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人工肝支持系统对重型肝炎预后的影响因素分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的 :探讨人工肝支持系统对重型肝炎预后的影响因素。方法 :在综合治疗的基础上对 10 9例重型肝炎患者进行人工肝血浆置换 (PE)治疗 ,分析重型肝炎各期、并发症、病毒复制指标 (HBVDNA、HBeAg)等因素对重型肝炎预后的影响。结果 :PE治疗早、中、晚期重型肝炎有效率分别为 82 86%、 60 78%、 2 5 0 0 % ,三者之间差异均有显著性意义 ;对有并发症的重型肝炎其有效率为 5 0 % ,无并发症者为 84 62 % ,两者差异有显著性意义 (P <0 0 1) ;HBVDNA、HBeAg对疗效无显著影响。 结论 :人工肝支持系统是治疗重型肝炎的有效方法 ,应在其早期、无并发症时采用 ,这是取得疗效的关键 ,而病毒复制活跃与否对重型肝炎治疗无显著影响  相似文献   

目的分析重型肝炎的临床特点,重新探讨重型肝炎的临床诊断标准。方法使用SPASS软件和SDAS软件将我院近3年收治的565例重型肝炎患者的临床特点进行分析。结果①发生于急性肝炎的45例,发生于慢性的有明确的肝病史及无明确的肝病史分别为400例及120例。②9例急性重型肝炎,出现肝性脑病7例,均在7天内出现。36例亚急性及520例慢性重型肝炎患者,在12周内达到重型肝炎诊断标准分别为100. 0%及82. 2%。③急性重型肝炎发生的肝性脑病均为首先出现,无1例发生腹水。亚急性重型肝炎及慢性重型肝炎首先出现肝性脑病仅为11. 1%及1. 7%,仅发生腹水分别为5. 6%及3. 5%。④无明确肝病史的120例患者,最后诊断为慢性重型肝炎早、中及晚期分别为17例、31例及72例。结论①重型肝炎依发病基础分为急性重型肝炎(暴发性肝衰竭)、亚急性重型肝炎(亚暴发性肝衰竭)及慢性重型肝炎;②暴发性肝衰竭、亚暴发性肝衰竭的时限分别为14天内、15天至24周(半年);③亚急性重型肝炎分腹水型及脑病型;④亚急性重型肝炎及慢性重型肝炎仍应区分为早期、中期及晚期。  相似文献   

重型病毒性肝炎病原学特点及转归   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
探讨重型病毒尾肝炎的病原学特点。收集各型重型病毒性肝炎418例,分析其病原学分型及乙型肝炎病毒不同病原学模式与重型肝炎预后的关系。急性重型肝炎以甲型、戊型及乙型病毒性肝炎为主,乙型肝炎病毒感染治愈后病毒阴转率较高。亚急性有慢性重型肝炎以乙型肝炎病毒毒感染居首,占92.8%。在乙型肝炎病毒感染的病原学模式中,以HBsAgHBeAbHBcAb阳性的重型肝炎发病及死亡率最高。乙型肝炎病毒与其他肝炎病毒重叠感染与单独感染比较,死亡率无显著差异。单纯TTV感染可导致重型肝炎。重型肝炎发病后HBVDNA可自然阴转,阴转率可达53.6%。重型肝炎仍以乙型肝炎病毒病毒感染为主。乙型肝炎病毒前C区发生基因突变可能较易发生重型肝炎。  相似文献   

目的探讨轻症和重症手足口病(hand,foot and mouth disease,HFMD)患儿血清免疫球蛋白变化与疾病进展的相关性。方法选择本院2013年6月住院的轻症和重症HFMD患儿369例,其中轻症组259例,重症组(含危重型)110例;以同期30名体检正常的健康儿童为对照组。采用免疫比浊法检测各组血清免疫球蛋白(IgA、IgG、IgM)和补体C3、C4表达水平。比较各组及重症组肠道病毒71型(enterovirus 71,EV71)感染和非EV71感染患儿、柯萨奇病毒A16(coxsackievirus A16,CoxA16)感染和EV71感染患儿的血清免疫球蛋白表达水平。结果与对照组相比,重症组IgG、IgA和IgM水平显著升高,轻症组IgM水平显著升高;与轻症组相比,重症组IgG和IgA水平显著升高;重症组EV71感染患儿IgM水平显著高于非EV71感染患儿,其IgG和IgM水平显著高于CoxA16感染患儿;各组间补体C3、C4水平比较差异均无统计学意义。结论 HFMD患儿血清免疫球蛋白表达水平存在变化,随着病情进展,血清免疫球蛋白表达水平变化更加显著。重症患儿血清免疫球蛋白表达水平显著高于轻症患儿,重症患儿中EV71感染者较CoxA16感染者血清免疫球蛋白表达水平变化更加显著。  相似文献   

