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经颅入路视神经管减压开放术的应用解剖   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
目的 探讨视神经管及有关结构在经颅视神经管减压开放术中的意义。方法 利用显微解剖和大体解剖学技术对 30个成人尸头和 5 0个颅骨的视神经管及有关结构进行观察。结果 视神经管颅口镰状襞在视神经上形成压迹者占15 .0 % ;与视神经相贴者占 6 6 .7% ;与视神经间有间隙者 18.3% .视神经管上壁前部厚后部薄 ,其长度为 (10 .0± 0 3)mm。视神经管颅口大于眶口。两侧视神经之间的夹角为 6 3.2°± 5 .8°。视神经管颅口与颈内动脉和眼动脉起始部关系密切。管内段眼动脉行于视神经腹侧 ,并有分支入视神经。结论 经颅视神经管减压术应切开镰状襞 ,利用视神经与颅正中矢状面的角度可确定视神经管上壁的位置。手术过程中应注意保护颈内动脉和眼动脉。  相似文献   

视神经管骨折高分辨率CT检查的影像特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 探讨视神经管骨折高分辨率CT(HRCT)检查的影像特征及其临床应用价值。 方法 对22例视神经管骨折患者行层厚为1.5 mm的视神经管轴位及冠状位HRCT 扫描,并对视神经管骨折的CT 表现进行分析。 结果 视神经管骨折的直接征象表现为视神经管壁骨质连续性中断,可分为凹陷型(27.3 %)、线状型(22.7%)、粉碎型(27.3%)、嵌入型(9.1%)、混合型(13.6%)5型。视 神经管骨折的间接征象表现为蝶窦积血(95.5%)、筛窦积血(50%)、视神经增粗(36.4%)。22只眼中,视神经管内侧壁骨折15只眼,占68.2%;外侧壁骨折1只眼,占4.5%;上壁骨折1只眼,占4.5%;下壁骨折2只眼,占9.1%;多发骨折3只眼,占13.6%。 结论 视神经管HRCT检查可清楚的显示视神经管骨折的部位并对其分型,可为临床诊断及选择治疗方案 提供可靠的影像学依据。 (中华眼底病杂志,2006,22:387-389)  相似文献   

目的 为CT三维重建和导航下内镜视神经管减压手术提供解剖学依据.方法 实验研究.对8例(16侧)成人湿性尸头视神经管及其重要毗邻结构进行解剖和测量,比较分析内镜下CT三维重建和导航定位的视神经管结构与实体解剖下视神经管结构的差异.采用配对t检验.结果 内镜下视神经管隆起、颈内动脉隆起和视神经-颈内动脉隐窝出现率分别为62.5%、75%和75%,与实体解剖结果完全吻合.内镜下视神经管眶口内壁中点到鼻小柱基底前缘的距离为(71.19±4.00)mm、视神经管颅口内壁中点到鼻小柱基底前缘的距离为(79.69±3.65)mm、视神经管内侧壁长度为(10.00±1.71)mm、视神经管眶口直径为(4.46±0.56)mm、视神经管颅口直径为(4.71±0.42)mm,与实体解剖测量结果比较差异无统计学意义.结论 CT三维重建和导航技术可以准确定位视神经管,为安全有效的内镜视神经管减压手术提供保障.  相似文献   

刘丽庭  肖丽 《中国眼耳鼻喉科杂志》2011,11(3):149-152,205,206
目的 为鼻内镜下蝶窦、经蝶窦的手术提供影像解剖学基础.方法 利用双源CT(DSCT)三维重建技术对100例(200侧)鼻、鼻窦正常的受试者行蝶窦有关解剖结构的影像学观察和解剖数据的影像学测量.结果 鼻小柱根部至蝶窦口下极内侧缘的距离为58.10~92.80 mm,平均(69.97±5.33)mm;两者连线与鼻底平面的矢状角为18.90~47.70°,平均(31.17±6.50)°;两者连线与颅脑正中矢状面的侧偏角为1.50~9.20°,平均(4.13±1.47)°;咽后壁切线与蝶窦下壁的交点至鼻小柱根部的距离为76.50~95.60 mm,平均(83.89±3.98)mm;两者连线与鼻底平面的矢状角为6.20~31.00°,平均(13.20±5.77)°.蝶窦最大横径与蝶窦外侧壁的交点至鼻小柱根部的距离为62.40~89.60 mm,平均(76.40±5.24)mm.两者连线与鼻底平面的矢状角为8.40~40.40°,平均(31.74±5.41)°.两者连线与颅脑正中矢状面的侧偏角为4.40~21.00°,平均(12.62±2.99)°.蝶窦最大横径与蝶窦外侧壁的交点至颅脑正中矢状面的距离为6.10~22.90 mm,平均(16.39±3.69)mm.视神经管与蝶窦、筛窦的关系:相邻型为77侧,占38.50%;突入型为57侧,占28.50%;暴露型为66例,占33.00%.结论 DSCT三维重建技术可以准确有效地测量鼻内镜下蝶窦、经蝶窦的手术径路中的关键解剖结构,对术中定位、预防手术并发症具有重要的价值.(中国眼耳鼻喉科杂志,2011,11:149-152)  相似文献   

