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广西四县农村成年居民交通伤害知识知晓率情况分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的了解广西农村地区成年居民对交通安全知识知晓情况,为制定交通伤害防制措施和策略提供依据。方法采取入户访谈方式进行问卷调查。结果汉族居民在驾乘汽车时系安全带必要性、酒后驾驶机动车和无证驾驶知晓率与少数民族居民无显著性差异,其余交通安全知识知晓率高于少数民族居民;男性除在驾乘摩托车佩戴头盔必要性和保护性的知晓率与女性无显著差异外,其余交通安全知识知晓率男性高于女性;按年龄分类,青年组知晓率最高,且随年龄上升而降低:按文化程度分类,大学及以上学历知晓率最高,知晓率随学历升高而增高。结论交通伤害知识知晓率与民族、性别、年龄和文化程度等因素有关联,应加强低知晓率人群的交通安全知识培训,减少交通事故的发牛。  相似文献   

目的了解浦东新区初中生交通安全知识和行为现状,分析知识和行为的影响因素,提出改善初中生交通伤害相关行为的有效措施,为相关部门的政策制定提供依据。方法采用问卷调查的方法对浦东新区2,186名初中生的交通安全情况进行调查,描述其交通知识和行为现状,并探讨其影响因素。结果调查对象的交通安全知识知晓率为76.6%;交通安全行为形成率为35.0%;曾经发生过交通事故的占12.6%。影响初中生交通安全行为的因素有学校、年级、知识知晓率、遵守交通规则的意愿、对于他人的交通违章行为的态度、家人和同伴提醒劝告的频率;影响初中生发生交通事故的因素有对于他人的交通违章行为的态度、同伴劝告不要闯红灯的频率、交通安全行为的形成。结论提高初中生对交通安全知识的知晓程度,督促其交通安全行为的形成,营造初中生安全出行的氛围,减少初中生交通事故的发生。  相似文献   

广州市部分人群交通伤害意识定性研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
目的 了解广州市不同人群交通安全的知、信、行,为开展交通伤害干预、减少交通伤害的发生提供科学依据。方法 2 0 0 3年12月至2 0 0 4年1月在广州市随机选取小学生家长、清洁公司的外省籍工人、违章非机动车驾驶员进行人群访谈,并进行违章行人的现场拍摄,对访谈资料和拍摄资料进行定性分析。结果 被调查者普遍认为交通安全教育严重不足,对交通伤害认识不够,缺乏交通安全知识,大部分人有违反交通规则的行为。小学生家长普遍认为交通管理混乱、道路的交通标志不完善、机动车驾驶员不遵守交通规则、学生没有系统学习交通安全知识等,而为学生的交通安全担忧;工人认为走在路上感到不安全,抽查交通标志的辨认正确率为4 5 % ;违章非机动车驾驶员知道自己的违章行为,但对其持无所谓态度;不少错误的观念导致他们违反交通法规的行为。行人违章行为主要有行人过马路不走人行横道和不遵守交通信号灯、翻越马路中心护栏、马路上嬉戏、家长接学生放学占道一半。结论 广州市居民交通安全意识淡薄和不良交通行为非常严重,必须加大力度开展宣传教育,使居民自觉遵守交通规则,防范交通伤害的发生  相似文献   

目的了解农村中小学生交通伤害发生率和交通安全知识、行为特征,为制定干预措施提供科学依据。方法对广东省连平县元善镇在校中小学生,采用自填式问卷调查方法,调查其交通伤害、交通安全知识、危险行为和暴露危险因素等情况。结果共调查农村9726名中小学生,其交通伤害发生率为7.94%,男生高于女生,与学生的教育程度有一定关系,小学三~五年级较高(8.71%~11.96%),六年级最低(4.73%);认知正确率在52.04%~82.11%之间,有危险行为的学生占21.44%~23.67%;57.90%~85.23%的学生暴露在交通危险因素中。结论农村中小学生交通安全知识贫乏,大部分学生暴露在危险因素中。农村学生交通伤害干预急待开展。  相似文献   

