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目的探讨肺结核合并肺曲霉菌病的易患因素、临床特征、治疗方法及预后。方法回顾性分析天津海河医院2007-2010年肺结核合并肺曲霉菌病患者17例的临床资料。结果长期应用糖皮质激素、广谱抗生素及老龄为肺结核病并发肺曲霉菌病的风险因素。肺曲霉菌病与肺结核病的临床表现及X线表现相似。17例肺结核合并肺曲霉菌病患者经治疗后,2例死亡,15例好转。结论临床医师应加强对结核病合并曲霉菌感染的警惕性,关注其易感因素,早期诊断,早期合理治疗是提高肺结核合并肺曲霉菌病治愈率的关键。  相似文献   

毛霉菌是一种条件致病真菌,在机体免疫功能降低时可侵入支气管和肺,产生急性炎症.肺毛霉菌病起病急骤,发展快,病死率高[1].早期诊断并给予及时相关治疗是救治成功的关键.我科于2010年8月诊断肺毛霉菌病1例并以两性霉素B治疗获得成功,现报告如下.  相似文献   

回顾分析2例经病理检查确诊肺型、鼻脑型毛霉菌合并糖尿病患者的临床特征。其中,1例为糖尿病合并肺型毛霉菌患者,表现为胸痛、咯血,右上肺肿块穿刺活检示形态符合毛霉菌,采用两性霉素B及手术治疗治愈。1例为糖尿病合并鼻脑型毛霉菌病患者,表现为头痛、鼻腔内黑色干酪样物,最后偏瘫、死亡,鼻腔肿物病理检查见毛霉菌团块及菌孢,经手术及氟康唑治疗无效后死亡。毛霉菌病罕见且易继发于糖尿病等免疫力低下疾病,病情进展迅速,需尽快诊断及治疗。  相似文献   

肺毛霉菌病的诊治进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
卫琰  沈策 《临床肺科杂志》2007,12(7):726-727
肺毛霉菌病是一种罕见的,但死亡率极高(高达50%以上)的条件致病菌真菌感染。多继发于免疫功能低下以及有糖尿病、恶性血液系统疾病等危险因素的患者。临床表现多为发热、咳嗽,咯血。胸部平片及CT上可表现为渗出,楔形的实变,单侧或双侧结节样病变,孤立或多发肿块,空洞。肺毛霉菌病的诊断主要依靠肺活组织检查,痰培养的假阳性率极高,早期诊断很困难。治疗上主要采用两性霉素B和外科手术治疗。  相似文献   

报告1例儿童1型糖尿病合并肺毛霉病的临床表现及诊治情况,并复习文献,总结诊治经验.患儿为14岁女孩,新发1型糖尿病合并酮症酸中毒,并发毛霉菌肺炎.临床过程凶险、肺部病变快速进展,糖尿病控制差,入院2周起予两性霉素B脂质体治疗反应差,支气管灌洗无效,未及手术而于住院第51天大咯血死亡.复习文献,毛霉病多发生于血糖控制不良的2型成人糖尿病患者,儿童新发1型糖尿病并发毛霉菌肺炎少见.目前国际上推荐糖尿病合并肺毛霉病的治疗方案为:早期诊断,积极治疗原发病,尽早应用两性霉素B脂质体及尽早外科手术清创并切除受累的肺叶.  相似文献   

目的 探讨慢性阻塞性肺疾病急性加重期合并侵袭性肺曲霉菌病的临床特点及其危险因素.方法 结合文献回顾分析2006年1月至2008年6月我院收治的慢性阻塞性肺疾病急性加重期患者合并侵袭性肺曲霉菌病感染的临床资料.结果 肺部真菌感染呵能是慢性阻塞性肺疾病患者病情急剧恶化的原因之一.慢性阻塞性肺疾病合并侵袭性肺曲霉菌病的病死率高.肺曲霉菌感染临床表现和影像学缺乏特异性;广谱抗生素和激素的应用、高龄、营养不良等因素是导致肺曲霉菌感染的主要因素.结论 慢性阻塞性肺疾病合并侵袭性肺曲霉菌病缺乏特异性;减少危险因素,及时、合理应用抗真菌药物,做到早期诊断和早期治疗是改善预后的有效方法.  相似文献   