长节段视神经炎或将成为鉴别视神经脊髓炎和多发性硬化的MRI标记视神经脊髓炎(neuromyelitis optica,NMO)和复发缓解型多发性硬化( relapsing remitting multiple sclerosis,RRMS)均是中枢神经系统免疫调节性疾病,视神经炎是两种疾病的常见表现,在47%的NMO患者可出现视神经炎,因此当临床出现视神经炎时应及早判断日后是否会进展为NMO或多发性硬化,此外,多发性硬化的治疗可能会加重NMO的病程,因此准确鉴别NMO和多发性硬化在指导治疗方面意义重大。来自美国约翰霍普金斯大学Mealy MA等在Journal of the Neurological Sciences杂志2015年1\|2期合刊上对合并有视神经炎的NMO和多发性硬化患者的眼眶MRI进行分析,对两种疾病的早期鉴别提供证据。该研究回顾了52例合并有视神经炎的NMO和RRMS患者,所有患者均在发病30天内并且在眼眶MRI增强序列检查可见视神经强化,之所以选择眼眶核磁T1增强序列检测受累视神经的长度和部位,是保证本次评估的视神经病灶不受之前病灶的干扰。根据本研究的目的,视神经被划分为眶内段(前部)、管内段、视交叉前段、视交叉段以及视束。两侧视神经的不同节段分开计算,如:2个眶内段、2个管内段、2个视交叉前段、1个视交叉和2个视束(图1)。当左、右视神经均出现强化时则计算受累视神经长度之和,若受累部位不连续同样计算受累部位长度之和,长度超过17.6 mm则成为长节段弥漫性病灶。研究发现,在合并有视神经炎的NMO和RRMS患者眼眶MRI特点有明显不同,大多数NMO患者其受累视神经长度至少为17.6 mm并且累及3个以上不同的视神经节段,在受累视神经长度为17.6 mm这一阈值情况下,诊断NMO的特异性为76.9%,敏感性为80.8%,阳性似然比为3.50,相反,在多发性硬化患者中受累视神经病灶往往局限在一侧视神经并且多见于前部。在该研究中81%的NMO患者为长节段弥漫性视神经炎(longitudinally extensive optic neuritis,LEON),在多发性硬化患者中为23%,NMO中受累视神经往往从眶内段历经管内段直达颅内段,而多发性硬化患者病灶较为局限,因此根据MRI强化序列检测视神经的长度是否超过17.6 mm或将成为区分NMO和多发性硬化的MRI诊断标记。  相似文献   

目的 评价螺旋CT仿真内镜技术在内镜下经鼻视神经减压术中视神经管定位的应用价值.方法 回顾性病例研究.收集2009年10月至2011年3月在温州医学院附属眼视光医院行内镜下经鼻视神经减压术的患者45例,男38例,女7例,平均年龄(32.8±15.1)岁.所有患者术前行螺旋CT扫描并通过CT仿真内镜技术重建蝶窦或筛窦外侧壁及定位视神经管,并与术中实际结果进行对比.结果 除4例视神经管粉碎性骨折患者外,其他患者经CT仿真内镜均能很好显示蝶窦或筛窦外侧壁以及定位视神经管,并与术中结果基本一致.CT仿真内镜显示具有定位意义的蝶窦内骨嵴8例(19.51%),视神经-颈内动脉隐窝患者35例(85.37%),与术中结果一致.结论 螺旋CT仿真内镜能立体的、直观的显示蝶窦或筛窦外侧壁以及视神经管定位,可以为术者提供立体、直观的影像学资料.  相似文献   