目的探讨重型病毒性肝炎的病原学特点。方法收集各型重型病毒性肝炎418例,分析其病原学分型及乙型肝炎病毒不同病原学模式与重型肝炎预后的关系。结果急性重型肝炎以甲型和戊型病毒性肝炎为主,乙型肝炎病毒感染治愈后病毒阴转率较高。亚急性及慢性重型肝炎以乙型肝炎病毒感染居首位,占92.8%。在乙型肝炎病毒感染的病原学模式中,以HBsAg、HBeAb、HBcAb阳性的重型肝炎发病及死亡率最高。乙型肝炎病毒与其他肝炎病毒重叠感染与单纯感染比较死亡率无显著差异。单纯TTV感染可导致重型肝炎。重型肝炎发病后HBV DNA可自然阴转,阴转率可达53.6%。结论重型肝炎仍以乙型肝炎病毒感染为主。乙型肝炎病毒前C区发生基因突变可能较易发生重型肝炎。  相似文献   

目的探讨血清高迁移率族蛋白1(high mobility group-box protein 1,HMGB1)在重型肝炎患者中的表达水平及其临床意义。方法对32例乙型重型肝炎患者、22例慢乙肝初治患者、10例急性乙肝患者血清HMGB1水平进行检测分析,与16名健康人进行对照研究,分析其与患者肝功能生物化学指标的相关性。结果重型肝炎患者血清HMGB1水平高于健康人,差异具有统计学意义(P0.05),重型肝炎组与慢乙肝初治组、重型肝炎组与急性乙肝组、慢乙肝初治组与急性乙肝组、慢性乙肝组与正常人组、急性乙肝与正常人组均无统计学意义(P0.05),重型肝炎患者血清HMGB1水平与ALT水平呈正相关,差异具有统计学意义(r=0.942,P0.05)。结论重型肝炎患者血清HMGB1水平较正常人高,可能成为评价重型肝炎的一个指标,这可能具有一定的临床意义。  相似文献   

目的 了解红细胞及血小板参数变化在慢性肝炎患者病情变化中的意义。方法 采用负压采血管分别采集患者及健康对照者外周血 ,以全自动血球分析仪检测红细胞及血小板参数。结果 两组病例组RBC、Hb、PLC、PCT值均显著低于健康对照组 (p <0 .0 1) ,而MCV、PLC、PCT值均显著低于慢性重型肝炎组 ,MCV、RDW、MPV值均显著高于慢性重型肝炎组 (p <0 .0 1) ;慢性重型肝炎早期PLC、PCT值均显著低于慢性重型肝炎中期 ,PDW值均显著高于对照组 (P <0 .0 1) ,并与肝脏损害程度呈正相关。应用小剂量糖皮质激素后随TBIL水平的下降Hb、PLC、PCT逐渐升高 ,而RDW、MPV、PDW逐渐下降 ,用药前与用药后相比 ,P <0 .0 1。结论 红细胞及血小板部分参数可作为判断慢性肝炎病情的参考指标  相似文献   

目的探讨冠状动脉严重狭窄患者动脉粥样硬化与树突状细胞关系及辛伐他汀免疫干预作用的可能机制。方法根据选择性冠状动脉造影结果,20例冠状动脉正常,无明显动脉粥样硬化斑块者为阴性对照组;20例冠状动脉严重狭窄,未服用他汀类药物者为动脉粥样硬化组;20例冠状动脉严重狭窄,服用辛伐他汀40mg/d,连续30天以上者为辛伐他汀组。分别抽取冠状动脉血20mL,采用密度梯度离心法分离单个核细胞,行树突状细胞体外培养扩增,采用流式细胞术检测树突状细胞免疫表型、平均荧光强度、刺激T淋巴细胞增殖能力的刺激指数;动脉粥样硬化组分为B1、B2两个亚组,B2组在树突状细胞培养第5天时加入100μmol/L辛伐他汀,其他培养与检测方法相同。结果冠状动脉血分离单个核细胞后经体外培养与扩增,均成功培养出典型树突状细胞,各组树突状细胞形态无差异;与阴性对照组比较,B1组CD1a阳性细胞比例、CD1a与CD80、CD83、CD86双阳性细胞比例、平均荧光强度、收获细胞总数、树突状细胞数量和刺激指数均明显增高(P<0.05);与B1组比较,B2组收获细胞总数无差异,但CD1a阳性细胞比例、CD1a与CD80、CD83、CD86双阳性细胞比例、平均荧...  相似文献   



The aim of the present study was to evaluate the clinical characteristics, including floor characteristics and factors, related to severe injury from outdoor falls in older adults.