目的 探讨肺毛霉菌病的临床特征.方法 经病理确诊的5例肺毛霉菌病患者的临床资料进行分析.结果 4例患者分别合并糖尿病、支气管扩张、肺结核等基础疾病,咳嗽(3/4)、咳痰(3/4),发热(3/4),咯血(3/4)是常见的临床症状,胸部影像学表现为多发斑片状病灶3例,多发空洞病灶1例,单一团块病灶1例,病灶伴有空洞形成4例.治疗结果为痊愈1例,好转2例,死亡1例,无法判断1例.结论 肺毛霉菌病临床罕见,临床表现与影像学特征缺乏特异性,患者多并存基础疾病,对具有高危因素的患者早期进行病理组织学检查对改善肺毛霉菌病患者预后具有重要价值.  相似文献   

徐玉荣  王光强 《山东医药》2008,48(34):64-64
肺毛霉菌病是由真菌中的毛霉科引起的肺部感染性疾病,起病急骤,超过50%的患者病情常迅速恶化而致命.我院2006年2月~2008年5月诊断肺毛霉菌病11例.现报告如下. 临床资料:肺毛霉菌病患者11例,男9例、女2例,年龄24~74岁.其中合并糖尿病6例(并发酮症酸中毒1例,同时合并肺结核1例),肺结核空洞形成1例,肺间质囊性纤维化1例,肾功能衰竭1例,慢性阻塞性肺病2例.  相似文献   

肺毛霉病三例临床分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨肺毛霉病的临床表现、诊断和治疗方法。方法报道2006年我院收治的、经纤维支气管镜检查和组织病理确诊且具有完整资料的3例肺毛霉感染病例并结合国内外文献进行复习。结果3例均为农民,女2例,男1例,年龄42~48岁。例1和例2为糖尿病酮症酸中毒患者,例1在确诊次日因大咯血死亡;例2应用大剂量两性霉素B(总剂量2g)治愈;例3为肺鳞癌右上叶切除术后伴支气管狭窄,通过应用大剂量两性霉素B(总剂量1.5g)和支气管镜介入治疗成功治愈;例2和例3随诊0.5~1年均无复发。结论肺毛霉病患者痰培养阳性率极低,病死率很高。对临床可疑病例应及时行纤维支气管镜检查,并经组织病理学确诊;治疗的关键在于早期诊断、控制基础病、应用大剂量的两性霉素B和及时的外科手术。  相似文献   

目的 提高对支气管哮喘患者合并侵袭性肺曲霉菌病的诊断及治疗.方法 分析2010年1月至2011年5月在我院呼吸科住院的5例支气管哮喘并侵袭性肺曲霉菌病患者的病例资料,同时结合相关文献进行复习.结果 5例患者确诊2例,临床诊断3例.痰培养4例查见曲霉菌,2例支气管镜检查病理形态学及特殊染色结果符合曲霉菌感染.影像学表现呈多样性.5例患者均接受伏立康唑治疗,其中2例死亡.结论 支气管哮喘患者合并侵袭性肺曲霉菌病临床表现缺乏特异性.早期诊断和尽早抗曲霉菌治疗可降低死亡率.  相似文献   

