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目的:基于Web of Science数据库的收录情况,通过文献计量方法分析角膜塑形镜的研究现状和热点。方法:以近10年来(2007年1月至2018年11月)Web of Science数据库收录的角膜塑形镜相关文献为分析对象,运用文献计量学方法,采用CiteSpace工具对文献进行可视化分析,对文献发文量,国家及机构分布,核心作者信息,刊文期刊分布及关键词聚类等方面进行综合分析。结果:共检索到401篇文献,相关文献分别刊载在67种期刊上,涉及418位作者;学科发展覆盖36个国家或地区,共345个研究机构参与该领域研究,中国有2所大学排名前5位,拥有较强竞争力;学科发展主要集中在中国、澳大利亚、美国和西班牙这4国,主要研究领域为光学像差、对比敏感度、周边屈光度、随机临床试验以及眼球生长等方面,随着研究深入,研究热点在变化。结论:近10年来,在角膜塑形镜领域,中国的刊文量居于世界领先地位;国内香港理工大学和温州医科大学具有较强的国际竞争力;研究热点从角膜塑形镜配戴对视觉质量和角膜厚度等方面的改变,到控制近视进展的可能机制,逐渐转移到与多种近视控制方法的临床随机对照试验的探究。  相似文献   

目的:探究国内外儿童青少年近视的研究现状、热点和未来的发展趋势,为该领域深入研究提供借鉴和参考。方法:以中国知网(CNKI)和Web of Science(WOS)为数据源,收集2003-01-01/2022-12-31儿童青少年近视研究领域的文献,使用VOSviewer进行发文量、作者、发文机构和期刊分析; 使用CiteSpace进行关键词共现、关键词聚类、关键词时间线图谱和关键词突现分析。结果:中文和英文文献量整体呈现增长趋势; 文献量最高的作者分别是何鲜桂和Saw Seang-Mei,期刊分别是《中国学校卫生》和Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science,机构分别是上海市眼病防治中心和Sun Yat-sen University。国内外均以临床观察为主,研究热点显示,对于角膜塑形镜、户外活动、眼轴、患病率和影响因素等的研究备受关注。结论:目前国内外对于儿童青少年近视的研究主要围绕流行病学、干预措施和生物学参数展开,未来针对近视流行病学的研究将会成为热点。  相似文献   


目的:通过对近30 a原发性开角型青光眼(POAG)发病机制的相关文献进行计量学分析,了解该领域的发文情况、研究趋势及研究前沿和热点。

方法:检索1993-09-01/2023-09-01在中国知网(CNKI)和Web of Science(WOS)核心数据库已发表的关于POAG发病机制的相关文献986篇,运用CiteSpace(6.2.R.4)和VOSviewer(1.6.18)软件对检索到的文献进行知识图谱分析,分析内容包括发文量、作者、研究机构、国家/地区及关键词。

结果:美国发文量最多(243篇),其次是中国(121篇)。发文量最多的国外研究机构是哈佛大学(37篇),国内研究机构中山医科大学中山眼科中心、首都医科大学宣武医院眼科、北京医科大学第一医院眼科发文量并列第一。Louis R. Pasquale(21篇)是最高产的英文作者,王宁利是该领域最活跃的中国研究者。该领域研究的关键词包括小梁网、眼压、房水、糖皮质激素、血液流变学等。

结论:POAG发病机制的研究正处于蓬勃发展期,美国在该领域发文量最大,哈佛大学为该领域的领先研究机构。POAG研究领域的研究重点已经从结构方面转移到了基因层面,基因研究与中医治疗在该领域具有广泛的应用前景。  相似文献   

目的了解我国圆锥角膜研究现状, 探讨研究热点和发展演进趋势。方法文献计量学研究。选择万方数据知识服务平台和中国知网为中文文献数据来源, Web of Science核心合集为英文文献数据来源, 检索与圆锥角膜相关的期刊论文。数据去重后, 对发表时间、发文机构、作者、期刊来源、关键词等进行规范化处理和文献计量学分析, 采用VOSviewer软件、CiteSpace软件和Bibliometrix R包绘制可视化分析图谱。主要分析指标包括发表期刊的分布, 国家或地区、机构及作者的科研合作网络, 核心作者, 高频关键词共现网络, 关键词主题地图, 关键词突现时间排序等。结果最终纳入1 100篇中文文献和668篇英文文献。中文文献和英文文献先后于1997年和2009年开始增加, 该领域正处于发展阶段。发文期刊涉及中文期刊244种, 英文期刊150种, 均以眼科学类期刊为主。与我国合作发文最多的国家为美国(123篇), 其次是英国、瑞士等。中文文献和英文文献分别涉及552个和883个机构。发表中文文献数量最多的机构是山东第一医科大学附属眼科研究所(63篇), 发表英文文献最多的机构是温州医科大学(...  相似文献   