目的通过显微镜下鼻腔上颌窦后壁手术入路,对翼腭窝及入路的相关结构进行解剖学研究,为临床内镜下翼腭窝手术提供解剖学及形态学资料。方法对10具(20侧)动静脉灌注乳胶的成人尸头标本,完全模拟经鼻腔上颌窦后壁的手术入路逐层显微解剖,对入路相关解剖标志及翼腭窝进行观察、分析、拍摄和测量。结果该入路可分3步:寻找上颌窦口、进入上颌窦、进入翼腭窝;鼻小柱距上颌窦口的距离为(45.07±2.01)mm,与蝶腭孔的距离为(64.84±3.00)mm,距翼管前孔距离为(71.34±2.99)mm;以鼻小柱至鼻后棘的连线为底边,其与鼻小柱与上颌窦口连线的夹角为(38.81±1.72)°;其与鼻小柱与蝶腭孔连线的夹角为(25.92±2.05)°。翼腭窝区结构复杂,其内的上颌动脉及其终支蝶腭动脉和腭降动脉变异较大;沿蝶腭动脉逆行解剖有助于寻找上颌动脉及其分支结构。结论显微镜下经鼻腔上颌窦后壁入路可较安全直接地暴露翼腭窝的解剖结构;翼腭窝中浅部血管结构的解剖有助于深部神经结构的保护,深部神经结构(如翼管神经和上颌神经)及其穿行的骨孔有助于在颅底辨别和控制颈内动脉。  相似文献   

Lin Z  Li SZ  Fan SJ  Mu DP  Wang NL  Sun X  Liu WR  Tang X  Sun LP  Liang YB 《中华眼科杂志》2011,47(10):881-886
目的 定量检测和评价原发性前房角关闭(PAC)眼行激光周边虹膜切开(LPI)术后前房角形态学变化.方法 临床病例系列研究.对入选的31例(54只眼)PAC患者于LPI术前、术后2周、6及12个月,进行眼科常规检查,定量检测超声活体显微镜(UBM)图像中前房角的各项参数.各随访时间点的UBM参数比较采用重复测量的方差分析,巩膜突前750μm与500 μm处各参数的比较采用配对t检验.结果 LPI术后前房深度较术前加深0.10 mm,但差异并无统计学意义(F=3.50,P>0.05).LPI术前,巩膜突前750 μm处,前房角开放距离(66.2±51.6) μm,小梁网与虹膜间夹角5.0°±3.5°,前房角隐窝面积(0.025±0.017)mm2,小梁网与睫状突距离(571.0±97.2) μm;LPI术后2周、6及12个月,巩膜突前750 μm处,前房角开放距离分别为(165.0±70.3)、(185.8±68.5)及(196.1±77.7)μm,小梁网与虹膜间夹角分别为(11.9±4.9)、(13.3±4.8)及14.0°±5.4°,前房角隐窝面积分别为(0.058±0.024)、(0.065±0.023)及(0.068±0.026)mm2,小梁网与睫状突间距离分别为(647.1±113.0)、(701.8±93.4)及(670.1±95.4) μm,均较LPI术前增加,差异均有统计学意义(前房角开放距离:F =92.60,小梁网与虹膜间夹角:F=92.60,前房角隐窝面积:F=92.60,小梁网与睫状突间距离:F =34.00;P <0.05).术后前房角开放距离、小梁网与虹膜间夹角及前房角隐窝面积均较术前增加1倍以上.巩膜突前750 μm处检测参数的增加幅度均较巩膜突前500 μm处大(前房角开放距离:t=5.90,P<0.05;小梁网与虹膜间夹角:t=2.70,P<0.05;前房角隐窝面积:t=2.00;P =0.05).结论 LPI能显著增宽PAC眼的周边前房角,且随访观察1年期间前房角仍开放.巩膜突前750 μm处的参数比500μm处参数对评价周边前房角形态变化更为敏感.  相似文献   

正常眼动脉起自颈内动脉虹吸部床突下段,水平向前穿过视神经管进眶。在DSA造影中,我们看到4例眼动脉起始异常的患者,其中1例来源于颈内动脉海绵窦前段(C5段),3例起源于颈外动脉的脑膜中动脉,而颈内动脉的眼动脉未显影。由于DSA图象清晰、对比度好,有利于对它们进行观察和分析。  相似文献   