SETTING: Lilongwe Central Hospital, Malawi. OBJECTIVES: To investigate 1) treatment outcome of a cohort of smear-negative pulmonary TB (snPTB) patients in an area of high human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) seroprevalence, and 2) whether poor treatment outcomes are due to non-TB patients being mistakenly treated for TB due to lack of diagnostic facilities. DESIGN: Patients about to be registered for snPTB treatment by the National TB Programme underwent further assessment including TB culture, bronchoscopy and bronchoalveolar lavage. All patients were followed up for 8 months. Standard TB control treatment outcomes were recorded. RESULTS: Of 352 snPTB patients assessed, 137 patients had bacteriologically confirmed TB, 136 had possible TB, and 79 had other non-TB diagnoses. The HIV seroprevalence rate was 89%. Outcomes were known for 325 (92%) patients: 129 (40%) died within 8 months. Death rates on TB treatment were 31% for bacteriologically confirmed TB patients and 35% for patients with possible TB but no bacteriological diagnosis. The death rate among patients with non-TB diagnoses was 53%. HIV infection significantly increased the risk of death (OR 3.9; P = 0.01). CONCLUSION: SnPTB is strongly associated with HIV infection in Malawi, where patients treated for snPTB have a poor prognosis. The high mortality is not fully explained by non-TB patients being mistakenly treated for TB.  相似文献   

Fusarium is a fungal pathogen of immunosuppressed lung transplant patients associated with a high mortality in those with severe and persistent neutropenia. The principle portal of entry for Fusarium species is the airways, and lung involvement almost always occurs among lung transplant patients with disseminated infection. In these patients, the immunoprotective mechanisms of the transplanted lungs are impaired, and they are, therefore, more vulnerable to Fusarium infection. As a result, fusariosis occurs in up to 32% of lung transplant patients. We studied fusariosis in 6 patients following lung transplantation who were treated at Massachusetts General Hospital during an 8-year period and reviewed 3 published cases in the literature. Cases were identified by the microbiology laboratory and through discharge summaries. Patients presented with dyspnea, fever, nonproductive cough, hemoptysis, and headache. Blood tests showed elevated white blood cell counts with granulocytosis and elevated inflammatory markers. Cultures of Fusarium were isolated from bronchoalveolar lavage, blood, and sputum specimens.Treatments included amphotericin B, liposomal amphotericin B, caspofungin, voriconazole, and posaconazole, either alone or in combination. Lung involvement occurred in all patients with disseminated disease and it was associated with a poor outcome. The mortality rate in this group of patients was high (67%), and of those who survived, 1 patient was treated with a combination of amphotericin B and voriconazole, 1 patient with amphotericin B, and 1 patient with posaconazole. Recommended empirical treatment includes voriconazole, amphotericin B or liposomal amphotericin B first-line, and posaconazole for refractory disease. High-dose amphotericin B is recommended for treatment of most cases of fusariosis. The echinocandins (for example, caspofungin, micafungin, anidulafungin) are generally avoided because Fusarium species have intrinsic resistance to them. Treatment should ideally be based on the Fusarium isolate, susceptibility testing, and host-specific factors. Prognosis of fusariosis in the immunocompromised is directly related to a patient's immune status. Prevention of Fusarium infection is recommended with aerosolized amphotericin B deoxycholate, which also has activity against other important fungi.  相似文献   

J.W. Lee, H.‐J. Kwon, P.‐S. Jang, N.‐G. Chung, B. Cho, D.‐C. Jeong, J.‐H. Kang, H.‐K. Kim. Two children with differing outcomes after treatment for pulmonary tuberculosis diagnosed after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation.
Transpl Infect Dis 2011: 13: 520–523. All rights reserved. Abstract: Tuberculosis (TB) is a rare infectious complication after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT), but may be more significant in areas where the disease is endemic. Here, we present the clinical course of 2 children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia who were diagnosed with pulmonary TB after allogeneic HSCT. Both patients were treated for either probable or possible invasive fungal infection, as well as TB. One patient, diagnosed with TB 3 months after HSCT, showed remittent fever and symptoms that progressed to acute respiratory distress syndrome and death, despite 3 modifications to the anti‐TB regimen. In contrast, another patient who was diagnosed with TB 8 months after transplantation, responded well to anti‐TB medication and completed 1 year of treatment with resolution of lung lesions. Co‐morbid opportunistic infections, profound host immunosuppression early after transplantation, and potential risk of multi‐drug resistant‐TB may act as major barriers to effective treatment of TB after HSCT despite appropriate anti‐TB medication.  相似文献   