目的:基于BiblioShiny程序分析2011 ─2020 年全球先天性白内障的研究现状与发展趋势,为进一步 的研究提供参考信息。方法:文献计量分析方法。运用基于R语言的科学文献计量BiblioShiny程序, 对2011 ─2020 年Web of ScienceTM核心合集数据库(WoSCC)收录的关于先天性白内障的相关文献, 从期刊、国家与作者分布、共词分析、共被引分析、合作网络等深入分析全球先天性白内障的研究 知识基础和研究前沿热点。结果:①共纳入1 492篇研究文献,以中国和美国发文量最多。②《Molecular Vision》杂志的出版物发表量排名榜首,刊文74 篇,其次是《PLoS One》,刊文66 篇,二者均为美国 期刊。③发文量第1位的是来自加利福尼亚州帕罗奥多市斯坦福大学医学院眼科的Lambert SR博士。 ④先天性白内障领域的知识基础是先天性白内障和基因突变,目前的学术研究热点是基因表达主题。 ⑤研究方向可以分为3大集群:第1集群为先天性白内障的发病率、危险因素和手术治疗等;第2集群 的研究内容主要是分子遗传、基因突变和蛋白质功能改变等;第3集群的研究内容主要集中在晶状体 蛋白的结构、稳定性和功能等。结论:2011 ─2020 年先天性白内障研究领域中,中国和美国为发文 量最多的国家,但是美国在国家间、机构间的合作网络均远大于中国,提示中国可提高国家、机构 间的合作率。目前先天性白内障主流研究方向可分为临床治疗、基因层面和蛋白质层面。  相似文献   



方法:检索中国知网(CNKI)和Web of Science核心合集数据库建库至2023-06-15关于糖尿病视网膜病变的相关研究,应用CiteSpace 6.2.R2及VOSviewer软件依次以国家/发文机构、研究作者、关键词等为分析节点进行可视化分析。

结果:纳入中文文献5 919篇,英文文献11 475篇。全球发文量位于前3位的国家分别为美国、中国和英国,国外前3位发文机构分别为哈佛医学院、哈佛大学及约翰斯·霍普金斯大学,国内前3位发文机构分别为中国中医科学院眼科分院、湖南中医药大学及中山大学中山眼科中心。中英文高频关键词及爆点关键词的分析结果显示,激光光凝术、玻璃体切除术、中医药疗法、血管内皮生长因子、雷珠单抗等为研究热点。

结论:近年糖尿病视网膜病变的研究热点主要以手术、血管保护剂、中医药疗法、抗血管内皮生长因子等为主,研究趋势以抗血管内皮生长因子药物为主。  相似文献   

目的了解增生性玻璃体视网膜病变(PVR)近10年相关研究文献的分布规律和国际研究趋势。方法使用美国情报研究所Web of Science数据库为数据源,对2009—2018年收录的PVR相关文献的年代分布、国家和地区情况,基金资助情况,机构、期刊和作者影响力,引文情况等进行统计分析。并利用文献计量分析软件Citespace和VOSviewer进行关键词分布、聚类分析及文献共被引聚类分析。结果共检出PVR相关文献905篇,研究文献语种以英语为主,美国作者发文量最多,中国作者文献量位列第2;在所有有基金资助机构的文章中,中国国家自然科学基金位列第1;引文自2009年逐年上升,自2013年明显增多;引文数量最多的期刊为《Investigative Ophthalmology&Visual Science》,总被引频次最高的研究机构为哈佛大学,对作者进行引文量统计分析亦显示引文量排名前5位的作者均来自美国哈佛医学院眼科系、麻省眼耳医院Schepens眼科研究所。统计出高频主题词41个,聚类分析结果显示,高频主题词主要聚类于PVR的病因、危险因素、分子机制、治疗及管理4个类别;关键词网络图及Overlay图均表明病因学及危险因素是当前研究的热点,而上皮-间充质转化、转化生长因子-β和纤维化则是近几年新兴的研究领域。文献共被引聚类分析结果显示引文共聚类于12个共引组。结论PVR研究文献逐年增长,研究热点为PVR发生的分子机制、预防及神经保护等,可能为今后PVR研究的发展方向。  相似文献   