Patients were divided into two groups based on injury severity: the severe group and non‐severe group. The clinical and general characteristics were compared between the two groups, and factors associated with severe injury were investigated.


Approximately 5% (364/7635) of older people involved in outdoor falls were classified into severe injury. The proportion of men and the rate of alcohol ingestion were higher in the severe group compared with that in the non‐severe group. Falling from stairs was a more frequent mechanism of fall in the severe group compared with that in the non‐severe group. Non‐slippery floor condition had a higher proportion in the severe group than that in the non‐severe group. Head and neck were the predominantly injured regions in both groups. Discharge was the most common result of emergency department treatment in the non‐severe group, whereas admission to intensive care unit was the main result in the severe group. Multivariate logistic analysis showed that male sex and falls from stairs rather than slipping down on the same level were associated with severe injury.


Floor characteristics did not influence injury severity; however, the risk of severe injury from outdoor falls in older adults was high in men and those who fell from stairs. Geriatr Gerontol Int 2018; 18: 80–87 .  相似文献   

Summary Seventeen Type 1 (insulin-dependent) diabetic patients with a history of recurrent and severe hypoglycaemia and Type 1 diabetic patients with no severe hypoglycaemia were compared as regarded performances in tests of neuropsychological functioning. To test the hypothesis that recurrent severe hypoglycaemia gives rise to permanent cognitive impairment, the study group was selected among those patients who had met with repeated attacks over the last three years or more as identified by a questionnaire among almost 600 insulin-treated diabetic patients. The comparison group without known severe reactions were comparable to the study group with respect to type of diabetes, sex, age, age at onset, duration of diabetes, socio-economic parameters, and prevalence of neuropathy and retinopathy. The results indicate that Type 1 diabetic patients with recurrent severe hypoglycaemia scored lower than those without severe hypoglycaemia in tests of motor ability, short-term and associative memory and visuospatial tasks assessing ability in general problem-solving. Type 1 diabetic patients with severe hypoglycaemia also displayed a higher frequency of perspective reversals suggesting frontal-lobe involvement. These data can be interpreted in two ways. One interpretation implies that the cognitive impairment of Type 1 diabetic patients with severe hypoglycaemia reflects a selection factor, the other that recurrent episodes of severe hypoglycaemia result in permanent cognitive impairment.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Unlike most other countries, in China, liver failure is termed as severe hepatitis. However, there are two differences between liver failure and severe hepatitis: the interval of acute and sub-acute severe hepatitis and the etiology. The aims of this study were to assess the best cutoff time-point to distinguish between acute and sub-acute severe hepatitis caused mainly by hepatitis B virus (HBV; 67.5%) in China and to determine whether the Chinese classifications of severe hepatitis can meet the international criteria based on pathological features and clinical characteristics. METHODS: A total of 157 patients with acute, sub-acute and chronic severe hepatitis were involved in the study. Their clinical findings, laboratory data and liver biopsies were retrospectively analyzed. RESULTS: The different incidences of complications between acute and sub-acute severe hepatitis were significant if the cutoff point was set at 15 days or 4 weeks (P < 0.01), but there is no significant differences if the cutoff was 8 weeks. Identifying the better cutoff point with a receiver-operator characteristic curve showed that 28 days was better than 15 days (sensitivity 100%vs 92%; specificity 75%vs 53%). The major differences in histopathology between acute and sub-acute severe hepatitis were: (i) there was a single hepatic necrosis in acute severe hepatitis, but repeated and continuous hepatic necrosis in sub-acute severe hepatitis; and (ii) survivors of acute severe hepatitis had full hepatocyte regeneration in the native liver architecture. Regeneration in survivors with sub-acute severe hepatitis indicated the destruction of nodular architecture; new and old necrosis appeared at the same time. When the cutoff point for acute and sub-acute severe hepatitis was set at 15 days, some sub-acute severe hepatitis cases (full hepatocyte regeneration and one massive necrosis) had an overlap in pathological features with acute severe hepatitis. If the cutoff time-point was set at 4 weeks, the clinical features between acute and sub-acute, as well as the pathological changes, were clearly distinguished. CONCLUSION: The best cutoff time-point to distinguish between acute and sub-acute severe hepatitis is 4 weeks. This classification meets the international criteria based on the present clinical and pathological results.  相似文献   