陆雯 《眼科》1997,6(1):46-47
颅脑损伤伴发的管内段视神经间接损伤对视力危害极大,且易被忽视。采用经额径开颅视神经管开放减压术治疗轻型颅脑损伤伴发的视神经损伤病例,手术创伤和危险大,而经眼眶-筛窦-蝶窦径路手术,则创伤小,报告4例经此径路行视神经管开放减压术,并附典型病例介绍,对此病的诊断,治疗进行了讨论。  相似文献   

视神经鞘减压术有关动脉的应用解剖   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
目的为视神经鞘减压术提供有关动脉解剖学资料。方法采用显微解剖和血管铸型技术对30个甲醛固定成人尸头和4个新鲜尸头视神经的鞘动脉等进行观察。结果鞘动脉可分为视神经管内支和眶内支。眶内支主要来自眼动脉第2段,占63.33%,也可发自眼肌动脉干等,其入鞘点多在眶内部鞘的后1/3段的上面或内侧面。管内支多从眼动脉的内侧壁发起,行于视神经腹侧面,以1支者多见,占61.67%,2支者占11.67%,3支者占5.00%。结论管内视神经鞘切开部位在鞘的外上壁或内上壁较安全,眶内鞘切开部位选在鞘的外侧面较好。  相似文献   

Background/objectivesThis study aims to identify radiologically the position of the optic foramen in relation to the anterior face of the sphenoid sinus, to aid surgeons in their planning for orbital decompression.MethodsCT scans of 100 orbits from 50 adult patients without any abnormality were assessed. Primary outcome measures included: position and measurement of the distance from the optic foramen to the anterior face of the sphenoid sinus. Secondary outcomes included: medial orbital wall length, distance from the optic foramen and the anterior face of the sphenoid sinus to the carotid prominence in the sphenoid sinus, and the thickness of bone anterior to the optic foramen.ResultsThe mean location of the optic foramen was just posterior to the position of the anterior face of sphenoid sinus, with an average distance of +0.4 +/− 3.5 mm. In 54% of orbits the optic foramen was positioned posterior to the anterior face of the sphenoid sinus. The finding was symmetrical in 80% of patients.ConclusionsOur study identifies that the optic foramen lies posterior to the anterior face of sphenoid sinus in approximately half of cases. The position may be asymmetric in 20% of individuals.Subject terms: Optic nerve diseases, Tomography  相似文献   

CASE REPORT: We present the case of a patient diagnosed with amaurosis of the right eye secondary to a right frontal contusion. The energy of the impact was projected from the orbital ceiling to the minor wing of the sphenoid bone. This bone was fractured, thus reducing the optic canal diameter and damaging the optic nerve. DISCUSSION: In our case, we describe a mixed mechanism of injury, that is to say, a frontal contusion indirectly transmitted to the optic canal and a direct lesion of the optic nerve secondary to the movement of the minor wing of the sphenoid bone into the optic canal.  相似文献   

In this study, we aimed to investigate some features of the central retinal artery (CRA), which supplies the internal aspect of the retina. The CRA is the main vessel supplying blood to the retina. The origin, course and penetration point of the optic nerve by the CRA were studied in 30 human orbits. We compared the right sides to the left sides on the basis of gender in order to statistically analyse the relation between them. The CRA arose directly from the ophthalmic artery in 28 specimens. In two specimens, however, it arose in common with the medial posterior ciliary artery. When we observed the penetration point (site) of the CRA into the optic nerve, in 28 of 30 (93.3%) cases, the artery entered the nerve from the lower medial aspect and in two (6.7%) cases from the upper lateral aspect. The CRA penetrated the optic nerve between 6.4 and 15.2 mm behind the eyeball and reached the eyeball through the centre of the optic nerve. Because of the small diameter of the artery, it has a high risk of getting damaged during a surgical approach to the orbit. Therefore the anatomical relationships of this artery must be well known.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: The aim of the study was to investigate the arterial blood supply of the intraorbital part of the optic nerve. METHODS: The location, course, length and diameter of the central retinal artery (CRA) and posterior ciliary arteries were studied in 19 adult white male preserved cadavers of between 35 and 75 years of age. RESULTS: In right eyes, the first branch of the intraorbital part of the ophthalmic artery was the CRA in 26.3% (5/19) and the CRA and medial posterior ciliary artery in 21% (4/19) of eyes. In left eyes, the first branch of the intraorbital part of the ophthalmic artery was the CRA in 47.4% (9/19) and the CRA and medial posterior ciliary artery in 26.3% (5/19) of eyes. The CRA was observed as a single branch in 57.9% and a trunk in 42.1% of right eyes, and as a single branch in 52.6% and a trunk in 47.3% of left eyes. The outer diameter of the CRA measured 0.6 +/- 0.1 mm (min-max 0.5-0.9 mm) in right eyes and 0.6 +/- 0.2 mm (min-max 0.4-0.9 mm) in left eyes. The CRA entered the optic nerve 7.5 +/- 2.2 mm (min-max 5.3-12.5 mm) behind the ocular bulb in right eyes and 7.4 +/- 2.3 mm (min-max 5.3-14.1 mm) behind it in left eyes, at its lower and medial side. The posterior ciliary arteries ran forward, divided into multiple branches and pierced the sclera close to the optic nerve medially, laterally or superiorly. The longitudinal capillaries ran between the optic nerve and the CRA antero-posteriorly, while the transverse capillaries surrounded the optic nerve. Collaterals from both the longitudinal and transverse capillaries joined to form a complicated capillary plexus. CONCLUSION: This article confirms the well known variability of the arterial circulation of the intraorbital part of the optic nerve. Better understanding of the arterial anatomy of the intraorbital part of the optic nerve should enable appropriate modification of surgical techniques.  相似文献   