目的 了解南京市不同人群预防道路交通伤害的知识、信念、行为情况,比较事故驾驶员、非事故驾驶员和社区居民中非驾驶人员知识、信念、行为的不同,为开展道路交通安全健康教育工作提供参考。方法 采用问卷调查方法 ,收集事故驾驶员和非事故驾驶员以及社区居民中非驾驶人员知识、信念、行为情况。结果 调查了170名事故驾驶员、167名非事故驾驶员和175名社区居民中的非驾驶员。事故驾驶员与非事故驾驶员预防和控制道路交通伤害的知识、态度、行为均存在一定的差异。事故驾驶员的知识知晓率和交通安全相关行为遵守情况均低于非事故驾驶员(P〈0.01),态度方面认知率高于非事故组驾驶员(P〈0.01)。非驾驶员的社区居民观看过道路交通安全的宣传片和愿意接受道路安全的免费教育的人数低于其他两组(分别为62.86%和75.43%)。结论 不同人群道路交通伤害知识、态度、行为存在差异,事故驾驶员的道路交通知识知晓率和遵守道路交通安全相关行为低于非事故驾驶员,是导致道路交通伤害的危险因素。  相似文献   

【目的】掌握中小学生交通伤害的流行现况,为探索有效的学生交通伤害预防策略提供依据。【方法】对2012—2016学年上海市嘉定区学校卫生监测系统内的中小学生交通伤害个案进行分析。【结果】2012—2016学年上海市嘉定区中小学校共报告学生交通伤害101例,占学生总体伤害6. 15%。5年交通伤害报告率为0. 34‰,其中男生交通伤害报告率为0. 46‰,高于女生0. 20‰(P0. 01);中学生交通伤害报告率0. 40‰,小学生0. 29‰。伤害性质位于前三位的分别是骨折(53. 47%)、擦伤/挫伤(14. 85%)、复合伤(10. 89%);伤害部位前三位依次为踝和足(19. 80%)、髋/下肢(18. 81%)及肩/上肢(16. 83%)。学生交通伤害发生时段主要为上(放)学途中(46. 53%)、节假日(35. 64%)及放学后(15. 84%)。【结论】中小学生交通伤害的主要人群为男生,学校和社区需开展有针对性的安全教育和行为干预,预防学生交通伤害的发生。  相似文献   

上海市浦东新区中小学生交通安全认知现况   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的了解上海市浦东新区中小学生对交通安全相关问题的认知情况,为进行健康教育干预和探索行之有效的干预模式提供参考。方法应用自行设计的"浦东新区交通安全相关问题调查表",对随机抽取的浦东新区2所中学高二、初二年级学生和2所小学五年级学生共1208名进行调查。结果被调查的学生大多数都能够认识到行人闯红灯、乱穿马路、车辆不按车道行驶等是最不文明的交通行为。有62.3%的学生接受过交通伤害预防与急救方面的教育,但随着学龄的提高,接受教育的比例呈下降趋势,高中生接受过教育的比例最低,仅为51.9%。不同学段学生对部分导致交通事故高发的相关因素认识存在差异,且有统计学意义。结论中小学生对交通安全知识的了解不太充分,容易导致危险交通行为的发生。建议针对不同学段的学生开展相应的健康教育和健康促进活动,以预防交通伤害的发生。  相似文献   

【目的】了解上海市金山区中小学生伤害的发生状况及流行病学特征?为政府和相关部门制订相关伤害干预策略和措施?降低学生伤害发生率提供依据?【方法】收集金山区2010—2016学年全部中小学生伤害个案报告卡提供的数据?分析该人群伤害发生的原因、性质、临床特征等?【结果】2010—2016学年共监测学生伤害1387例?伤害发生率为0.386%?小学生、初中生和高中生伤害发生率分别为0.410%、0.437%和0.169%?差异有统计学意义(χ2=70.186?P0.001)?男生女生伤害发生率分别为0.522%及0.231%?差异有统计学意义(χ2=196.987?P0.001)?伤害原因主要为跌倒/落(69.36%)?其次是碰撞挤压伤(9.22%)、交通事故(9.15%)、烧烫伤(4.04%)?伤害发生时活动以消遣活动为主?占40.45%?其次是体育活动33.02%、日常起居活动13.91%?伤害原因分布表现出性别差异和学段差异?【结论】我区中小学生伤害发生情况在不同性别和学段之间存在差异?需针对性开展干预措施?  相似文献   

