm/s,最小流速为15.8 cm/s,最大流速为110.8 cm/s.358例(71.03%)血流速度>40 cm/s.30 d后,347例(68.85%)流速降至40 cm/s以下.64例(12.70%)出现离肝血流,1例(0.20%)出现完全离肝血流.门静脉并发症13例(2.58%),包括4例(0.79%)栓塞(3例血栓、1例瘤栓),9例(1.79%)吻合口周围狭窄.结论异常门静脉血流信号不一定均出现并发症,连续动态观察门静脉血流的变化更有价值,因此,CDFI技术对监测肝移植术后门静脉并发症的诊断具有重要作用.  相似文献   

目的通过探讨乙肝肝硬化食道静脉曲张患者的门脉血流动力学改变,遴选敏感预测食道静脉曲张程度的相关彩色多普勒指标。方法肝硬化组80例,对照组30例,均经内镜检查,将食道静脉曲张程度分为轻、中、重度。彩色多普勒超声(CDFI)测定门静脉主干(PV)、脾静脉(SV)、肠系膜上静脉(SMV)及胃左静脉(LGV)四条静脉血管内径(D,cm)、平均血流速度(V,cm/min),血流量(Q,ml/min)。结果 1.肝硬化组VPV、VSV、VSMV较对照组明显减低、VLGV的流速较对照组明显增快,DPV、DSV、DSMV、DLGV较对照组增宽,Qsv、Qpv、QLGV、QSMV均较对照组明显增多,肝硬化组Qsv/Qpv为54.5%,高于对照组的30.3%。2.随食道静脉曲张程度的加重,DPV逐渐增加、VPV逐渐下降、DLGV、VLGV、QLGV均明显增加,重度组均可见"红色征",其中(++)者为92.3%(36/39)。3.对照组LGV血流均呈向肝型,在肝硬化组中可见向肝、离肝、双向三种血流方向,肝硬化组中81.25%为离肝型血流,5%为双向型血流,13.75%为向肝型血流,其中重度组的离肝型血流比例高达94.9%。结论肝硬化门脉高压时PV、SV、SMV及LGV的血流动力学均有明显的改变,可作为判断食道静脉曲张程度的敏感、无创性诊断指标,其中LGV血流动力学指标在判断重度食道静脉曲张方面具有更重要的临床价值。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND:Many diseases can cause obstructive jaundice and then lead to a series of pathologic disorders. Thus preoperative assessment of liver function is of utmost importance.Traditional assessment is to monitor related indicators of liver function,but it is invasive and needs to be performed repeatedly.Color Doppler flow imaging (CDFI)was used to monitor blood flow of the hepatic artery and portal vein,a non-invasive method which can be used repeatedly. METHODS:Twenty cases of obstructive jaundice were ...  相似文献   

Portal vein haemodynamics as demonstrated by the pulsed Doppler system were studied in 37 patients with cirrhosis who had been classified in three groups (A, B, and C) in accordance with the degree of liver failure. Maximal inner diameter of the portal vein was significantly lower in patients who were considered to be in good condition (group A) than in patients with moderate and severe liver failure (group B and group C) (p less than 0.001). A significant difference was also found between group A and group B and between group A and group C with regard to the portal blood velocity and portal blood flow (p less than 0.001). In accordance with the presence and size of the oesophageal varices, in patients with large varices the portal blood velocity and portal blood flow were significantly lower than in patients without varices (p less than 0.001), whereas maximal inner portal vein diameter was significantly higher (p less than 0.001). This study demonstrated that in patients with cirrhosis circulatory alterations in the portal vascular bed may be, at least in part, an indicator of the stage of liver disease.  相似文献   

In order to evaluate the behavior of the portal vein cross-sectional area during changes in portal flow, two groups of subjects were analyzed in two blinded cross-over studies using echo-Doppler flowmetry. The first group (I) consisted of 21 patients with cirrhosis and 16 controls. They received a standardized meal which is known to increase portal flow. The second group (II) consisted of 31 patients with cirrhosis who received a dose of propranolol which is known to decrease portal flow. In Group I, 30 min after the meal, the portal vein blood velocity increased by 35 +/- 6% (p less than 0.01) in cirrhotic patients and by 55 +/- 5% (p less than 0.01), in normal subjects. The portal vein cross-sectional area increased significantly in normal subjects (22 +/- 2%, p less than 0.01) but not in cirrhotic patients (4 +/- 2%, n.s.). In Group II, 2 h after propranolol, there was a significant decrease in portal blood velocity (-14 +/- 2%), whereas the portal vein cross-sectional area did not show any significant changes. These data demonstrate that, in portal hypersensitive patients, the portal area measured by echo-Doppler flowmetry can be assumed to be constant and hence its calculation to estimate changes in portal blood flow can be omitted. Therefore, the use of blood velocity alone is suggested to monitor acute changes in flow in portal hypertension using Doppler flowmetry. The elimination of the portal vein cross-sectional area measurement simplifies the quantitative calculation of portal hemodynamics and increases the reliability of the technique by avoiding a source of error.  相似文献   