1991~2001年ICU严重感染的流行病学调查分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
目的 调查严重感染的病死率和病死危险因素。方法 回顾性调查1991~2001年的383例严重感染患者,计算逐年病死率,进行单因素和多因素逐步logistic回归分析,分析严重感染患者病死危险因素。结果1991~2001年间,严重感染总病死率46%(176/383),11年间逐年病死率无显著变化(P=0.458)。13个因素参与多因素分析,结果显示严重感染病死危险因素有合并器官功能衰竭数目、免疫功能受累、低白蛋白(<35g/L)和接受有创性检查和治疗。严重感染患者合并器官功能衰竭的数目增多,病死率明显增加,合并2个器官衰竭者病死的相对危险度为3.748,3个器官衰竭者为9.663,而合并≥4个器官功能衰竭者病死的相对危险度高达28.810。从器官功能衰竭的分布来看,严重感染患者最常合并循环衰竭(62.9%)和呼吸衰竭(56.9%),而顽固的感染性休克是严重感染患者最主要的直接病死原因(39.8%)。结论 20世纪90年代以来,严重感染的病死率依然很高,探寻严重感染发病的危险因素,积极调控炎症反应,在炎症反应早期及时阻断炎症反应过程,防止发展为感染性休克和多器官功能障碍综合征,是降低严重感染病死率的关键。  相似文献   

人工肝支持系统治疗重型肝炎的疗效评价   总被引:158,自引:0,他引:158  
目的 探讨应用人工肝支持系统(ALSS)治疗重型肝炎肝衰竭合并肝性脑病,研究其机制及评价疗效。方法 设治疗组和对照组,治疗组51例重型肝炎(重肝)患者,急性、亚急性重肝17例,慢性重肝30例,酒精性重肝2例,钩体病黄疸型重肝1例,肝豆状核病肝衰竭1例。在综合护肝治疗基础上同时给予ALSS治疗。对照组39例重肝患者,急性、亚急性重肝8例、急性重肝31例,仅给予基础上同时给予ALSS治疗。对照组39例  相似文献   

刘桑 《临床肺科杂志》2013,18(8):1385-1386
目的研究肺炎患者心肌酶变化情况及心肌酶对重症肺炎的临床应用价值。方法以383例肺炎患者为研究对象,比较重症肺炎与普通肺炎心肌酶水平差异及不同病原体感染引起重症肺炎心肌酶异常率,并研究重症肺炎组中心肌酶异常患者与心肌酶正常患者心电图异常情况、心衰等并发症的发生率及死亡率。结果重症肺炎组、普通肺炎组心肌酶比较均有统计学差异(P<0.05);病毒性肺炎较易引起心肌酶异常;重症肺炎中心肌酶异常组与心肌酶正常组比较,心电图异常率及心衰发生率比较有统计学差异(P<0.05)。结论心肌酶对重症肺炎合并心肌损伤有重要监测作用,对重症肺炎病情评估有重要临床应用价值。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Type-1 diabetic individuals differ with regard to both, the formation of circulating insulin antibodies, and the incidence of severe hypoglycaemia. AIM OF THE STUDY: To assess the association of insulin binding to antibodies with the incidence of severe hypoglycaemia. PATIENTS AND METHODS: In a cross sectional study, 73 children with type-1 diabetes mellitus (median age 14 years, duration of diabetes 6 years) were investigated, 22 of whom had experienced severe hypoglycaemia during the past 18 months, and 51 had never experienced severe hypoglycaemia. Of the patients with severe hypoglycaemia 16 had experienced severe unexplained hypoglycaemias, and 6 had experienced severe hypoglycaemias which were explicable (by missed meals, unplanned physical exercise etc.). Insulin binding was measured in a blinded central laboratory by radioimmunoassay, and expressed as ratio bound/unbound insulin; a binding >15% was considered relevant insulin binding. RESULTS: A total of 38 patients displayed relevant insulin binding (17 of whom had experienced severe hypoglycaemia), and 35 patients did not (5 of whom had experienced severe hypoglycaemia; p=0.0055, Fisher's exact test). Patients with relevant insulin binding were younger (12.2 vs 14.5 years, p=0.006) than patients without relevant insulin binding. From the 16 patients with inexplicable severe hypoglycaemia, 15 displayed relevant insulin binding, compared to 2 of the 6 patients with explicable severe hypoglycaemia (p=0.009). The association of any severe hypoglycaemia, and of inexplicable severe hypoglycaemia, with relevant insulin binding was significant (odds ratio 4.8 (95%CI 1.5-15.2), and 22.1(95%CI 2.7-179.6), p<0.006). Patients with/without relevant insulin binding, or with/without severe hypoglycaemia, did not differ significantly regarding sex, duration of diabetes, number of insulin injections per day, HbA1c and C-peptide levels (ANOVA). CONCLUSION: Insulin binding to antibodies >15% appears to be a strong risk factor for inexplicable severe hypoglycaemias in type-1 diabetic children.  相似文献   