机动车驾驶员道路交通伤害危险因素分析   总被引:3,自引:4,他引:3  
目的 探讨道路交通伤害中机动车驾驶员生理、心理、行为等因素与交通事故发生的关系,为进一步预防道路交通伤害提供依据.方法 采用病例对照研究方法,通过问卷调查收集事故驾驶员和非事故驾驶员的生理、心理、行为等相关情况,采用SPSS11.5软件对事故组和非事故组的调查指标进行单因素分析和多因素分析.筛选机动车驾驶员交通伤害的危险因素.结果 共调查了170名事故驾驶员和167名非事故驾驶员.非条件Logistic多因素回归分析结果表明,驾驶员的文化程度、饮酒史、酒后驾车史、超载驾驶和既往交通事故史是道路交通伤害的危险因素,其OR值及95.0%CI分别为:4.508(1.585~12.819),7.311(3.477~15.370),43.054(14.675~126.314),3.057(1.210~7.726),20.057(5.974~67.342).结论 初中以下文化程度,经常超载驾驶,有饮酒史、酒后驾车史和既往交通事故史与道路交通伤害密切相关.  相似文献   

[目的]了解张家港市农村居民伤害危险因素,为开展干预研究提供依据。[方法]2004年,在张家港市分层随机抽取1298名15-69岁农村居民进行问卷调查。[结果]调查1298人,在行走、乘、驾等方面违反交通法规的行为占15%-22%,3/4以上的家庭经常或有时存有农药;过去1年内0.8%的想过自杀或故意伤害自己,0.2%的有过自杀或故意伤害自己的行为。[结论]农村居民存在着较多的导致交通事故、自杀等伤害的行为危险因素。  相似文献   

文章以充分尊重和重视人与物的交通需求为出发点,阐述合理的交通设计要点。并以北京某著名医院外科大楼为例,剖析其交通设计,再从垂直交通设计和水平交通设计两个方面论述高层住院楼的交通设计要点,以期为高层住院楼的设计者们提供一些参考。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES—To evaluate the contribution of traffic fumes to exposure to benzene in urban workers, an investigation on personal exposure to benzene in traffic police from the city of Rome was carried out.
METHODS—The study was performed from December 1998 to June 1999. Diffusive Radiello personal samplers were used to measure external exposures to benzene and alkyl benzenes during the workshift in 139 policemen who controlled medium to high traffic areas and in 63 office police. Moreover, as biomarkers of internal exposure to benzene, blood benzene, and urinary trans, trans-muconic and S-phenyl mercapturic acids were measured at the beginning and at the end of the workshift in 124 traffic police and 58 office police.
RESULTS—Time weighted average (TWA) exposure to benzene was consistently higher among traffic police than among indoor workers (geometric mean 6.8 and 3.5 µg/m3, respectively). Among the traffic police, the distribution of individual exposures was highly asymmetric, skewed toward higher values. Mean ambient benzene concentrations measured by municipal air monitoring stations during workshifts of traffic police were generally higher (geometric mean 12.6 µg/m3) and did not correlat with personal exposure values. In particular, no association was found between highest personal exposure scores and environmental benzene concentrations. Among the exposure biomarkers investigated, only blood benzene correlated slightly with on-shift exposure to benzene, but significant increases in both urinary trans, trans-muconic and S-phenylmercapturic acids were found in active smokers compared with non-smokers, irrespective of their job.
CONCLUSION—The exposure to traffic fumes during working activities in medium to high traffic areas in Rome may give a relatively greater contribution to personal exposure to benzene than indoor sources present in confined environments. Smoking significantly contributed to internal exposure to benzene in both indoor and outdoor workers.

Keywords: exposure to benzene; traffic fumes; biomonitoring; traffic police  相似文献   



Expansion in road network, motorization, and urbanization in the country has been accompanied by a rise in road accidents leading to road traffic injuries (RTIs). Today RTIs are one of the leading causes of deaths, disabilities, and hospitalizations with severe socioeconomic costs across the world.