方法:检索中国知网(CNKI)数据库、万方数据库及Web of Science核心合集数据库自建库至2023-08-24已发表的关于葡萄膜炎的相关文献,并通过GraphPad Prism 9、CiteSpace 6.2.R2与VOSviewer等软件对国家/发文机构、研究作者、高频关键词及爆点关键词等内容进行可视化分析。

结果:目前全球关于葡萄膜炎的相关研究已形成各个国家相应的科研团体,发文量位于前3位的国家分别为美国(7 585篇)、英国(2 412篇)及德国(1 679篇); 国外发文量位于前3位的研究机构分别为哈佛大学、俄勒冈健康与科学大学及摩菲眼科医院,国内发文量位于前3位的研究机构分别为山东中医药大学附属眼科医院、重庆医科大学及中山大学中山眼科中心。中英文高频关键词和爆点关键词的分析结果显示,研究热点主要集中在针对葡萄膜炎发病机制和治疗方式的探讨等内容,针对葡萄膜炎治疗的相关研究热点向分子生物水平相关研究内容进行过渡,如分子生物信号通路(核因子κB信号通路,强度值为22.89)、生物制剂(阿达木单抗,强度值为32.21)及肿瘤坏死因子(强度值为48.44)等,相关研究也多向相关大鼠的基础实验进行扩展。

结论:全球葡萄膜炎的研究热点及趋势以精准诊断、发病机制及更佳有效的治疗手段为主,期待未来能够有更多学者致力于葡萄膜炎的研究,并取得新的突破和进展,通过大样本、多中心的临床研究提供高质量的研究证据。  相似文献   

目的通过文献计量学方法对新生血管性青光眼(NVG)领域已发表的中英文文献进行分析,全面了解NVG的研究现状、发展趋势及国内外NVG的研究差异,探索当前研究热点及未来研究方向。方法在Web of Science核心合集数据库和中国知网数据库中检索,纳入NVG相关中英文相关文献,采用VOS viewer 1.6.17软件对发文量、发文国家、关键词的聚类及其时序分析,绘制对应的循证可视化图谱。结果共纳入1553篇英文文献及1780篇中文文献。中英文文献数目均稳步增长,英文文献涨幅更为明显。发文量以美国为主,并且引用强度高,中国与日本发文量相对较大,但引用强度不高。中英文文献关键词聚类基本保持一致性,但也体现各自特点,中文文献存在特色的康柏西普、护理等关键词聚类,英文文献则多出特色的黑色素瘤、放疗等关键词聚类。时序分析显示目前NVG研究热点是贝伐单抗、雷珠单抗、康柏西普等抗血管内皮生长因子(VEGF)药物治疗方向。结论NVG相关中英文文献数量稳步提升,美国在NVG领域发文数量及质量均排首位,中国发文数量较多,但文章引用强度不高。抗VEGF药物及综合治疗是目前NVG研究热点,脉络膜黑色素瘤质子束放疗后NVG也是需重点关注的,未来应加强地域、机构间的合作,开展多中心研究。  相似文献   

目的:了解近5年世界干眼研究的文献分布特征,并分析这一领域的研究趋势及研究热点。方法:以Web of Science核心数据库(Wo SCC)为基础,采用文献计量学方法对干眼相关的全球研究趋势进行评估。通过VOSviewer v.1.6.16构建知识图谱,可视化了该领域的出版物、国家/地区分布、国际合作、作者、来源期刊和研究热点。另外,用Cite Space IV来捕获爆发的关键词,探索热点的兴起和没落时间,以发现研究前沿。结果:在2016—2020年间共检索到2 567篇同行评议文章,其中美国是发表文献数量最多的国家,文献产量最高的机构是日本的庆应义塾大学。Kazuo Tsubota是该领域发表论文最多的作者,MALemp是被引次数最多的作者。OcularSur face是干眼研究中发表文章最多的杂志。被引用最多的文献主要是TFOS Dry Eye Workshop II发表的干眼系列报道。关键词聚类分析得出6大类:1)致病机制和病理生理;2)定义和分类;3)流行病学研究;4)治疗;5)继发性干眼;6)诊断。目前的研究前沿是眼痛、瑞巴派特、小切口角膜基质透镜取出术(small inc...  相似文献   