重症肝炎并发多器官功能衰竭175例   总被引:6,自引:5,他引:1  
目的探讨重症肝炎并多器官功能衰竭的临床特征.方法对175例重症肝炎并多器官功能不全的诱因、发病机制、病死率及预后进行分析.结果急性、亚急性和慢性重症肝炎并发多器官功能不全的病死率分别为857%,818%和718%,最常见的诱因为感染、消化道大出血及电解质紊乱,预后与重症肝炎类型、受损器官数目、年龄、并发症的器官与系统、妊娠及重叠感染密切相关.结论重症肝炎并发多器官功能不全的发病机制复杂,其中微循环障碍可能是中心环节.病死率与受损器官数目成正相关  相似文献   

目的 探讨重型肝炎合并革兰阴性菌感染的预后及影响因素,为有效防治提供指导.方法 回顾性分析2004年1月-2006年6月我院住院的重型病毒性肝炎合并革兰阴性菌感染220例的预后,以及性别、年龄、肝炎型别、各种其他合并症、感染部位及细菌类型对预后的影响.结果 重型肝炎合并革兰阴性菌感染占总体细菌感染的79.1%,总病死率...  相似文献   

重型病毒性肝炎黄疸与血瘀的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:探讨重型病毒性肝炎中黄疸与血瘀的关系,为用活血化瘀治疗重型肝炎提供依据。方法:选择重型病毒性肝炎患者30例,按中医血瘀诊断标准进行血瘀积分,同时进行血液流变学检测,并与同期肝功能指标进行比较。结果:30例重型肝炎患者均符合血瘀证的诊断标准,其中重度血瘀16例(54%),中度血瘀12例(40%),轻度血瘀2例(6%)。血瘀程度不同,胆红素的含量也不同,其盖异具显著性意义(P<0.05)。且血瘀积分与总胆红素呈正相关,从分型、分期比较,发现慢重肝和重肝晚期,血瘀程度较高,从血液流变学看重型肝炎病人,血浆粘度值增高和红细胞聚集性增加,两者均有明显差异性(P<0.05)。结论:血瘀是重型肝炎的常见临床表现,又是其重要病机;血瘀与黄疸的变化呈正相关;活血化瘀是治疗重型肝炎的重要方法之一。  相似文献   

Plasma levels of three soluble inducible adhesion molecules, namely: intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (sICAM-1), vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 (sVCAM-1) and endothelial leucocyte adhesion molecule-1 (sELAM-1) or sE-selectin and the pro-inflammatory cytokine, tumour necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) were measured in well-defined clinical groups of children with severe and uncomplicated malaria. The goal of the study was to investigate the role of these molecules in immunopathogenic processes associated with severe malaria in Cameroonian children. Results showed significantly increased plasma concentrations of sICAM-1, sVCAM-1 and sE-selectin in children with severe malaria compared to those with uncomplicated malaria and healthy children (P<0.001). TNF-alpha levels increased significantly in children with severe malaria, approximately 2-folds compared to those with uncomplicated malaria and about 3-folds compared to healthy children (P<0.001). More importantly, levels of TNF-alpha strongly correlated with those of the three adhesion molecules and were significantly associated with increased risk of death (P=0.03). In addition, children who died from severe malaria showed higher mean levels of all measured factors compared to those who recovered, with significant differences observed with sICAM-1 (P<0.001) and sE-selectin (P=0.002). Furthermore, children with severe malarial anemia relative to those without, showed significantly elevated levels of the three soluble molecules; and sICAM-1 was significantly associated with increased risk of severe anemia. Taken together, these results confirm the role of TNF-alpha and the three adhesion molecules in pathogenic processes associated with severe malaria in children, and suggest an association between sICAM-1 and severe malarial anemia.  相似文献   

目的 探讨重型颅脑损伤合并严重胸损伤的诊断和治疗.方法 对32例重型颅脑损伤合并严重胸损伤的临床资料进行分析.结果 GOS预后评分:恢复良好14例,中残9例,重残3例,植物生存2例,死亡4例.结论 重型颅脑损伤合并严重胸损伤其伤情复杂而严重,伤残率和病死率较高.全面详细的检查、正确的诊断和及时有效的治疗和处理,弄清颅脑损伤和胸部损伤的关系,积极防治成人呼吸窘迫综合征(ARDS)及肺部感染等并发症,是提高抢救成功率的关键.  相似文献   

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