An eight-year-old male child presented with drooping of the left eyelid with a history of penetrating injury of hard palate by an iron spoon seven days ago, which had already been removed by the neurosurgeon as the computed tomography scan revealed a spoon in the left posterior ethmoid and sphenoid bone penetrating into the middle cranial fossa. On examination, visual acuity was 20/20 in each eye and left eye showed total ophthalmoplegia. Oral cavity revealed a hole in the left lateral part of the hard palate. We managed the case with tapering dose of systemic prednisolone. The total ophthalmoplegia was markedly improved in one month. Cases of foreign bodies in the orbit with intracranial extension are not unusual, but the path this foreign body traveled through the hard palate without affecting the optic nerve, internal carotid artery or cavernous sinus makes an interesting variation.  相似文献   

眼外肌运动神经眶内段的应用解剖   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
目的 为临床眶内手术避免眼外肌运动神经损伤提供解剖学资料。方法 采用显微解剖学技术对60侧成人动眼神经、滑车神经和外展神经的位置、走行、毗邻进行解剖学观察。结果(1)滑车神经多在上斜肌后1/3段的眶面入肌,在滑车神经与上睑提肌交叉处,额神经紧邻滑车神经外侧;(2)外展神经入肌点有动脉伴行者占86.67%,上下3等分外直肌的肌腹,入肌点在肌的中1/3份者66.67%;(3)动眼神经上干出总腱环后行于上直肌与视神经之间,并分支入上直肌和上睑提肌。动眼社会下干分出内直肌支、下直肌支和下斜肌支。内直肌支经视神经下方向内前斜行至内直肌。下直肌支有2~5条分支,入肌点多在肌的后1/3部。下斜肌支沿下直肌的外上方前行入下斜肌,是动眼神经分支中行程最长的一支。结论 经颅开眶,在上斜肌与上睑提肌、上直肌之间的间隙入路手术时应注意保护滑车神经。肌锥内后部手术在保护好视神经、眼动脉及其分支等结构的同时,还应注意保护动眼神经和外展神经。  相似文献   

Quisling SV  Mawn LA  Larson TC 《Ophthalmology》2003,110(10):2036-2039
PURPOSE: We report a patient with an enlarging internal carotid mycotic aneurysm secondary to septic cavernous sinus thrombosis presenting with acute visual loss. DESIGN: Single observational case report. METHODS: Retrospective review of the medical record and review of the literature. RESULTS: A 19-year-old man with residual left sixth nerve palsy and decreased vision in his left eye caused by left cavernous sinus thrombosis secondary to pansinusitis was seen 2 weeks after discharge with acute decreased visual acuity in the right eye. A workup revealed an enlarging left carotid/ophthalmic aneurysm that compressed the optic chiasm and right optic nerve. The patient was taken to the interventional angiography suite, where his left internal carotid artery was occluded endovascularly. The patient's vision improved on discharge. CONCLUSIONS: Visual loss caused by a mycotic carotid aneurysm is an infrequent sequelae after cavernous sinus thrombosis and is not well described in the literature. To our knowledge, this is the first reported case of acute visual loss associated with a mycotic ophthalmic aneurysm. The result of treatment was good in this case, with the patient's visual acuity returning to pretreatment status.  相似文献   

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