AIM:To identify and characterize the 100 most influential articles in the field of myopia over the last decades.METHODS:Articles on myopia published between January 1975 and March 2020 were searched through the Web of Science Core Collection database.Two independent authors reviewed and determined the 100 most cited articles.The characteristics of each eligible article were recorded,including authors,institutions,countries,journals,publication date,total citations(TCs),annual citations(ACs),research focus and article type.RESULTS:The top 100 most influential articles were published between 1983 and 2016,with 1999 as the most prolific year.The mean number of TCs was 288(range:193-537)and the mean number of ACs was 19(range:7-109).Treatment and epidemiology of myopia were the most important research focus.These articles were published in 21 journals led by Ophthalmology(29%)followed by Investigative Ophthalmology&Visual Science(23%).The number of ACs for articles published in the last ten years was significantly higher than that for the other most-cited articles(44 vs 16,Mann-Whitney U test P<0.01).There is no difference in the number of TCs between original articles and review articles,while the number of ACs for review articles was significantly higher than that for original articles(22 vs 17,Mann-Whitney U test P<0.05).CONCLUSION:This bibliometric analysis can provide us with concise information about the development trend of research in the field of myopia in the past few decades,and provide an important reference for researchers to guide future research.  相似文献   

AIM: To perform a bibliometric analysis in the field of primary angle-closure disease (PACD) research to characterize current global trends and compare contributions from different countries, institutions, journals, and authors. METHODS: All PACD-related publications from 1991 to 2022 from the Web of Science Core Collection database were extracted. Microsoft Excel and VOSviewer were used to collect publication data, analyze publication trends, and visualize relevant results. RESULTS: A total of 1721 publications with 34 591 citations were identified. China produced the most publications (554) while ranking third in citations (8220 times). The United States contributed the most citations (12 315 times) with publications (362) ranking second. The Investigative Ophthalmology Visual Science was the most productive journal concerning PACD, and Aung Tin was the author with the highest number of publications in the field. Keywords were classified into three clusters, epidemiology and pathogenesis research, optical coherence tomography (OCT) and other imaging examinations, and glaucoma surgery treatment. Genome-wide association, susceptibility loci, OCT, and combined phacoemulsification have become new hot research topics in recent years since 2015. CONCLUSION: China, the United States, and Singapore make the most outstanding contributions in the field of PACD research. OCT, combined phacoemulsification, and gene mutation-related study, are considered the potential focus for future research.  相似文献   

AIM: To investigate the research trend on refractive cataract surgery, compare the contributions of different countries, institutions, journals, and authors in the past 20y, and explore its potential research hotspots. METHODS: All publications were extracted relating to refractive cataract surgery from 2003 to 2022 from Web of Science. Document types were limited to original articles and reviews, and the language was limited to English. Quantitatively and qualitatively of the publications were analyzed through Microsoft Excel and GraphPad Prism. VOSviewer and CiteSpace were used for bibliometric and visualized analysis. RESULTS: A total of 2090 publications were enrolled. The United States contributed the most publications (434, 20.8%), followed by China (345, 16.5%) and England (163, 7.80%). Publications from the United States were cited more frequently (9552 citations) with the highest H-index of 48. China ranked second in the total number of publications, the papers were not cited that frequently (3237 citations), and the H-index ranked sixth (H-index=29). Journal of Cataract and Refractive Surgery published the most papers (333, 15.9%), and the University of London had the highest number of publications (75, 3.59%). Dick HB from Germany published the most papers. Corneal astigmatism-related research, cataract surgery method-related research, postoperative visual-quality relate to research, and postoperative complications-relate research are the hotspots in this field. The most significant limitation was that the database was updated frequently and the latest publications were not included. CONCLUSION: The bibliometric analysis shows a brief summarization of the contribution of the authors, institutions, countries, and journals. Corneal astigmatism, cataract surgery method, postoperative visual-quality and postoperative complications related researches have become the emerging hotspots, which can give a direction in the future researches.  相似文献   