SETTING: Queen Elizabeth Central Hospital, Blantyre, and Zomba Central Hospital, Zomba, Malawi. OBJECTIVE: To follow-up human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) seropositive and HIV-seronegative patients with smear-negative pulmonary tuberculosis (PTB) and pleural TB who had completed treatment with two different regimens in Blantyre and Zomba, and to assess rates of mortality and recurrent TB. DESIGN: Patients with smear-negative and pleural TB who had completed 8 months ambulatory treatment in Blantyre or 12 months standard treatment in Zomba and who were smear and culture negative for acid-fast bacilli at the completion of treatment were actively followed every 4 months for a total of 20 months. RESULTS: Of 248 patients, 150 with smear-negative PTB and 98 with pleural TB, who completed treatment and were enrolled, 205 (83%) were HIV-positive. At 20 months, 145 (58%) patients were alive, 85 (34%) had died and 18 (7%) had transferred out of the district. The mortality rate was 25.7 per 100 person-years, with increased rates strongly associated with HIV infection and age >45 years. Forty-nine patients developed recurrent TB. The recurrence rate of TB was 16.1 per 100 person-years, with increased rates strongly associated with HIV infection, having smear-negative PTB and having received 'standard treatment'. CONCLUSION: High rates of mortality and recurrent TB were found in patients with smear-negative PTB and pleural effusion during 20 months of follow-up. TB programmes in sub-Saharan Africa must consider appropriate interventions, such as co-trimoxazole and secondary isoniazid prophylaxis, to reduce these adverse outcomes.  相似文献   

目的分析血液系统疾病合并真菌感染的临床特点、易感因素及探讨防治策略。方法对2001年1月至2006年12月上海交通大学医学院附属新华医院收治的97例血液病患者合并肺部真菌感染情况进行回顾性分析。结果97例患者真菌培养获得真菌201株,其中念珠菌147株,占73.1%;17.5%为两种真菌感染,71.8%伴细菌感染;相关病死率为23.7%。二性霉素B脂质体与伊曲康唑对血液病合并肺部真菌感染患者有效率分别为66.7%和63.6%。结论真菌感染是血液系统疾病继发感染的主要病原体之一,早期诊断与治疗是病情缓解与长期生存的关键。二性霉素B脂质体与伊曲康唑是治疗真菌感染的常用的有效药物。  相似文献   

AIM:To evaluate the incidence and risk factors of Korean tuberculosis(TB) infection in patients with inflammatory bowel disease(IBD) undergoing anti-TNF treatment.METHODS:The data of IBD patients treated with anti-TNFs in 13 tertiary referral hospitals located in the southeastern region of Korea were collected retrospectively.They failed to show response or were intolerant to conventional treatments,including steroids or immunomodulators.Screening measures for latent TB infection(LTBI)and the incidence and risk factors ofactive TB infection after treatment with anti-TNFs were identified.RESULTS:Overall,376 IBD patients treated with antiTNF agents were recruited(male 255,mean age of anti-TNF therapy 32.5±13.0 years);277 had Crohn’s disease,99 had ulcerative colitis,294 used infliximab,and 82 used adalimumab.Before anti-TNF treatment,screening tests for LTBI including an interferon gamma release assay or a tuberculin skin test were performed in 82.2%of patients.Thirty patients(8%)had LTBI.Sixteen cases of active TB infection including one TB-related mortality occurred during 801 personyears(PY)follow-up(1997.4 cases per 100000 PY)after anti-TNF treatment.LTBI(OR=5.76,95%CI:1.57-21.20,P=0.008)and WBC count5000 mm3(OR=4.5,95%CI:1.51-13.44,P=0.007)during follow-up were identified as independently associated risk factors.CONCLUSION:Anti-TNFs significantly increase the risk of TB infection in Korean patients with IBD.The considerable burden of TB and marked immunosuppression might be attributed to this risk.  相似文献   