The following study analyses the:
  1. Age and sex distribution of injured in road traffic accidents (RTAs).
  2. Circumstances leading to RTA.
  3. Pattern and severity of injuries sustained in RTAs cases.


Retrospective record-based study.

Materials and Methods:

The aim of this study was to audit retrospectively the circumstances, severity, and pattern of injury sustained by vehicle occupants presenting to the Saraswathi Institute of Medical Sciences (SIMS) hospital Hapur, for a period of one year. Data were collected using the case sheets of 347 patients from the medical records section of hospital and analyzed using SPSS computer software version 16.0. Results are interpreted in terms of percentage, mean, chi-square, and z-test.


The pattern and severity of injuries sustained by 347 vehicle occupants admitted to the emergency department of SIMS, Hapur were retrospectively documented. Male victims 258 (74.35%) were more commonly involved than females 89 (25.65%) and majority of victims 141 (40.63%) were in age group of 20-30 years. Urban victims 222 (64.00%) outnumbered rural. The most frequently injured body regions were the extremities 499 (53.54%), followed by maxillofacial180(19.31%).. Out of total 802 external injuries, the most common type of injury was lacerations 307 (38.28%), abrasions 306 (38.15%)and followed by bruises 154 (19.20%). Multiple external injuries were more common on upper limb 216 (26.93%), lower limbs 210 (26.18%) and face 170 (21.20%), while crush injuries were more predominently seen in both the limbs. While laceration were common on face 120 (38.83%). Injuries to the chest 19 (2.36%), abdomen13 (1.61%), and spine 11 (1.36%) were seen in roughy equal proprotion of victims. The bones on right side 55 (55.55%) were more commonly fractured which is statistically significant. Skull injuries were mostly found on frontal 77 (47.53%), followed by parietal bone 33 (20.37%), mostly on right side. Conclusion: RTAs constitute a major public health problem in our setting. Urgent preventive measures targeting at reducing the occurrence of RTAs are necessary to reduce the morbidity and mortality resulting from these injuries.  相似文献   

目的探讨交通环境中道路交通伤害(RTI)的危险因素,为预防和减少RTI的发生提供科学依据。方法通过广西省桂林市交警总队收集的桂林市区2000—2009年的RTI数据,对交通环境中RTI的影响因素进行单因素和多因素Logistic回归分析,筛选出交通环境中RTI的危险因素。结果桂林市城区2000—2009年共发生RTI 3 603次,其中人为因素造成的RTI 3 278次,占90.98%,道路因素造成的RTI 250次,占6.94%,车辆因素造成的RTI 75次,占2.08%;单因素Logistic回归分析结果表明,标志标线(OR=1.363)、泥泞路面(OR=6.976)、积水路面(OR=10.057)、干燥路面(OR=8.055)、环形交叉口(OR=4.172)、四枝分叉口(OR=1.574)、桥梁(OR=2,558)、普通路段(OR=0.691)、三级公路(OR=2.321)、二级公路(OR=1.602)、一级公路(OR=3.206)、城市一般道路(OR=0.655)、夜间有路灯照明(OR=0.469)和白天(OR=2.061)是桂林市RTI发生的交通环境因素;多因素Logistic回归分析结果表明,标志标线、四枝分叉口、普通路段、一级公路、二级公路、城市一般道路和白天是桂林市交通环境中RTI发生的危险因素。结论标志标线、四枝分叉口、普通路段、一级公路、二级公路、城市一般道路和白天等交通环境是导致RTI发生的主要危险因素。  相似文献   

道路收费站作业环境因素监测与评价   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的 探讨道路收费站作业环境污染程度。方法 采用部颁《劳动卫生工作规范》中的方法对收费站十条车道收费亭的环境因素进行监测与分析。结果 收费站十条车道收费亭内外空气中的CO、SO2 、NO2 和粉尘浓度均严重超过标准;交通噪声亭内78 ~87 dB(A) ,亭外88 ~98dB(A) ,等效声级亭内80Leq dB(A) ,亭外90 Leq dB(A) ,各测点均超过标准70 Leq dB(A) ,车流量每10 分钟510 ~750 辆。夏季亭外站台上温度高达36 ~37 ℃,符合Ⅱ级高温作业。结论 道路收费站作业环境因素严重超标,必须加强个人防护和职业健康监护。  相似文献   



Traffic exposure may increase cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk via systemic inflammation and elevated blood pressure, two important clinical markers for managing disease progression.