Effects of posture change on the hemodynamics of the liver   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
BACKGROUND/AIMS: According to our experience, blood flow in the portal vein may alter according to body posture. It is reported that decreased portal venous flow immediately gives rise to significantly increased blood flow in the hepatic artery. To gain further insight into blood flow changes affected by posture, we examined blood flows in the portal vein, hepatic artery and hepatic vein at different postures. METHODOLOGY: Using a Doppler ultrasound system, the hemodynamics of the portal vein, right hepatic artery, and hepatic vein were examined in 35 patients at supine and left decubitus positions. RESULTS: Portal vein blood flow volumes were significantly lower in the left decubitus position than in the supine. In the right hepatic artery, the left decubitus position gave significantly higher blood flow velocity values than the supine. CONCLUSIONS: Our results indicated that upon change of posture from the supine to left decubitus position, portal vein flow velocity was reduced and hepatic artery flow velocity increased. Changes in portal and hepatic arterial flows by changing posture may be explained by decreased portal flow as a direct result of changed posture, leading to increased hepatic arterial flow to maintain total hepatic blood inflow.  相似文献   

Obstructive jaundice promotes bacterial translocation in humans.   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
BACKGROUND/AIMS: Significant bacterial translocation was demonstrated following experimental biliary obstruction, however very little is known about the importance and the prevalence of gut-origin sepsis in obstructive jaundice patients. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the concept of gut-origin sepsis in obstructive jaundiced patients and its clinical importance. METHODOLOGY: Twenty-one patients requiring laparotomy for obstructive jaundice (group I) and thirty patients operated on electively mainly for chronic cholecystitis (group II) were studied. Peritoneal swab, mesenteric lymph node, portal venous blood, liver wedge biopsy and bile were sampled for culture immediately after opening the peritoneum. Additionally, peripheral blood samples were taken pre- and post-operatively from all patients. Post-operatively, patients were monitored for infectious complications. RESULTS: The mean serum bilirubin concentration, gamma glutamyl transferase and alkaline phosphatase levels in jaundiced patients before therapeutic intervention were significantly higher than in control patients. Five patients demonstrated bacterial translocation in group I (24%), whereas only one did so in group II (3.5%, p < 0.05). Septic complications were detected in three patients, but only in two with bacterial translocation in group I. There was one patient with bacterial translocation who had septic complication in group II. CONCLUSIONS: The present study demonstrated that obstructive jaundice significantly promotes bacterial translocation in humans, however, its clinical importance has yet to be defined.  相似文献   

The effect of metoclopramide on portal blood flow, the maximal diameter of the portal vein, and some cardiovascular haemodynamic variables was studied in 10 patients with cirrhosis of the liver and portal hypertension. Portal vein haemodynamics were studied by the pulsed Doppler system. Within 15 min of intravenous administration of 20 mg metoclopramide, portal blood velocity and portal blood flow decreased significantly, from 11.2 +/- 1.1 to 10.8 +/- 1.2 cm/sec and from 769.0 +/- 87.7 to 707.9 +/- 84.2 ml/min, respectively (p less than 0.001). Within about 30 min portal blood velocity and portal blood flow returned to basal values (p greater than 0.05). The maximal diameter of the portal vein, systolic and diastolic blood pressure, and heart rate remained unchanged. These results support the hypothesis that metoclopramide, which raises lower oesophageal sphincter pressure and reduces intravariceal blood flow, significantly decreases the portal blood flow in cirrhotic patients with portal hypertension.  相似文献   

探讨彩色多普勒血流显像(CDFI)门静脉右支血流速度及肝右静脉多普勒波形诊断脂肪肝的临床价值。通过CDFI对2 80例脂肪肝的门静脉右支血流速度测定,观察其肝右静脉多普勒波形,并与4 5例正常肝组进行对比分析。结果发现,脂肪肝组的门静脉右支血流速度比正常明显降低,两组间比较有显著性差异(P <0 .0 5 )。脂肪肝患者的肝右静脉多普勒波形出现三种不同类型,其异常波形共占76 % ;而4 5例健康者肝右静脉多普勒形均为三相波形。脂肪肝组与正常组比较,肝右静脉多普勒频谱异常有显著性差异(P <0 .0 5 )。肝门静脉血流速度变化及肝右静脉多普勒频谱图异常有助于脂肪肝的早期诊断及预后判断。  相似文献   

The effect of a standard Italian meal on portal hemodynamics was evaluated in 12 normal subjects, in 11 patients with chronic active hepatitis and in 11 patients with liver cirrhosis using duplex Doppler ultrasound, which allows a noninvasive assessment of portal blood flow. In the fasting state, the portal vein caliber was significantly higher in patients with liver cirrhosis than in normal subjects and patients with chronic active hepatitis, whereas the mean flow velocity in the portal vein was significantly lower in this group. Basal flow volume of the portal vein was greater in patients with liver cirrhosis than in normal subjects and patients with chronic active hepatitis. Sixty minutes after the standard meal, we observed both in normal subjects and in patients with chronic active hepatitis a significant increase of mean caliber, mean velocity and flow volume in the portal vein, whereas in patients with liver cirrhosis, these parameters remained almost unchanged. In addition, the examination of individual patterns showed that flow velocity and flow volume in the portal vein decreased in some cirrhotic patients after the meal. This behavior is probably related to the hypertensive state in the splanchnic venous bed and diversion of splanchnic blood flow into spontaneous portosystemic collaterals.  相似文献   

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