A 56-year-old woman with Ph1--Positive acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia was admitted to our hospital for induction chemotherapy in June 1999. The patient was presented with a central scotoma of left eye during treatment course and was given diagnosis of endophthalmitis. Thereafter she also developed skin induration and suffered from serious pneumonia. Amphotericin B administration was started because of high titer of beta-D-glucan, but soon discontinued due to its adverse effect. Blood cultures yielded colonies of fungus and it was identified Fusarium solani. Her general condition deteriorated with progression of pneumonia, and she died of respiratory insufficiency. Autopsy was performed, and its specimen revealed the disseminated infection of Fusarium solani (lung, eye, heart, kidney and skin). We should pay special attention to the fusariosis in Japan also.  相似文献   

目的 分析日本结核病发病变化情况,为我国结核病防治提供参考. 方法 从日本厚生劳动省官网获取2008—2012 年日本结核病疫情资料,采用描述性流行病学方法对数据进行分析. 结果 2008—2012 年日本新登记结核病患者合计 116 155 例,年均罹患率为 18.2/10 万 ;年龄越大发病人数越多,但外国人主要集中在 20~49 岁.其中痰涂片阳性患者合计 45 394 例,年均罹患率为 7.1/10 万.因结核病死亡 10 784 例,年均病死率为 1.7/10 万;其中,因肺结核病死亡 9573 例,年均病死率为 1.5/10 万.结核集体感染事件发生 222 起,涉及 298 个场所.每年新登记潜伏性结核感染者与结核病患者例数比为 0.2:1~0.4:1.结论 日本在结核病防治过程中取得了显著成果,但人口老龄化、境外输入病例增加以及结核集体感染事件多发等问题的出现影响了结核病发病和死亡,防治过程中遇到的新问题须引起我们的重视.  相似文献   

Invasive pulmonary aspergillosis (IPA) is the most common fungal pulmonary infection in immunocompromised patients. In this disease, it is hard to diagnose, it's therapy process is variable and mortality is high. Prognosis is even worse in the cases which have cerebral aspergillosis. The patient was following up as a diagnosis of usual interstitial pneumonia and treating with corticosteroids and azothiopurine. Patient attended our clinic with headache and lose of vision. IPA and cerebral aspergillosis was the diagnosis as his examinations. Amphotericin B lipid complex treatment were given because of pulmonary and cerebral aspergillosis. Voriconazole was the second therapy because of the no response. Voriconazole is more effective in cerebral aspergillosis and treated this patient successfully.  相似文献   

目的探讨慢性阻塞性肺疾病患者继发真菌性肺炎的真菌分布特点和耐药情况。方法分析2010年10月至2015年10月收治的60例慢性阻塞性肺疾病且伴有继发性真菌感染肺炎的患者的真菌感染情况。另选60例慢性阻塞性肺疾病无真菌感染的患者作为对照分析影响真菌感染的危险因素。结果 60例慢性阻塞性肺疾病且伴有继发性真菌感染肺炎患者的呼吸道分泌物样本中共检出475株真菌,其中主要为白色念珠菌,占63.58%。5种常用的抗真菌药物的抗菌活性不同,其中抗菌活性最好的是两性霉素B和伊曲康唑。经过统计分析后发现高龄、机械通气、长时间入住ICU、长期使用抗生素和糖皮质激素以及两种以上器官功能衰竭等是影响慢性阻塞性肺疾病患者继发真菌性肺炎的独立危险因素。结论慢性阻塞性肺疾病且伴有继发性真菌感染肺炎主要为感染白色念珠菌,抗真菌药物活性最好的是两性霉素B和伊曲康唑。对于此类患者应尽早发现病原性真菌、选择合适的抗真菌药物同时减少影响继发真菌感染的危险因素。  相似文献   

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