We assessed degree and consistency of association between traffic exposure indicators as predictors of C-reactive protein (CRP) and pulse pressure (PP) in an adult U.S. Puerto Rican population (n = 1,017).


Cross-sectional information on health and demographics and blood data was collected. Using multiple linear regression, we tested for associations between CRP, PP, and six traffic exposure indicators including residential proximity to roads with > 20,000 vehicles/day and traffic density [vehicle miles traveled per square mile (VMT/mi2)]. Diabetes and obesity [body mass index (BMI) ≥ 30 kg/m2] were tested as effect modifiers.


CRP was positively associated with traffic density in the total population [36% CRP difference with 95% confidence interval (CI) 2.5–81%] for residence within the highest versus lowest VMT/mi2 level. With BMI ≥ 30, CRP showed significant positive associations with five of six traffic indices including residence ≤ 200 m versus > 200 m of a roadway [22.7% CRP difference (95% CI, 3.15–46.1)] and traffic density in the third highest versus lowest VMT/mi2 level [28.1% difference (95% CI, 1.0–62.6)]. PP was positively associated with residence within ≤ 100 m of a roadway for the total population [2.2 mmHg (95% CI, 0.13–4.3 mmHg)] and persons with BMI ≥ 30 [3.8 mmHg (95% CI, 0.88–6.8)]. Effect estimates approximately doubled for residence within ≤ 200 m of two or more roadways, particularly in persons with diabetes [8.1 mmHg (95% CI, 2.2–14.1)].


Traffic exposure at roadway volumes as low as 20,000–40,000 vehicles/day may increase CVD risk through adverse effects on blood pressure and inflammation. Individuals with elevated inflammation profiles, that is, BMI ≥ 30, may be more susceptible to the effects of traffic exposure.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: It has been suggested that year-round daylight saving would reduce road traffic injuries. METHODS: and results Using 15 years of police data from north-east England, we estimate that 6.9 (95 per cent CI 1.5-12.6) fewer serious or fatal road traffic injuries to child pedestrians would have occurred in this area over this period had year-round daylight saving operated (equivalent to 0.5 per year). CONCLUSION: The results suggest that operating daylight saving year-round would have a small but tangible effect on the number of serious and fatal road traffic injuries in children in this area. Further work is required to assess the community wide impact of year round daylight saving.  相似文献   

Road traffic accidents mean lost productivity and medical expenditures. We explain trends in traffic accidents as a function of the political cycle using municipal data from Italy. We show that during municipal election years, the accident rate increases by 1.5%, with a 2% increase in the injury rate but no effect on the fatality rate. The effects are stronger in the quarter prior to the election quarter, when the electoral campaign is at its zenith, and in the second quarter after the election for the new elected mayor. We show that this is the result of a decrease in tickets for traffic violations (rate and revenues) during election years. Our results are robustly driven by the municipal political cycle defined in different ways, and their magnitude and direction are not explained by the spillover effects between municipalities. Proximity to a national police station reduces the impact of local elections on injury rates.  相似文献   

数据挖掘技术在道路交通事故分析和预防中的作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
长期以来,道路交通事故甚至特大恶性交通事故时有发生,对人们的生命财产安全构成了严重的威胁。随着社会的发展,道路交通事故系统的复杂性也在逐渐增强,传统的分析、预防方法已呈现其局限性。为克服事故数据库中多维、稀疏、不全等因素的不利影响、有效地识别和发现事故数据的新模式及其内在规律,本文对应用数据挖掘技术进行全面整理,分析了道路交通事故的思想,提出了实施数据挖掘的具体步骤,并结合数据挖掘实现的方法和应用实例进行具体阐述,以期为道路安全管理提供科学的决策依据。  相似文献   

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