AIM: To investigate the causal gene mutation and clinical characteristics for two Chinese families with autosomal dominant congenital coralliform cataract. METHODS: Two Chinese pedigrees with congenital cataract were investigated. Routine ophthalmic examinations were performed on all patients and non-affected family members. Peripheral blood samples were collected, and the genomic DNAs were extracted. The coding regions of proband’s DNAs were analyzed with cataract gene panel. The identified mutation was amplified by polymerase chain reaction, and automated sequencing was performed in other members of two families to verify whether the mutated gene was co-segregated with the disease. RESULTS: Congenital coralliform cataract was inherited in an autosomal dominant mode in both pedigrees. For each family, more than half of the family members were affected. All patients presented with severe visual impairment after birth as a result of bilateral symmetric coralliform lens opacification. An exact the same defect in the same gene, a heterozygous mutation of c.70C>A (p. P24T) in exon 2 of γD-crystallin gene, was detected in both probands from each family. Sanger sequencing analysis demonstrated that the mutated CRYGD was co-segregated in these two families. CONCLUSION: A c.70C>A (p. P24T) variant in CRYGD gene was reconfirmed to be the causal gene in two Chinese pedigrees. It is known that mutated CRYGD caused most of the congenital coralliform cataracts, suggesting that the CRYGD gene is associated with coralliform congenital cataract.  相似文献   

AIM: To track the knowledge structure, topics in focus, and trends in emerging research in pterygium in the past 20y. METHODS: Base on the Web of Science Core Collection (WoSCC), studies related to pterygium in the past 20y from 2000-2019 have been included. With the help of VOSviewer software, a knowledge map was constructed and the distribution of countries, institutions, journals, and authors in the field of pterygium noted. Meanwhile, using co-citation analysis of references and co-occurrence analysis of keywords, we identified basis and hotspots, thereby obtaining an overview of this field. RESULTS: The search retrieved 1516 publications from WoSCC on pterygium published between 2000 and 2019. In the past two decades, the annual number of publications is on the rise and fluctuated a little. Most productive institutions are from Singapore but the most prolific and active country is the United States. Journal Cornea published the most articles and Coroneo MT contributed the most publications on pterygium. From co-occurrence analysis, the keywords formed 3 clusters: 1) surgical therapeutic techniques and adjuvant of pterygium, 2) occurrence process and pathogenesis of pterygium, and 3) epidemiology, and etiology of pterygium formation. These three clusters were consistent with the clustering in co-citation analysis, in which Cluster 1 contained the most references (74 publications, 47.74%), Cluster 2 contained 53 publications, accounting for 34.19%, and Cluster 3 focused on epidemiology with 18.06% of total 155 co-citation publications. CONCLUSION: This study demonstrates that the research of pterygium is gradually attracting the attention of scholars and researchers. The interaction between authors, institutions, and countries is lack of. Even though, the research hotspot, distribution, and research status in pterygium in this study could provide valuable information for scholars and researchers.  相似文献   

AIM: To compare outcomes of applying preservative free artificial tears (PFAT) with and without hyaluronic acid (HA) in early postoperative course following photorefractive keratectomy (PRK). METHODS: In this triple-blinded randomized clinical trial, PRK procedure was performed on both eyes of 230 patients. Following PRK, patients were divided into three groups: the HA+ group, 44 patients PFAT containing HA; the HA- group, 71 patients PFAT without HA were administered 5 times per day (every 4h); the third group, 115 patients received no PFAT before lens removal. On the 1st and 4th postoperative day, Visual Analogue Score (VAS) was utilized to evaluate patient’s level of pain. Participants were asked to complete a questionnaire about the severity of eye discomfort ranked from 0 to 10 (0=no complaint; 10=most severe complaint experienced). RESULTS: In eyes receiving PFAT with or without HA (Drop group), mean scores for epiphora, foreign body sensation, and blurred vision on the 1st postoperative day were statistically lower (P<0.05). Filamentous keratitis (FK) was detected in 11 (4.7%) eyes, and recurrent corneal erosion (RCE) was observed in 5 (2.1%) eyes. In the control group, FK was noted in 16 (6.9%) eyes while 13 (5.6%) eyes had RCE and 5 (2.1%) eyes had corneal haze. The rate of complications was statistically lower in Drop group (P=0.009). However, the aforementioned scores were not statically different between HA+ and HA- group one and two (P=0.29). CONCLUSION: Following PRK, applying PFAT with and without HA yields faster visual recovery, decreases postoperative ocular discomfort and haze formation; however there is no additive effect for HA.  相似文献   

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